I recently reported that Multiplan and certain insurers in its network were accused of being a “cartel” that has agreed to underprice out-of-network reimbursement paid to providers in the Multiplan network in violation of federal antitrust laws. in the matter styled Live Well Chiropractic PLLC, et al. v. Multiplan, Inc., et al., (D. IL Civ. No. 1:24-cv–3680). That antitrust action, along with six other similar actions, were consolidated for pre-trial proceedings by the Joint Panel on Multi-District Litigation (JPML) into a multi-district litigation in the Northern District of Illinois before The Honorable Matthew Kennelly. See JPML Transfer Order.
While defendants in certain of the actions sought transfer of the MDL to the Northern District of California, and others hoped transfer would not occur until a motion to dismiss in an action in New York District Ct. was heard, the JPML ruled that ” the Northern District of Illinois is an appropriate transferee district for this litigation” because “six actions are pending in that district, which has the support of both some plaintiffs and all defendants. Two defendants are headquartered in Illinois, and several others are located nearby. Judge Matthew F. Kennelly is well-versed in the nuances of complex and multidistrict litigation, and we are confident he will steer this litigation on a prudent course.”
The price-fixing claims assert that Multiplan uses an algorithm that Multiplan claims “reprices” OON services based on historical reimbursements to providers providing the same services, and then “overrides” that amount to pay lower rates agreed upon by Multiplan and the insurers. The insurers, who are allegedly horizontal competitors, are claimed to provide competitively sensitive information about their reimbursement that they would not provide in a competitive market, and many serve on a Multiplan advisory board that meets in furtherance of the conspiracy to fix prices.