OZ Filing Deadlines Approaching – Make sure to connect with your tax filer on who is doing what!

Friends and colleagues, a quick reminder which you are likely aware of, but in the “let’s be sure” category:

2021 QOFs – If you created a QOF (a Qualified Opportunity Zone fund) in 2021, your first tax return will be due in 2022, likely next month on March 15th .  Reminder that it is critical to file the Form 8996 with your filing or the IRS will NOT treat you as a fund and the OZ will not work for your project or your business.  IMPORTANT to review with your tax filer.

2018, 2019 and 2020 QOFs – for QOFs formed in 2018, 2019 and 2020, you will have your normal annual compliance filing with the IRS for the QOF; please again make sure you have clarity with your tax filer on who is filing this required piece of paper.

Personal Tax Filings for the Investor – if you have invested in a QOF in 2021, then you need to file with the IRS a Form 8997 that advises the IRS that you have invested in a QOF along with a deferral election form which will effectively defer your tax on your OZ eligible investment until 12-31-2026.  These forms should be filed with your personal tax return on April 15, 2022.

Note, if you are involved in deals with lower tiered QOZBs (Qualified Opportunity Zone Businesses), the QOZB does not need to file anything with the IRS but (and a big BUT), they do need to do compliance testing on June 30th and December 31st of each year and report such testing to their QOF.  Please make sure this is occurring for your investments.

Apologies for being slightly over protective of you here but a few QOFs and investors in the past have missed these deadlines or their accountant was not aware that they were supposed to be filing the relevant form.  As such, we wanted to make sure you all get your signals straight and that we avoid any crossed OZ wires.

Duane Morris has an active Tax Credits and Opportunity Zone Team to help organizations and individuals plan, respond to, and invest in Opportunity Zones and low income areas throughout the USA, including the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico using tax credit equity and standard equity. We have closed over 173 OZ deals since their inception and are actively working on over 34 OZ projects for owner/developers, investors and business owners at the moment. We would be happy to discussion your proposed project with you.

Contact your Duane Morris attorney for more information. Prior Alerts on the topic are available on the team’s webpage.

If you have any questions about this post, please contact Brad A. Molotsky, Art Momjian, Scott Gluck, Lee Potter, Anastasios Kastrinakis, or the attorney in the firm with whom you are regularly in contact.

Take care and stay safe.

From the Land of OZ – Timing for Filing Forms 8996 and 8997 and the 180 day investment period – Spring Forward!

Good morning/afternoon friends. As we draw close to March 15th, a magic day for partnerships and S corps. for required tax filings, if you have invested in a QOF or a QOZB, I wanted to politely reach out and remind you all of something your accountant is likely to have already covered but, just in case:

1. Individuals – have 180 days from their gain event to put as much or as little capital gains as they want into a QOF. The individual needs to file a Form 8997 for his/her individual OZ investments. This form is available on line at www.irs.gov and is due with your individual return in April.

2. Partners in Partnerships; Shareholders in S Corps. – as you likely know, the final regulations issued in December 2019 allow partners and shareholders to invest capital gains 180 days from when the return for the relevant entity is due. This due date, WITHOUT EXTENSION, is March 15th. 180 days from March 15th takes one to September 11th. Thus, if you are a shareholder in an S corp or a partner in a partnership that had 2019 gain that is distributed to you in your individual capacity, you have until September 11, 2020 (this year) to place your gain into an QOF and still qualify. That is for you in your individual capacity friends.

The entity that is the QOF (the qualified Opportunity Zone Fund) is required to file form 8996 with its tax return to tell the IRS it wants to be treated as a QOF. If the QOF files an extension, this form would be due with the extension. Note, the September date for the individual is NOT extended regarding the timing for their investments into a QOF and the individual is required to make a decisions 180 days from when the return was originally due (i.e., March 15th).

3. QOZBs – as discussed, if relevant to you, QOZBs do NOT need to file any forms with the IRS. That said, they still need to meet the 70% test, the 50% test and 5% tests in order for the QOF that has invested in them to qualify; so their paperwork is very very relevant, they just don’t need to file anything with the IRS. Please note that the QOZB’s information will still be needed for the QOF to file its form 8996 as there are specific questions about the QOZB contained in the QOF’s filing paperwork.

I know, clear as mud! Just note, I did not make up the rules just trying to keep friends and clients from running afoul of them. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out via email. I am traveling with my family (yes, I know, wash my hands) the rest of this week through Monday but will have access to email, just please be patient as out with my family. Best regards.

Over and out from the Land of OZ. -Brad

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