New White House Executive Order Highlights Increased Complexity in AI Regulation – A Cross-Practice Overview

Section authors: Sandra A. Jeskie, Michelle Hon Donovan, Robert Carrillo, Ariel Seidner, Milagros Astesiano, Alex W. Karasik, Geoffrey M. Goodale, Neville M Bilimoria, Edward M. Cramp, Ted J. Chiappari, Kristopher Peters and M. Alejandra Vargas.

The White House’s October 30, 2023 Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (“EO”) signals increased governmental regulation over the development and use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) models.  While the United States currently does not have a comprehensive AI regulation regime, many federal government agencies already regulate the use and development of AI through a complex framework of rules and regulations.  President Biden’s EO promises to add a new layer of complexity by introducing sweeping changes affecting a wide variety of industries.  Duane Morris’ multi-disciplinary team of AI attorneys are ready to help clients working with AI tools abreast of new regulations in this rapidly-evolving area of law.  Below, we summarize the most significant changes stemming from the White House’s most recent AI EO.

Continue reading “New White House Executive Order Highlights Increased Complexity in AI Regulation – A Cross-Practice Overview”

White House Unveils New AI Executive Order

On October 30, 2023, President Joe Biden signed the new Executive Order on Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. The order is built on previous AI initiatives based on voluntary commitments the White House secured from leading AI companies and represents the first major binding government action on the technology. As such, the executive order depicts the latest U.S. government efforts in monitoring and regulating the risks of AI while also harnessing its potential in the economic, national security and social spheres.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris website.

Executive Order on Use of AI

On October 30, 2023, President Biden signed an Executive Order (the “EO”) providing guidance for employers on the emerging utilization of artificial intelligence in the workplace.  The EO establishes industry standards for AI security, innovation, and safety across significant employment sectors. Spanning over 100 pages, the robust EO endeavors to set parameters for responsible AI use, seeking to harness AI for good while mitigating risks associated with AI usage.

Read more on the Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission & AI

AI in the workplace is ubiquitous and expanding rapidly. It is not only about replacing workers with robots, but instead is about the broader notion of using AI tools to assist with employment-related decisions. Commissioner Sonderling, more than any other EEOC official, has labored extensively in this area in terms of writing professional papers, giving speeches, and spearheading the Commission’s guidance in this area.

Read takeaways from the Employment Practices Liability Insurance Conference on the Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog.

Replay: Get Smart with AI Webinar

A webinar replay of Get Smart with AI: Best Practices for Using AI in Business is available for viewing.

The AI Update | October 5, 2023

#HelloWorld. Fall begins, and the Writers Guild strike ends. In this issue, we look at what that means for AI in Hollywood. We also run through a dizzying series of self-regulating steps AI tech players have undertaken. As the smell of pumpkin spice fills the air, let’s stay smart together. (Subscribe to the mailing list to receive future issues.)

AI and the Writers Guild. Screenwriters ended a nearly five-month strike with a tentative new agreement good through mid-2026. The Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA) includes multiple AI-centric provisions. The AI-related highlights: Continue reading “The AI Update | October 5, 2023”

Webinar: Where Our AI Policy Is Headed

Please join Duane Morris partner Agatha Liu and representatives from the USPTO and U.S. Copyright Office for a discussion on the development of AI policies on October 26, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Pacific.

This webinar, hosted by the California Lawyers Association, will address the US Copyright Office’s and USPTO’s recent requests for public comments, which touch on several novel and hotly contested issues regarding determining how to incorporate copyrighted works in datasets used to train AI models, tracking and disclosing AI models and the input and output data of AI models, and assigning liability for outputs produced by AI models.

For more information and to register, please visit the CLA website.

Webinar: Get Smart with AI: Best Practices for Using AI in Business

Duane Morris will present Get Smart with AI: Best Practices for Using AI in Business, a webinar on the benefits, risks and mitigation strategies for using AI in business, on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.


About the Program

The AI revolution has already begun. To remain competitive in the AI era, businesses must learn and adapt as quickly as AI technology does. Topics include: introduction to AI; global response to AI including relevant laws and initiatives; possible uses of AI in business; and specific AI risks and mitigation strategies for copyright and IP rights and ownership issues, privacy and security compliance, employment law compliance, scraping of business data, and other takeaways. 


    • Sandra A. Jeskie
    • John M. Benjamin
    • Matthew C. Mousley
    • Luke P. McLoughlin
    • Jennifer M. Lantz
    • Alex W. Karasik

Learn more about the event and Duane Morris’ artificial intelligence team.

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