Beware Partial Releases and Waiver of Claims are Enforceable, But Can Be Waived

In the construction industry, the payment application process usually requires contractors and subcontractors to complete a great deal of paperwork. In addition to submitting traditional payment applications that identify the contractor’s or subcontractor’s schedule of values, work completed to date, and balance to finish, contractors and subcontractors may also be required to submit certain lien waivers, certifications, affidavits, and other types of sworn representations. While these additional submissions may seem clerical, or even ceremonial in nature, they can have serious legal ramifications.

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Georgia Joins National Trend By Enacting Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act

On April 16, 2012, Governor Nathan Deal signed the Georgia Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act (House Bill 822) into law. The Georgia Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act, which goes into effect on July 1, 2012, establishes civil penalties for any person or legal entity that commits or conspires to engage in certain fraudulent acts, including but not limited to:

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