Delaware – COVID and State filings 3-23-20

Good afternoon and we hope you are doing well in these trying times.

With respect to corporate filings for the entities that are incorporated in the State of Delaware, the Division of Corporations has posted on its website that it is open for business, however, “in-person” access is by appointment only. The Division is encouraging that all filings be made through the document upload service. On-line services remain available through the Division’s website.

The latest order from the Governor provides that effective March 24, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. E.D.T., and until further notice, State offices will remain open, except that all State of Delaware employees able to telecommute are required to telecommute (work from home) wherever possible, in accordance with Department of Human Resource’s guidance. This includes the Division of Corporations so businesses with filing needs should be able to continue with business as usual.

We will continue to track local and national information and report as new news becomes available through our COVID taskforce.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this post, please do not hesitate to contact Nanette Heide via email at

If you have other COVID type questions, you can reach at any of the following COVID team members and we will direct your inquiry to the appropriate person within our COVID Taskforce –;; or  We have created a webpage for your convenience as well that can be found at Duane Morris Covid.

Stay safe!

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