New York Likely to Become the Latest State to Ban Employee Noncompetition Covenants

On June 20, 2023, the New York Assembly approved legislation that would ban noncompetition agreements in employment contracts. The bill, A1278B/S3100A, is expected to be signed by Governor Kathy Hochul, which will make New York the fifth state in the U.S. to ban noncompetition covenants in agreements between employers and employees. Similar statutes already exist in California, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Minnesota.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

Minnesota Joins the Ranks of States Banning Employee Noncompetition Covenants

Minnesota is now the fourth state in the U.S. to ban noncompetition covenants in agreements between employers and employees, under a bill signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on May 24, 2023. Similar statutes already exist in California, Oklahoma and North Dakota.

When Does the Law Take Effect?

The law is effective immediately, but only applies to contracts and amendments entered into on or after July 1, 2023―i.e., the law does not apply to covenants not to compete entered into prior to July 1, 2023.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

NLRB Effort the Latest Attempt to Curtail Enforcement of Non-Compete Agreements

On May 30, 2023, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a memorandum asserting that the “proffer, maintenance, and enforcement” of most non-compete provisions in employment contracts violate the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). This memorandum follows on the heels of other recent efforts to curtail non-compete provisions, including the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed rule that—if enacted and thereafter successful in promised court challenges—would retroactively ban nearly all such provisions in employment agreements; a bipartisan Senate bill that would ban most non-compete provisions going forward; and a slew of recent state legislation making non-compete provisions more difficult for employers to enforce.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

Bipartisan Senate Seeks to Largely Eliminate Noncompete Agreements in New Bill

In the wake of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) proposed regulation banning noncompete agreements except in limited circumstances, a bipartisan Senate group led by Democrat Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Republican Senator Todd Young of Indiana introduced the Workforce Mobility Act of 2023 on February 1, 2023. If enacted, the legislation would effectively eliminate noncompete agreements entered into after the bill becomes law.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

FTC Proposes a Retroactive, Nationwide Ban on Non-Compete Clauses

Just one day after entering into consent agreements invalidating non-competes with three companies, on January 5, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed a new non-compete rule that would prohibit employers from entering into, maintaining, enforcing or threatening enforcement of a non-compete clause with virtually any worker and invalidate existing non-compete clauses with both current and former workers. If the non-compete rule is finalized by the FTC in the same or substantially same form as proposed, and if it survives the legal challenges that are sure to follow, the non-compete rule would make non-compete clauses an unfair method of competition under Section 5 of the FTC Act, regardless of inconsistent state statutes, regulations, orders or interpretations, and would represent a sea change in the law relating to non-compete clauses in the United States.

Rea the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

District of Columbia Walks Back Noncompetition Ban in Favor of Income-Based Threshold

In our Alerts published January 22, 2021February 17, 2021, and March 17, 2022, we detailed the Washington, D.C., Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020. Among other provisions, had it taken effect, the 2020 Act would have rendered void and unenforceable any agreement prohibiting an employee from working for a competitor following employment and while the employee is still employed by the employer. The ban on so-called in-term restrictive covenants―standard provisions that prevent an employee from simultaneously working for a competitor of his or her employer―would have been the first of its kind.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

Colorado Creates Income-Based Threshold for Noncompetition and Customer Nonsolicitation Covenants

A new Colorado law effective August 10, 2022, voids noncompetition and customer nonsolicitation covenants with certain employees who work or live in Colorado, depending on their level of compensation. The new law potentially subjects noncompliant employers to significant penalties and voids any provision in violation of the statute.

HB 22-1317, signed into law on June 8, 2022, amends Colorado’s existing noncompetition statute, C.R.S. § 8-2-113, for agreements entered into or renewed on or after August 10, 2022. The new law comes only months after Colorado enacted a criminal statute making violations of the state’s noncompetition statute a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by 120 days in jail, a fine up to $750 or both.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

Washington, D.C., Again Postpones Its Ban on Noncompetes

In our Alerts published January 22 and February 17, 2021, we detailed the various provisions of the broad, new Washington, D.C., Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act of 2020 (the Act), slated to take effect once the District of Columbia Council funded the law through the appropriations process. Among other provisions, the Act would render void and unenforceable any agreement prohibiting an employee from working for a competitor following employment and while the employee is still employed by the employer. The ban on so-called in-term restrictive covenants―standard provisions that prevent an employee from simultaneously working for a competitor of his or her employer―would be the first of its kind in the country.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

Colorado Enacts Legislation Authorizing Potential Criminal Liability for Employers that Violate State Noncompetition Statute

A new Colorado law, effective March 1, 2022, will make violations of the state’s noncompetition statute a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by 120 days in jail, a fine up to $750, or both.

Colorado’s noncompetition statute, C.R.S. § 8-2-113, prohibits the use of “force, threats, or other means of intimidation to prevent any person from engaging in any lawful occupation at any place he sees fit.” Covenants not to compete restricting the right of any person to receive compensation for performance of skilled or unskilled labor for any employer are void under the statute unless they satisfy certain exceptions.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

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