California’s Bid to Ban Selling Anti-agers to Teens Fell Through, but Set a Precedent

Duane Morris attorney Kelly Bonner wrote an article for Cosmetics Business on August 14, 2024.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a person over 40 must be in want of a face cream. Or a serum. Or anything, so long as it promises to reduce the appearance of ageing.

I should know. I’ve tried most of them. In addition to my day job as a lawyer, dealing with litigation risk and regulatory issues affecting businesses in the cosmetics and personal care industries, I am a woman who has just turned 40.

My social media is a 24/7 loop of miracle products, promising a better version of me. One who is, invariably, 20 years younger.

But as consumers 30 years younger report spending more on cosmetics, skin care and fragrance in 2023, dermatologists are increasingly reporting younger teenagers with skin conditions as a result of anti-ageing product use.”

To read the full text of this article, please visit the Cosmetics Business website.

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