FDA Issues Long-Awaited Draft Guidance for Industry on Registration and Listing of Cosmetic Product Facilities and Products Under MoCRA

MoCRA’s long-awaited rollout continues as today FDA released draft guidance to assist persons submitting cosmetic product facility registrations and product listings under newly-added Section 607 of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).


Section 607(a) of the FD&C Act requires every person that owns or operates a facility that “engages in the manufacturing or processing of a cosmetic product for distribution in the United States” to register each facility with FDA, update content within 60 days of any changes, and renew their registration every two years.

As of March 27, 2023, FDA ended its voluntary cosmetics registration program (VCRP), and advised that information submitted to VCRP would not be transferred over to any new system.

Section 607(c) of the FD&C Act further requires that for each cosmetic product, the responsible person must submit to FDA annually “a cosmetic product listing,” including ingredients. 

MoCRA defines a “responsible person” as the manufacturer, packer, or distributor of a cosmetic product whose name appears on the label of such cosmetic product in accordance with section 609(a) of the FD&C Act or section 4(a) of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA).

Key takeaways from Today’s FDA Draft Guidance:

Small Business Exemption: Small businesses, as defined by Section 612 of the FD&C Act (average gross annual sales in the U.S. of cosmetic products for the previous 3-year period is less than $1 million, adjusted for inflation, and who do not manufacture or process certain cosmetic products described in Section 612(b)), are not required to register facilities and list cosmetic product(s).

Electronic Submission Portal: FDA’s new electronic submission portal is expected to be available in October 2023, with FDA strongly encouraging electronic submissions. FDA is developing a paper form as an alternative submission tool.

Definitions: The Draft Guidance defines “contract manufacturer,” “cosmetic products,” “facility,” “manufacturing or processing,” “operator,” “owner,” “responsible person,” and “small business.”

Who Makes the Submissions: Every person that owns or operates a facility that engages in the manufacturing or processing of a cosmetic product for distribution in the United States to register each facility and submit a cosmetic product listing unless:

    • it is exempt as a “small business”; or
    • the cosmetic product is also a drug or device subject to the requirements of Chapter V of the FD&C Act.

What Information to Include (Registration):

    • the name of the owner and/or operator of the facility;
    • the facility’s name, physical address, email address, and telephone number;
    •  with respect to any foreign facility, the contact for the United States agent of the facility (name and phone number), and, if available, the electronic contact
      information (email);
    • the facility registration number, if any, previously assigned;
    • all brand names under which cosmetic products manufactured or processed in the facility are sold;
    • the product category or categories (listed in Appendix A of the Draft Guidance) and responsible person for each cosmetic product manufactured or processed at the facility; and
    • type of submission (initial, amended, biennial renewal, or abbreviated renewal)

FDA intends to use the FDA Establishment Identifier (FEI) as the required facility registration number. The e owner or operator of a facility will need to obtain an FEI number before submitting the facility registration.

FDA also requests that the following additional optional information be submitted:
• parent company name (if applicable);
• facility DUNS Number; and
• additional contact information for individuals associated with the registration.

What Information to Include (Product Listing):

    • the facility registration number of each facility where the cosmetic product is manufactured or processed;
    • the name and contact number of the responsible person and the name for the cosmetic product, as such name appears on the label;
    • the applicable cosmetic category or categories for the cosmetic product (listed in Appendix A of the Draft Guidance)
    • a list of ingredients in the cosmetic product, including any fragrances, flavors, or colors, with each ingredient identified by the name, as required under section 701.3 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulations), or by the common or usual name of the ingredient;
    • the product listing number, if any previously assigned; and type of submission (initial, update to content (annual), abbreviated renewal)

FDA also requests that the following additional optional information be submitted:

    • parent company name (if applicable);
    • type of business (as listed on the label), i.e., manufacturer, packer, or distributor;
    • image of the label;
    • product webpage link;
    • whether the cosmetic product is for professional use only;
    • Responsible person DUNS Number (Dun & Bradstreet number) for address listed on product label;
    • Unique Ingredient Identifiers (UNIIs); and
    • additional contact information for individuals associated with the listing.

Multiple Listings: Under Section 607(c)4()B), a single listing for a cosmetic product may include multiple cosmetic products with identical formulations, or formulations that differ only with respect to colors, fragrances or flavors, or quantity of contents

Attestation: FDA requests that individuals submitting registration and listing information to attest to the accuracy and veracity of the information submitted.

How/When to Submit: Stakeholders should plan to register and list in advance of the December 29, 2023 statutory deadline.

Fees: There is no fee to submit a registration or product listing to FDA under section 607 of the FD&C Act.

Public Disclosure: Under section 607 of the FD&C Act, FDA will not disclose information from a facility registration on the brand names under which cosmetic products manufactured or processed in the facility are sold, or from a product listing on the facility registration number of the facility where the cosmetic product is manufactured or processed, in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552).

All other information from cosmetic product facility registration and listing would be available for public disclosure consistent with the FOIA, FDA’s disclosure regulations under 21 CFR Part 20, and other applicable federal law.

Drugs AND Cosmetics?: Cosmetic products that are also drugs under Chapter V of the FD&C Act are not subject to listing requirements. Likewise, a facility that manufactures or processes cosmetic products that are also drugs is not subject to registration requirement  unless it also manufactures or processes cosmetic products that are not also drugs.

Enforceability: As a reminder,  FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities, but are intended to describe FDA’s current thinking and should be viewed as recommendations.


Today’s Draft Guidance provides much-needed clarity regarding MoCRA’s requirements and upcoming registration and listing deadlines. However, we expect further guidance in the upcoming months as to MoCRA’s additional December 2023 deadlines, and feedback with FDA regarding any flexibility in meeting these deadlines.


Post-MoCRA Regulatory Compliance Checklist for Beauty and Personal Care Products

MoCRA, Pub. L. No. 117-328, represents the first major statutory change to the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate cosmetics since the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FDCA), 21 U.S.C. § 361 et seq.,
in 1938 and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), 21 C.F.R. § 701.3, in 1966.

This checklist outlines key regulatory compliance considerations that are specific to personal care products marketed in the United States following the enactment of the federal Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) on December 23, 2022.

To read the full text of this Lexis Nexis Practical Guidance Checklist by Duane Morris attorneys Driscoll UgarteRick BallAlyson LotmanKelly Bonner and Coleen Hill, please visit the firm website.

US FDA Seeks Head of Human Foods, Looks to Move Cosmetics Work

Duane Morris attorney Kelly Bonner was quoted in an article in Chemical Watch on March 3.

“The US Food and Drug Administration has started its search for a deputy commissioner for its new human foods programme, and plans to move certain cosmetics functions to another part of the agency to advance oversight of the products. […]

The inclusion of cosmetics in the proposed restructuring is “very significant”, said Kelly Bonner, associate with law firm Duane Morris. Continue reading “US FDA Seeks Head of Human Foods, Looks to Move Cosmetics Work”

Sephora Disputes “Misleading” Allegations in Clean Beauty Class Action Lawsuit


On March 2, 2023, Sephora filed its reply in support of its motion to dismiss proposed class action claims that its “Clean at Sephora” program was false and misleading, disputing allegations that a significant portion of relevant, reasonable consumers were or could be misled about what ‘Clean at Sephora’ means, and that the ingredients permitted by Sephora’s program were potentially harmful to humans.

Sephora’s reply (presumably) concludes preliminary briefing in what has become a closely-watched lawsuit in the beauty and wellness industry over the meaning of the term “clean beauty.”[1] Absent clear regulatory guidance from the FDA and the FTC, companies’ claims involving the terms “clean,” “natural,” “nontoxic,” or “organic” have been scrutinized in social media, and by an increasingly active and organized plaintiffs’ bar.

While it remains to be seen how the court will decide the “Clean at Sephora” case, companies should continue expect more litigation in this area, as what it means for beauty products to be clean, natural, nontoxic, or safe, remains the subject of intense debate. 

Case Background

As explained in our previous publications (here, here, and here), the market for clean beauty is expected to reach an estimated $11.6 billion by 2027.[2] But absent clear regulatory guidance about what it means for beauty products to be “clean,” “natural,” “nontoxic,” or “safe, promoting products as “clean” can carry significant regulatory risks, and leaves the industry ripe for class action litigation.

Sephora launched its “Clean at Sephora” program in 2018.[3] To qualify for inclusion in the program, which spans across various product categories, products must be formulated without certain common cosmetic ingredients—such as parabens, sulfates SLS and SLES, phthalates, formaldehyde and more—that are linked to possible human health concerns.[4]

On November 22, 2023, Plaintiff Lindsay Finster filed a proposed class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, alleging that products advertised as part of the “Clean at Sephora” program contain ingredients that are “inconsistent with how consumers understand” the term “clean.”[5]

According to plaintiff, consumers understand the definition of “clean” beauty to mean the dictionary’s definition of “clean”: “free from impurities, or unnecessary and harmful components, and pure.”[6] Thus, to be considered “clean” in the context of beauty, plaintiff alleged that products should be “made without synthetic chemicals and ingredients that could harm the body, skin or environment.”[7] But, as plaintiff contended, “a significant percentage of products with the ‘Clean at Sephora’ [seal] contain ingredients inconsistent with how consumers understand the term.”[8] Consequently, plaintiff alleged that the “Clean at Sephora” program “misleads consumers into believing that the products being sold are “natural,” and “not synthetic” and to paying a price premium based on this understanding.”[9]

Plaintiffs alleged potential class action violations of §§ 349 and 350 of New York’s General Business Law (“NY GBL”), as well as multi-state consumer protection statutes, and breach of express and implied warranty, the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act, fraud, and unjust enrichment claims.[10]

Sephora’s Motion to Dismiss

On February 2, 2023, Sephora moved to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint, arguing that “[i]t is not plausible that reasonable consumers are or could be confused by the ‘Clean at Sephora’ program” for several reasons.[11]

First, Sephora argued that plaintiff relied on unsupported and conclusory allegations about consumers understanding of the word “clean.”[12] While plaintiff argued that consumers understood the definition of “clean” beauty to mean the products made without synthetic chemicals and or potentially harmful ingredients, Sephora countered that plaintiff failed to plead any facts showing that a significant portion of relevant reasonable consumers could be misled by Sephora’s claims into believing that the “Clean at Sephora” program consisted of only natural products and ingredients.[13] As Sephora noted, words like “natural,” “organic,” and the like never appeared on the label or elsewhere.[14] Instead, plaintiff relied upon “on selectively quoted blog posts and webpages from small businesses, which not only lack reliability and authority but are presented without evidence that any significant number of consumers have even read them, let alone agreed with them.”[15]

Second, Sephora argued that plaintiff mischaracterized Sephora’s representations as being about the kinds of ingredients included in the program, rather than excluded.[16] Thus, plaintiff was attempting to turn “Clean at Sephora” into “Natural at Sephora”—claims that Sephora did not make.[17] On the contrary, Sephora’s marketing for the program focused on the exclusion of certain ingredients linked to potential human health outcomes.[18] Because Sephora made no representations about the products or ingredients included, it argued that it could not mislead consumers about the safety of included products or ingredients in the program.[19] Moreover, plaintiff failed to plausibly allege that any of the ingredients included in the program were potentially harmful, relying instead on a series of unattributed and unsubstantiated blog posts.”[20]

Finally, Sephora rejected plaintiff’s contention that it forced consumers to scrutinize product lists in contradiction of the Second Circuit’s 2018 decision in Mantikas v. Kellogg, which prohibits the use of ingredient lists on the side of packaging to clarify otherwise misleading presentations where plaintiff failed to identify any misleading conduct by Sephora.[21]

Sephora also rejected plaintiff’s efforts to seek relief under other unspecified consumer protection statutes, arguing that plaintiff failed to plead how the unspecified consumer protection statutes were similar to the NY GBL,[22] and disputed plaintiff’s breach of warranty, consumer fraud, and unjust enrichment claims as duplicative of plaintiff’s NY GBL claims, or otherwise contingent on the same erroneous premise—that the ‘Clean at Sephora’ label is misleading—and thus, equally deficient.[23]

In opposition to Sephora’s motion to dismiss, plaintiff reiterated that it was sufficiently plausible that reasonable consumers would perceive the “Clean at Sephora” as excluding synthetic ingredients, and that “Clean at Sephora” meant free from potentially harmful ingredients.[24] Plaintiff further contended that resolution of her multi-state claims was not ripe until the class certification stage,[25] and that Sephora’s advertising campaign created an express warranty that “Clean at Sephora” products were formulated without potentially harmful ingredients.[26]

In its reply, Sephora argued that reasonable consumers could not interpret the phrase “Clean at Sephora” as limited to only “natural” ingredients when Sephora “prominently explains, in plain terms, exactly what it means by the phrase: ‘formulated without parabens, sulfates sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), phthalates, mineral oils, formaldehyde, and more.’”[27] Sephora also refuted plaintiff’s efforts to characterize the program’s inclusion of the phrase “and more” into an impression that synthetic ingredients were excluded along with the listed ingredients, noting that plaintiff alleged no facts to support her contention that reasonable consumers shared that impression. [28]

Finally, Sephora rejected what it described as plaintiff’s efforts to conflate the meaning of the word “clean” with “non-synthetic” or “natural,” or otherwise assert that because products are not “natural,” they were not safe, noting that not all synthetic ingredients were unsafe, while not all natural ingredients were safe. [29]


Although the recent Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA), which was passed by Congress on December 23, 2022, significantly expands FDA’s authority over cosmetics, it provides comparatively little guidance on the kinds of marketing or promotional claims brands can make about the safety or purity of their products. Consequently, these issues are expected to remain the subject of intense scrutiny and costly litigation.

It remains to be seen how the court will rule in the “Clean at Sephora” case. Nevertheless, this case remains closely-watched within the beauty and wellness industry, and we will continue to update you as the case develops.

[1] See Sephora’s Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss (“Reply”) at 1, Finster, et al, v. Sephora USA, Inc., No. 6:22-cv-1187 (GLS/ML) (N.D.N.Y.), Mar. 3, 2023 (Dkt. No. 18).

[2]Cosmetics Companies Invite Legal Risks With ‘Clean’ Marketing,” Law360, September 1, 2022

[3] https://www.gcimagazine.com/brands-products/news/news/21853297/sephora-launches-clean-at-sephora

[4] Sephora Clean Beauty Guide, https://www.sephora.com/beauty/clean-beauty-products

[5] Complaint (“Compl.”) at ¶ 15, Finster, et al, v. Sephora USA, Inc., No. 6:22-cv-1187 (GLS/ML) (N.D.N.Y.), Nov. 11, 2022 (Dkt. No. 1).

[6] Id. at ¶ 2.

[7] Id. at ¶ 2-4.

[8] Id. at ¶ 15.

[9] Id. at ¶ 35.

[10] Id. at 6-10.

[11] Motion to Dismiss at 1, Finster, et al, v. Sephora USA, Inc., No. 6:22-cv-1187 (GLS/ML) (N.D.N.Y.), Feb. 2, 2022 (Dkt. No. 6-1).

[12] Id. at 7-8.

[13] Id.

[14] Id.

[15] Id. at 9.

[16] Id. at 1.

[17] Id. at 7-8.

[18] Id.

[19] Id. at 10-11.

[20] Id. at 11-12.

[21] See 910 F.3d 633, 636–37 (2d Cir. 2018).

[22] Id. at 14.

[23] Id. at 15-19. Sephora also advanced several pleading deficiency arguments, including plaintiff’s failure to allege the product was advertised as “free from defects” as required by the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act.

[24] See Opposition to Sephora’s Motion to Dismiss (“Opp.”) at 4 (Feb. 23, 2023) (Dkt. No. 15).

[25] Id. at 7.

[26] Id. at 8.

[27] See Reply at 3.

[28] Id.

[29] Id. at 4.

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