Cases We’re Watching: Certified Question to Nevada Supreme Court—Excess Carrier’s Equitable Subrogation Claim

By: Daniel B. Heidtke

Earlier this Fall, the Ninth Circuit certified the following question to the Nevada Supreme Court:

Under Nevada law, can an excess insurer state a claim for equitable subrogation against a primary insurer where the underlying lawsuit settled within the combined policy limits of the insurers?

The Nevada Supreme Court has since accepted the certified question and ordered briefing, which is currently underway.

The case at issue involves an equitable subrogation claim brought by an excess insurer against a primary insurer.  The excess insurer filed suit against the primary insurer after the excess insurer paid $4 million of a $5 million settlement to resolve underlying litigation arising out of a murder at a Las Vegas apartment complex.  The underlying litigation—alleging negligence and wrongful death against the insured owner of the apartment complex—was filed in 2019. 

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Cases We’re Watching: Fifth Circuit Appeal of Summary Judgment on Stowers Demand

By: Daniel B. Heidtke

Finding that the Stowers doctrine was not “activated,” the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas entered summary judgment in favor of an insurer on its declaratory relief claim.  After an underlying judgment was entered against its insured, the insurer sought declaratory relief establishing that it owed only its remaining policy limits for an excess verdict. The trial court agreed with the insurer, entered summary judgment, and the matter is now on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

The coverage dispute arose out of an underlying personal injury suit filed in Texas state court.  In the underlying suit, the claimants sued the insured for injuries sustained while at the insured’s business.  The claimants’ counsel sent a written settlement offer to the insured, requesting “payment of all policy limits of any and all insurance contract,” which was subsequently rejected.  The claimants eventually prevailed at trial against the insured, obtaining a verdict totaling $3.2 million.  The insurer tendered its remaining limits, but the claimants asserted that the insurer was obligated to pay the entire judgment because the claimants’ pre-trial settlement demand was a proper Stowers demand.

The trial court provided background on the so-called Stowers doctrine and demands:

“Under G.A. Stowers Furniture Co. v. American Indem. Co., 02 S.W.2d 544 (Tex. Comm’n. App. 1929, holding approved), Texas law imposes a ‘basic tort duty,’ known as the Stowers doctrine, under which insurers, ‘when faced with a settlement offer within policy limits, must accept the offer … when an ordinarily prudent insurer would do so in light of the reasonably apparent likelihood and degree of that insured’s potential exposure to a valid judgment in the suit in excess of policy limits.’” Law Office of Rogelio Solis PLLC v. Curtis, 83 F.4th 409, 411 n.1 (5th Cir. 2023) (quoting Travelers Indem. Co. v. Citgo Petroleum Corp., 166 F.3d 761, 761 (5th. Cir. 1999)). “When . . . the insurer’s negligent failure to settle results in an excess judgment against the insured, the insurer is liable under the Stowers doctrine for the entire amount of the judgment, including the part exceeding the insured’s policy limits.” G.A. Stowers Furniture Co., 15 S.W.2d at 548.

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Fungi and Pollution Exclusions Foreclose Duty to Defend Wrongful Death Suit

By: Daniel B. Heidtke

Facing claims that it “allowed a dangerous substance—mold” to grow in a resident’s apartment, an insured sought coverage under its “businessowners insurance” coverage.  In denying a duty to defend the underlying wrongful death suit, the insurer relied on two exclusions: (1) the “Fungi or Bacteria Exclusion” and (2) the Pollution Exclusion.  After analyzing the plain meaning of both exclusions, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia agreed with the insurer, held that it owed no duty to defend the insured, and granted the insurer’s motion for judgment on the pleadings.

The court began by applying basic principles under Georgia law.  It noted, “[i]f the terms of the insurance contract are plain and unambiguous, the Court must ‘simply [] apply [them] as written, regardless of whether doing so benefits the carrier or the insured.’”  Reed v. Auto Owners Ins. Co., 284 Ga. 286, 287 (2008).  “This rule holds even for policy exclusions, which ‘must be given effect’ when unambiguous, ‘even if ‘beneficial to the insurer and detrimental to the insured.’”  Cont’l Cas. Co. v. Winder Lab’ys, LLC, 73 F.4th 934, 941 (11th Cir. 2023) (quoting Fid. Nat’l Title Ins. Co. of N.Y. v. OHIC Ins. Co., 275 Ga. App. 55, 57 (2005)).

The policy provided coverage for sums “that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of ‘bodily injury’” to which the insurance applies.  “Bodily injury” includes “bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death resulting from any of these at any time.”  In “any suit” seeking damages covered by the policy, the insurer has a “duty to defend the insured.”  The court then turned to the relevant exclusions.

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Hawai‘i High Court Holds Insurer has no Duty to Defend Fossil Fuel Company Against Climate Change Suit, Upholding Pollution Exclusion

By: Gina Foran and Bill Baron

The Hawai‘i Supreme Court ruled on October 7 that AIG has no duty to defend Aloha Petroleum against climate change lawsuits, because the pollution exclusions in AIG’s policies barred coverage for the suits.

Certain cities and counties in  Hawaiʻi sued major oil companies, including Aloha, for their role in emitting greenhouse gases (“GHGs”) that contribute to global warming.  Plaintiffs alleged that Aloha was on notice that its products caused catastrophic climate change because the industry had been advised in the 1960s through various channels, including the American Petroleum Institute (“API”), an oil industry group, of the effect that burning fossil fuels would have on the climate.  API commissioned studies that predicted the earth’s temperatures would significantly increase around 2000 and cause catastrophic effects by the mid-21st century.  Aloha was aware, or should have been aware, of these studies.  Plaintiffs alleged that Aloha “had actual knowledge that their products were defective and dangerous,” and “acted with conscious disregard for the probable dangerous consequences of their conduct’s and products’ foreseeable impact upon the rights of others.”  The District Court in the coverage action thus concluded that the counties alleged reckless conduct.

The District Court certified two questions to the  Hawaiʻi Supreme Court: (1) whether an “accident” includes an insured’s reckless conduct; and (2) whether GHGs are “pollutants” within the meaning of pollution exclusions. The Court held that an “accident” did include reckless conduct, but ultimately concluded that AIG had no duty to defend the insured because the pollution exclusions in the policies unambiguously barred coverage for “pollutants” which include GHGs.

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Coverage Denied in NJ Environmental Suit Based on Policy’s Pending Litigation Exclusion

By: Sheila Raftery Wiggins

The New Jersey Appellate Division ruled that an insurer is not obligated to indemnify an insured for natural resources damages that it may pay in the underlying lawsuit brought by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (“NJDEP”) because of the Policy’s Prior or Pending Litigation Exclusion.  This exclusion applies because the NJDEP’s suit is based on the same environmental contamination alleged in a 1987 Administrative Consent Order between the NJDEP and the insured.  Handy & Harman, et. al v. Beazley USA Services Inc. (Syndicates 623 and 2623 at Lloyd’s London), A-2068-20 (N.J. App. Div. March 2, 2023) (unpublished).

Lesson:  An administrative consent order – required by an environmental statute in order for the property to be sold in the 1980’s – is sufficient to constitute a “claim,” as defined by the Policy’s Prior or Pending Litigation Exclusion.

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Mistakes Do Not Prove Malice: Federal Court in Dallas Enters Summary Judgment on Policyholder’s Bad Faith Claim

By: Daniel B. Heidtke

Alleging an insurer was “dilatory, deficient, and pre-textual” in its handling of a claim is not enough to state a claim for bad faith, explained the Northern District of Texas, as it entered summary judgment against a policyholder’s breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing claim earlier this month.  After recognizing that the record lacked “expert testimony, proof of standard industry practices, [] legal authority” or evidence that demonstrated duplicity, the court held that the policyholder failed to meet his burden.  After all, the court explained, “mistakes do not prove malice” nor “does delay ensure duplicity”.

In Craig Collins v. State Farm Lloyds, Civil Action No. 3:21-cv-0982 (N.D. Tex. Feb. 3, 2023), Collins filed a claim on his homeowner’s insurance policy after a tornado damaged his home.  Collins’s insurer sent an adjuster to his home, who “took photographs, inspected the property, and filed a report.”  The adjuster recommended a total replacement cost, which Collins’s insurer paid.  The insurer continued to adjust and investigate his claim, performing a second inspection of Collins’s roof and, after paying an additional sum, sent a third adjuster to inspect Collins’s home.  The third adjuster recommended that the insurer pay an additional sum, which the insurer did, and hired an engineering firm to further inspect the property.  After concluding its inspection, the engineering firm concluded that no further damages were due to the tornado, but were due to “foundation movement and age-related deterioration.”  Evidently unhappy with the outcome and perhaps equally unhappy with the process, Collins filed suit alleging breach of contract, violation of the Texas Prompt Payment of Claims Act, violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, and breach of the common-law duty of good faith and fair dealing.

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Clock is Ticking: New Law Restricts Time-Limited Policy Limit Settlement Demands

By: Dominica Anderson and Daniel B. Heidtke

Certain time-limited settlement demands delivered on or after January 1, 2023 will be subject to additional restrictions as California Code of Civil Procedure (“CCP”) Sections 999-999.5 take effect in the New Year.  In the past, policyholder counsel have issued policy-limit demand letters, with little detail, and little time to respond; threats and concerns over acting in “bad faith” abound.  In enacting CCP § 999-999.5, the California Legislature set about to establish restrictions and, importantly, clearer guidelines—for both policyholders and insurers.

Pursuant to CCP § 999(b)(2), a “time-limited demand” is defined as:

“an offer prior to the filing of the complaint or demand for arbitration to settle any cause of action or a claim for personal injury, property damage, bodily injury, or wrongful death made by or on behalf of a claimant to a tortfeasor with a liability insurance policy for purposes of settling the claim against the tortfeasor within the insurer’s limit of liability insurance, which by its terms must be accepted within a specified period of time.”

Thus, the new statutory requirements apply only to pre-litigation settlement demands and further only to limited causes of action and claims under automobile, homeowner, motor vehicle, or commercial premises liability insurance policies for property damage, personal or bodily injury and wrongful death claims.  (CCP § 999.5(a).)

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California’s Highest Court Rejects Inns-by-the-Sea’s Petition for Review

By Max H. Stern and Holden Benon

This week, the California Supreme Court declined to hear the Policyholder’s appeal of the Court of Appeal’s decision in The Inns by the Sea v. California Mutual Ins. Co., which we previously reported on. For those tracking the COVID-19 business interruption appellate landscape, this should come as no surprise.  The Court of Appeal’s decision is well-reasoned, and it is aligned with many COVID-19 business interruption decisions across the nation that have reached very similar conclusions.  Policyholder attorneys expressed it is “hard to feel hopeful at this point.”  We can understand why.

Carriers Enjoy Unanimous Success in Recent Wave of COVID-19 Business Interruption Decisions in Federal Appeals (Update)

By: Max H. Stern & Holden Benon

Recently, we began to see real decisions being made by the appellate courts on COVID-19 Business Interruption issues.  The U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals have established a uniformly favorable trend for insurance carriers – these courts have affirmed the district court decisions that have ruled in favor of the insurers, and in one case, the Sixth Circuit vacated a district court’s decision that ruled in favor of the policyholder. Since our original blog post on this issue in October, this trend continued in December with a Tenth Circuit decision.

Ninth Circuit

Starting with the Ninth Circuit (where Duane Morris’ insurance group maintains a strong presence), carriers have enjoyed successful outcomes in a trio of much-anticipated decisions.  In Mudpie, Inc. v. Travelers Casualty Insurance Company of America, Case No. 20-16858, 2021 WL 4486509, at *1 (9th Cir. Oct. 1, 2021) (applying California law), Mudpie, a San Francisco-based children’s store, brought a proposed class action asserting breach of contract and bad faith against its property insurance carrier.  As in many COVID-19 business interruption cases, the carrier had denied its insured “Business Income” and “Extra Expense” coverage in 2020, after government authorities issued public health orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Id. at *2.  (For more background on business interruption insurance, please refer to one of our earlier blog posts on this topic.)

Mudpie made the argument that its inability to use its premises amounted to “direct physical loss or damage to” its property, sufficient to bring its claim within the scope of the policy’s business interruption coverage.  Id.  The court rejected this argument, however, reasoning that the phrase “direct physical loss of or damage to” requires some kind of physical alteration to the property in question.  Id. at *5.  The court also held that the policy’s virus exclusion bars coverage for the insured’s claims.  Id. at *7.  As many policyholders have tried arguing, Mudpie claimed that its losses were not subject to the policy’s virus exclusion because its losses were caused not directly by the virus, but by stay-at-home orders that restricted the insured’s use of its property.  But the court didn’t buy this argument because Mudpie failed to meet the “efficient proximate cause” test.  Id. (“Mudpie does not plausibly allege that ‘the efficient cause,’ i.e., the one that set others in motion was anything other than the spread of the virus throughout California, or that the virus was merely a remote cause of its losses.”) (internal citation omitted). In the end, the court affirmed the district court’s decision ruling in favor of the insurer.  Id. at *7.

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Yet Another Win for Insurers on COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims: The Inns by the Sea California Court of Appeal Decision


By Max H. Stern and Holden Benon

The first California state appellate decision on COVID-19 Business Interruption coverage is now in the books, and it’s one more victory for insurers.  In The Inns by the Sea v. California Mutual Ins. Co., Case No. D079036 (Cal. Ct. App. 4th Dist., Div. 1, Nov. 15, 2021), the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth District found there was no coverage, notwithstanding the absence of a virus exclusion in the relevant policy.  The court’s 36-page opinion provides a thorough and careful analysis of several important COVID-19-related business interruption issues, some highlights of which we summarize below.

Inns-by-the Sea operates lodges in the California coastal communities of Carmel and Half Moon Bay.  In March of 2020, Inns closed its facilities in response to shutdown orders issued by Monterey and San Mateo counties.  Then, Inns made a claim under its property insurance policy for its claimed loss of business income caused by the pandemic.  (For more background on business interruption insurance, refer to one of our earlier blog posts on this topic.)  Inns’ insurer denied coverage, and Inns filed suit in Monterey Superior Court.

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