New York’s Highest Court Declares that Elephants are NOT “Legal Persons”

Today, in a major blow to animal rights and nonhuman animal “personhood” advocates, the New York Court of Appeals, in a 5-2 decision, rejected the effort by the NonHuman Rights Project (NhRP) to employ the common law writ of habeas corpus to free an Asian elephant named “Happy” from the Bronx Zoo.    In re Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc. v. Breheny, No. 52 (N.Y. June 14, 2022).  The case caps a long line of baseless efforts by NhRP in New York to obtain habeas relief for animals. Continue reading “New York’s Highest Court Declares that Elephants are NOT “Legal Persons””

Pigeon Seeks Election as “Animal Mayor”

by John M. Simpson

As recently reported, a pigeon in the London borough of Lewisham named “Tony” has been proposed by an online petition to be the town’s “Animal Mayor.”  The petition requests that the existing mayor and borough council create this position which would be “the figure head and forum to bring everyone together.”  According to the petition, “if we had a more respectful and empathetic view of Lewhisham’s non-human residents, we would try harder to protect the environment.”  Tony’s entertaining campaign video indicates that he would rename the borough, which has 300,000 inhabitants, “Zooisham.”   Evidently, the campaign would be “run online and open to every resident of Lewisham aged 5 and above.”  Perhaps Tony will have some insights on Brexit strategy.


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