Ninth Circuit Recently Slams PETA Over Monkey Selfie Lawsuit, Finding That PETA’s “Next Friend” Lawsuit Used Monkey as a “Pawn”
By: Michelle C. Pardo
As the old saying goes, “with friends like these, who needs enemies?”
Last year, animal activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), acting as a purported “next friend” of a Sulawesi crested macaque (named “Naruto”), brought a lawsuit in the Northern District of California against wildlife photographer David Slater and a self-publishing book company over a “selfie” that the macaque had taken when it grabbed wildlife photographer Slater’s camera. PETA had alleged that the monkey, as author and owner of the photograph, had a claim for copyright infringement against defendants. After finding that the monkey had constitutional standing, but no standing under the Copyright Act, the district court dismissed the case. PETA appealed the case to the Ninth Circuit. Continue reading “Ninth Circuit Recently Slams PETA Over Monkey Selfie Lawsuit”