Interview with Axel Bernabe of the New York Office of Cannabis Management Regarding True Party of Interest Rules

In an interview published on March 23, 2023, Green Market Report spoke with Axel Bernabe, the Chief of Staff and Senior Policy Director for the New York Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”). The interview is significant because Axel Bernabe is one of the leading policymakers in the OCM. The interview ranged over many topics; however, the most-detailed part of the interview was devoted to the proposed True Party of Interest rules (“TPI”) issued in December of last year.

In the interview, Axel Bernabe explained that the focus in understanding the TPI rules should not be on the mechanics of the rules but on their purpose. The purpose of the rules is to prevent ownership or control between the supply tier of the cannabis industry, consisting of cultivation, processing and wholesale distributing, and the retail tier of the cannabis industry, consisting of retail dispensaries, on-site consumption establishments and delivery. This two-tier market structure is fundamental to the New York Cannabis Law. Accordingly, if a person or entity has an ownership or control interest in a business in the supply tier, then that person or entity cannot have any ownership or control interest in any business in the retailing tier. Similarly, if a person has an ownership or control interest in a business in the retailing tier, then that person cannot have any ownership interest in any entity in the supply tier.

Bernabe explained that New York has adopted this policy because suppliers who had an interest in the retailing tier would be able to exert anti-competitive pressures on retailers, which would limit choice and quality of product.

Bernabe admitted that there has been heated criticism that the TPI rules would hobble the ability of dispensary operators to raise funds because many investors want to buy into vertically integrated operation, due to the perceived economic advantages of vertical integration. However, Bernabe seemed dubious about these economic advantages. In addition, he felt that the investors (for the most part) who would be discouraged by the TPI rules would be existing cannabis businesses that are vertically integrated. As a side note, although Bernabe did not mention it, less than half of California cannabis businesses are vertically integrated, which helps his argument that prohibition of vertical integration does not foreclose businesses in the retail tier from finding investors.

Bernabe further argued that barring businesses in the supply tier from dictating to the retail tier would, in fact, further (rather than discourage) the ability of the retail tier to raise investment money from investors new to the cannabis industry. He added that this model has been used in the liquor industry in New York and has produced a market of thousands of profitable, small and often family-owned liquor stores.

In short, from the policy point of view enunciated by Bernabe, the only purpose of the TPI rules is to prevent ownership between the two tiers. The idea is straightforward. If the true person of interest is identified, then prohibited cross-ownership would be easy to detect by comparing whether the same name is appearing on one tier and the other tier. Accordingly, the application for a conditional adult use dispensary license requires both a personal history disclosure form and an entity history disclosure form. (In fact, the TPI definitions in the rules proposed in December of last year are substantially the same as the TPI definitions in the Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary rules, which were adopted in final form on August 3, 2022, and presumably are already affecting investors in positive and negative ways.)
Bernabe stressed that horizontal integration among licensees in a tier is permitted, although subject to certain limitations on size such on the number of acres in a farming facility or the amount of passive investment in multiple retail dispensaries. Accordingly, the horizontal integration rules are much less severe than the absolute prohibition on vertical integration. Bernabe confirmed that out-of-state vertically integrated operators would be free to invest in New York supply operations as long as the operators did not invest or control businesses in the retail sale tier.

Bernabe admitted that the final TPI rules will likely be strict, broad and perhaps mechanical, but that it is necessary to draw a “bright line” to preserve the integrity of the two-tier regulatory regime.
Bernabe did not say when the TPI rules—whose comment period ended on February 13, 2023—would be issued in the final form.

Senate Bill aims to dismantle Minnesota’s recreational cannabis market

On Friday, a Minnesota senator introduced a bill that would drastically alter the state’s adult-use cannabis industry only a year after it launched adult-use cannabis sales.

Senate Bill 546, introduced by Sen. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, focuses on “eliminating adult-use dispensaries” and intends to “reduce the demand for marijuana sales.”

The bill would prohibit non-medical marijuana sales, increase the state tax on medical marijuana from 4% to 20%, lower the THC cap on flower from 35% to 10%, lower the THC levels in individual edibles from 10 milligrams to 5 milligrams, and cap the THC percentage in concentrates at 10%.

According to the Montana Free Press, these significant limits on medical marijuana potency and allowable amounts for possession would not only reduce the consumer base for existing cannabis businesses, but would also drastically reduce revenue for state coffers. Since adult-use sales began in January 2022, Montana has generated $54 million in tax revenue from the industry, derived almost entirely from recreational consumers that pay a 20% tax to the state. In 2022, retailers sold $202,947,328 worth of recreational cannabis, which is roughly double the amount of medical marijuana sales.

“If SB 546 passes, it would render the entire cannabis program worthless, not only for the operators but also for consumers and patients in the state,” Zach Block, owner of Kalispell dispensary Montana Canna, told the Montana Free Press.

Minnesota’s Business, Labor and Economic Affairs Senate Committee plans to hold a hearing on Senate Bill 546 on Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

Cannabis Companies Infringe Popular Ferrara Candy Trademarks

The Ferrara Candy Company (Ferrara) is an American candy manufacturer owned by the Ferrero Group.  Ferrara — well known for candy brands such as Laffy Taffy, SweeTarts, and Nerds — has achieved enormous commercial success throughout the United States.

On May 31, 2022, Ferrara filed a lawsuit in federal court in Colorado against a cannabis edibles maker on the grounds of trademark infringement.  Trademark infringement occurs when a party violates the exclusive rights of a trademark owner, without authorization or license.

On March 20, 2023, the federal judge found that the cannabis company illegally copies the logos, names, and packaging of Nerds, Trolli, and Runts candy for its THC-infused products.  Ferrara never authorized the use of its logos and trademarks for cannabis products.  The products appear to have a significant amount of THC, with some containing as much as 600 milligrams, which is more than 60 adult servings.  The THC-infused products thus pose a public health hazard – especially to children — who are easily susceptible to believing that the cannabis products are ordinary candy.  As a result, the court determined that injunctive relief is appropriate and ordered the cannabis company to:

      1. stop producing and selling cannabis products that infringe the Ferrara candy brands;
      2. destroy any remaining products infringing Ferrara’s brands; and
      3. pay Ferrara all profits derived from the acts of trademark infringement.

Ferrara takes a serious approach to such cannabis products in order to protect consumers.  In addition to this judgment and injunction in Colorado, Ferrara has also successfully enjoined cannabis companies from selling THC-infused knockoff versions of its signature candy products in California, Florida, and Illinois.  Shortly after these proceedings commenced, the attorneys general of New York and Connecticut issued warnings about designing the packaging of cannabis products to look like well-known candy or snacks, both citing a nationwide rise in accidental overdoses among children.

While the desire to appeal to consumers is understandable, it is unlawful to profit off another’s registered trademark.  Manufacturing and marketing cannabis products that copy well-known consumer brands and packaging opens the door to litigation that in turn poses huge legal, financial, and reputational risks.  Trademark infringement is a serious legal matter that, as illustrated above, will likely result in unfavorable consequences to violators.  Cannabis companies should act with caution when adopting and commercializing brands, to avoid creating the potential for consumer confusion between their THC-infused products and the products of already established mainstream brands. This is particularly true when the established mainstream brands are used for candy or other products appealing to children.

Read the full text of the article on Law360.

New York State Advertising Rules Effective Today

Effective March 22, 2023, New York’s cannabis advertising rules are now in place. These rules aim to protect public health, particularly minors, and ensure that cannabis advertising is truthful and not misleading.

    •  Cannabis advertisements cannot be displayed within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare center.
    • Ads cannot target individuals under 21 years of age or depict minors, toys, characters, or cartoons.
    • Advertising cannot claim cannabis is safe or healthy or that it has curative or therapeutic effects unless supported by substantial evidence.
    • Ads cannot contain false, misleading, or deceptive information.
    • The warning statement “This product may be intoxicating and may be habit-forming” must be included in all cannabis advertisements.
    •  Promotions, such as giveaways or coupons, are prohibited except in licensed dispensaries.
    • Advertising cannot be displayed on any public transportation or property owned or leased by the state or local government.
    • All ads must include the New York State Department of Health’s “Know the Facts” educational campaign website address.


As legal adult-use cannabis continues to spread across the country, so does a movement to unionize cannabis workers.  The need for dispensary and cultivation workers has rapidly increased, along with the demand for higher wages, improved benefits, diversity and inclusion efforts, and more.

To date, 21 states and the District of Columbia have legalized adult use marijuana.  Bills to legalize adult use marijuana are pending in several other states.  According to Forbes, cannabis sales in the United States are estimated to reach $57 billion by 2030.  The industry shows no signs of slowing down.  Labor unions have taken notice and have seemingly set their sights on the cannabis workforce.

The efforts of labor unions have been buoyed by labor peace agreement (LPA) laws.  While LPA laws vary by state, they generally require cannabis companies to take a hands-off approach to union organizing efforts as a condition of doing business in the state.  This means the company cannot interfere with organizing efforts.  However, unions typically also agree via the LPAs not to interfere with the operations of the business.  Alternatively, some LPA laws offer preferential status in licensing applications for companies that enter into LPAs.

California, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia all have varying degrees of requirements with respect to LPAs in their states.  Pennsylvania and Illinois do not require LPAs, but the states offer certain advantages to companies who enter into LPAs.  Several other states, such as Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Minnesota, are contemplating enacting their own LPA requirements.

The apparent enthusiasm of organizing efforts largely paid off for unions in 2022.  According to Bloomberg Law’s NLRB Election Statistics report, unions prevailed in 76% of overall elections in 2022, one of the highest success rates on record. The United Food and Commercial Workers Union, which has dubbed itself “the Cannabis Workers’ Union” representing more than 10,000 cannabis members, won 70% of representation elections in 2022.  They are not the only ones.  The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which has unionized some cultivation workforces, won 66% of representation elections in 2022.

While there has been some litigation surrounding LPAs and organizing efforts, to date, most cannabis companies do not appear to be challenging these requirements.  This has the strategic benefit of allowing cannabis businesses to get licenses and begin operations, rather than engage in what could be a prolonged legal battle.  However, as unions expand and tighten their grasp on cannabis workforces, industry groups may start to fight back.

Application for Federal Pardons of Marijuana Possession Now Available

As we previously reported, on October 6, 2022, President Biden announced that he would pardon those convicted of simple marijuana possession offenses under the federal Controlled Substances Act.  As part of his executive action, Biden directed the Attorney General to develop an administrative process to issue Certificates of Pardon to eligible individuals.

On March 3, 2023, the Department of Justice announced the launch of an online application form for individuals seeking proof that they were pardoned under Biden’s proclamation.  The form requires the applicant to provide their full name, contact information, date and place of birth, and citizenship status, followed by information about their charge or conviction with supporting documentation.

In order to be eligible for the Certificate of Pardon, applicants must satisfy the following:

    1. Applicant must have been charged with or convicted of simple marijuana possession by either a federal district court or D.C. Superior Court;
    2. Applicant must have been a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S. at the time of the offense; and
    3. Applicant must have been a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident on October 6, 2022, when Biden announced the pardon.

Note that the pardon neither indicates the innocence of the federal offender nor expunges their conviction.  Nevertheless, it may remove civil restrictions such as the right to vote, hold office, or sit on a jury.  The pardon may also alleviate limitations placed on obtaining certain licenses or employment.

However, Biden’s pardon merely affects several thousand federal offenders.  As we previously reported, only about 6,500 people have been convicted for simple possession under federal law and a few thousand more have been convicted under the Code of the District of Columbia.  The vast majority of cannabis convictions for simple possession occur at the state level.  Those convicted of state marijuana offenses do not qualify for the pardon.  Biden urged state governors to follow his lead and issue similar pardons.

Since Biden’s proclamation, several states have flirted with the idea of pardoning nonviolent marijuana crimes, some of which took more substantial steps forward.  For example, on November 21, 2022, the governor of Oregon pardoned more than 47,000 people with convictions for simple marijuana possession and forgave more than $14 million in unpaid fines and fees.

As of the present, Connecticut, Missouri, Rhode Island, and Alaska have demonstrated similar relief efforts.  Connecticut expunged the record of about 44,000 residents convicted of cannabis possession, while Missouri expunged the record of about 7,500 residents and ultimately expects 100,000 expungements in the coming months.  The Chief Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court issued an executive order directing judges to establish and implement marijuana expungement procedures.  Rhode Island expects 30,000 residents to be able to clear their record.  Justices of the Alaska Supreme Court issued a similar order, permitting residents convicted of possessing less than one ounce of marijuana to seal the records related to such convictions.  Alaska expects 800 residents to benefit from the order, which takes effect May 1, 2023.

To date, 24 states have enacted legislation to expunge marijuana-related criminal convictions.  According to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, state and local officials have issued more than 100,000 pardons and more than 1.7 million marijuana-related expungements since 2018.  More states are likely to follow in the same breadth soon.

Read the full text of the article on Law360.

Probe Shows OSHA Regulating Cannabis Cos. Like All Others

For years, legal commentary about cannabis and the workplace has focused on employees’ off-duty cannabis use, as well as employers’ rights to test and discipline employees for off-duty cannabis use.

But with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s investigation of Trulieve, one of the largest multistate cannabis companies, the spotlight now shines on the safety of the licensed cannabis workplace itself and whether on-duty contact with cannabis may pose health hazards…

Read the full article.

DEA Finds that Lab-Derived Cannabis Compounds Are a Schedule I Drug, Even if Made from Hemp

On February 13, 2023, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published a letter in which it opined that two acetate compounds chemically derived from cannabis, delta-8-THCO and delta-9-THCO, are Schedule I substances under the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA), even if they are derived from hemp, which is federally legal.  The DEA’s letter came in response to an inquiry from an attorney who represents the Hemp Industries Association.

Dr. Terrence L. Boos, Chief of the DEA’s Drug & Chemical Evaluation Section Diversion Control Division wrote, “Delta-9-THCO and delta-8-THCO do not occur naturally in the cannabis plant and can only be obtained synthetically, and therefore do not fall under the definition of hemp.”  Dr. Boos wrote that the CSA classifies THC under Schedule I, and THC (tetrahydrocannabinols) means those “naturally contained in a plant of the genus Cannabis (cannabis plant), as well as synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the cannabis plant and/or synthetic substances, derivatives, and their isomers with similar chemical structure and pharmacological activity to those substances contained in the plant.” (emphasis added).

It’s important to note that the compounds addressed in the DEA letter are different from delta-9-THC, the psychoactive chemical found naturally in cannabis that causes a high, and delta-8-THC, a compound that can be synthesized from CBD derived from hemp.

Given the DEA’s position, retailers selling products that contain Delta-9-THCO or delta-8-THCO must hold all requisite licenses to sell cannabis products in jurisdictions where cannabis has been legalized, either for medicinal or recreational purposes.  For retailers who are selling delta-9-THCO or delta-8-THCO products in states where cannabis has not been legalized, such retailers would likely be in violation of the CSA, according to the DEA’s position.

How Marijuana Pardons Affect Employee Background Checks

On Oct. 6, 2022, President Joe Biden issued a blanket pardon to all citizens and lawful permanent residents convicted of simple possession of marijuana under the federal Controlled Substances Act. The move reflects a shift in attitudes towards low-level drug offenses, and should serve as an impetus to employers to review their policies on criminal record checks.

Because marijuana possession offenses predominantly fall under the jurisdictions of the states, not the federal government, the immediate impact of these pardons is limited. Only about 6,500 people have been convicted for simple possession under federal law and a few thousand more have been convicted under the Code of the District of Columbia.

To read the full text of this article by Duane Morris attorneys Danielle M. Dwyer and Jesse Stavis, originally published in Law360, please visit the firm website.

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