PFAS – Colorado enacts PFAS Ban in various household items and Fire Fighting Foam

On May 1, 2024, Colorado enacted the “Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals Consumer Protection Act” (the “PPCCA“) to establish a regulatory scheme that prohibits the sale or distribution of certain products that contain intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS).

The full bill – SB 081 can be found here

As of January 1, 2024, the PPCCPA, restricts the sale and distribution of each  of the following products in Colorado if the products contain  intentionally added PFAS chemicals:

  • Carpets or rugs;
  • Fabric treatments;
  • Food packaging;
  • Juvenile products; and
  • Oil and gas products.

In addition, after January 1, 2024, a manufacturer of cookware sold in Colorado that contains intentionally added PFAS chemicals in the handle of the product or in any product surface that comes into contact with food, foodstuffs, or beverages is required to:

  • List the presence of PFAS chemicals on the product label of the cookware; and
  • Include a statement on the product label of the cookware that directs the consumer to a website with information about why PFAS chemicals were intentionally added to the product.

Further, per the PPCCA, after January 1, 2024, a manufacturer of cookware is prohibited from making a statement that the cookware is free of PFAS chemicals unless no individual PFAS chemical is intentionally added to the cookware.

On and after January 1, 2025, the sale or distribution in Colorado of any products in the following product categories is prohibited if the products contain intentionally added PFAS chemicals:

  • Cosmetics;
  • Indoor textile furnishings; and
  • Indoor upholstered furniture.

On and after January 1, 2027, the sale or distribution in Colorado of any of the products in the following product categories is prohibited if the products contain intentionally added PFAS chemicals:

  • Outdoor textile furnishings; and
  • Outdoor upholstered furniture.

Moreover, manufacturers and distributors should also be aware that the PCCAA includes products that do not contain intentionally added PFAS chemicals in the definition of “environmentally preferable products” for the purposes of state agency procurement.

The PPCCA also:

  • Requires a person that uses class B firefighting foam that contains intentionally added PFAS chemicals (firefighting foam) to prohibit a release of the firefighting foam into the environment, fully contain the firefighting foam during its use, safely store the firefighting foam, and report certain information to the water quality spills hotline within 24 hours if there is a release of the firefighting foam into the environment;
  • Requires a person that uses firefighting foam to report its use to the water quality spills hotline within 24 hours after the use;
  • Authorizes the attorney general to enforce laws regulating firefighting foams that contain PFAS chemicals; and
  • Extends to January 1, 2024, the effective date of an existing restriction on the use of firefighting foam that contains intentionally added PFAS chemicals at certain airports.

Duane Morris has an active PFAS team to help organizations and individuals plan, respond to and execute on PFAS issues and initiatives in order to manage risk, ensure compliance and minimize litigation risk. We are available to discuss your concerns and objectives and how new rules, regulations and rulings might apply to you.

For More Information:

If you have any questions about this post, please contact Lindsay Ann Brown, Lori A. MillsBrad A. Molotsky, any of the attorneys in our PFAS Group or the attorney in the firm with whom you are regularly in contact.

Duane Morris Kicks Off PFAS Webinar Series

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of moderating our inaugural webinar session on PFAS – PFAS What You Need to Know.  I was joined by fellow Partner Lindsay Brown of our Cherry Hill office, Larry Gottlieb, President and Chief Innovation Officer at ResinTech, and Colleen Costello and Thomas Geiger of Sanborn.

We spent the hour discussing many things PFAS related including, that in the panelists experience, the number of people and the knowledge base and visibility of PFAS in the environment and in products we use in our offices and homes has increased markedly in the last 3-5 years.  Despite this consumer and legal focus in the PFAS arena, it was felt that the medical profession, as a whole, has not focused on the impact to their patients and how to treat PFAS in the blood stream as of yet in an adequate way.

We reviewed how PFAS is a man-made substance that was created in the United States in a lab in the 1930’s and that it worked for its intended purpose – meaning, it is a very strong chemical and has incredibly strong bonds; it repels water as it was intended and it works well.  The unintended consequences of how far reaching the chemicals would flow and how quickly they would move in water and how they would find their way into various products in the home and the work place and what lingering health impacts to fish, animals and humans is still playing itself out in numerous studies that have been conducted over the last 7 years and counting. A massive uptake in litigation and class action lawsuits have proliferated over the past decade against the original 20 manufacturers of PFAS and these numbers continue to rise.

While the panelists pointed out that due to the danger of the chemicals, some PFAS have been phased out, they also noted that according to the National Institute of Environmental Health there are over 12,000 different types of PFAS – including PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid – an 8-carbon chain), many of which continue to be unregulated at the federal and state level.

We discussed various industries that have utilized PFAS in their products or in their manufacturing processes in the past including fire fighting foam, fire protection equipment, plastic manufacturing, synthetic fiber manufacturing, metal finishing and coating, textile mills, furniture manufacturing, leather and tanning operations, paper manufacturing, at airports, and in various consumer goods including cosmetics, fabric treatments, dental floss, toothpaste, toilet paper, ski wax and cookware, grease resistant paper, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes, candy wrappers as well as in resistant coatings on carpet, upholstery and furniture and plastic wrapping for food.

So what is the big deal?  The group discussed that the big deal is that the  PFAS family of chemical compounds do not degrade in the environment, whether in water or in soil and are now found in fish, animals and humans around the globe. Given its strength, PFAS tends to bioaccumulate in humans and animals – meaning it does not leave our blood stream once it enters it and it accumulates as we continue to be exposed to more and more PFAS.

Some of the potential health impacts that the National Institute of Health and the EPA have focused on include developmental delays, hormonal imbalances, birth defects, testicular and kidney cancers, liver issues and endocrine disruption.

The panel discussed how PFAS has historically been measured, where it has been measured at all.  In many chemicals, measurements are done in part per million (PPM) or, in some instances, parts per billion (PPB) but that the EPA has determined that quantities of PFAS that exceed 4 part per trillion (PPT) are dangerous to humans if consumed in drinking water. A useful analogy provided by the panel is that we are talking about a danger level at a tea spoon worth of PFAS in 20 Olympic sized pools was

While awaiting EPA regulations on drinking water standards, many states enacted their own standards of 50 PPT or 15-20 PPT and these states will now need to re-evaluate and revise their standard in light of the recently announced EPA standard of 4 PPT.  States that have no PFAS standard will now also be subject to the federal standard of 4 PPT.

We also discussed that under the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting requirements, new reporting obligations have been enacted which are now in effect and which will require 189 different PFAS to report under its required reporting regime.  Historically, reporting was triggered from 100 pounds of PFAS or more but, starting in 2025, 7 new PFAS constituents have been added to the list of “chemicals of special concern” where no de minimis quantity exemption will apply.  Other reporting rules for PFAS under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA)  have also been implemented which will require certain importers and manufacturers of products with PFAS in the products to review their records and look back to 2011 and report on the amount of PFAS being used in such products.

Furthermore, we chatted about remediation techniques, including trapping PFAS at receptors and point sources to limit the amount of PFAS escaping into our ground water, as well as the “pump and treat technique” of such water and how to address impacted group water via granular activated carbon (GAC) and via ion exchange (IX) but, that these techniques, while very efficient at trapping the PFAS, do not eradicate it rather they merely separate it from the impacted water.  To truly eradicate the PFAS and not create off gassing into the air that will then likely impact surrounding soil around the off gassing, one would need to incinerate the PFAS to a temperature of approximately 1750 F (noting most incinerators do not get close to this temperature) in order to cause the PFAS to break down into its constituent elements of carbon and fluorine.  Not to give up hope, many technologist are focusing on how to remove the PFAS from various media (i.e., water, soil, etc.), and then how to destroy the PFAS in bulk using innovative techniques that include plasma, hot plasma, supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) and ionic gasification.

We wrapped up the hour touching on how the EPA has just, as of last week, declared certain PFAS to be a “hazardous substance” under CERCLA and, with this designation, under the law, strict liability will attach to the producer or seller of the product or for the owner of the site or building or use of the site or building that has the PFAS issue, irrespective of fault.  As such we all agreed that a focus on risk mitigation, insurance, allocation of who bears what risk in a sale, lease, purchase and product delivery system are key areas to consider as the law continues to evolve and class action lawsuits continue to proliferate in the arena.

For more information on PFAS, the panel’s favorites include, the EPA’s PFAS site and PFAS toolkit, the ITRC guide on PFAS and the NJDEP site and its PFAS tab.

Duane Morris has an active PFAS team to help organizations and individuals plan, respond to and execute on PFAS issues and initiatives in order to manage risk, ensure compliance and minimize litigation risk. We are available to discuss your concerns and objectives and how new rules, regulations and rulings might apply to you.

For More Information

If you have any questions about this Alert, please contact Lindsay Ann Brown, Lori A. MillsBrad A. Molotsky, any of the attorneys in our PFAS Group or the attorney in the firm with whom you are regularly in contact.

EPA’s PFAS Reporting Rule Requires Data Going Back to 2011

On September 28, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its final Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 8(a) reporting rule. It expands reporting and recordkeeping requirements for companies that have manufactured or imported per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for a commercial purpose—whether as a chemical substance or in a mixture or article—since January 1, 2011. Entities subject to this rule will need to submit reporting forms for retrospective data either 18 or 24 months following the rule’s effective date, which is 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register.

Read the full Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

EPA Looking to Expand PFAS Substances Regulated under Superfund

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On September 6, 2022, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“USEPA”) had previously issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to designate two (2) specific PFAS substances, known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as CERCLA hazardous substances. We have previously blogged about this Notice and it can be found on our website if of interest. The comment period to that proposed rulemaking has now closed and USEPA is presently evaluating comments received.

In the meantime, however, USEPA is considering a new initiative to expand the list of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (“CERCLA”) regulated PFAS beyond PFOA and PFOS to include seven (7) additional PFAS, their salts and precursors and, possibly, certain categories of PFAS.

In a pre-publication notice issued by the USEPA on April 13, 2023 (to be published in the Federal Register on that same date), USEPA announced its intention to consider expansion of its CERCLA hazardous substances list developed under potentially to include seven (7) additional per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on that list.

As set forth in the pre-publication notice, additional PFAS under consideration for regulation includes:

Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS), CASRN 375-73-5;
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS), CASRN 355-46-4;
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), CASRN 375-95-1;
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA), CASRN 13252-13-6 (sometimes called GenX);
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) CASRN 375-22-4;
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) CASRN 307-24-4; and
• Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) CASRN 335-76-2.

Take Aways:

USEPA will also be giving consideration to the precursors to PFOA, PFOS, and other PFAS listed above as well as whether USEPA should take action to designate whole categories of PFAS based on shared characteristics among the PFAS listed in those categories.

To these ends, USEPA is seeking a variety of data sources and information to assist them is deciding whether to expand the CERCLA list. The Comment period will run until approximately July 6, 2023 (i.e., sixty (60) days from publication in the Federal Register which is anticipated on April 13, 2023).

Duane Morris has an active PFAS Team to help organizations and individuals plan, respond to, and execute on your PFAS issues and initiatives. We would be happy to discuss your concerns and objectives and how new rules, regulations and rulings might apply to you. For more information or if you have any questions about this post, please contact Lori Mills, the author, or Lindsay Brown, Sharon Caffrey, Brad A. Molotsky, Alice Shanahan,  Seth Cooley, Alyson Walker Lotman, Kelly Bonner, Sharon Caffrey or the attorney in the firm with whom you in regular contact or the attorney in the firm with whom you are regularly in contact.

EPA Now Taking Comments on Its PFAS Enforcement Discretion Policy

On September 6, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its proposed rulemaking to designate certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as Hazardous Substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), which would have a significant legal impact across the country and create potential liability for PFAS release and/or contamination for a broad set of entities in numerous industries. Accordingly, the EPA has been developing an enforcement discretion policy and recently concluded two public listening sessions to seek stakeholder input on concerns about CERCLA enforcement for PFAS contamination. The EPA will review and consider the input received as it finalizes the CERCLA PFAS enforcement discretion policy.

Read the full text of this Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

PFAS Limits in Public Drinking Water Set Forth in Proposed EPA Rule

On March 14, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposed new National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR), which standardizes and sets the legally enforceable maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) of six per- and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water. The proposed regulation also sets nonenforceable maximum contaminant level goals (MCLGs).

Read the full text of this Alert on the Duane Morris LLP website.

PFAS – Pennsylvania DEP Adopts new limits on 2 PFAS Chemicals – Required Testing, Reporting and Treatment

Earlier this past week, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) adopted new limits on two classes of PFAS chemicals.

Pennsylvania joins a growing list of states that have implemented limits and, in some cases, bans, on certain types of PFAS and PFOS chemicals. According to the new rule, Pennsylvania will now mandate that all public and private drinking water treatment facilities in the Commonwealth, together with schools and healthcare facilities, and  commercial bottled water plants, will all be required to test their water for PFAS and PFOS, report the findings and treat affected water for the chemicals present above the new maximum contaminant levels (MCLs).

Pennsylvania’s new regulations will restrict the PFAS compounds PFOS (perfluoro-octane sulfonic acid) at 14 parts per trillion, and PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) at 18 parts per trillion.

Studies have indicated that over 97% of all humans have PFAS compounds in their blood stream that bio accumulates over time.

For decades, PFAS chemicals have been widely used in consumer products such as cosmetics, personal care products, furniture stain resistant applications, carpet stain guard, flame retardant fire fighting  foam (including foam used at all airports in the US), non-stick cookware, flame-retardant clothing, weather resistant outdoor clothing, some food packaging, as well as in firefighting foam used at current and decommissioned military bases.

While the new DEP regulations set the MCLs for these chemicals for the first time in Pennsylvania, critics have pressed for a lower MCL, for more PFAS compounds to be regulated and for private wells to be protected. 

New Jersey recently proposed a 4-bill set of additional PFAS restrictions and already restricts PFAS at 13 parts per trillion for PFOS and PFNA, and 14 parts per trillion for PFOA. Delaware is also considering regulations akin to Pennsylvania’s and has proposed implementing its own MCLs.

At the federal level, the Environmental Protection Agency is continuing to study PFAS and had set a federal health advisory level for PFAS, but unlike the PA MCLs, the federal advisory is just that, advisory, and, as such, is not per se actionable. As part of its ongoing effort to study and limit the effects of PFAS, in June, 2022, the EPA revised its prior advisory guidance set in 2016 at 70 parts per trillion down to .004 parts per trillion, after announcing the compounds were more concerning than EPA had previously thought.

Key Take Away – Pennsylvania joins a growing list of states that are actively reviewing and setting standards on what is acceptable and not in drinking water, soil, products, food packaging, and other consumer products. The new PA rule will require testing, reporting and treatment for affected water which exceeds the noted standard.

Duane Morris has an active PFAS Team to help organizations and individuals plan, respond to, and execute on your PFAS issues and initiatives. We would be happy to discussion your concerns and objectives and how new rules, regulations and rulings might apply to you. For more information or if you have any questions about this post, please contact Lindsay Brown, Brad A. Molotsky, Alyson Walker Lotman, Alice Shanahan,  Seth Cooley, Sharon Caffrey or the attorney in the firm with whom you in regular contact or the attorney in the firm with whom you are regularly in contact.

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