Webinar: Investigations and College Operations – Best Practices for Internal Investigations and Responding to Government Investigations and Inquiries

Duane Morris will present the next entry in its webinar series, Boot Camp for Education Legal Leadership: Higher Education at the Political and Legal Crossroads: Protecting Your Institution’s Mission During a Time of Uncertainty, Investigations and College Operations – Best Practices for Internal Investigations and Responding to Government Investigations and Inquiries, to be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern | 11:00 a.m. Pacific.


About the Program

This session geared toward general counsel, human resources officers and staff with compliance responsibilities will focus on best practices and strategies for conducting effective internal investigations, preparing for and responding to external inquiries and reaching optimal resolutions. We will also discuss recent investigative and enforcement activity by federal and state agencies that may impact colleges and universities of all types.

  • Types of investigations: Federal agency, legislative, state attorney general, Title IX and others
  • Pre-investigation considerations: Determining the purpose, scope, potential disclosures and plan
  • Privilege considerations
  • Roles and use of inside and outside counsel, non-lawyers and third parties
  • Public relations strategies
  • Litigation, negotiation and settlement considerations
  • Relevant legal developments

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