SAFE Banking Act Reintroduced in the House with Broad Support

Seth Goldberg
Seth A. Goldberg

With the explicit support of the American Banking Association, and after passing in the House during the last congress, the SAFE Banking Act was reintroduced in the House on March 18, and a companion Act is expected to be introduced in the Senate next week. The proposed legislation would allow financial institutions to provide their services to cannabis – marijuana and hemp – clients without fear of federal sanctions. The proposed legislation enjoys bi-partisan support, and is in “position A” for passing in 2021.  

Given the billions of dollars of revenues, including tax dollars, generated by the industry, which are generated by cannabis companies and companies that provide services to the industry, cannabis banking is truly a public concern. The very laws that seek to create transparency as to the public fisc, such as the Bank Secrecy Act, have forced cannabis to be a cash business, which means not all of the cannabis dollars may be accounted for as in other industries, thereby undermining the objectives of those laws.  The SAFE Banking Act would resolve those concerns by allowing core and ancillary companies to utilize all of the electronic banking, checking, payroll, and accounting functionality that businesses in all other industries enjoy. There is no question the passage of this legislation would provide a game-changing boost to the cannabis space.

Cannabis – Proposed Federal Bill, the CLAIM Act, to ease access to insurance for Cannabis Related Businesses

Earlier this week (March 18, 2021), U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley (R-KY), Bob Menendez (D – NJ) and Rand Paul (R – KY) introduced a law, the Clarifying Law Around Insurance of Marijuana Act of 2021 (the “CLAIM Act“) to enable access to insurance coverage for cannabis businesses.

Named the “Clarifying Law Around Insurance of Marijuana Act of 2021“, the bill is intended to ease federal restrictions around insuring businesses related to cannabis growth, processing and dispensing.

Per NJ BIZ, 44 states have enacted some type of legal cannabis – whether medical, recreational or both.  This past election season saw voters in New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, Mississippi and South Dakota approve legal adult use cannabis; and last month, New Jersey enacted legislation to officially legalize and regulate adult use cannabis.

The goal of the CLAIM Act according to Senator Paul is to stop legitimate businesses from being shut out from obtaining basic business protections.

Insurance Products – Under the proposed CLAIM Act, cannabis businesses would be permitted full and legal access to insurance products such as worker’s compensation, property, casualty and title insurance. Currently,  state-authorized cannabis businesses are often denied access to the insurance market because the businesses could be prosecuted or face penalties under the Controlled Substances Act (a federal law).

Policy Limitations – Under the proposed CLAIM Act, insurers couldn’t be penalized or discouraged from providing coverage to a state-sanctioned and regulated cannabis business or ancillary business; and policies could not be limited solely because the insurer engaged with a cannabis-related business.

Supervisory Actions – Under the proposed CLAIM Act, according to NJ Biz, the federal government wouldn’t be able to take any adverse or corrective supervisory action on a policy to an owner or operator of a cannabis-related business or real estate or equipment that is leased to a cannabis-related business, solely because the owner or operator is engaged with cannabis or cannabis-related business.

The CLAIM Act represents a big step for cannabis related and ancillary businesses and would enable them to more easily access insurance related products that up until this point have been denied to them.

Duane Morris has an over 62 person Cannabis Practice Group that focuses on regulatory licensing, funds creation and raising, structuring, real estate related lease and ownership issues and intellectual property matters in the Cannabis arena.

If you have questions regarding the above post, please do not hesitate to contact Brad A. Molotsky, Tracy Gallegos, Christiane Schuman Campbell, Paul Josephson or Seth Goldberg or any other attorney you regularly contact at the firm.

Be well and stay safe.

More to Clean Up? NJ Adult Use Law Prohibition on Incentives May Make It Even Harder to Plant Your Garden

New Jersey’s landmark adult use statute, signed by Governor Phillip D. Murphy on February 22, 2021, has already set off a land grab. Prospective applicants searching for viable properties are discovering that viable real estate is hard to come by. New Jersey’s warehouse/industrial market remains red hot notwithstanding the pandemic thanks to ecommerce, making it hard to find attractive properties suitable for cultivation facilities. Institutional ownership and financing of these properties prevail in the market, making it harder still to find landlords or lenders willing to deal with cannabis tenants.

New Jersey’s famously difficult and time consuming land use process makes siting almost any business in its 560+ towns a considerable challenge. A dispensary will almost assuredly attract even more than the usual number of objectors. Though 2/3ds of New Jersey voters approved legalizing cannabis, there remains a distinct view that dispensaries should be located in some other town, not in my backyard. It remains to be seen whether the up to 2% municipal tax on retail sales will soften these views.

Add another challenge to this list: Section 37 of the adult use law prohibits any entity issued any cannabis license from receiving any state or local economic incentive. In addition, the issuance of any cannabis license to a “person or entity that has been awarded” a state or local economic incentive “shall invalidate the right of the person or entity to benefit from the economic incentive as of the date of issuance of the license.”

What is a state or local incentive? For these purposes, any “financial incentive”  awarded  by the state, county or local government or any of their authorities “for the purpose of stimulating economic development or redevelopment in New Jersey, including, but not limited to, a bond, grant, loan, loan guarantee, matching fund, tax credit, or other tax expenditure.”

That appears to mean a cannabis company cannot take advantage of any incentive or financing from the Economic Development Authority, for example to rehabilitate a closed or contaminated property or to develop innovative technologies. Cannabis companies may not be eligible for a clean energy grant or loan for sustainable energy, or, it seems, even a routine local tax abatement.

This provision has its genesis in the desire to ensure that those granted the privilege of a valuable cannabis franchise not take advantage of New Jersey’s  Farmland Tax Assessment program, by which property owners who operate farms receive generous allowances from New Jersey’s typically sky high local property taxes. The Farmland Credit is intended to encourage the preservation of farms and open space, especially in the face of suburban development.

But recent well-publicized concerns that state economic incentives had been improperly issued by state agencies or abused by recipients appears to have expanded this notion. The intent seems to be to prevent incentives, which are intended to spur economic development that wouldn’t otherwise occur “but for” the state or local incentive, from being directed toward cannabis licensees, who arguably are highly incented to build without the need for public largesse.

While this proposition is plausible enough on its face, we question whether cannabis companies should be treated differently from any other business operating in a high cost state like New Jersey. If New Jersey wants to leverage its pharma strength and attract the capital investment in cannabis technology and cannabis therapies it needs to be a national leader in cannabis, this provision will most assuredly inhibit the establishment of these high value businesses in the state.

But the biggest problem for cannabis companies hunting for property arises from Section 37’s draconian consequences for property owners who rent to cannabis companies:

    • “a property owner, developer, or operator of a project to be used, in whole or in part, by or to benefit” a cannabis license “shall not be eligible for  a  State or local  economic incentive during the period of time that the economic incentive is in effect.”
    • the issuance of a cannabis license “at a location that is the subject of a State or local economic incentive shall invalidate the right of a property owner, developer, or operator to benefit from the economic incentive as of the date of issuance of the license.”

If siting a cannabis business will invalidate any economic incentive on which a developer relied, property hounds will find those properties to be off the table.

It seems likely this well-intentioned portion of the legislation will:

    • raise the retail price of cannabis,
    • discourage cannabis cultivators from adopting sustainable, low carbon energy solutions, and
    • worst of all, inhibit siting facilities in urban and urban-adjacent towns, where redevelopment zones and tax abatements are prolific.

The provision effectively prohibits landlords who have received any form of state or local incentive from leasing any portion of their property to cannabis businesses, at the risk of losing the entire incentive on which their project was financed. This will limit the number of available properties for growing and selling cannabis. In turn, this will drive up the rents and selling prices of the few remaining properties. Inevitably, increased property costs will  be reflected in higher cannabis pricing that will be borne by patients and adult use consumers alike. If incentives remained intact despite a cannabis tenant, input costs and retail prices will be lower.

On its face, it seems that clean energy and angel investor incentives all other businesses enjoy may also be off the table for cannabis businesses. This would fly in the face of the need and desire of the power-hungry cultivation segment of the cannabis industry to adopt sustainable and low-carbon energy practices. We remain hopeful a favorable interpretation or creative lawyering can solve this problem.

But worst of all, this provision will make it especially difficult to locate cannabis businesses in urban redevelopment areas like Jersey City, Newark, Camden and elsewhere, where local payments in lieu of tax arrangements are typically required to spur small and large projects, whether mixed use, retail, office, or industrial. In most cases, the most profitable urban retail locations will be in redeveloped areas benefitted by incentives. The most available urban cultivation sites will be contaminated properties requiring significant investment to rehabilitate and bring back on the tax rolls.

Given the need to ensure that communities ravished by the war on drugs share in the upside of a legal cannabis market, we are hopeful that legislators will revisit this provision. We need to reconsider and recalibrate this language to ensure we do not discourage cannabis businesses in urban areas or inhibit the adoption of clean energy strategies that will reduce carbon emissions that disproportionately affect urban areas.

New Jersey’s lawmakers have historically been open to clean up measures to fix the unintended consequences of well intentioned legislation. Here’s hoping they do.

In the meanwhile, if you are hunting for New Jersey property, be sure to inquire early on about the existence of incentives that may take that shiny new warehouse off your list.





FTC Approves Consent Orders Against CBD Manufacturers

Seth Goldberg
Seth A. Goldberg

As I previously wrote, in December 2020 the FTC announced consent agreements reached with CBD manufacturers 1) Bionatrol Health, LLC; 2) Epichouse LLC (First Class Herbalist CBD); 3) CBD Meds, Inc.; 4) HempmeCBD; 5) Reef Industries, Inc.; and 6) Steves Distributing, LLC, in connection with a “crackdown” the FTC termed “Operation CBDeceit” for allegedly spurious health claims. The FTC today followed up that announcement with an announcement that those consent orders have been approved by the FTC in unanimous votes as to each. These manufacturers will now be required to comply with the consent orders, which could include fines and ceasing to make “unsupported health claims” in connection with the marketing of their products. 

Bipartisan Adult-Use Bill To Be Introduced in Pennsylvania

Seth Goldberg
Seth A. Goldberg

Senators Dan Laughlin (R) and Sharif Street (D) are introducing legislation that would legalize marijuana for adult recreational use in Pennsylvania. This is the first time a republican senator has backed such a bill. The proposed legislation will attempt to generate revenue for the commonwealth and to promote social equity by way of increasing the number of licenses to operate, imposing a 6% sales tax, and imposing a 10% excise tax that would go toward a Cannabis Business Development Fund to provide aid, grants, and technical assistance to businesses and individuals in areas that have been disproportionately impacted by criminal prosecution for cannabis violations. Expungement of cannabis crimes would also be available.

Laughlin’s pragmatic views may encourage his republican colleagues in PA’s legislature to join him. As Laughlin stated during a press conference: “Our proposal prioritizes safety and social equity. And furthermore, it will let Pennsylvania’s robust agricultural industry participate in marijuana cultivation.” And both Laughlin and Street encouraged PA legislators to keep pace with lawmakers in New Jersey and New York, stating in their co-sponsorship memo: “This year our neighbors in New Jersey have signed adult use marijuana into law and our neighbors in New York are likely to legalize. It is our duty to taxpayers to seize the initiative and legalize marijuana concurrently with bordering states. Failure to do so risks permanently ceding hundreds of millions of dollars of new tax revenue as well as thousands of jobs at a time when taxpayers can least afford it.”


New Jersey’s Legal Cannabis Framework Creates Economic Opportunity with an Eye to Social Justice

On February 22, 2021, Governor Murphy signed into law The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, regulating cannabis use and possession for adults 21 years and older. The ratification of the bill follows a protracted legislative logjam since Election Day, when New Jersey voters overwhelmingly approved a mandate to provide the infrastructure for the legalization of cannabis in the state. The legalization immediately decriminalizes certain amounts of marijuana and hashish statewide. Meanwhile, the recreational production and sale remains subject to regulatory schemes not yet enacted.

Continue reading “New Jersey’s Legal Cannabis Framework Creates Economic Opportunity with an Eye to Social Justice”

Merrick Garland’s Comments Suggest Return to Cole-like Prioritization

Seth Goldberg
Seth A. Goldberg

During his confirmation hearing on February 22, 2021, Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland’s comments hearkened back to the Obama-era de-prioritization of enforcement against marijuana-related crimes under the Cole memorandum, stating: “This is a question of the prioritization of our resources and prosecutorial discretion… It does not seem to me a useful use of limited resources that we have, to be pursuing prosecutions in states that have legalized and that are regulating the use of marijuana, either medically or otherwise. I don’t think that’s a useful use.”

In addition, Garland explained that social justice warranted such deprioritizing, acknowledging that people of color are arrested for non-violent marijuana-related crimes at far greater rates than white people.  According to Garland, the federal government should not be expending resources criminalizing non-violent marijuana related crimes, as doing so in the past “has disproportionately affected communities of color and damaged them after the original arrest because of the inability to get jobs.”

While proposed legislation such as the MORE Act and the SAFE Banking Act could provide greater certainty for the cannabis industry, until such time as laws like those are passed, the establishment of priorities regarding federal enforcement of state-legal cannabis would encourage greater participation in the cannabis industry, as the risks of federal enforcement would become more clear and thus easier to weigh against the rewards of entering the still emerging market.  The DOJ has been largely hands off of the state-legal cannabis market since the Cole memorandum, even though it was rescinded by AG Session, but clarity from Merrick Garland would nonetheless be very well-received by industry participants.


NJ – Governor Murphy signs Adult Use Cannabis Bill – Now Adult Use Cannabis is Law of the Garden State

Earlier today, February 22, 2021, NJ Governor Murphy signed legislation to create an adult use/recreational marijuana marketplace, decriminalize cannabis and loosen certain penalties for underage possession of the drug and alcohol.  NJ joins 13 other states (and the District of Columbia) which have legalized adult use marijuana including Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington and Washington, D. C. 

The Assembly and Senate passed a compromise bill to address most of Governor’s concerns that had held up the signing of the Bills – these areas mostly focused on easing penalties on underage possession of both alcohol and marijuana.

Under the law, NJ adults may legally purchase and possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana; retail sales will be taxed with 70% of such revenue being dedicated to lower income communities; a Cannabis Regulatory Commission will be established and oversee licensing; NJ will allocate 37 new grower licenses over the next 2 years; and currently licensed medical cannabis retail operations will be eligible to sell adult use cannabis.

The firm has an active Cannabis and Hemp practice, with over 65 lawyers who counsel businesses and investors in the regulatory and licensing area, the funds formation and fund raising arena, the leasing and acquisition of real estate fronts and the patents, trademarks and IP area of the cannabis and hemp industry. 

We can be reached at any of the following email addresses and will direct your inquiry to the appropriate person within our Cannabis and Hemp Taskforce –;;; or

Be safe.


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