What Philly Employment Lawyers Are Telling Their ‘Terrified Clients’ About the Coronavirus

Three weeks ago, some of the most common questions employment lawyer Jonathan Segal’s clients asked about COVID-19 included whether they could allow employees to work from home or travel for business.

With the virus quickly spreading across the U.S., the Duane Morris partner said those same business executives are now asking what to do if an employee cannot work from home or how to handle cutting jobs, hours or salaries.

To read more of Mr. Segal’s remarks from an excerpt of this article, please visit the Duane Morris website.

CARES Act Offers Small Businesses Relief Through Paycheck Protection Program

On the evening of March 25, 2020, the Senate approved the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act legislation (CARES Act), providing over $2 trillion of relief designed to ease some of the economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. This legislation still requires approval from both the House and president, which is expected over the next few days. The relief package is the largest in history and includes relief for businesses and individuals.

This Alert highlights the small-business section of the CARES Act and the creation of the Paycheck Protection Program, which provides cash flow and liquidity through loan opportunities for small businesses, sole proprietors and independent contractors across various industries. Additional detail will be provided as the Small Business Administration drafts implementing regulations, which is required to occur within 15 days once the CARES Act becomes effective.

To read the full text of this Duane Morris Alert, please visit the firm website.

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Pass COVID-19 Emergency Response Bills

On the evening of March 25, 2020, the Pennsylvania Senate and House of Representatives unanimously voted to approve a number of COVID-19 emergency response bills in an effort to adapt to the continued public health emergency caused by the pandemic. The bills are currently awaiting final approval by Governor Tom Wolf.

To read the full text of this Duane Morris Alert, please visit the firm website.

High-Demand Workers See Benefits Boost Amid Pandemic

President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill Friday, but some employers stepped up and started enacting or strengthening policies meant to help protect and provide for their workers before the federal government got in gear.

Temporary pay increases and expanded paid leave policies are among some of the benefits employers started offering as the nation grapples with the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that emerged at the end of 2019. […]

W. Michael Gradisek, who chairs the employee benefits and executive compensation practice at Duane Morris LLP, said that he has been fielding a lot of questions about continuing benefits to furloughed employees.

Companies are trying to do the right thing for their workers, Gradisek said, but while that might seem simple, it can actually be quite complicated.

Some employers have been trying to convey that while they can’t pay employee salaries while shut down, they still value the workers and want them to return when things are up and running again, he said.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty, but I don’t think people are totally throwing in the towel yet,” Gradisek said.

To read the full article, visit the Law360 website (subscription required).

COVID-19 Shows Fed Cannabis Policy is Unsustainable

[…]The COVID-19 pandemic is drastically altering our lives but difficult times are able to expose many truths, including the understanding that legalization and safe access to cannabis is critical, especially during a crisis. […]

Although states are restricting access to public places and prohibiting gatherings, many governors have designated cannabis dispensaries as an “essential service.” […]

“Opponents of federal legalization are likely to argue the categorization was merely a natural extension of the law in states that have already legalized medical marijuana to treat certain conditions, and that the uniqueness of the COVID-19 situation limits the ‘essential’ designation to that very urgent and unprecedented fact pattern,” Seth Goldberg, attorney and partner at Duane Morris LLP told mg.

To read excerpts of this article and for a link to the full text, please visit the Duane Morris website.

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