Colorado Privacy Act’s Universal Opt-Out Provision Goes Into Effect July 1, 2024

While the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) has already been in effect, as of July 1, 2024, companies that meet the threshold compliance criteria for CPA and that engage in the processing of personal data for purposes of targeted advertising or the sale of personal data (“covered entities”) must implement a universal opt-out mechanism, which allows users to more easily exercise their opt-out rights with these covered entities. Specifically, a universal opt-out mechanism allows a user to configure their internet browser settings, and as a result, the websites the user visits from that browser automatically receive the user’s opt-out signal. As of July 1, 2024, covered entities must recognize and honor a user’s opt-out preferences where communicated through a universal opt-out mechanism.

Read the full Alert  on the Duane Morris LLP website.

Benefits and Risks of AI in California’s Generative AI Report

Following Governor Newsom’s September 2023 Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence, the California’s state administration released a report analyzing the potential benefits and risks surrounding the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (“GenAI”) within the state government (“Report”). This is the first of many steps called for under the Executive Order.  

To read the full text of this post by  Milagros  Astesiano and Ariel Seidner, ,please  visit the Duane Morris Artificial Intelligence Blog.

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