Law Firms Are Potentially Vulnerable To Phishing Attacks

recent study just published by 250ok, an email analytics company, provides some apparent disturbing news — a whopping 62% of the top 100 global law firms currently fail to achieve the minimum level of email authentication to safeguard law firm staff and clients from phishing attacks.

In its study, 250ok discusses Domain-based Message Authentication and Reporting Conformance (DMARC). According to 250ok: (a) a DMARC reject policy safeguards recipients by requesting that malicious email be blocked from arriving in an inbox, and (b) a quarantine policy requests that such malicious email be placed in a spam-type folder, while (c) no policy at all allows malicious email to go into an inbox. (The study does not explain how an email is determined to be a malicious phishing email on the front end).  Continue reading “Law Firms Are Potentially Vulnerable To Phishing Attacks”

American Universities Under Siege By Cyberattacks

American universities are being bombarded by cyberattacks, according to a recent New York Times article.

These universities are being hit with millions of hacking attempts per week, and some of those attempts have succeeded in obtaining personal and other data.

Unfortunately, at times these data compromises are not discovered until long after the fact, if at all.

Continue reading “American Universities Under Siege By Cyberattacks”

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