HHS Releases “Strategic Framework on Multiple Chronic Conditions”

On December 14, 2010, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) released its “Strategic Framework on Multiple Chronic Conditions” (the “Framework”). HHS describes the Framework as an “innovative private-public sector collaboration to coordinate responses to a growing challenge.” It was developed by a departmental workgroup with most of HHS’ operating divisions participating. HHS has identified four goals of the Framework, including (1) improving the health of individuals with multiple chronic conditions through system changes; (2) increasing the use of self-care management; (3) providing more information and better tools to help health professionals caring for individuals with multiple chronic conditions; and (4) facilitating research on interventions and systems that will benefit those with multiple chronic conditions. Going forward, HHS will coordinate the Framework and will solicit input from agencies within HHS and stakeholders from the private sector.

To learn more about the Framework, please go to: http://www.hhs.gov/ash/initiatives/mcc/.

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