DOJ Enforcing Stark Law Violations Through False Claims Act

Seth Goldberg
Seth Goldberg

The Stark Law, or Physician Self-Referral Law, 42 U.S.C. § 1395nn, prohibits physicians from referring patients to an entity for “designated health services,” such as inpatient hospital, laboratory, or radiology services, in which the physician has a financial relationship, such as an ownership interest or compensation arrangements where the remuneration exceeds fair market value.  Although there is no private right of action under the Stark Law, an alleged Stark Law violation can provide the basis for a civil qui tam or whistleblower action under the False Claims Act.

For example, in March 2024, in United States ex rel. Lisa Parker v. Mohammad Athari M.D., et al. (4:20-cv-02056), the DOJ intervened and settled a claim for Stark Law violations where the qui tam relator asserted that a Houston-based physician had allegedly referred neurology patients to a diagnostic imaging center the physician owned.  The settlement also resolved allegations that the physician falsely billed for medically unnecessary services under Medicare Part B.  The whistleblower received 18% of the $1.8 millon settlement.  Similarly, in October 2023, the DOJ intervened and settled the qui tam action styled U.S. ex rel. Pinto v. Cardiac Imaging, Inc., et al., No. 18-cv-2674 (S.D. Tex.), where the defendant, Cardiac Imaging Inc. and its owner, paid referring cardiologists fees exceeding fair market value for their referrals.  The settlement value totaled $85,480,000.

While the anti-kickback laws are often the vehicle for claims under the False Claims Act, healthcare providers and entities doing business with them should be aware of the potential for Stark Law claims arising out of compensation arrangements for services and be focused on compliance accordingly.



Health Insurance Price-Fixing Cartel Alleged Against Multiplan and Insurers

Seth Goldberg
Seth Goldberg

Providers in a putative class action filed on May 7, 2024, claim that Multiplan and certain named insurers in its network are a “cartel” that has agreed to underprice out-of-network reimbursement paid to providers in the Multiplan network in violation of federal antitrust laws.  The Complaint, filed in the District of Illinois as Live Well Chiropractic PLLC, et al. v. Multiplan, Inc., et al., (D. IL Civ. No. 1:24-cv–3680), alleges that Multiplan uses an algorithm that Multiplan clams “reprices” OON services based on historical reimbursements to providers providing the same services, and then “overrides” that amount to pay lower rates agreed upon by Multiplan and the insurers.   According to the Complaint the insurers, who are allegedly horizontal competitors, provide competitively sensitive information about their reimbursement that they would not provide in a competitive market, and many serve on a Multiplan advisory board that meets in furtherance of the conspiracy to fix prices.  A key component of the alleged price-fixing is Multiplan’s requirement that providers in its network agree not to balance bill patients for payments not made by the insurers.  The Complaint alleges that Multiplan and the insurers have made billions off the alleged anticompetitive conduct, and seeks damages and injunctive relief.  

Does Multiplan Contract Leave Providers Exposed?

Seth Goldberg
Seth Goldberg

In the matter styled The Plastic Surgery Center, P.A., v. Cigna Health and Life Insurance, et al., (3d Cir. No. 23-1096), the Third Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the District of New Jersey’s decision that the plaintiff provider, TPSC, could not recover against Multiplan for Cigna’s underpayment for breast reconstruction surgery under the commercial contract between TPSC and Multiplan.

Under that contract, TPSC agreed to become a member of Multiplan’s network of healthcare providers, and Multiplan agreed to use reasonable efforts to market to TPSC to payors who, like Cigna, contract with Multiplan to pay for services provided to Cigna’s insured’s by providers in Multiplan’s network. Under the TPSC/Multiplan contract, Multiplan agrees that provider will be paid 85% of charges, less deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance. Cigna reimbursed TPSC approximately $2000 for a procedure for which TPSC charged approximately $158,000, and TPSC sued Cigna and Multiplan for the difference claiming Multiplan promised TPSC would be paid 85% of charges. In affirming the dismissal of that claim under basic principles of contract law, the Third Circuit determined that nothing in the TPSC/Multiplan contract guaranteed TPSC would be paid 85% of charges. The claims against Cigna had been dismissed by the trial court without appeal on the basis that the denial of any additional reimbursement was not arbitrary or capricious.

This may be an important to decision for the thousands of providers who have similar contracts with Multiplan, as payors may use it as a backstop for underpaying.  This decision may be used to argue that a contract between the provider and Multiplan does not give a provider recourse to the payor for any underpayments or obligate Multiplan for them.  However, the Third Circuit noted that TPSC did not claim the Multiplan contract was illusory.

Private Equity Driven Healthcare Market Consolidation Scrutinized

Seth Goldberg
Seth Goldberg

Earlier this month, the Antitrust Division of the DOJ, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission announced a joint cross-government inquiry into the control over health care by private equity firms and other corporate owners, and, in conjunction with that announcement, released a Request for Information seeking public comment from stakeholders, including patients, consumer advocates, doctors, nurses, health care administrators, employers,  private insurers, PBMs, GPOs, nursing homes, hospices, home health agencies, hospitals, and other health care providers, facilities, providers of and entities that provide ancillary health care products or services, on how mergers and acquisitions have effected them, and what actions, if any, should be taken by the federal government to address adverse impacts that might result from market consolidation or corporate control issues.  In a related press release, the FTC explained: 

Private equity firms and other corporate owners are increasingly involved in health care system transactions, and, at times, those transactions may lead to a maximizing of profits at the expense of quality care. The cross-government inquiry seeks to understand how certain health care market transactions may increase consolidation and generate profits for firms while threatening patients’ health, workers’ safety, quality of care, and affordable health care for patients and taxpayers.

The public comment period will end on May 6, 2024.   

Healthcare False Claims Act Judgments/Settlements Lead Way in 2023

Seth Goldberg
Seth Goldberg

The DOJ recently reported that two-thirds of the $2.68 billion in False Claims Act judgments and settlements in 2023, or $1.8 billion, came from the healthcare industry.  2023 also marked the highest number of FCA settlements and judgments in a year, totaling 543.

The treble damages that result from FCA violations provide a powerful tool to the federal government to root out fraudsters who knowingly defraud the U.S. or fail to pay money owed to the U.S.  As Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, stated, “the record-breaking number of recoveries reflects, those who seek to defraud the government will pay a high price.”

Healthcare FCA settlements and judgments spanned the industry, including managed care providers, hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, long-term acute care facilities, and physicians.  FCA claims settled or decided included charges against providers for overbilling and medically unnecessary billing, and charges against insurers for submitting inaccurate information, such as diagnosis codes, in order to increase reimbursement.  Kickbacks and lab testing fraud were also the subject of FCA settlements and judgments.


Federal and State Antitrust Enforcers Reiterate Focus on Healthcare

Federal and state antitrust enforcers are keenly focused on potential anticompetitive conduct in the healthcare space.

Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Kahn recently noted that “the FTC is squarely focused on tackling illegal business practices that deprive Americans of access to affordable and innovative healthcare” in a speech to the American Medical Association’s national advocacy conference.  According to Chair Kahn, medical professional consistently express frustration to the FTC “about how the business of healthcare today forces many [medical providers] to subordinate [their] own medical judgment to corporate decision-makers at the expense of patient health.” In response to those complaints, Chair Khan highlighted a few recent enforcement efforts, including scrutiny of group purchasing organizations, drug wholesalers, and pharmacy benefit managers; tackling unlawful consolidation in healthcare markets and roll-ups of healthcare providers. She also touted the FTC’s work protecting healthcare workers, tackling unlawful practices by pharmaceutical companies, including suits to block two major pharmaceutical mergers, and protecting patient privacy and data.

Continue reading “Federal and State Antitrust Enforcers Reiterate Focus on Healthcare”

EMR Software Utilizing AI Targeted for Fraud and Abuse


Seth Goldberg
Seth Goldberg

Artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance efficiencies in providing healthcare in many ways, one of which is by utilizing algorithms to read medical records and thereby assist providers in better understanding their patients and treatments that may be available. Increasingly, electronic medical review (EMR) software companies are utilizing AI to boost their products, offering hospitals, healthcare facilities, and physicians powerful tools that can enhance their decision-making as to operations and treatment.  Recently, it was reported that DOJ has subpoenaed the records of digital health companies and pharmaceutical companies in investigating whether AI may be used to steer treatment decisions, resulting in medically unnecessary anti-kickback and false claims violations.  Given the speed at which AI creates information and then expands upon it with compounding effect, determining whether AI is the subject of and resulting in fraud may not be straightforward.  However, AI related healthcare fraud and abuse actions are clearly on DOJ’s radar and will likely become increasingly common.  Hospitals, healthcare facilities, and physicians should be aware of the possibility that ERM systems could be the subject of AI fraud, and be careful not to turn a blind eye where it curiously seems to be generating results disproportionately in favor of one treatment or drug over or another.

CMS Rules for Coding Emergency Department Claims

By Gregory A. Brodek and Arti Fotedar

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has consistently authorized hospitals to establish and utilize their own coding guidelines for emergency department facility claims. CMS makes clear that “[a]s long as the services furnished are documented and medically necessary and the facility is following its own system, which reasonably relates the intensity of hospital resources to the different levels of HCPCS codes, we will assume that it is in compliance with these reporting requirements as they relate to the clinic/ emergency department visit code reported on the bill.” 65 Fed. Reg. 18433, 18451 (Apr. 7, 2000). CMS also makes clear that “[t]he coding guidelines should be applied consistently across patients in the clinic or emergency department to which they apply” and should be verifiable by hospital staff and outside sources. 72 Fed. Reg. 66759, 66805 (Nov. 27, 2007). Continue reading “CMS Rules for Coding Emergency Department Claims”

FTC Wields Health Breach Notification Rule for First Time in Quest to Protect Consumer Health Information

By Samantha Dalmass and Melissa Sobel Snyder

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) is seeking enforcement under the Health Breach Notification Rule for the first time since the rule was adopted in 2009. The Health Breach Notification Rule (16 C.F.R. Part 318) requires vendors of personal health records, PHR-related entities, and third party service providers that are not otherwise subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) to notify their customers and individuals whose personal health records are disclosed in the event of a breach or unauthorized disclosure. In its complaint filed against GoodRx on January 1, 2023, the FTC targets the digital health platform, alleging that it repeatedly violated the promises it has made to its customers regarding its protection of their personal health information, including that such information would be shared only with limited third parties and for limited purposes; that GoodRx would restrict such third parties’ use of customer information; and that it would never share personal health information with advertisers or other third parties. Continue reading “FTC Wields Health Breach Notification Rule for First Time in Quest to Protect Consumer Health Information”

340B Hospital Reimbursement Update: D.C. District Court Remands Underpayment Remedy to HHS

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued an important ruling allowing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to propose an appropriate retrospective remedy for underpayments made from 2018 through September 27, 2022, to hospitals participating in the 340B drug pricing program.

To read the full text of this Duane Morris Alert, please visit the firm website.

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