Duane Morris Special Counsel Michael E. Clark to Present on “The Physician and Attorney Relationship in a Fraud Audit”

Duane Morris special counsel Michael E. Clark will be speaking on “The Physician and Attorney Relationship in a Fraud Audit: Working Through Related Ethical Issues,” during the Physicians Legal Issues Conference presented by the American Bar Association Health Law Section in conjunction with the Chicago Medical Society and the American College of Physician Executives. Mr. Clark’s presentation will be on Friday, June 13, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. until 9:15 a.m. at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

A governmental fraud audit is one of the issues that can haunt almost every practicing physician who participates in federal or state reimbursement programs. The findings of an audit may have far-reaching consequences that could result in potential financial, civil or criminal liabilities for a physician or a physician’s practice. The panel will discuss the general process of an audit and the ideal working relationship with the physician and practice, as well as numerous ethical tensions that may arise in representing a physician and a physician’s practice and ways to best guide the doctor through the audit maze. Practical issues that may arise as attorneys represent physicians before audits from a commercial insurance payer, Medicare RAC auditor or other federal or state agency will also be addressed. CLE Ethics Credit is available for this session.

About the Physicians Legal Issues Conference

This annual conference explores cutting-edge issues unique to physicians and their counsel in today’s healthcare environment. The ABA Health Law Section and the Chicago Medical Society have partnered together to present on the most essential, up-to-date topics facing lawyers and physicians, featuring a diverse faculty comprising the best in the industry. Targeted toward all physicians and attorneys who work with healthcare-related cases, the conference will include practical sessions on physician practice options and the legal documents that accompany each option. Attendees will receive a medical-legal overview of changes in the healthcare delivery systems, their impact on the practice of medicine and various strategies to meet these challenges.

To learn more, please view the conference brochure; and to register, please visit the American Bar Association website.

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