Duane Morris Special Counsel Michael E. Clark to Moderate Tweet Chat: Ebola and Legal Issues Raised by Reactions

Duane Morris special counsel Michael E. Clark will moderate a free Tweet Chat that is being hosted by the ABA Health Law Section on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 12:00 noon EST/11:00 a.m. CST.

About the Program

The Health Law Section’s second Tweet Chat will be held on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 12:00 noon EST / 11:00 am CST. The hashtag for the Tweet Chat will be #HLSChat. The Section’s Twitter account is @abahealthlaw. Follow the account for more information. The moderator for the chat will be the Section’s Chair, Michael Clark (@MichaelEClark). Also participating will be Kirk Nahra, @KirkJNahrawork an expert on privacy issues, and Melissa Markey, an expert on pandemics.

The topic is Ebola and legal issues raised by reactions. This is a popular topic in light of many fears about an outbreak in the United States and wanting to learn about treatment of individuals who have come back with the virus. Please join us to discuss these issues and share your ideas, thoughts and insights.

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