TCPA: Health Care Exemption

The U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois recently held that a plaintiff’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) suit survived a motion to dismiss due to a lack of an established patient-provider relationship, when ruling on the health care exemption in the context of phone calls from an eye care provider.  The consumer had made an inquiry with the eye care provider but did not receive care, and thus, the exemption may not apply.

In Murtoff v. MyEyeDr. LLC, the Plaintiff sent an email to Defendant asking about the cost of a new pair of eyeglasses.  Plaintiff then began receiving automated phone calls from Defendant and its corporate entity regarding scheduling eye exams.  Plaintiff asked that the call stop, but they continued.

Plaintiff filed a putative class action, alleging violations of the TCPA.  Defendants filed a partial motion to dismiss regarding the part of the claim that relied on the lack of prior express written consent, asserting that the calls were health care messages.

The District Court analyzed that the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has issued two health care exemptions for the TCPA, one of which was potentially applicable to this case.  Similar to the Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) health care exception to its Telemarketing Sales Rule, the 2012 exemption covers any call that “Delivers a ‘health care’ message made by, or on behalf of, a ‘covered entity’ or its ‘business associate.”  To determine whether the exemption applies, the District Court then analyzed the factors set forth in Zani v. Rite Aid, which includes whether the call: (1) “concerns a product or service that is inarguably health-related”; (2) “was made by or on behalf of a health care provider to a patient with whom she has an established health care treatment relationship”; and (3) “concerns the individual health care needs of the patient recipient.” 

Significantly, the District Court noted that: (1) for the second factor, Plaintiff only made an inquiry regarding the cost of eyeglasses and thus never consummated a health care treatment relationship and (2) for the third factor, the calls regarding scheduling an eye exam were generic and not individualized as to Plaintiff.  Thus, the District Court ruled that – for purposes of a motion to dismiss – Plaintiff stated a claim that the calls were made without express prior written consent.

Lessons:  First, merely being a health care business is not, alone, sufficient to invoke the TCPA health care exemption.  Second, the exemption may not apply to a generalized message which is not specific to this patient or to this category of patients.

FTC Explores Rules About Commercial Surveillance and Data Security Practices

By: Sheila Raftery Wiggins

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced that it is exploring rules to address commercial surveillance and lax data security. The FTC seeks public comment on the harms stemming from commercial surveillance and whether new rules are needed to protect people’s privacy and information.

Commercial surveillance is the business of collecting, analyzing, and profiting from information about people. The business of commercial surveillance can prompt companies to collect large quantities of consumer information, even though consumers only proactively share a small amount of this information. For example, companies reportedly surveil consumers while they are connected to the internet, including obtaining access to many aspects of the consumer’s online activities and physical movements/location.

The FTC’s concerns about commercial surveillance include:

  • Children: Some surveillance-based services may be addictive to children and lead to a wide variety of mental health and social harms.
  • Discrimination: There are concerns that the algorithms that underlie commercial surveillance may be prone to errors or bias which results in discrimination against consumers based on legally protected characteristics like race, gender, religion, and age, harming their ability to obtain housing, credit, employment, or other critical needs.
  • Condition for service: Some companies require consumers to sign up for surveillance as a condition for service. After consumers sign up, some companies change their privacy terms going forward to allow for more expansive surveillance.

For nearly 20 years, the FTC used its existing authority to bring many enforcement acts against companies for privacy and data security violations. The FTC is now exploring rules to: (1) establish clear privacy and data security requirements and (2) grant the FTC with authority to seek financial penalties for first-time violations.

The public will also have an opportunity to share their input on these topics, including during a virtual public forum on September 8, 2022.

TCPA Ruling: Fax Inviting Recipient to Take a Survey for Money Is Not An “Unsolicited Advertisement”

The Second Circuit ruled that an unsolicited faxed invitation to participate in a market research survey in exchange for money does not constitute an “unsolicited advertisement” under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 227 (“TCPA”).  Bruce Katz, M.D., P.C. v. Focus Forward, LLC, No. 21-1224 (2nd Cir. Jan. 6, 2022).

Plaintiff is a professional corporation that provides medical services.  Defendant is a market research company.  In 2019, Defendant sent Plaintiff two unsolicited faxes, addressed to the “Nurses” and “Practitioners,” seeking participants in “market research surveys” and offering $150 to participate in a “telephone interview.”

Plaintiff filed a putative class action alleging violations of the TCPA.  The TCPA prohibits the use of “any telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send, to a telephone facsimile machine, an unsolicited advertisement.”  An “unsolicited advertisement” is defined by the statute as “any material advertising the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods, or services which is transmitted to any person without that person’s prior express invitation or permission.”

The regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”), implementing the TCPA, contain an identical definition of “unsolicited advertisement.”  In 2006, the FCC promulgated a rule that construes the TCPA as specifically proscribing any faxed surveys that “serve as a pretext to an advertisement.”

In Katz, the Second Circuit reasoned that: (1) the two faxes “plainly do not advertise the availability of any property, goods, or services” and therefore “cannot reasonably be construed” as unlawful advertisements and (2) the word “property” does not appear to include money, as the word is used in the TCPA.

The Second Circuit noted that its holding may not necessarily extend to all communications, including faxed surveys, offering the recipient both money and services because such communications could incur liability under the TCPA depending on the specific content of the communication.

The Second Circuit declined to adopt the reasoning of the Third Circuit in Fischbein v. Olson Research Group, 959 F.3d 559 (3d Cir. 2020), which ruled that such faxes are advertisements because the “offer of payment in exchange for participation in a market survey is a commercial transaction, so a fax highlighting the availability of that transaction is an advertisement under the TCPA.”  Thus, the Second Circuit held that – based on the statutory text, legislative history, and FCC implementation of the TCPA – an invitation to participate in a survey, without more, is not an unsolicited advertisement under the TCPA.

Lesson:  An invitation to participate in a survey should be drafted to avoid offering “property, goods, or services” which may fall within the meaning of a “unsolicited advertisement” under the TCPA.

TCPA Ruling: Text Asking Patient To Rate The Doctor

By Sheila Raftery Wiggins

A California federal court ruled that a text asking a patient to rate the doctor – sent minutes after the examination by a company that contracts with the health care provider to send Patient Satisfaction Surveys – does not alone satisfy an inference that the text was sent by an Automatic Telephone Dialing System (“ATDS”) within the definition of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 227 (“TCPA”).  Continue reading “TCPA Ruling: Text Asking Patient To Rate The Doctor”

TCPA Ruling: Health Insurance “Update” Fax Is Not A TCPA Advertisement

By Sheila Raftery Wiggins

A federal court ruled that a fax sent by a pharmacy benefit manager (“PBM”) to healthcare providers notifying recipients of changes to insured parties’ coverage for prescriptions – the fax mentioned the PBM’s business but did not promote any products or services – did not constitute an “advertisement” under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 227 (“TCPA”).  The court applied the “commercial nature” test for a TCPA advertisement. Continue reading “TCPA Ruling: Health Insurance “Update” Fax Is Not A TCPA Advertisement”

NFTs and Fraud – a new frontier? “It’s art… but not as you know it!”

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs – digital assets which are not traded on exchanges, but instead are tokens which represent the ownership of a digital file (for example, a photo or digital art)) have exploded onto the digital asset ‘scene’ over the last 18 months or so.  They are generally (but not always) built on the Ethereum blockchain.  NFTs are bought and sold using cryptocurrency, but not traded on exchanges. Instead, they are purchased through specialist third party auction sites or sold/transferred privately.

The speed of mass NFT adoption has created significant opportunity (in the wake of the increase in value of NFTs, and also allowing content creators to monetise their services by tokenising art and music) but also exposed potential for the system to be exploited.

To read the full text of this blog post by Duane Morris attorney Chris Recker, please visit the Duane Morris London Blog.

Recent Developments on Cryptocurrency and Fraud in the UK

We are now starting to see a variety of cryptocurrency related frauds appearing before the English Court. Following the decision in AA v Persons Unknown [2019] EWHC 3556 (Comm) (where an insurer was granted a proprietary injunction as part of its strategy to recover a ransomware payment which had been negotiated and paid in Bitcoin) the English Court has dealt with several cases relating to cryptocurrency.

To read the full text of this blog post by Duane Morris attorney Chris Recker, please visit the Duane Morris London Blog.

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