Class Action Settlement Numbers Remain Robust For 2024

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Jennifer A. Riley

Duane Morris Takeaways: Corporate defendants saw unprecedented settlement numbers across all areas of class action litigation in 2022 and 2023. The cumulative value of the top ten settlements across all substantive areas of class action litigation hit near record highs in 2023, second only to the settlement numbers observed in 2022. When the numbers for 2022 and 2023 are combined, the totals signal that corporate defendants have entered a new era of heightened risks and higher stakes in the valuation of class actions. On an aggregate basis, across all areas of litigation, class actions and government enforcement lawsuits garnered more than $51.4 billion in settlements in 2023, almost as high as the record-setting $66 billion in 2022. Combined, the two-year settlement total eclipses any other two-year period in the history of American jurisprudence.

So far, 2024 is on pace with the numbers of the previous two years. As of the end of the first quarter of 2024, the aggregate settlement total across all areas of class action litigation and government enforcement lawsuits is $19.8 billion (in accounting for the top 5 settlements in the various substantive areas of law). It is anticipated that these numbers will increase across the board by the end of the year.

More Billion Dollar Class Action Settlements

So far this year, there are three settlements over the billion-dollar mark. Last year, parties resolved 14 class actions for $1 billion or more in settlements, making 24 billion-dollar settlements in the last two years. Reminiscent of the Big Tobacco settlements nearly two decades ago, 2022 and 2023 marked the most extensive set of billion-dollar class action settlements and transfer of wealth in the history of the American court system.

The Scorecard On Leading Class Actions Settlements Thus Far in 2024

The plaintiffs’ class action bar has scored rich settlements thus far in 2024 in virtually every area of class action litigation. The following list shows the totals of the top 5 settlements in 2024 so far in key areas of class action litigation:

$13.73 Billion – Products liability/mass tort class actions
$1.65 Billion – Antitrust class actions
$1.21 Billion – Securities fraud class actions
$558 Million – Consumer fraud class actions
$388.95 Million – Data breach class actions
$288 Million – ERISA class actions
$265.5 Million – Privacy class actions
$141 Million – Discrimination class actions
$139.3 Million – Wage & hour class and collective actions
$47.45 Million – Labor class actions
$47.3 Million – Government enforcement actions
$47.25 Million – Civil rights class actions
$28.93 Million – TCPA class actions
$23.71 Million – Fair Credit Reporting Act class actions

The high dollar settlements of the past two years suggested that the plaintiffs’ bar would continue to be equally, if not more aggressive, with their case filings and settlement positions. From the 2024 data, it certainly looks to be the case as we end the first part of the year.

Top Class & Collective Action Litigation Settlements In 2024

Top Antitrust Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $418 million – Burnett, et al. v. The National Association Of Realtors, Case No. 19-CV-332 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 15, 2024) (settlement agreement reached in a class action to resolve claims that broker commission rules caused home sellers across the country to pay inflated fees).
  2. $385 million – In Re Suboxone (Buprenorphine Hydrochloride and Naloxone) Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 13-MD-2445 (E.D. Penn. Feb. 27, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims brought by states, insurers, and buyers of a new dissolvable strip version of Suboxone to the market, encouraging the move from tablets to strips by allegedly misrepresenting to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that the tablets posed a risk to children of accidental consumption).
  3. $335 million – Le, et al. v. Zuffa LLC, Case No. 15-CV-1045 (D. Nev. Mar. May 6, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims that fighters’ wages were suppressed by up to $1.6 billion).
  4. $265 million – In Re Generic Pharmaceuticals Pricing Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 16-MD-2724 (E.D. Penn. May 9, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought for a class action to resolve claims by direct purchasers, end-payors and states alleging that multiple makers of generic drugs conspired to keep the prices on their products high, in violation of state laws and the federal Sherman Act).
  5. $250 million – Burnett, et al. v. The National Association Of Realtors, Case No. 19-CV-332 (N.D. Ill. Apr. 26, 2024) (settlement agreement reached with defendant Berkshire Hathaway in a class action to resolve claims that broker commission rules caused home sellers across the country to pay inflated fees).

Top Civil Rights Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1.    $17.5 million – Clark, et al. v. City Of New York, Case No. 18 Civ. 2334 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 5, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the city policy department’s policy requiring all arrested individuals to have their photograph taken without a head covering violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act).
  2. $13.7 million – Sow, et al. v. New York, Case No. 21 Civ. 533, (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 22, 2024) (final settlement approval granted for a class action resolving claims by individuals who were arrested or arrested and subjected to force by the New York City Police Department during protests in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd).
  3. $10 million – Adberg, et al. v City Of Seattle, Case No. 20-2-14351-1 (Wash. Super. Ct. Jan. 30, 2024) (settlement reached to end a lawsuit brought by more than 50 protesters who say they were brutalized by its police force during Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the summer of 2020).
  4. $4.8 million – Students For Fair Admissions, Inc., et al. v. University Of North Carolina, Case No. 14-CV-954 (M.D.N.C. Jan. 29, 2024) (the University of North Carolina agreed to cover the fees and expenses of a group founded by affirmative action advocates that won a U.S. Supreme Court challenge to the school’s consideration of race in student admissions).
  5. $1.25 million – National Coalition On Black Civic Participation, et al. v. Wohl, Case No. 20 Civ. 8668 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 8, 2024) (consent decree entered resolving a lawsuit brought by Black voters claiming that a pair of conservative conspiracy theorists engaged in a robocall campaign that spread lies about voting by mail to Black voters ahead of the 2020 election).

Top Consumer Fraud Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $145 million – In Re Kia Hyundai Vehicle Theft Marketing, Sales Practices, And Products Liability Litigation, Case No. 22-ML-3052 (N.D. Cal. July 15, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class action resolving claims that that consumers were left vulnerable to theft and damage due to vehicles being improperly manufactured with design flaws).
  2. $125 million – National Veterans Legal Services Program, et al. v. United States Of America, Case No. 16-CV-745 (D.D.C. Mar. 20, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action resolving claims challenging the legality of “excessive” PACER fees).
  3. $108 million – Elder, et al. v. Reliance Worldwide Corp., Case No. 20-CV-1596 (N.D. Ga. Jan. 9, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the defendants made and sold water heater connector hoses with defective rubber linings).
  4. $100 million – Esposito, et al. v. Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Case No. MID-L-6360-23 (N.J. Super. Mar. 22, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the company misled its customers by not disclosing certain fees in its postpaid wireless service plans).
  5. $80 million – Sorace, et al. v. Wells Fargo Bank NA, Case No. 20-CV-4318 (E.D. Penn. Feb. 15, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the bank failed to send reasonable and authenticated notices to customers whose vehicles were repossessed).

Top Data Breach Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $350 million – In Re Alphabet Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 18-CV-6245 (N.D. Cal Apr. 9, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action alleging that a software glitch led to a data breach in which Google+ users’ personal data was exposed for three years).
  2. $15 million – Salinas, et al. v. Block Inc., Case No. 22-CV-4823 (N.D. Cal. June 3, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims that a December 2021 data breach at the companies exposed personally identifiable information, account numbers and trading activity of 8.2 million people).
  3. $8.7 million – Sherwood, et al. v. Horizon Actuarial Services LLC, Case No. 22-CV-1495 (N.D. Ga. Apr. 2, 2024) (final settlement approval granted for a class action to resolve claims that employer benefit plan members’ sensitive data was exposed in a massive breach at a consulting company).
  4. $8 million – In Re Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Data Breach Litigation, Case No. 23-CV-4089 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 11, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims brought by clients of a law firm alleging their personal information was compromised in a March 2023 data breach of some of the firm’s client data).
  5. $7.25 million – In Re Lincare Holdings Inc. Data Breach Litigation, Case No. 22-CV-1472 (M.D. Fla. June 12, 2024) (final settlement approval sought/scheduled for a class action to resolve claims that the company failed to protect consumers from a 2021 data breach).

Top Discrimination Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $54 million – California Civil Rights Department v. Activision Blizzard Inc., Case No. 21STCV26571 (Cal. Super. Jan. 17, 2024) (consent decree entered for an action to resolve claims that the company engaged in gender discrimination, pay inequities, and fostered a culture of sexual harassment in the workplace).
  2. $30 million – Employees’ Retirement System Of Rhode Island v. Paul Marciano, et al., Case No. 2022-0839 (Del. Chan. Jan. 4, 2024) (final settlement approval granted for a class action to resolve claims of decades of alleged sexual misconduct by one of the company’s co-founders).
  3. $25 million – Jewett, et al. v. Oracle America Inc., Case No. 17-CIV-02669 (Cal. Super. Ct. Feb. 11, 2024) (preliminary settlement agreement sought in a class action to resolve claims that female employees were paid less than male employees).
  4. $18 million – Forsyth, et al. v. HP Inc., Case No. 16-CV-4775 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 29, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the company unlawfully pushed out hundreds of older workers as part of a workforce reduction plan in violation of the ADEA).
  5. $14 million – Randle, et al. v. SunTrust Bank Inc., Case No. 18-CV-1525 (D.D.C. Feb. 21, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims brought by Black financial advisors alleging the bank blocked them from working with lucrative clients because of their race).

Top Government Enforcement Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $16.5 million – In The Matter Of Avast Ltd., Case No. 202-3033 (FTC Jan. 19, 2024) (consent decree entered following a Federal Trade Commission lawsuit alleging that the company sold personal information to more than 100 third parties despite promising to protect consumers from online tracking).
  2. $16 million – U.S. Department Of Labor v.  Disaster Management Group LLC (DOL Jan. 24, 2024) (consent order entered following investigations into 62 government subcontractors hired to construct temporary housing and provide services to Afghan refugees at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey).
  3. $8.7 million – EEOC v. DHL Express (USA) Inc., Case No. 10-CV-6139 (N.D. Ill. Apr. 24, 2024) (consent decree entered resolving a lawsuit filed alleging that the company gave Black workers more difficult and dangerous work assignments than white employees).
  4. $3.2 million – U.S. Department Of Labor v. Geronimo Wall Systems LLC, Case No. 24-CV-607 (D. Ariz. Apr. 2, 2024), U.S. Department Of Labor v. BCK Coatings Inc., Case No. 24-CV-2049 (D. Ariz. Apr. 2, 2024), U.S. Department Of Labor vs. 4-E Painting LLC, Case No. CV-24-CV-605 (D. Ariz. Apr. 11, 2024) & U.S. Department Of Labor v. Liberty Constructors LLC, Case No. 24-CV-606 (D. Ariz. Mar. 24, 2024) (consent decrees entered following investigations into four companies by the Wage & Hour Division which the companies willfully and recklessly shortchanged the affected workers and violated the overtime and minimum wage provisions of the FLSA).
  5. $2.9 million – In Re Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. d/b/a Chipotle Mexican Grill 1083, et al., Case Nos. CAS-2020-00215, CAS-2020-00216-R & CAS-2022-00297-R (Seattle Office of Labor Standards Mar. 8, 2024) (consent decree entered following a city agency investigation into eight Chipotle restaurants in Seattle to resolve the city’s investigation into employees’ allegations that the employer violated local ordinances governing sick pay and scheduling).

Top ERISA Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $169 million – Electrical Welfare Trust Fund, et al. v. United States, Case No. 19-CV-353, (Fed. Claims Ct. Feb. 21, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action alleging that the government illegally exacted certain contributions from SISAs under it for benefit year 2014).
  2. $61 million – In Re GE ERISA Litigation, Case No. 17-CV-12123 (D. Mass. Mar. 7, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in consolidated class actions alleging that the company violated the ERISA by directing employee retirement savings into underperforming GE Asset Management funds to generate fees for the subsidiary before it was sold).
  3. $20 million – Durance, et al. v. Retirement Plan Committee Of Talen Energy Corp., Case No. 20-CV-5975 (E.D. Penn. Feb. 22, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted for a class action resolving claims from employees alleging that that they were owed early retirement pension benefits and pension supplements due to a change in control).
  4. $19 million – Krohnengold, et al. v. New York Life Insurance Co., Case No. 21-CV-1778 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 26, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the company unlawfully kept underperforming proprietary investment options in two employee retirement plans).
  5. $19 million – Colon, et al. v. Johnson, Case No. 22-CV-888 (M.D. Fla. Mar. 27, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the company and executives enacted a scheme that diverted workers’ retirement benefits to shell companies and private equity firm Palm Beach Capital).

Top FCRA, FDPCA, And FACTA Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $9.75 million – Sullen, et al. v. Vivint, Inc.,Case No. 01-CV-2023-903893 (Ala. Cir. Ct. Apr. 23, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action alleging that the company accessed credit information in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and created Vivint accounts without authorization).
  2. $6.76 million – Martinez, et al. v. Avantus LLC, Case No. 20-CV-1772 (D. Conn. Feb. 27, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action alleging that the company violated federal law by including inaccurate information on mortgage borrowers’ credit reports).
  3. $5.7 million – Steinberg, et al. v. Corelogic, Case No. 22-CV-498 (S.D. Cal. Apr. 9, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action lawsuit to resolve claims that the company violated the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act by listing consumers as deceased on credit reports when they were actually alive).
  4. $877,000 – McKey, et al. v. LLC, Case No. 22-CV-1908-GJP (E.D. Penn. Feb. 27, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action lawsuit to resolve claims that the company prepared consumer background reports that included outdated criminal non-conviction information).
  5. 5.    $630,000 – Forestal, et al. v. SH Group Operations LLC, Case No. 23-CA-013634 (Fla. Cir. Ct. May 22, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class action alleging that the company violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act when supplying and using consumer reports).

Top FLSA / Wage & Hour Class And Collective Settlements In 2024

  1. $72.5 million – Utne, et al. v. Home Depot USA Inc., Case No. 16-CV-1854 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 8, 2024) (final settlement approval granted for a class action to resolve claims that the company failed to pay hourly wages, pay final wages on time, and provide accurate written wages).
  2. $38 million – In The Matter Of The Investigation Of Letitia James, Attorney General Of The State Of New York Of Lyft Inc., AOD No. 23-041 (AG Labor Bureau Nov. 30, 2024) (the New York Attorney General took legal action against Lyft, claiming the ride-booking company withheld wages from drivers by deducting taxes and fees from their pay instead of having passengers pay those expenses and prevented drivers from receiving the benefits they were entitled to under New York law).
  3. $15 million – Bolding, et al. v. Banner Bank, Case No. 17-CV-601 (W.D. Wash. Jan. 8, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class and collective action to resolve claims that the company misclassified mortgage loan officers as exempt employees and thereby failed to pay overtime compensation in violation of federal and state wage & hour laws.
  4. $10.3 million – Ward, et al. v. United Airlines Inc., Case No. 15-CV-2309 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 24, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the airline failed to include pilots’ hours and hourly rates on pay stubs in violation of federal and state wage & hour laws).
  5. $3.5 million – Vasquez, et al. v. Leprino Foods Co., Case No. No. 1:17-cv-00796 (E.D. Cal. Feb. 12, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the company failed to pay employees for on-call meal and rest breaks, second meal breaks, rounding of time punches, donning and doffing off the clock, wages, overtime and premium pay, accurate wage statements and final wages at termination in violation of state wage & hour law).

Top Labor Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $20 million – In Re International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Case No. 23-BK-30662 (N.D. Cal. Bankr. Feb. 22, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the union of engaging in an unlawful boycott of the company during a labor dispute).
  2. $20 million – Bauserman, et al. v. State Of Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency, Case No. 15-000202 (Mich. Ct. Claims Jan. 29, 2024) (final settlement agreement granted in a class action to resolve claims over the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency’s use of a computer program to detect fraudulent claims, which resulted in thousands of false fraud determinations).
  3. $2.5 million – Arrison, et al. v. Walmart Inc., Case No. 21-CV-481 (D. Ariz. Jan. 30, 2024) (settlement reached in a class action to resolve claims that the company should have paid nearly 80,000 workers for the time they spent undergoing COVID-19 screenings before clocking in for their shifts).
  4. $2.5 million – Campa, et al. v. Board Of Trustees Of The Sheet Metal Workers Pension Plan Of Northern California, Case No. 23-CV-1760 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 18, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve clams that approximately 30 early retirees were not provided with the full retirement benefits they were promised.
  5. $2.45 million – Hoeffner, et al. v. D’Amato, Case No. 09-CV-3160 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 18, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims against two union benefit funds, that the funds illegally refused to transfer money to another set of funds after a merger of union locals).

Top Privacy Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $90 million – In Re Facebook Internet Tracking Litigation, Case Nos. 22-16903 and 22-16904 (9th Cir. Feb. 21, 2024) (final settlement approval affirmed in a class action to resolve claims alleging that Facebook used cookies to track the internet activity of logged-out social network users who visited third-party websites containing Facebook “Like” button plugins).
  2. $75 million – Rogers, et al. v. BNSF Railway Co., Case No. 19-CV-3083 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 27, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the company unlawfully scanned drivers’ fingerprints for identity verification purposes without written, informed permission or notice when they visited BNSF rail yards).
  3. $52.5 million – Schreiber, et al. v. Mayo Foundation For Medical Education And Research, Case No. 22-CV-188 (W.D. Mich. May 25, 2024) (final settlement approval sought/scheduled in a class action to resolve claims that the company shared subscriber information with third parties without getting consumer consent).
  4. $25 million – Peters, et al. v. Apple, Case No. 19STCV21787 (Cal. Super Ct. Apr. 2, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the company misrepresented the ability to use its Family Sharing feature to share subscriptions to apps).
  5. $23 million – Smith-Washington, et al. v. TaxAct Inc., Case No. 23-CV-830 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 27, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the company shared confidential taxpayer information with Meta Platforms Inc. and Google).

Top Products Liability And Mass Tort Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $10 billion – In Re Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation, MDL 2873 (D.S.C. Mar. 29, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims with 3M by utilities that maintain it’s liable for the damage they have and will incur due to its signature PFAS that were used for decades in specialized fire suppressants, called aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF), that were sprayed directly into the environment and reached drinking water).
  2. $1.185 billion – Camden, et al. v. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Case No. 23-CV-3230 (D.S.C. Feb. 8, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims in a multidistrict litigation for the firefighting agent aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), which contains per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
  3. $1.1 billion – Philips Recalled CPAP, Bi-Level PAP, And Mechanical Ventilator Products Liability Litigation, Case No. 21-MC-1230 (W.D. Penn. Apr. 29, 2024) (settlement reached in a multi-district litigation claiming that degraded foam in breathing machines caused plaintiffs personal injuries or will require long-term medical monitoring).
  4. $750 million – In Re Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation, Case No. 18-MN-2873 (D.S.C. Apr. 25, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted to resolve claims that Johnson Controls International PLC subsidiary Tyco Fire Products LP’s public water systems’ federal claims that some “forever chemicals” they detected in their supplies came from firefighting foam it made).
  5. $700 million – In Re Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder Products Marketing, Sales Practices And Products Liability Litigation, Case No. 16-MD-2738 (D.N.J. Jan. 24, 2024) (settlement reached in a multi-district litigation with 42 state attorneys general to resolve claims that Johnson & Johnson wrongfully marketed its talc-based baby powder by not warning about possible health risks).

Top Securities Fraud Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $490 million – In Re Apple Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 19-CV-2033 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 15, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that Apple’s CEO Tim Cook defrauded shareholders by concealing falling demand for iPhones in China).
  2. $350 million – In Re Alphabet Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 18-CV-6245 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 9, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the company deceived them about a March 2018 software glitch that allegedly gave third-party app developers the ability to access the private profile data of 500,000 users of the Google Plus social media site).
  3. $192.5 million – Chabot, et al. v. Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc., Case No. 18-CV-2118 (M.D. Penn. Feb. 7, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the company’s executives lied about the likelihood of an ultimately unsuccessful merger between the two drugstore chains).
  4. $97 million – Roofer’s Pension Fund, et al. v. Papa, Case No. 16-CV-2805 (D.N.J. Apr. 23, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims that the company’s executives made misleading statements to defeat a potential $29 billion takeover attempt).
  5. $85 million – Industriens Pensionsforsikring A/S, et al. v. Becton Dickinson and Co., Case No. 20-CV-2155 (D.N.J. Jan. 18, 2024) (preliminary settlement approval granted in a class action the investors reached with the medical technology company over securities fraud claims that it hid regulatory problems regarding sales of its Alaris infusion pump).

Top TCPA Class Action Settlements In 2024

  1. $9.7 million – Berman, et al. v. Freedom Financial Network LLC, Case No. 18-CV-1060 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 16, 2024) (final settlement approval granted in a class action to resolve claims alleging that the debt consolidation company and its subsidiaries made telemarketing calls which violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act).
  2. $9 million – Moore, et al. v. Robinhood Financial LLC, Case No. 21-CV-1571 (W.D. Wash. July 16, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims that the company’s referral text messages violated Washington telemarketing laws).
  3. $7 million – Williams, et al. v. Choice Health Insurance LLC, Case No. 23-CV-292 (M.D. Ala. July 9, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims that the company violated the TCPA with unsolicited marketing calls).
  4. $2 million – Burnett, et al v. CallCore Media Inc., Case No. 21-CV-3176 (S.D. Tex. June 25, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims the company placed prerecorded phone calls to consumers in violation of state laws and the federal TCPA).
  5. $1.225 million – Lateano, et al. v. Chicago Cubs Baseball Club LLC, Case No. 23-CV-2757 (N.D. Ill. June 17, 2024) (final settlement approval sought in a class action to resolve claims that the Chicago Cubs sent text messages to customers without consent in violation of the TCPA).

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