The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 53: 2024 Preview: EEOC Litigation And Strategy

Duane Morris Takeaway:
This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partners Jerry Maatman, Jennifer Riley, and Alex Karasik with their discussion of our upcoming webinar, the Duane Morris Mid-Year Review of EEOC Litigation and Strategy. Reserve your virtual seat for the program here, and check out the 2024 edition of the Duane Morris EEOC Litigation Review here.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Welcome to all of our listeners. Thank you for being here for our weekly podcast, the Class Action Weekly Wire. I’m Jerry Maatman, partner at Duane Morris, and joining me today are my colleagues and fellow partners, Jen Riley and Alex Karasik. Thanks so much for being on the podcast today.

Jennifer Riley: Thank you, Jerry, happy to be part of the podcast.

Alex Karasik: Thanks, Jerry. Glad to be here.

Jerry: Today we’re very excited, we have a great message about an upcoming webinar, the Duane Morris Mid-Year Review of the EEOC Litigation and Strategy. This is a must-see and must-attend webinar, that in essence gives a mid-year report card on what the EEOC is doing in the courthouse. And the hosts will be myself, Jen, and Alex, and we wanted to personally invite each of you, our listeners and our readers, to sign up and attend the event, which, of course, is for free. Jen, could you talk a little bit for our listeners about the contents of this year’s webinar?

Jen: Sure, Jerry. Essentially, this is a quick 30 min panel discussion, where the three of us will do two primary things. First, we’ll analyze the EEOC’s latest strategic priorities. And second, we will analyze and review the lawsuit filings that we’ve seen so far during the first half of the Commission’s fiscal year 2024. We will bring that analysis to you in a half hour segment.

Jerry: Thanks. This is a great virtual program that’s perfect for human resource professionals, business leaders, and corporate counsel, and is designed to provide insights, in essence, inside baseball news, regarding the EEOC’s latest enforcement initiatives and strategies. And it’s designed to keep businesses off the radar of the EEOC. Alex, what are some of the details of the webinar that our listener should know?

Alex: The webinar is scheduled for Monday, May 13 at 2 pm, and it runs from 2 pm to 2:30 pm Central Time. We will provide a sign up link in the episode transcript on the class action defense blog. This webinar is a great information-packed 30 minutes – we understand a lot of our corporate counsel, HR professionals, and business leaders, that you just mentioned, Jerry, have busy schedules. So we’re going to do our best to pack this into a 30 minute webinar, and then we’ll go from there and to give insights into the EEOC’s activities throughout the first half of the fiscal year.

Jerry: Well, the past is prologue. Last year we had over a thousand attendees, from the United States, Europe, and Asia, so we hope all the listeners can tune in this year.

Jen: We also want to remind listeners that we recently published a primer on EEOC litigation, called the EEOC Litigation Review – 2024. Complying with workplace anti-discrimination laws is important for companies looking to stay out of the EEOC’s crosshairs. The review is a great resource for corporate counsel and human resources professionals alike. It is available on the class action defense blog in e-book format.

Alex: We were also fortunate enough to discuss the EEOC strategic priorities with EEOC Commissioner Keith Sonderling at our Duane Morris Class Action Review book launch in February 2024 – for anyone interested in watching that discussion, it is also available on our blog.

Jerry: Thanks, Alex, and thanks, Jen. Certainly looking forward to the upcoming webinar on the EEOC in a few weeks, and, as always, we will keep our blog readers and listeners fully updated on these important announcements.

Alex: Thanks, Jerry. We look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Jen: Thanks for having me, Jerry, and, thanks to all of our listeners.

Jerry: Have a great day.

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 49: 2024 Preview: Consumer Fraud Class Action Litigation

Duane Morris Takeaway: This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jerry Maatman and associate Alessandra Mungioli with their discussion of 2023 developments and trends in consumer fraud class action litigation as detailed in the recently published Duane Morris Consumer Fraud Class Action Review – 2024.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Welcome loyal blog listeners. Thank you for being on our weekly podcast, the Class Action Weekly Wire. My name is Jerry Maatman, I’m a partner at Duane Morris, and joining me today is my colleague, Alessandra. Thank you for being on our podcast to talk about thought leadership with respect to class actions.

Alessandra Mungioli: Thank you, Jerry. I’m glad to be here.

Jerry: Today we’re going to discuss our recent publication, our e-book on the Duane Morris Consumer Fraud Class Action Review. Listeners can find this book on our blog. Could you tell us a little bit about what readers can expect from this e-book?

Alessandra: Absolutely Jerry. Class action litigation in the consumer fraud space remains a key focus of the plaintiff’s bar. A wide variety of conduct gives rise to consumer fraud claims which typically involve a class of consumers who believe they were participating in a legitimate business transaction, but due to a merchant or a company’s alleged deceptive or fraudulent practices, the consumers were actually being defrauded.

Every state has consumer protection laws, and consumer fraud class actions require courts to analyze these statutes, both with respect to plaintiffs’ claims and also with respect to choice of law analyses when a complaint seeks to impose liability that is predicated on multiple states’ consumer protection laws.

To assist corporate counsel and business leaders with navigating consumer fraud class action litigation, the class action team here at Duane Morris has put together the Consumer Fraud Class Action Review, which analyzes significant rulings, major settlements, and identifies key trends that are apt to impact companies in 2024.

Jerry: This is a great, essential desk reference for practitioners and corporate counsel alike dealing with class actions in this space. Difficult to do in a short podcast, but what are some of the key takeaways in that desk reference?

Alessandra: Just as the type of actionable conduct varies, so, too, do the industries within which consumer fraud claims abound. In the last several years, for example, the beauty and cosmetics industry saw a boom in consumer fraud class actions as consumers demanded increased transparency regarding the ingredients in their cosmetic products and the products’ effects. In 2023, consumer fraud class actions ran the gamut of false advertising and false labeling claims as well.

Artificial intelligence also made its way into the class action arena in the consumer fraud space for the first time in 2023. In MillerKing, LLC, et al. v. DoNotPay Inc., the plaintiff, a Chicago law firm, filed a class action alleging the defendant, an online subscription service that uses “robot lawyers” programmed with AI, was not licensed to practice law and therefore brought claims for consumer fraud, deceptive practices, and breach of trademark. The defendant moved to dismiss the action on the basis that the plaintiff failed to establish an injury-in-fact sufficient to confer standing, which the court granted. The plaintiff asserted that the conduct caused “irreparable harm to many citizens, as well as to the judicial system itself,” and constituted “an infringement upon the rights of those who are properly licensed,” such as “attorneys and law firms.” The court found that the plaintiff failed to demonstrate any real injury per its claims, and granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss.

Jerry: Well, robot lawyers and lawyer bots – that’s quite a development in 2023. How did the plaintiffs’ bar do in – what I consider the Holy Grail in this space – securing class certification, and then conversion of a certified class into a monetary class-wide settlement?

Alessandra: So settlements were very lucrative in 2023. The top 10 consumer fraud class action settlements in 2023 totaled $3.29 billion. And by comparison, the top 10 settlements in 2022 had totaled $8.5 billion, so we have seen a downward trend. Notably, five of these 10 settlements last year took place in California courts. The top settlements in 2023 resolved litigation stemming from a variety of different theories, from smartphone performance issues to the marketing of vape products. Last year, courts granted plaintiffs’ motions for class certification in consumer fraud lawsuits approximately 66% of the time. And the overall certification rate for class actions in 2023 was 72%.

Jerry: Well, that’s quite a litigation scorecard. And this is an area of interest that the class action team at Duane Morris will be following closely and blogging about in 2024. Well, thank you for being with us today and thank you loyal blog readers and listeners for joining our weekly podcast again. You can download the Duane Morris Consumer Fraud Class Action Review off our website. Have a great day!

Alessandra: Thank you!

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 47: 2024 Preview: Discrimination Class Action Litigation


Duane Morris Takeaway: This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jerry Maatman and associates Zev Grumet-Morris and Derek Franklin with their discussion of 2023 developments and trends in discrimination class action litigation as detailed in the recently published Duane Morris Discrimination Action Review – 2024.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Welcome to our listeners – thank you for being here for our weekly podcast, the Class Action Weekly Wire. My name is Jerry Maatman, I’m a partner at Duane Morris, and joining me today are my colleagues, Derek Franklin and Zev Grumet-Morris. Thanks for being here guys.

Derek Franklin: Thank you, Jerry, happy to be part of the podcast.

Zev Grumet-Morris: Thanks, Jerry. Glad to be here.

Jerry: Today on the podcast we’re discussing the recent publication of our Practice Group, the 2024 edition of the Duane Morris Discrimination Class Action Review. Listeners can find the e-book publication on our blog, the Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog. Derek, could you provide our listeners with a summary of what that publication is all about?

Derek: Absolutely, Jerry. Class action litigation in the discrimination space remains an area of key focus of skilled class action litigators in the plaintiffs’ bar. As a result, compliance with discrimination laws in the myriad of ways that companies interact with employees, customers, and third-parties is a corporate imperative. To that end, the class action team at Duane Morris is pleased to present the Discrimination Class Action Review – 2024. This publication analyzes the key discrimination-related rulings and developments in 2023, as well as the significant legal decisions and trends impacting discrimination class action for 2024. We hope that companies and employers will benefit from this resource in their compliance with these evolving laws and standards.

Jerry: Thanks, Derek. In 2023, courts around the country issued a mixed bag. I’ve always thought that discrimination class actions strike at the very brand and reputation of corporations. Zev, what are some of the takeaways from the publication with regard to major developments in 2023?

Zev: So for decades, federal courts routinely granted class certification in nationwide employment discrimination class actions. But this changed in large part over a decade ago, when the U.S. Supreme Court decided Wal-Mart Inc. v. Dukes, et al., where the court tightened the legal requirements for securing class certifications. But the pendulum appears to be swinging back, as courts are becoming increasingly inclined to find for plaintiffs in class certification rulings within the discrimination context. In 2023 alone, courts granted class certification 50% of the time, while of course denying certification in the other 50% of cases.


Jerry: The discrimination class action space is certainly evolving and reflecting societal trends. Derek, what do you foresee corporate counsel can expect for the coming year in 2024?

Derek: Ultimately, as the class action landscape continues to evolve, so, too, are the playbook theories of the plaintiff and defense bars. Counsel on both sides are becoming more sophisticated and creative in their approaches to prosecuting and defending class actions. Courts are facing increasing pressure to quickly and efficiently discern between properly pled actions and meritless litigation, not only to promote court expediency, but also to spare businesses the incredible expense that accompanies class action defense. So while workplace and quality continues to grab headlines and remain the forefront in the public eye, employers can expect discrimination class actions to reach even greater heights in 2024.

Jerry: Well, thanks for that information – key and important for corporate counsel trying to get ahead of these litigation risks. Of course, conversion of the filing of a discrimination class action into a certified class and then into a settlement, is the Holy Grail for the plaintiffs’ bar. Zev, how did the plaintiffs do in terms of that conversion rate in 2023 with respect to settlement amounts?

Zev: Plaintiffs did very well in securing high settlement dollars. In 2023, the top 10 discrimination settlements totaled $762.2 million, which was a significant increase over 2022, when the top 10 discrimination class action settlements totaled only $597 million.


Jerry: It will be interesting to see in 2024 if we cross the $1 billion line in this area – it seems like these settlements are on an upward trend in aiming for that $1 billion dollar mark. Certainly an important statistic that we track here at Duane Morris in terms of our analysis of class action rulings and class action settlements. Well, thank you, Derek, and thank you, Zev, for being here today, and thank you to our loyal listeners for tuning in. You can get your free copy of the Discrimination Class Action Review e-book on our website – free of charge.

Zev: Thanks for having me, Jerry, and thank you to all the listeners.

Derek: Yeah, thanks so much, everyone!


The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 46: 2024 Preview: Privacy Class Action Litigation

Duane Morris Takeaway:
This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jennifer Riley, special counsel Brandon Spurlock, and associate Jeff Zohn with their discussion of 2023 developments and trends in privacy class action litigation as detailed in the recently published Duane Morris Privacy Class Action Review – 2024.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jennifer Riley: Welcome to our listeners, thank you for being here for our weekly podcast, the Class Action Weekly Wire. I’m Jennifer Riley, partner at Duane Morris, and joining me today is special counsel Brandon Spurlock and associate Jeffrey Zohn. Thank you for being on the podcast, guys.

Brandon Spurlock: Thank you, Jen, happy to be part of the podcast.

Jeff Zohn: Thanks, Jen, I am glad to be here.

Jennifer: Today on the podcast we are discussing the recent publication of this year’s edition of the Duane Morris Privacy Class Action Review. Listeners can find the eBook publication on our blog, the Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog. Brandon, can you tell our listeners a little bit about our new publication?

Brandon: Yeah, sure, Jen, the last year saw a virtual explosion of privacy class action litigation. As a result, compliance with privacy laws in the myriad ways that companies interact with employees, customers, and third parties is a corporate imperative. To that end, the class action team at Duane Morris is pleased to present the Privacy Class Action Review – 2024. This publication analyzes the key privacy-related rulings and developments in 2023, and the significant legal decisions and trends impacting privacy class action litigation for 2024. We hope the companies and employers will benefit from this resource. Their compliance with these evolving laws and standards

Jennifer: In the rapidly evolving privacy litigation landscape, it is crucial for businesses to understand how courts are interpreting these often ambiguous privacy statutes. In 2023, courts across the country issued a mixed bag of results leading to major victories for both plaintiffs and defendants. Jeff, what were some of the takeaways from the publication with regard to litigation in this area in 2023?

Jeff: Yeah, you’re absolutely right that there was a mixed bag of results – both defendants and plaintiffs can point to major BIPA victories in 2023. This past year will definitely be remembered for some of the landmark pro-plaintiff rulings that will provide the plaintiffs’ bar with more than enough ammunition to keep BIPA litigation in the headlines for the foreseeable future. Specifically in 2023, the Illinois Supreme Court issued two seminal decisions that increase the opportunity for recovery of damages under BIPA, including Tims, et al. v. Black Horse Carriers, which held a five-year statute of limitations applies to claims under BIPA, and Cothron, et al. v. White Castle System, Inc., which held that a claim accrues under the BIPA each time a company collects or discloses biometric information.

Jennifer: Two major rulings indeed. Brandon, what do you anticipate these rulings will mean for privacy class actions in 2024?

Brandon: Sure, Jen. These rulings have far-reaching implications together. They have the potential to increase monetary damages in BIPA class actions in an exponential manner, especially in employment context, where employees may scan in and out of work multiple times per day across more than 200 workdays per year. In 2023, in the wake of these rulings, class action filings more than doubled. We anticipate that the high volume of case filings will continue at 2024.

Jeff: I think it’s important to add that even though BIPA is an Illinois state statue, various other states are continuing to consider proposed copycat statutes that follow the lead of Illinois. The federal government likewise continues to consider proposals for a national statute. These factors have transformed biometric privacy compliance into a top priority for businesses nationwide and have promoted privacy class actions to the top of the list of litigation risks facing business today. If other states succeed in enacting similar statutes, businesses can expect similar surges in those States as the filing numbers of Illinois continue their upward trend.

Jennifer: Thanks so much for that information – all very important for companies navigating the privacy class action regulations and statutes. The Review also talks about the top privacy settlements in 2023. How did plaintiffs do in securing settlement funds last year?

Brandon: Plaintiffs did very well in securing high dollar settlements. In 2023, the top 10 privacy settlements totaled $1.32 billion. This was a significant increase over 2022, when the top 10 privacy class action settlements totaled still a high number, but just almost $900 million. Specific to BIPA litigation settlements, the top 10 BIPA class action settlements totaled almost $150 million dollars in 2023.

Jennifer: Thank you. We will continue to track those settlement numbers in 2024 as record breaking settlement amounts have been a huge trend that we have tracked over the past two years. Thank you to Brandon and Jeff for being here today, and thank you to the loyal listeners for tuning in. Listeners, please stop by the blog for a free copy of the Privacy Class Action Review eBook.

Jeff: Thank you for having me, Jen, and thank you to all of our listeners.

Brandon: Thanks so much, everyone.

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 45: 2024 Preview: Data Breach Class Action Litigation

Duane Morris Takeaway: This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partners Jennifer Riley and Alex Karasik and associate Emilee Crowther with their discussion of 2023 developments and trends in data breach action litigation as detailed in the recently published Duane Morris Data Breach Class Action Review – 2024.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jennifer Riley: Welcome to our listeners. Thank you for being here for our weekly podcast the Class Action Weekly Wire. I’m Jennifer Riley, partner at Duane Morris, and joining me today is my partner, Alex Karasik, and our colleague, Emilee Crowther. Thank you guys for being on the podcast.

Alex Karasik: Thank you, Jen. Happy to be part of the podcast.

Emilee Crowther: Thanks, Jen. I’m glad to be here

Jennifer: Today on the podcast we are discussing the recent publication of this year’s edition of the Duane Morris Data Breach Class Action Review. Listeners can find the eBook publication on our blog, the Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog. Alex, can you tell our listeners a little bit about our new publication?

Alex: Absolutely, Jen. We’re very excited about this new publication. The purpose of the Duane Morris Data Breach Class Action Review is really multi-faceted. The volume of data breach class actions exploded in 2023. And these types of cases come with unique challenges, including those involving issues of standing and uninjured class members. And these issues continue to vex the courts leading to inconsistent outcomes. Data breach has emerged as one of the fastest growing areas in class action litigation. After every major (and even some of the not-so-major) report of data breach – companies can now expect resulting negative publicity, which in turn often leads to class action litigation. This saddles companies with significant costs to both respond to the data breach as well as deal with these mega lawsuits. In this respect, we hope this book will provide our clients and corporate counsel with an analysis of trends and significant rulings in the data breach space which will enable them to make informed decisions when dealing with litigation risks in this area. And hopefully, this can be a key desktop reference for all those whoever might encounter a data breach class action.

Jennifer: Defense of data breach class actions is continuing to grow into a high-stakes arena. The playbook of the plaintiffs’ class action bar and data breach cases continues to press the legal envelope on how courts are willing to interpret injuries stemming from data breaches and methods for calculating damages. The Review has dozens of contributors, thus manifesting the collective experience and expertise of our Class Action Defense Group. Emilee, what benefits can this offer our clients?

Emilee: Well, there are a lot of different benefits that could be offered. But while a data breach can be perpetrated in any number of ways, the legal issues that arise from the theft or loss of data largely fall within the same set of legal paradigms. The Review provides examination of the recent developments and settlements in the law and the area of data breach class action litigation. This publication assist our clients by identifying developing trends in the case law and offering practical approaches in dealing with data breach class action litigation.

Jennifer: What were some of the key takeaways from the publication with regard to litigation in this area in 2023?

Emilee: It remains somewhat difficult to obtain class certification for plaintiffs in data breach class actions this year, with only 14% of motions for class certification being granted. However, while data breach class actions pursued a decade ago faced little prospect of success, recent developments in the law and subsequent jurisprudence are providing momentum for the plaintiffs’ class action bar. Plaintiffs can more readily show standing and successfully plead duty, causation, and damages. A fundamental question in most data breach class actions is whether the plaintiff can show that he or she has standing to assert claims.

Alex: We also discuss in the Review the impact that the MOVEit Customer Data Security Breach Litigation will have on the data breach class action landscape in general. Although this class action is in its infant stages, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has consolidated more than 100 class action lawsuits resulting from an alleged cyber gang in Russia’s exploitation of a vulnerability in the file transfer software MOVEit. The group threatens to publish files to its website, which leaks private data. The impacts of this data breach are still unfolding, but it certainly has significant stakes. The long-term fallout might include personally identifiable information (“PII”) being leaked potentially of up to 55 million people. Some of the affected entities include Shell, TIAA, American Airlines, the U.S. Departments of Energy and Agriculture, the government of Nova Scotia, and the Louisiana and Oregon Departments of Motor Vehicles. So there’s lots of folks impacted in this one.

Jennifer: Thanks, Alex. This data breach litigation is at the top of the watch list as we move into 2024, we will be sure to keep our listeners updated with all of the important developments. The Review also talks about the top data breach settlements in 2023. How do plaintiffs do in securing settlement funds this past year?

Emilee: Well, Jen, plaintiffs did very well in securing high dollar settlements in 2023. The top 10 settlements totaled $515.75 million dollars. The top settlement alone in 2023 was $350 million dollars in a case called In Re T-Mobile Customer Data Security Breach Litigation, which resolved claims that cybercriminals exploited T-Mobile’s data security protocols and gained access to internal servers containing the personally identifiable information of millions of customers.

Jennifer: We will continue to track those settlement numbers in 2024, as record-breaking settlement amounts have been a huge trend that we have followed for the past two years. Thanks Alex and Emilee for being here today, and thank you to our loyal listeners for tuning in. Listeners, please stop by the blog for a free copy of the Data Breach Class Action Review eBook.

Emilee: Thank you for having me, Jen, and thank you listeners.

Alex: Thank you, listeners, we appreciate you!

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 44: 2024 Preview: Wage & Hour Class Action Litigation


Duane Morris Takeaway: This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partners Jerry Maatman and Jennifer Riley and associate Greg Tsonis with their discussion of wage & hour class and collective action litigation over the past 12 months as detailed in the recently published Duane Morris Wage & Hour Class And Collective Action Review – 2024.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Welcome back, loyal podcast listeners. Thank you for being here for our kickoff 2024 podcast for our weekly series entitled The Class Action Weekly Wire. I’m Jerry Maatman of Duane Morris, joining me today is my partner Jennifer Riley and our colleague Greg Tsonis. Thank you Jen and Greg for being on our kickoff podcast!

Jennifer Riley: Thank you, Jerry. Happy to be part of the first Weekly Wire podcast of 2024.

Greg Tsonis: Thanks, Jerry. I’m glad to be here.

Jerry: Today on our podcast we’re discussing the recent publication of this year’s edition of the Duane Morris Wage & Hour Class And Collective Action Review. Listeners can find this eBook publication on our blog, the Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog. Jen, can you tell our listeners a little bit about this publication?

Jennifer: Absolutely, Jerry. The purpose of the Duane Morris Wage & Hour Class And Collective Action Review is really multi-faceted. We hope it will demystify some of the complexities of class and collective action litigation and keep corporate counsel updated on the ever evolving nuances of Rule 23 as well as FLSA collective action issues in this respect. We really hope that this book will provide our clients with an analysis of trends and significant rulings in the wage & hour space, and enable them to make informed decisions in dealing with complex litigation risks.

Jerry: Defense of wage & hour class and collective actions is really the hallmark of our defense group at Duane Morris, and on this call and the podcast today is over 65 years’ worth of collective experience in handling these types of cases. Greg, what are some of the collective experiences and sort of desk reference attributes of this publication in terms of what’s going on in the wage in our world for 2023 and 2024?

Greg: Well, Jerry, as you know, wage & hour litigation has long been a focus of the plaintiffs’ class action bar. The relatively low standard by which plaintiffs can achieve conditional certification under the FLSA, often paired with state law wage & hour class claims, offers a pretty potent combination by which plaintiffs can pursue alleged misclassification or unpaid overtime claims, for example. So this publication will definitely assist our clients by identifying developing trends in the case law and offering practical approaches for dealing with class and collective action litigation.

Jerry: Well, I know Greg and Jen – you’re the main contributors and authors of the book. Along with about 30 of our colleagues in our Class Action Defense Group. What are some of the takeaways from 2023, and what corporate counsel and employers can expect in 2024?

Greg: Great question. So in in 2023 courts once again issued more certification rulings and FLSA collective actions than in other types of cases. Plaintiffs historically have been able to obtain conditional certification of FLSA collective actions at a pretty high rate which definitely is contributed to the number of filings in this area.

Jennifer: Right, Greg – agreed. Despite the high number of certification motions decided, of the 167 rulings that were issued on motions for conditional certification – 125 rulings favored plaintiffs for a success rate of nearly 75%. Those numbers are actually lower than the numbers we observed in 2022, when plaintiffs had a success rate of nearly 82%. The decline in success rates in 2023 likely reflects the impact of rulings in the Fifth Circuit and the Sixth Circuit, which took a closer look at that so called two-step process of certification. The Review goes into this analysis, and what employers can expect moving into 2024.

Jerry: I’ve always thought in the wage & hour space that change is inevitable, and employers are struggling with keeping up with the changes. And what our clients tell me in particular, is that this book is an essential desk reference that they cite and look to at least once a week. And I think one of the key issues going on right now is the propensity of the plaintiffs’ bar to file lawsuits involving very highly compensated employees, those that bank over six figures a year. And intuitively, one would think those sorts of folks are not entitled to overtime. But one of the central focuses in this year’s book is the Supreme Court’s decision this past year in Helix v. Hewitt on the salary basis test and the exemption for highly compensated individuals that brings into focus another area that’s in the book, and that’s about settlements. How do plaintiffs do in terms of securing high level settlements over the past 12 months?

Greg: Well, plaintiffs did a very good job in securing high dollar settlements in 2023, particularly in the state of California. The top 10 wage & hour settlements in 2023 totaled $742.5 million dollars, and nine of those 10 settlements emanated from litigation in California. This total was a pretty significant increase over 2022, when the top 10 wage & hour settlements totaled almost $575 million dollars.


Jerry: Those numbers are rather stunning. My prognostication is for 2024 – I think for the first time ever – we’re going to see the top 10 wage & hour class and collective action settlements exceed $1 billion dollars.

Well, thanks, Jen and thanks, Greg for being here today on our kicked off podcast for 2024. Listeners, please stop by our Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog to obtain a free copy of the Duane Morris Wage & Hour Class And Collective Action Review eBook.

Greg: Thank you for having me, Jerry, and thank you, listeners.

Jennifer: Thanks so much, everyone.


The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 43: Employer Liability Under BIPA: First Class-Wide Summary Judgment BIPA Ruling

Duane Morris Takeaway: This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jerry Maatman and associate Christian Palacios with their discussion of what is believed to be the first summary judgment ruling for a certified class under the Illinois BIPA. The Illinois trial court’s decision in this case underscores the danger that companies face under state privacy “strict liability” statutes.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Thank you for being here, our loyal blog listeners. Welcome to this week’s edition of the Class Action Weekly Wire. I’m Jerry Maatman, a partner at Duane Morris, and I’m joined today by my colleague, Christian Palacios. Thank you for being on the podcast today.

Christian Palacios: Thanks, Jerry. I’m really happy to be here

Jerry: Today we’re talking about BIPA ruling – the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, in a case called Thompson, et al. v. Matcor Metal Fabrication (Illinois), Inc., something that we blogged about – a very important opinion. Christian, can you give our listeners kind of an overview of why this case is significant and one they ought to take notice of?

Christian: Absolutely, Jerry. In September of 2019, Matcor Fabrication rolled out a new timekeeping policy, whereby it collected employees, fingerprints using “biometric scanners” for the purposes of determining when employees clocked in and out of work. The scanners that collected this information were connected to Matcor’s timekeeping vendor – ADP – and the company sent finger scan data to ADP every time an employee scanned their fingertips. The plaintiff and class representative, William Thompson, subsequently brought a lawsuit in May of 2020, alleging the company’s timekeeping policy violated the Illinois BIPA. Nearly one year after the lawsuit had commenced, Matcor implemented BIPA-compliant policies, which included distributing a “Biometric Consent Form” outlining Matcor’s policies collecting, retaining, and destroying employee data.

Jerry: Thanks. Now, in this case the plaintiffs early on in the litigation filed a motion for class certification, which was granted. Then there was class-wide discovery, and, as I understand, the record dueling motions, or cross motions for summary judgment were filed, both by the plaintiff on behalf of the class and the defendant. Both in essence saying there was no material issue of fact and liability was either established, if you believe the plaintiff – or there was no liability, if you believe the papers of the defendant. What did the trial court do in ruling upon those cross motions?

Christian: So the court held that there was no dispute of material facts that Matcor’s timekeeping policies during the class-wide time period violated the BIPA. In its ruling, the court dismissed a series of defenses offered by the company, including that in order for the BIPA to apply, Matcor’s timeclocks needed to “collect” and store its employees’ fingerprints, rather than just transmit it to a third-party vendor. The court was unconvinced with this argument. It opined that the BIPA also applied when timeclocks collected biometric information “based on” a fingerprint. Matcor further argued that there was a difference between the “fingertip” scans that it took and the “fingerprint” scans covered by the BIPA, but it was unable to cite authority that showed any meaningful difference between the two. Finally, Matcor argued that the court needed “expert testimony” to assess the type of information the company’s time clocks collected. The court rejected this contention. It observed that collecting employees’ fingertip information clearly fell under the BIPA’s definition of biometric information.

Based on the facts, the court determined that it was undisputed that Matcor began using biometric timeclocks to collect employees’ fingerprints in 2019, and the company didn’t implement a BIPA-compliant policy until one year after the plaintiff commenced his suit. The record also clearly shows that Matcor failed to obtain its employees consent before collecting their fingerprints, and only obtained BIPA releases two years after the suit was initiated. Accordingly, the court granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment and the lawsuit will now proceed to the damages stage.

Jerry: It’s a pretty devastating ruling insofar as basically, there’s no question right now other than damages. And at least in my experience, that’s a very high-stakes maneuver to file a motion for summary judgment on a class-wide basis. And so you can kind of count on one hand the number of times that a plaintiff or defendant ever wins summary judgment when it involves all issues in a case with respect to liability on a class-wide basis. It does show the devastating nature of a failure of compliance by an employer with the requirements of BIPA and kind of is a call to other employers to make sure that they have their employment law house in order to take care of these things.

Christian: Exactly, Jerry. Although Illinois was one of the early adopters of such a stringent privacy laws, it’s certainly not going to be the last, and companies should take preventative measures to limit liability associated with such privacy statutes.

Jerry: Well, thanks so much, Christian, for devoting your thought leadership in this area, great having you on the show and having you part of the podcast. And to our loyal blog listeners, have a happy holiday season!

Christian: Thanks for having me, Jerry. Happy holidays to you and all your listeners.

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 41: BIPA Health Care Exception Embraced By Illinois Supreme Court

Duane Morris Takeaway:
This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jerry Maatman and associate Tyler Zmick with their discussion of an Illinois Supreme Court ruling that is welcome news for BIPA defendants and companies operating in the health care space.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

 Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Thank you loyal blog readers and listeners, welcome to this week’s installment of the Class Action. Weekly Wire. Joining me today is my colleague, Tyler Zmick, here at Duane Morris.

Tyler Zmick: Thanks, Jerry. Great to be here.

Jerry: Today we’re discussing the most recent decision of the Illinois Supreme Court in Mosby v. Ingalls Memorial Hospital, a decision by the high court regarding exemptions under the BIPA statute – which is the source of so much class action litigation here in Illinois. Tyler, you’re one of the foremost thought leaders in this particular space – what’s your read on this particular decision?

Tyler: Sure, well I think it’s a significant and rare defendant-friendly ruling. And this exception at issue in the case could be potentially pretty broad and could be a basis for defendants to assert viable defenses in cases that are sort of less obviously involving or related to healthcare than this specific Mosby case.

But with respect to this case that went before the Illinois Supreme Court – the plaintiffs were nurses, and the hospitals they worked at required them to use a fingerprint-based medication dispensing system. So basically, the nurses had to scan their fingerprints to verify their identities, and the system would then give them access to controlled medicines which the nurses would then give to their patients. So, the plaintiffs sued the hospitals they worked for, in addition to the company that sold the medication dispensing device, and they alleged that all the defendants violated the BIPA by using the device to collect their biometric finger scan data without complying with the BIPA statute’s notice and consent requirements.

In the trial court, the defendants moved to dismiss, and they did so on the basis that the claims failed because plaintiff’s’ data was excluded from the scope of the BIPA. And specifically § 10 of the statute states that “biometric identifiers do not include information captured from a patient in the health care setting or information collected for healthcare treatment, payment, or operations under HIPAA.” And, as we all know, HIPAA is the federal health privacy statute that applies in many circumstances, and is often cross-referenced in state statutes. So defendants argued that the latter clause regarding HIPAA applied, and that plaintiffs’ fingerprints had been used so that the nurses could provide medicine to treatments, meaning the fingerprints were collected for healthcare treatment under HIPAA, but the trial court denied the motions to dismiss, which led to the appeal – first the Appellate Court, and then to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Jerry: I thought that the trial court’s disposition of the exemption, as well as the discussion by the Illinois Appellate Court regarding the either narrow or broadness of that particular exemption, was very interesting. I know, in handling these sorts of cases, plaintiffs always argue that exemptions to liability should be construed very narrowly. But it seems like in this particular case, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled in a very practical and straightforward way. With respect to the exemption, what did you find interesting between the trial court, Appellate Court, and Supreme Court’s treatment of the exemption?

Tyler: That’s a good question. I think primarily the Appellate Court’s reading of the healthcare exception in the BIPA statute was less based on the plain language of the statute, and as we know, the first rule of statutory interpretation is, go with the plain language of the statute, and read every word, so nothing is superfluous. And that is what the Illinois Supreme Court did here, and also interestingly, what one of the three appellate court justices did – specifically Appellate Court Justice Mikva thought that the exception should be applied more broadly in the way the Illinois Supreme Court did end up interpreting it.

Jerry: I went to law school with Justice Mikva, a good friend and very well respected in the bar. Did you think that the dissent in terms of its interpretation, somewhat carried the day and swayed the Illinois Supreme Court in terms of the result that we saw here from the high court?

Tyler: Yes, absolutely. I mean in pretty much every respect the Illinois Supreme Court agreed with Justice Mikva’s dissent. The high court unanimously held that as Justice Mikva opined that the BIPA’s exclusion for information collected for healthcare treatment, payment, or operations under HIPAA can apply to the biometric data of healthcare workers, and not only patients. And obviously here we have plaintiffs that were nurses and thus healthcare workers.

Going to the specific analysis that was adopted by the Supreme Court and Appellate Court’s justice, the high court determined that the relevant sentence of § 10 excludes from the definition of biometric identifier data that may be collected in 2 separate and distinct scenarios rather than overlapping scenarios. Specifically, biometric identifiers do not include (i) information captured from a patient in a healthcare setting or (ii) information collected, used, or stored for healthcare treatment, payment, or operations under HIPAA. And the Supreme Court again agreed with defendants that the two categories are different, because the information excluded under the first clause originates only from the patient, whereas information excluded under the second clause may originate really from any source. And regarding that second HIPAA clause, the Supreme Court observed that the Illinois Legislature borrowed the phrase ‘healthcare treatment, payment, and operations’ from the federal HIPAA regulations, and it’s important to note that the federal HIPAA regulations in turn provide relatively broad definitions for those terms. So it remains to be seen just how broad the BIPA’s healthcare exception will be when applied in other future BIPA cases.

Jerry: Well, it seems to me this is a gem of a ruling, and one that defendants – both in and outside of the healthcare industry – should put in their toolbox as an additional line of defense to oppose efforts to certify classes or for plaintiffs’ lawyers prosecuting BIPA cases. So thank you very much for your analysis, Tyler, and for being our guest on this week’s Class Action Weekly Wire.

Tyler: Absolutely. Thanks for having me, Jerry.

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 40: Global Developments In Artificial Intelligence Regulations

U.S. And U.K. Cybersecurity Agencies Announce International Agreement Addressing AI Safety

Duane Morris Takeaway: This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jerry Maatman and special counsel Brandon Spurlock with their discussion of the latest developments on the regulatory front of artificial intelligence.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Hello, loyal blog readers! Welcome to the Class Action Weekly Wire. Today our guest is my colleague, Brandon Spurlock.

Brandon Spurlock: Hey Jerry, it’s great to be here. Thanks.

Jerry: Today, we’re talking about the most recent developments on a global basis for regulatory endeavors insofar as artificial intelligence is concerned. I know that, Brandon, you’re a thought leader in that space, so wanted to get your feedback on what corporations should know about the global move towards regulation of artificial intelligence.

Brandon: Absolutely, Jerry. Well, this agreement was unveiled to the public just this past weekend – November 26 to be exact. It’s titled “Guidelines for Secure AI System Development.” This initiative was led by the U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre, and it was developed in conjunction with the U.S.’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. These guidelines focus on how to keep artificial intelligence safe from rogue actors. The U.S., Britain, Germany, are among 18 countries that signed on to the new guidelines laid out in this 20-page document. Now, this is a non-binding agreement that lays out general recommendations, such as monitoring AI systems for abuse, elevating data protection and vetting software suppliers. One thing to note is that the framework does not address the challenging questions around data sources for AI models or appropriate use of AI tools.

Jerry: Well it certainly seems to be a milestone on the road to regulation of AI from a comparative standpoint. Where is the United States when it comes to regulation of artificial intelligence, as compared to other countries or major jurisdictions?

Brandon: Really  good question, Jerry. Many countries are putting their resources together, as well as independently positioning themselves to demonstrate leadership when it comes to embracing AI – while also cautioning its security, privacy, and market risk. So countries like France, Germany, Italy – they recently reached an agreement on how artificial intelligence regulations should be structured around “mandatory self-regulation through codes of conduct.” So what does this mean? It’s focused on how these AI systems are designed to produce a broad range of outputs. The European Commission, the European Parliament, and the EU Council are negotiating how the bloc should position itself on this particular topic.

Even last month, when we examined President Biden’s executive order on artificial intelligence, that publication from the White House further provides businesses with the in-depth roadmap of how the U.S. federal government’s regulatory goals regarding AI are developing.

Jerry: The evolution of artificial intelligence is certainly uppermost in the mind of most corporate counsel, and its impact on litigation – and in particular, the class action world – is real and palpable and with us. So thank you for your thoughts and analysis, Brandon, and we’ll see you next week on the Class Action Weekly Wire.

Brandon: Thanks, Jerry.

The Class Action Weekly Wire – Episode 39: PAGA Faces Potential Transformation In California Supreme Court Decision

Duane Morris Takeaway:
This week’s episode of the Class Action Weekly Wire features Duane Morris partner Jerry Maatman and special counsel Eden Anderson with their discussion of a PAGA case currently before the California Supreme Court weighing whether trial courts have inherent authority to ensure that PAGA claims will be manageable at trial, and to strike or narrow such claims if they cannot be managed appropriately.

Check out today’s episode and subscribe to our show from your preferred podcast platform: Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the Samsung Podcasts app, Podcast Index, Tune In, Listen Notes, iHeartRadio, Deezer, YouTube or our RSS feed.

Episode Transcript

Jerry Maatman: Thank you for being here, loyal blog readers, in our next installment of the Class Action Weekly wire. I’m very excited to join my colleague, Eden Anderson, who is on the show today to talk about new California developments.

Eden Anderson: Thanks, Jerry. I’m very happy to be here.

Jerry: Great. A significant decision in the PAGA area was argued this past month in the California Supreme Court. And I know you’re following all things PAGA and all things arbitration on behalf of employers, and are very much in the forefront of thought leadership in this area. Could you tell our audience a bit about the case and what it means?

Eden: Yes, the Estrada, et al v. Royalty Carpet Mills case. There the plaintiff Jorge Estrada filed a putative class and PAGA action against his former employer asserting meal period violations under California law. The employer manufactured carpets and had employees working at a number of different locations and a number of different positions. The court initially certified two classes of workers from two different production facilities – 157 employees in total – and the claims were tried to the bench. The judge ultimately to decertified one of the two classes. The judge found there were too many individualized issues to support class treatment for that group, and as to the PAGA claim for that group, the judge deemed it not manageable, and dismissed it. Mr. Estrada appealed, and he argued that PAGA claims have no manageability requirement, and the Court of Appeal agreed with him; it reasoned that class action requirements don’t apply to PAGA actions, and therefore the manageability requirement that is rooted in class action procedure does not apply. And at the same time the Court of Appeal acknowledged that the difficulty that employers face, and trial courts as well with PAGA claims involving hundreds or thousands of employees, but it concluded that dismissal for lack of manageability just isn’t a tool that trial courts can utilize.

Jerry: I know there are a range of approaches that trial courts and appellate courts have undertaken when it comes to managing or adjudicating a PAGA action. Is there a split in authority that the California Supreme Court is going to be debating and looking at in terms of its ultimate ruling?

Eden: Yes, that’s correct. The holding in Estrada is contrary to the holding in Wesson v. Staples, where the trial court struck a PAGA claim as unmanageable, and the Court of Appeal affirmed. The claims at issue in Wesson involved the alleged misclassification of 345 store managers. The employer’s exemption affirmative defense turned on individualized issues as to each manager’s performance of exempt versus non-exempt tasks, which varied based on a number of factors including store size, sales volume, staffing levels, labor budgets, store hours, customer traffic, all of which varied across the stores.  The split in authority prompted the California Supreme Court to grant review in Estrada, but not Wesson. The Court of Appeal there determined that they had properly been dismissed for lack of manageability.

Jerry: I know the case was argued on November 8, and the stakes are quite high. It’s a vexing area for employers. It’s a challenging area for judges and lawyers. What were your takeaways from the oral argument, and what employers ought to know about the issues that were argued over that day before the California Supreme Court?

Eden: Overall, it was an uplifting oral argument for employers, which, as you know, can be a little bit unusual out here. On the downside, several justices, including justices Liu and Jenkins, express some skepticism about whether a trial court’s inherent powers allow it to outright strike or dismiss an entire PAGA action for lack of manageability. Justice Liu commented that permitting trial courts such wide-ranging power could shortchange the PAGA statute, unless there’s an overriding constitutional interest. On that point several justices acknowledged that an employer has a due process right to present evidence to support its affirmative defenses, and that in certain cases that evidence might require a series of mini trials over a period of years and wholly consume a trial court’s resources. Justice Kruger asked questions of Estrada’s counsel about the impracticability of requiring trial courts to consume years of time and resources in that manner. Justice Groban also expressed concern about a PAGA case, for example, where you have multiple labor code violations alleged, hundreds or even thousands of employees at issue, different work sites, different types of employees ranging from janitors to accountants, and he asked why, in such a case a trial court could not just limit the case to the accountants only, and other justices raised similar concerns. Chief Justice Guerrero asked Estrada’s counsel why the answer shouldn’t just be that trial courts have this broad discretion and that it’s just something that’s going to be subject to appellate review.

Jerry: It’s often said that California is the toughest venue in the United States to be an employer and litigate cases in courtrooms there. I suspect the answer is a little more nuanced, since every case is different. But given your expertise in this area and your thought leadership, do you have any prognostications for employers as to the outcome of the Estrada case and the California Supreme Court?

Eden: Yeah, given the constellation of comments from the justices, the court may hold that trial courts have an inherent authority to protect an employer’s due process rights, and that such power necessarily encompasses the right to gauge the manageability of PAGA claims, and to narrow them down as to whether that authority includes outright dismissal of an entire PAGA case. Employers are going to have to wait and see – a decision has to issue within 90 days, so we will soon know the answer.

Jerry: Well, in following the dockets of filings in all the states as we do, I think the number one case being filed these days by the plaintiffs’ bar are PAGA representative actions. So this particular decision certainly has the potential to be a game changer in the landscape of legal liability, especially in California. Well, thank you so much, Eden, and thank you to our loyal blog listeners for another edition and participation in our Class Action Weekly Wire.

Eden: Thank you for having me, Jerry, and thank you listeners.

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