France – Russian vessel barred from entering the port of Brest

It is being reported that the French port of Brest has barred the Russian vessel Shtandart from entering thereby enforcing the EU’s prohibition on Russian vessel entering EU ports.

The vessel has been re-flagged to the Cook Islands but remains operated by Russians. It is a modern replica of a frigate of Tsar Peter the Great which was sailing to Brest to take part in the Maritime Festival.

The same report notes that the vessel had previously been in another French port at La Rochelle.

Lithuania – company operating crypto exchange fined €8.23m for EU sanctions violations

Lithuania’s Financial Crimes Investigation Service has imposed a fine of €8.23m for breaches of the EU’s sanctions and a fine of €1.06m for breaches of Lithuania’s Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

The company fined is UAB Payeer. The press release notes that the company did not cooperate with the investigation and did not provide responses to questions raised.

The investigation commenced after an inspection in 2023 that was conducted after Payeer commenced its operations in Lithuania.

Payeer operated a crypto exchange at which allowed customers to make transfers to or from Russian banks that were designated under EU sanctions.

The AML fine relates to the failure to conduct KYC and the failure to report suspicious transactions.

The press release notes that Payeer had revenues of more than €164m during the 1.5 years of its breaches, but does not note what proportion of this came from prohibited activity.


UK – HMRC criminal investigation into alleged exports of perfume to Russia

In a civil judgment handed down earlier this week, it was revealed (at paragraph 63) that an individual, David Crisp, was arrested by HMRC on 10 October 2023 and electronic devices were seized.

The allegation is that companies managed by Mr Crisp were knowingly exporting perfume to Russia in breach of the UK’s sanctions.

As of the date of the judgment, HMRC had confirmed (at paragraph 69) that the criminal investigation remains ongoing but so far no charges have been made and Mr Crisp is no longer on bail.

The judgment itself is of note for the Court removing Mr Crisp as a director of the relevant companies on the basis that there was a “strong prima facie evidential basis for the allegations” of breaching the UK’s sanctions. The orders were a form of interlocutory relief as part of an unfair prejudice petition brought by another of the shareholders of the companies.


UK – National Crime Agency applies for confiscation order for £1.1m

The UK’s National Crime Agency has applied to confiscate £1.1m in frozen funds owned or controlled by Petr Aven on the basis that the funds in question are the proceeds of crime for being the proceeds of suspected breaches of the UK’s Russian sanctions.

It is being reported that the funds were first frozen by a court order in May 2022. The money is said to have been used in transactions by Ekaterina Kozina, Petr Aven’s wife, and Stephen Gater, Aven’s “representative”.

Latvia – corporate fine for import of possible Russian timber

The Latvian State Forest Service (VMD) has fined a company €10,000 in relation to timber which may have been sourced from Russia.

The fine was imposed on the basis of the EU’s Timber Regulation and the failure of the company to properly conduct due diligence on timber that may have been Russian in origin which would render the timber as illegally sourced.

It is being reported that the VMD has taken the view that the importer needs to be able to positively exclude the possibility that the timber is of Russian, or Belarusian, origin.

Germany – fine for the captain of distressed vessel which took Russian timber into German port

Further to our earlier posts about the detention and subsequent release of the vessel the Atlantic Navigator II which carried, amongst other cargo, birch timber of Russian origin into the German port of Rostock.

It is now being reported that the Captain of the vessel has received a fine which he was directed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to pay to the charity Human Rights Watch.

The fine was €8,000, which no doubt reflects the fact that the vessel only entered German waters after experiencing technical difficulties.

Germany – raids and arrests for suspected exports of luxury cars to Russia in breach of sanctions

On Friday the Customs office in Frankfurt raided and searched 24 residential and business premises mostly in Offenbach am Main and Aschaffenburg although Customs said the network extended across Germany. Four individuals were arrested. The actions were part of an investigation into the suspected export of luxury cars to Russia in breach of EU sanctions.

The individuals arrested were aged between 39 and 44 with one woman and three men.

The allegation is that 170 luxury cars had been exported since 2022.

Five cars were seized as part of the raids along with evidence and €300,000 in cash.  In addition a freezing order was obtained over €13.3m in bank accounts said to be the profits from the enterprise.

The German authorities have been particularly active in enforcement related to luxury cars of late:


Poland – sanctions enforcement statistics including 20 fines to date

As part of the press article (behind a paywall) on the recent fines against Novatek Green Energy and Geleo (see our post here), the Polish authorities have also provided an update on their enforcement activity more broadly.

      • Total administrative proceedings commenced: 48
      • Final decisions to date: 33
      • Declination or waiver of fine or finding of no breach: 13
      • Fines imposed to date: 20
      • Ongoing proceedings: 15
      • Total fines to date: 4.8m zloty (c. $1.2m)

Certainly the figure for total fines does not include the fine against Novatek Green Energy (which was 12 million zloty), but it is also a little unclear whether or not the figure includes the fine against Geleo (which was 4m zloty).

The report also notes that most of the 20 penalties have been imposed in 2024, with only two imposed by the end of 2023 for a combined total of 71,000 zloty (c. $17,700).

These enforcement actions appear to relate to a mix of EU and the separate Polish sanctions.

No information has been provided as to the conduct which gave rise to the fines, or who the fines were imposed on.

Poland – fines imposed on two companies for circumvention of Russian sanctions

Now updated from the post first published on 28 June.

It is being reported (behind a paywall) that the Malopolska Customs and Tax Office of Krakow has imposed fines of 12 million zloty (c. €2.78m) against Novatek Green Energy and 4 million zloty (c. €927,000) against employee-owned company Geleo.

The fine against Geleo was imposed on 31 May. It was for breach of the relevant asset freeze and for circumvention of Polish sanctions. The transaction in question was the purchase, for €1, of 100% of the shares in Novatek Green Energy from the Swiss company Novatek Gas and Power GmbH, which in turn is a direct subsidiary of the Russian company OAO Novatek.

The fine against Novatek Green Energy was imposed on 25 June, and was imposed for multiple transactions in breach of the imposed asset freeze.

With particular thanks to Dr Marcin Łukowski who provided a copy of the relevant article.

Italy – investigation into financial transfers to Russia

As part of its Annual Report, the Unità di Informazione Finanziaria per l’Italia within the Bank of Italy has announced investigations into suspicions of illicit money flows from Italy to Russia via third countries.

No further details are available at this time including the amounts at stake, the identities of the third countries, or whether a referral has been made to the criminal authorities.

It is also unclear whether the transfers are alleged to have been made for or on behalf of designated persons.

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