Lithuania – raids and 10 arrested for suspected prohibited exports to Russia

Lithuania’s State Security Department has issued a press release detailing raids and arrests carried out on 14 January of this year involving ten suspects.

The investigation was said to have been a collaborative effort also involving Estonia and Latvia.

The principal suspect is a Russian national who is alleged to have orchestrated the supply of high-tech equipment manufactured in Lithuania to Russian customers related to the Russian defence and security industry. He remains in custody. The other suspects have been released subject to conditions.

A pre-trial investigation has been commenced by the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office in relation to the suspects.

Latvia – more than 100 criminal cases for sanctions breaches commenced during 2024

It has been reported that the Latvian authorities commenced 100 criminal cases for suspected sanctions violations during 2024.

In late October 2024 the figure was reported as 94, meaning that the final weeks of the year continued to see new criminal cases started.

The cases appear to be predominantly related to breaches of trade sanctions and the reporting states that the prohibited products included “engines, steel products and optical devices”.

Latvia – 2-year jail sentence for breaching designated person’s asset freeze

It is being reported that the Kurzeme District Court has sentenced the Latvian citizen Valentins Rozencovs, to 2 years in jail.

The sentence was that sought by the prosecution, although the case is subject to appeal.

Rozencovs was the editor-in-chief of Sputnik Latvija which is the Latvian branch of Sputnik which operates under the umbrella of a Russian state-owned media company Rossiya Segodnya.

The Director General of Rossiya Segodnya is a designated person (Dmitry Kiselyov), and the prosecution was based on the premise that the provision of services by Valentins Rozencovs was making economic resources available to a designated person, and that Sputnik Latvija was “owned or controlled” by Kiselyov.

This is the latest in a series of prosecutions relating to Rossiya Segodnya – see our earlier posts, here and here.

Latvia – prosecution for exports to Belarus in breach of sanctions

It is being reported that a Belarusian businessman resident in Latvia is being prosecuted for alleged exports to Belarus in breach of the EU’s sanctions.

The businessman, Igor Medved, is also reported to be preparing a guilty plea.

It is alleged that through his company, Nordwoc Limited, exports of sanctioned machinery have been made to Belarus. The precise type of machinery is not specified in the reports.

The investigation by the State Security Service was first made public in October 2023, at which time a freeze was also imposed on the shares of Nordwoc.

The prosecution is reported to be seeking a two-year custodial sentence, a fine of €225,000 and confiscation of €30,000 as well as confiscation of the shares of Nordwoc.

Latvia – update on current sanctions enforcement including 5 convictions in 2024

An article in Latvia’s LTV has provided an update on a number of features of Latvian sanctions enforcement.

Firstly, the Customs Administration stated that they had confirmed 2,623 breaches of sanctions so far this year up from 2,175 in 2023.

It was also stated that to date “€662,498.27 worth of goods have been confiscated in favor of the State in criminal proceedings for breach of sanctions”.

This is a substantially higher figure that those for confiscations identified in our recent post summarising Latvian convictions obtained in 2022 and 2023.

The article also stated that a total of 14 prosecutions had been brought in relation to the making available of economic resources to companies (i.e. the websites Sputnik and Baltnews) owned or controlled by Dmitry Kiselyov.

Two of those prosecutions ended in convictions in 2023 (as per our earlier post above), but the article adds that “This year [i.e. 2024], three more cases have ended in fines and community service”.

Lastly, the article adds that there have been two other convictions obtained during 2024, but that none of the 2024 judgments have yet entered into force.

Although not mentioned in the article, it has been confirmed to me by Paulis Iljenkovs of Latvia’s FIU (who has also consented to me sharing the information), that Latvia currently has 382 ongoing sanctions investigations.

Latvia – details of the 10 Russian/Belarusian sanctions convictions from 2022 and 2023

With gratitude to a Paulis Iljenkovs of the Latvian FIU who pointed me to the website of Latvian anonymised case law, we can publish details of the criminal convictions to date under the EU’s Russian and Belarusian sanctions regimes.

As per an earlier post (here) it had been reported that there had been seven convictions to over 2022 and 2023. When including cases where companies and individuals were both convicted the correct figure is 10 convictions in 7 cases.

The website including Latvia case law is here. The case numbers provided below can be entered into the “Atlasīt pēc arhīva numura:” window to retrieve the judgments themselves which are in Latvian.

A. Case K77-3109-23. Riga City Court. 30 October 2023.

This case concerned the export of a Bentley Mulsanne Speed luxury vehicle to Russia that was sold for €112,552.69 in breach of the EU’s prohibitions on the export of luxury goods.

The company was convicted and fined €111,600 and had the full proceeds from the sale of the car confiscated as well.

The senior individual within the company was also convicted and personally fined €62,000.

In an earlier post we had reported that the total fine from this case was €170,000, but this sum excluded the confiscation.

B. Case K77-2464-23. Riga City Court. 25 October 2023.

The case was the prosecution of an individual who worked for Rossiya Segodnya, a Russian state media channel (the company is not named in the judgment, but is known from earlier press releases as per our earlier post).

The journalist was prosecuted for making “economic resources” available to a designated person, with Rossiya Segodnya having a designated person – Dmitry Kiselev – as its Director General.

The court held that the work product prepared during the course of employment constituted “economic resources” and that making these available to a designated person was a breach of the asset freeze imposed on Kiselev under the EU’s sanctions.

The fine was €6,820.

C. Case K77-2465-23. Riga City Court. 26 June 2023.

This case is twinned with Case B (K77-2464-23) above. The prosecution was of another journalist working for the same organisation, and the same case theory of the work product constituting “economic resources” was pursued.

In this instance, however, the journalist pleaded guilty and expressed remorse.

As part of a plea deal the individual was sentenced to 140 hours of community service.

The judgment itself concerned whether this plea deal was procedurally proper as a matter of Latvia law, and it was upheld.

D. Case K77-3055-23. Riga City Court. 17 October 2023.

This case was the prosecution of a company and individual for importing gas cylinders and valves from Belarus in breach of import prohibitions under the EU’s sanctions. The contract value was €73,508.

A senior person within the company, and the company itself were prosecuted and convicted.

The individual was fined €12,400.

The company was fined double that sum – €24,800, and had profits of €9,500 confiscated. This figure is not explained but may have been the profit made from on-selling the imported goods. The company was also banned from conducting any further business with Belarus for a year.

E. Case K12-0283-23. Daugavpils Court. 14 April 2023.

We have posted on this conviction previously.

The case concerned the conviction of an individual for importing 8kg of nails and 13 consignments of railway sleepers from Belarus in breach of the EU’s sanctions.

The man was fined €6,200 and barred from importing any goods from Belarus for a year.

A co-accused was also convicted (the judgment for which could not be found on the case law website) and was fined €5,000 and given a similar ban from importing any goods from Belarus for a year.

F. Case K77-1597-23. Riga City Court. 20 February 2023.

This case concerned the transfer of a professional football player from a Latvian club to a Belarussian club that was 79% owned by a designated person.

The transfer fee was US$50,000.

The player was treated in the judgment as an “economic resource” made available to a designated person in breach of the EU’s asset freeze.

The senior individual at the Latvian club pleaded guilty and was fined €6,200.

The club was also convicted and had the full US$50,000 transfer fee confiscated.

Latvia – 94 criminal proceedings commenced this year for Russia/Belarus sanctions breaches

In a reported interview with Raimonds Zukuls, the Deputy Director General of Latvia’s State Revenue Service, details of ongoing enforcement activity in Latvia have been provided.

These figures are specific to the EU’s sanctions against Russia and Belarus and include:

  • 94 criminal proceedings commenced during 2024;
  • more than 300 criminal proceedings overall (nb. as per our earlier post, the figure was 310 back in February 2024);
  • 2170 instances of blocked exports/imports during 2023; and
  • more than 2400 instances of blocked imports/exports during 2024.

Zukuls is also quoted as saying that the most frequent blocked exports to Russia and Belarus were cars, tractors, electrical equipment and appliances, and the most frequent blocked imports from Russia and Belarus were wooden products, animal feed and metal products.

Latvia – corporate fine for import of possible Russian timber

The Latvian State Forest Service (VMD) has fined a company €10,000 in relation to timber which may have been sourced from Russia.

The fine was imposed on the basis of the EU’s Timber Regulation and the failure of the company to properly conduct due diligence on timber that may have been Russian in origin which would render the timber as illegally sourced.

It is being reported that the VMD has taken the view that the importer needs to be able to positively exclude the possibility that the timber is of Russian, or Belarusian, origin.

European Sanctions Enforcement – milestone of over 2000 announced and active investigations reached

With the recent news that Finland has increased the number of its ongoing investigations, Europe (meaning the EU, the UK, Switzerland, etc) has reached the milestone of over 2,000 ongoing and public sanctions enforcement investigations being undertaken by regulators and prosecutors.

No doubt there are other investigations which are ongoing in the countries shown on the graph, and no doubt there are investigations ongoing in countries not shown and which remain confidential.

How many of these will be dropped due to inconclusive evidence or exculpatory evidence, and how many will lead to a conviction or fine or acquittal is impossible to say.

It is, without question, an unprecedented level of enforcement.


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