Poland – investigation and charge in relation to dual-use exports to Iran

It is being reported by Reuters that the Polish state-owned company WSK Poznan is being investigated by the National Prosecutor’s Office and the Internal Security Agency on suspicion of supplying parts to Iranian manufacturer, Motorsazan Company, which were then incorporated into drones used by Russian combat forces in Ukraine.

The National Prosecutor’s Office is also reported to have charged the CEO of the company in relation to the export of dual-use goods.

Another report states that the investigation has been ongoing for two years, and notes that the Polish National Prosecutor has denied evidence that parts were used for drones and stated that the investigation relates more to the sale of fuel pumps to Iran.


The enforcement of sanctions circumvention in Europe

Sanctions circumvention. It is one of the key topics of the moment.

It is a routine question for people to ask which countries provide a circumvention risk. It is also a common perception that enforcement of sanctions circumvention is lacking.

Based on the material in this blog we have listed out below the more than 40 examples where of recent enforcement of sanctions circumvention on a third-country by third-country basis. Where a particular case involved circumvention via several countries they are listed separately.

Continue reading “The enforcement of sanctions circumvention in Europe”

UK – FCA investigating banks over Iran sanctions allegations

Following widespread press reports (initially in the Financial Times) that a series of front companies linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard held accounts in the UK with Lloyds Bank and Santander, it is now being reported (behind a paywall) that both banks have been contacted by the Financial Conduct Authority in relation to the allegations.

Both banks have denied breaching sanctions.

Germany: BaFin investigating German bank over Iran sanctions

The German financial services regulator, BaFin, has issued a press release confirming an investigation into the money laundering and sanctions compliance of the bank Varengold Bank AG. The particular focus is Iran sanctions.

BaFin has prohibited the bank from processing payment transactions involving Iran, or person or companies resident in Iran. BaFin has also appointed a representative to oversee compliance with this prohibition.

Germany – man charged for exports to Iran

Further to our earlier post, the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office has issued a press release confirming that Alexander J. has been charged with various breaches of the EU’s sanctions against Iran.

The Iranian company purchasing equipment through Alexander J. is said to be a designated person, while the products themselves are also prohibited from being exported to Iran.

The goods are said to have been for use in Iran’s nuclear and missile programs, and to have been valued at over €1 million.

Netherlands – 18 month sentence for exports to Iran

The Dutch Supreme Court has denied an appeal against an 18-month custodial sentence against an individual for his role in  seven exports of goods to the National Iranian Gas Company which is a designated person under the EU’s sanctions.

The shipments were made via Turkey or Dubai and the defence argued in the appeal that this was not “indirectly” making economic resources available to a designated person. The Supreme Court disagreed.

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