Colorado Federal Court Denies Class Certification Without Uniform Job Conditions In Hybrid Wage & Hour Litigation

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Emilee N. Crowther, and Nicolette J. Zulli

Duane Morris Takeaways: In Levine v. Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Inc., No. 20-CV-00261, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 92027 (D. Colo. May 25, 2023), Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak of the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado granted Defendant Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Inc.’s (“Vitamin Cottage”) Motion to Decertify Plaintiff’s FLSA collective action, and denied Plaintiff’s Motion for Rule 23 Class Certification. The Court’s decision in this case aptly illustrates the standards under which courts should analyze, and defendants should move, for decertification of FLSA collective actions, as well as the standards for certification of a Rule 23 class in wage & hour misclassification lawsuits. This opinion is well-worth a read by corporate counsel, as it underscores the importance of well-planned and strategic discovery in defending class and collective actions in the context of an exemption misclassification case. Furthermore, it also demonstrates the contingent relationship and outcome of concurrently filed motions to for decertification brought by defendants and motions for Rule 23 class certification brought by plaintiffs.

Case Background

Vitamin Cottage owns and operates more than 150 grocery stores in nineteen states, and employs over 3,000 individuals. Plaintiff, a former Assistant Store Manager (“ASM”) in Colorado, filed suit under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and Colorado Wage Claim Act (“CWCA”) alleging improper classification of ASMs as exempt employees and denying them overtime.

In November 2020, the Court granted Plaintiff’s Motion for Conditional Certification and conditionally certified a collective action for the purposes of Plaintiff’s FLSA claims. In total, one-hundred fifty-eight (158) individuals opted-in to the collective action against Vitamin Cottage. Thereafter, Plaintiff and Vitamin Cottage conducted written discovery and depositions.

After the close of discovery, Vitamin Cottage filed a Motion to Decertify the conditionally certified collective action on the grounds that the opt-ins and Plaintiff were not similarly situated. Two months later, Plaintiff filed a Motion to for Class Certification, seeking to certify a Rule 23(b)(3) class of ASMs for the purpose of Plaintiff’s state law claims.

The Court ultimately granted Vitamin Cottage’s Motion to Decertify, and denied Plaintiff’s Motion for Class Certification.

The Court’s Decision On The Motion For Decertification

In granting Vitamin Cottage’s Motion for decertification, the Court emphasized that its review at the post-discovery decertification stage of whether workers “are similarly situated” under the FLSA is “strict.” Id. at *5. The Court evaluated the following factors in its strict “similarly situated” analysis: “(1) the disparate factual and employment settings of the individual plaintiffs; (2) the various defenses available to defendant which appear to be individual to each plaintiff; and (3) fairness and procedural considerations.” Id. at *5; see also Thiessen v. Gen. Elec. Capital Corp., 267 F.3d 1095, 1102-05 (10th Cir. 2001) (known as the Thiessen factors).

As the basis of the suit was a misclassification claim, for the first factor, the Court conducted “a fact-intensive inquiry into the daily activities of each individual plaintiff in order to adequately identify the actual scope of Plaintiffs’ job duties to determine the extent and consequences of any disparities among them.” Id. at *10 (quoting Green v. Harbor Freight Tools USA, Inc., 888 F.Supp. 2d 1088, 1099 (D. Kan. 2012)). After noting that FLSA claims are permitted to proceed collectively “when disparities among the opt-in plaintiffs are ‘not material’ and are ‘outweighed by the similarities between those Plaintiffs,’” the Court held that the discovery responses and deposition testimony established “material disparities” that weighed against the matter “proceeding collectively.” Id. at *10-11.

While Plaintiffs argued that the disparities between the opt-ins were minor and non-material, and that the ASMs collectively spent the majority of their time on non-exempt tasks, the Court reiterated that “determining the exemption status of any given individual depends on all the facts in a particular case and demands an examination of the character of the employee’s job as a whole.”  Id. at *18. Expanding on that general proposition, the Court noted “the amount of time spent performing exempt work . . . is not the sole test of whether an employee is exempt,” and analyzed the disparities that arose during discovery between potential collective members’ involvement in: (1) management (extent and type); (2) scheduling and task assignment; (3) managing and reporting store finances and performance; (4) ensuring store compliance with food safety regulations, including managing safety audits; (5) managing employee complaints and grievances; (6) directing the work of other employees; (7) hiring and firing employees.  Id. at *11-16.

Ultimately, despite some uniformity (including a uniform job description, employment policies, and Vitamin Cottage’s uniform policy of classifying ASMs as non-exempt), the Court stressed that “the decertification analysis must turn on whether the [collective action] members were actually performing similar duties,” and where opt-ins “effectively disavow the job descriptions as not reflective of their day-to-day responsibilities,” opt-ins “may not rely on the job description itself as generalized evidence of the scope and similarity of their daily activities.” Id. at *20. As such, the Court held that the disparate factual and employment settings of the individual opt-in ASMs weighed in favor of decertification. Id. at *22.

The Court also found that the second factor weighed in favor of decertification, as the application of the defenses denied on each Plaintiff’s specific job duties, and Plaintiffs failed to establish that they were “similarly situated.”  Id. at *22-23.  Finally, as to the third factor, “[b]ased on the material disparities within and among the opt-in’s discovery responses and deposition testimonies . . . individualized defenses and credibility concerns would result in at least dozens of the type of ‘mini-trials’ that undercut the efficacy and fairness of a collective action.” Id. at *24. Thus, for the same reasons as the Court found in considering the first and second factors, the Court found that the fairness and procedural considerations weighed against proceeding collectively, and granted Vitamin Cottage’s Motion to for decertification. Id.

The Court’s Decision On The Motion For Rule 23 Class Certification

In denying Plaintiff’s Rule 23(b)(3) Motion for class certification, the Court conducted a “rigorous analysis” under both Rule 23(a) and 23(b)(3), relying, in large part, on its findings in granting Vitamin Cottage’s Motion for decertification of Plaintiff’s FLSA claim. For starters, the Court cited the seminal ruling of Walmart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, 564 U.S. 338, 350 (2011).

Here, Plaintiff sought to certify a class for his unpaid overtime claim under CWCA. The Court noted that relevant state exemptions are similar, but not identical, to the FLSA exemptions discussed in the context of a Motion for decertification, and therefore required a separate, fact-intensive inquiry into the daily activities of an employee.

In considering the issue of commonality under Rule 23(a) together with the requirement of predominance under Rule 23(b)(3), the Court focused on whether the questions of law or fact common to class members predominated over any questions affecting only individual members, such that a class action would be superior to other available methods for fairly and efficiently resolving the controversy.

The Court held that while Vitamin Cottage’s uniform exemption policy showed that it considered the employees to be similar to at least some degree, a blanket exemption policy does not eliminate the need to make a factual determination as to whether class members are actually performing similar duties in the context of a misclassification claim.

Relying primarily on the briefing and exhibits associated with the Motion for decertification and the executive exemption as an illustration, the Court likewise found there were disparities in putative class members’ “supervisory” duties and hiring and firing authority.

In discussing the final element of the executive exemption, the Court noted an important difference between the Colorado executive exemption and the FLSA executive exemption: Whereas time spent performing exempt duties is not a dispositive element under the FLSA exemption, the Colorado executive exemption expressly requires the employees spend a minimum of 50% of the workweek in duties directly related to the supervision in order to qualify as exempt. Based on the evidence (i.e., deposition testimony and written discovery), the Court held there were plainly material disparities among the class members regarding the degree to which their day-to-day duties as ASMs involved supervisory or management-related objectives.

The Court reasoned that these material disparities went to the heart of liability in this matter – whether the class members were classified properly. And for that reason, the question of exemption was not capable of class-wide resolution. It further opined that due to the centrality of this question in the context of this case, whether other issues in the matter were capable of producing class-wide answers did not matter, as those issues did not predominate over the individualized question of whether each ASM was properly classified under Colorado law.

Ultimately, the Court held that for the same reasons it granted Vitamin Cottage’s Motion for decertification, Plaintiff did not meet his Rule 23 burden by relying on Vitamin Cottage’s common policies and procedures or uniform job description for ASMs.

Implications For Employers

The decision in Levine precisely delineates the standards for decertification of FLSA actions and certification of state law corollary class action claims. It also highlights the symbiotic nature of its analysis of these actions in the misclassification context and the important role that discovery plays in driving the outcome.

The Levine decision provides helpful guidance for employers that general uniform policies and procedures, such as the exemption policy analyzed by the Court in this case, are not enough to show that putative class or collective action members are actually performing similar duties. In order to withstand the Court’s “rigorous analysis,” an employer’s written discovery, such as interrogatory answers, and deposition testimony of putative class or collective action members must reflect that the specific duties and responsibilities of the putative class or collective action members at issue are uniform across-the-board.

Sixth Circuit Adopts Heightened Standard For Certification Of FLSA Collective Actions

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Jennifer A. Riley and Kathryn R. Brown

Duane Morris Takeaways: In Clark v. A&L Homecare and Training Center, LLC, Nos. 22-3101, 3102 & 2023 WL 3559657 (6th Cir. May 19, 2023) a split three judge-panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that in actions brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), plaintiffs must show a “strong likelihood” of being “similarly situated” to other individuals allegedly subject to the same violations of the statute in order to secure certification of a collective action. The ruling should be a required read for companies involved in wage & hour litigation.

The new approach announced by the Sixth Circuit disrupts the plaintiff-friendly framework courts have applied for years to conditionally certify FLSA collective actions based on minimal evidence.  As the majority of the panel recognized, a court’s decision to issue notice in an FLSA collective action has the potential to expand the scope and cost of discovery to such a degree that defendants are compelled to settle, regardless of the merits of the claims at issue.  The “strong likelihood” standard gives district courts greater authority to test a plaintiff’s assertions of similarity before approving notice in an FLSA collective action.  As such, the ruling has major consequences for litigants in the Sixth Circuit, which covers Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan.

Case Background

The named plaintiffs brought a putative collective action under the FLSA against their former employer and its owners, challenging pay practices they alleged ran afoul of the FLSA’s overtime and minimum wage requirements.  The named plaintiffs filed a motion with the district court seeking conditional certification of three collective actions of employees alleged to have been subject to the same pay practices.  In an August 4, 2021 opinion, the district court granted plaintiffs’ motion as to two of the three proposed collective actions.  Holder v. A&L Home Care & Training Ctr., LLC, 552 F. Supp. 3d 731, 740 (S.D. Ohio 2021).  In conditionally certifying two collective actions, the district court applied the oft-used two-step framework set forth in Lusardi v. Xerox Corp., 118 F.R.D. 351 (D.N.J. 1987).

Under the Lusardi framework, named plaintiffs need only present what courts have described as a “modest factual showing” that similar potential plaintiffs exist to satisfy the first step, i.e., certification of a collective action on a conditional basis.  In the second step, assuming others have joined the lawsuit as opt-in plaintiffs and the parties have completed discovery on the merits, the district court makes a final determination whether the opt-in plaintiffs actually qualify as parties to the litigation on the basis of substantial similarity to the named plaintiffs in what is known as a second-stage final certification order.

The district court acknowledged that the Fifth Circuit in Swales v. KLLM Transport Services, L.L.C., 985 F.3d 430, 443 (5th Cir. 2021), had rejected the Lusardi approach in favor of “rigorous” enforcement of the similarity requirement in a single step, after a period of preliminary discovery. The Sixth Circuit declined to follow suit.  Recognizing district courts’ need for guidance on the standard for sanctioning notice to putative opt-in plaintiffs in FLSA cases, however, the district court certified its decision for immediate interlocutory review by the Sixth Circuit under 28 U.S.C. § 1292(b).  The Sixth Circuit accepted the appeal in order to address, for the first time, the legal issue of what a plaintiff needs to show in order to convince a court to allow notice to others of their ability to join the plaintiff’s FLSA lawsuit.

The Sixth Circuit’s Decision

The two-judge majority of the Sixth Circuit panel rejected both the Lusardi approach and the Swales approach.  Judges Kethledge and Bush endorsed a “strong likelihood” standard as the new framework to guide courts in the Sixth Circuit.  In an opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part, Judge White denounced the single-step approach in Swales and criticized the Lusardi approach as flawed, but found it unnecessary to adopt a new standard.

The majority opinion suggests that the new standard involves two steps.  Writing for the two-judge majority, Judge Kethledge analogized the showing of similarity required under the new standard to what a movant must show to secure a preliminary injunction, i.e., that, to a certain degree of probability, the movant will prevail on the underlying issue when the court makes its final decision whether to enjoin or not.  Judge Kethledge’s opinion focuses on the first step, which requires a named plaintiff to show it is strongly likely that members of the putative collective action are “in fact similarly situated” to the named plaintiff, without stating the contours of the second step.  The opinion cautions district courts to “expedite” ruling on motions for such notice in FLSA cases in light of the general two-year statute of limitations period for FLSA claims.  See 29 U.S.C. § 255(a).

Importantly, as to what district courts should consider in applying the new standard, the three judges on the Sixth Circuit panel found common ground.  The panel agreed that district courts should consider the impact of the different defenses to which potential members of the collective action may be subject in making the notice determination.  For example, whether some potential plaintiffs signed arbitration agreements and whether the statute of limitations would bar some potential plaintiffs’ claims are fair game in a district court’s decision whether to allow notice.

The two-judge majority of the panel vacated the district court’s August 2021 order and remanded for the district court to apply the new standard of “strong likelihood” of similarity to the named plaintiffs’ motion to notify members of the putative collectives.

Implications For Employers

The A&L Homecare decision is consequential because it ushers in a new, more defense-friendly threshold for sanctioning notice of a putative FLSA collective action lawsuit.  Plaintiffs litigating FLSA cases in the Sixth Circuit face a heavier burden to show they are similarly situated to the individuals they seek to notify of the lawsuit.  The ruling is also significant because it confirms that district courts should account for defenses that potentially differentiate the named plaintiffs from the putative opt-in plaintiffs in deciding whether the named plaintiffs have satisfied their burden to issue notice.

In A&L Homecare, the Sixth Circuit becomes the latest federal appellate court to abandon the long-used two-step approach set forth in Lusardi.  Just a month ago, in Matthews v. USA Today Sports Media Group, LLC, et al., No. 1:22-CV-1307 (E.D. Va.), a district court in the Fourth Circuit followed the Fifth Circuit’s approach in Swales, as we previously reported.

The absence of a unified approach among federal courts to the question of notice in collective actions derives in part from the FLSA statute itself.  The statute contemplates that “similarly situated” others may join a lawsuit asserting claims under the FLSA, but says nothing about the process by which they may do so.  See 29 U.S.C. § 216(b).

It remains to be seen whether other federal courts will abandon the plaintiff-friendly approach of Lusardi in favor of the one-step standard in Swales, the “strong likelihood” standard in A&L Homecare, or yet another standard.  Given the disparate approaches of federal district and appellate courts, the legal question of a plaintiff’s showing of similarity to members of a putative collective action may well land on the Supreme Court’s docket.



Texas Supreme Court Reaffirms “Rigorous and Searching Judicial Analysis of Plaintiffs’ Claims” Required Prior to Class Certification

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Emilee Crowther

Duane Morris Takeaways: In American Campus Communities, Inc. v. Berry, No. 21-0874 (Tex. Apr. 21, 2023), the Texas Supreme Court unanimously reversed the trial court’s class certification order and disposed of the appeal on the grounds Plaintiffs’ claims were facially defective.  In rendering its decision, the Texas Supreme Court emphasized that both district and appellate courts, to comply with Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 42 (“Rule 42”), must examine the substantive law underlying Plaintiffs’ claims prior to granting or affirming class certification.  The Texas Supreme Court’s decision in this case ultimately serves as a roadmap for trial and appellate courts – as well as counsel for defendants – to ensure a meaningful and rigorous analysis of “the claims, defenses, relevant facts, and applicable substantive law” underlying Plaintiff’s claims prior to granting class certification under Rule 42.

Case Background

American Campus Communities, Inc. and its related companies (“ACC”) own and manage student housing properties throughout the United States.  Plaintiffs, four former tenants of ACC’s properties in Texas, filed suit against ACC alleging it omitted language from its leases required under Section 92.056(g) of the Texas Property Code, and requested the trial court to certify a class of 65,000 former ACC tenants whose leases did not include the required language.

In addition to opposing the class certification, ACC moved for summary judgment on Plaintiffs claims. It contended that the Property Code does not create strict liability for an omission of the required statutory language.  The district court denied ACC’s summary judgment and granted Plaintiff’s motion for class certification.  The court of appeals affirmed a modified version of the trial court’s order, and authorized class-wide litigation on Plaintiffs asserted statutory strict liability claim regarding the omitted lease term.  Neither the district court nor the court of appeals analyzed the substantive law governing Plaintiffs’ proposed class claims.

The Texas Supreme Court’s Decision

On further appeal, the Texas Supreme Court spent the majority of its opinion addressing the obligation of a district trial and appellate court to conduct a meaningful and rigorous analysis of “the claims, defenses, and applicable substantive law” underlying a Plaintiff’s claims prior to granting class certification under Texas Rule 42.  Id. at 6-7 (quoting Sw. Refin Co. v. Bernal, 22 S.W.3d 425, 435 (Tex. 2000) (emphasis original)). The Supreme Court held that the failure of the district court and appellate court to analyze the applicable substantive law underlying Plaintiffs claims prior to class certification was error and “an example of the ‘certify now and worry later’ approach to class certification.” Id. at 10 (citing Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 435 and BMG Direct Mktg., Inc. v. Peake, 178 S.W.3d 763, 778 (Tex. 2005)).  For courts to comply with their obligations under Rule 42, they must rigorously scrutinize the legal underpinnings of the alleged class claims prior to class certification.

This rigorous analysis, the Supreme Court held, is required even when it is entangled with the merits, as a “court’s duty under Rule 42 to conduct a meaningful analysis of the proposed claims . . . is more fundamental than . . . avoiding premature resolution of the merits.”  Id. at 15.  While the Supreme Court made clear that a court should not decide the merits of the case in a class certification analysis, it must still understand the law governing the Plaintiffs claims and “gauge the claim’s suitability for class resolution on the basis of that understanding.” Id. at 14.

Due to the failure of the district court and appellate court to analyze the governing law at the class certification stage, the Supreme Court analyzed the substantive law at issue in the case, and ultimately held that class certification was improperly granted as “a proper understanding of the substantive law applicable to the proposed class claims indicates that no such claims exist.” Id. at 19.

Implications For Employers

The Texas Supreme Court’s decision in American Campus Communities, Inc. teaches various lessons.  It serves as a reminder that class certification on claims that are not supported by underlying substantive law is legally invalid.  For Defendants, it underscores the importance of analyzing the merits of claims at the beginning of the lawsuit, and of moving for a summary judgment on the merits of the underlying claims before class certification.

Federal Court In New Hampshire Grants Conditional Certification In Wage & Hour Litigation After Deciding The First-Stage Standard Applies

By Michael DeMarino and Gerald L. Maatman, Jr.

Duane Morris Takeaways  In McCarthy v. Medicus Healthcare Sols., LLC, No. 1:21-CV-668, 2023 WL 2989051, at *1 (D.N.H. Apr. 18, 2023), the U.S. District Court for the District Court of New Hampshire granted conditional certification of a collective action consisting of physician recruiters who alleged that they did not receive overtime wages for all earned overtime hours in violation of the FLSA.  Although the plaintiff’s motion for conditional certification came late in the procedural posture of the case, the Court nonetheless applied the more lenient first-stage conditional certification standard often relied upon in FLSA collective actions. The decision in McCarthy is an important one as it highlights the ongoing battle between litigants over the standard for conditional certification of a FLSA collective action when the parties have engaged in significant discovery.

Background Of The Case

Plaintiff, a recruiter, worked for Medicus, a nationwide physician recruitment and medical staffing company.  Plaintiff alleged that Medicus misclassified him and other alleged similarly-situated employees as a “non-exempt” employee under the FLSA, and failed to pay him overtime compensation for working over 40 hours in a workweek in violation of the FLSA.

Prior to answering the complaint, Medicus twice moved to dismiss the original complaint on statute of limitations grounds.  The Court denied those motions, Medicus answered the complaint, and the parties proceeded to discovery.  During discovery, the parties unsuccessfully attempted to resolve the dispute at mediation. Afterwards, Plaintiff filed his motion for conditional certification of a collective action.

The Court’s Ruling

In opposing Plaintiff’s motion for conditional certification, Medicus argued that because Plaintiff filed the motion “near the end of the case” and the parties had engaged in “extensive discovery,” the Court should apply the heightened standard applicable to the later, decertification stage.  Under that standard, which typically occurs after the defendant moves to decertify the collective action, the Court makes “a factual determination as to whether there are similarly-situated employees who have opted in.”  Id. at *2.

In response, Plaintiff argued that he should “not be prejudiced for pausing the litigation (and delaying the filing of this motion) to attempt to resolve the case at a pre-certification mediation, and the more lenient first-stage standard should apply.”  Id.  Under this standard, “Plaintiffs bear the light burden of demonstrating that there is a reasonable basis for their claim that there are other similarly-situated employees.”  Id. at *1.

The Court agreed with Plaintiff. It concluded that Plaintiff provided a “reasonable explanation for the alleged delay in filing.” Id. at *4.  The Court also noted that numerous case law authorities had “applied the lenient standard under similar procedural circumstances, including after the parties engaged in substantial discovery.” Id. at *3. The Court opined that because conditional certification is ultimately a “case management tool,” it has broad discretion to manage its cases and apply the lenient first-stage standard.  Id. at *4.

Applying the lenient first-stage standard, the Court rejected Medicus’s arguments that inconsistencies in Plaintiff’s evidence precluded conditional certification and that certain facts admitted in Plaintiff’s deposition give rise to individualized defenses. Instead, the Court held that for “purposes of this motion,” it need not “resolve factual disputes, decide substantive issues going to the ultimate merits, or make credibility determinations.’” Id. at *8.  Over Medicus’s objection, the Court granted Plaintiff’s motion for conditional certification.

Implications For Companies Facing FLSA Collective Actions

The ruling in McCarthy underscores how the first-stage and second-stage certification standards in FLSA actions can impact the case and drive the decision whether to send FLSA notice to potential collective action members.  Although the defendant was ultimately unsuccessful in getting out from under the lenient first-stage standard, corporate defendants facing FLSA collective actions still should push for the heightened second-stage standard when the parties have engaged in some amount of discovery.  Whether a court will apply the first or second-stage standard generally will turn on the amount of discovery conducted and the reason for plaintiff’s delay in moving for conditional certification.

Federal District Court in Virginia Rejects Two-Step “Conditional Certification” FLSA Process

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Jennifer A. Riley, and Rebecca S. Bjork

Duane Morris Takeaways: On April 14, 2023, U.S. District Court Judge T. S. Ellis, III joined in the fray over whether the long-used two-step process for issuing notice of a Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) collective action is consistent with the text of the statute.  In Mathews v. USA Today Sports Media Group, LLC, et al., No. 1:22-CV-1307 (E.D. Va.), he held that it is not.  Judge Ellis ordered the parties to engage in limited discovery to establish a factual record upon which he can decide whether members of the plaintiff’s proposed collective action are, in fact, “similarly situated.”  If – and only if – he concludes they are, he would then issue a notice allowing such persons to opt-in to the collective action.  This ruling is significant because it follows a similar decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in 2021, and the Sixth Circuit is currently considering an appeal raising the same issue.  Thus, momentum may be building for the U.S. Supreme Court to ultimately step in and settle the issue. The one-step or two-step process is far from academic, for it has everything to do with litigation costs and risks, and the leverage flowing from a win or a loss in the certification battle.

Case Background

Plaintiff filed a collective action lawsuit under the FLSA alleging that USA Today Sports Media Group, LLC (“USA Today”) and Gannett Co., Inc. unlawfully classified her and others like her as independent contractors, and thus denied them overtime pay.  From January 2017 to August 2021, Plaintiff was the Site Editor for the Seahawks Wire website, USA Today’s website covering the NFL franchise Seattle Seahawks.  In her role, Plaintiff alleges that she and other “similarly situated” Site Editors for other teams all signed the same “Editor Agreement” with USA Today, and that they all engaged in similar duties such as “writing, editing and publishing sports news articles regarding their respective teams; managing others; editing other people’s articles; and making social media posts regarding articles they had written.”  (Slip Op. at 2.)  She submitted three declarations signed by herself and two others working as site editors for other teams, along with a motion for “conditional certification” of her FLSA collective.  (Id.)

USA Today responded by submitting declaration evidence to show that Site Editors have freedom to create their content including how long their articles are, the tone they take, how many are posted each day, et cetera.  (Id. at 3.)  It also noted that it did not provide any office space, tools, feedback, performance evaluations, or supervisors to Site Editors, and also allowed them to write for other websites. (Id.)  In other words, USA Today submitted evidence to show that under the applicable test for deciding whether someone is an independent contractor, Site Editors meet that standard, so they are not misclassified.

As is typical, Plaintiff argued that her lawsuit should proceed immediately as a collective action by issuance of an order sending notice to all of the other Site Editors around the nation.  She maintained that she had submitted sufficient evidence under a lenient first step standard in a two-step process that they are all “similarly situated.”  (Id. at 1, 4.)  Under a test established in 1987 by Lusardi v. Xerox Corp., 118 F.R.D. 351 (D.N.J. 1987), Plaintiff contended that step one is an “initial ‘notice stage’ determination” that members of the proposed collective action are similar enough to receive a notice of the action and be given the opportunity to opt in.  (Id. at 4 (citing Thiessen v. Gen. Elec. Capital Corp., 267 F.3d 1095 1102 (10th Cir. 2001).)  Under this view of the FLSA, a plaintiff need only show “substantial allegations” that they are “victims of a single decision, policy or plan” in order for a notice to be sent – in this case, to all Site Editors nationwide.  (Slip Op. at 4.)  Plaintiffs then usually receive the right to conduct complete discovery, after which defendants may file a motion to “decertify” the collective action, based on evidence developed during the discovery process.

USA Today responded that the Court should follow the Fifth Circuit’s recent decision in Swales v. KLLM Transp. Servs., LLC, 985 F.4th 430 (5th Cir. 2021), which rejected the longstanding approach developed in Lusardi.  (Slip Op. at 4.)  It argued that the two-step approach has no basis in the statutory language of the FLSA.  Rather, it emphasized that the court must instead make a sound factual determination as to whether proposed opt-in plaintiffs are, in fact, similarly situated and that requires discovery targeted solely to that inquiry.  (Id.)

The Court’s Decision

Judge Ellis agreed with USA Today.  He ruled that the parties must engage in discovery directed to establishing whether or not Site Editors around the country are similarly situated with regards to their work, the supervision provided (or not) by USA Today, along with the other relevant factors to establish that they were misclassified as independent contractors.  He began by noting that the Fourth Circuit had not adopted the Lusardi test, nor had it commented on the Fifth Circuit’s decision in Swales.  Rather, the Fourth Circuit has simply stated that district courts have discretion to manage the notice process in FLSA collective actions.  (Id. at 5.)  Judge Ellis decided that “the correct approach then, as noted by the Fifth Circuit, is the one authorized by FLSA’s text.  Courts must determine, at the outset, whether a proposed collective action is ‘similarly situated’ to the named plaintiffs.  To make this determination, courts may require limited discovery, targeted only at the factual and legal considerations needed to make the ‘similarly situated’ determination.”  (Id. at 6.)  He then ordered discovery only of the following – from the plaintiffs the Schedule C or W-2 forms of the named plaintiff and two declarants relating to their work writing sports media blog posts; any employment contracts, offer letters or agreements relating to their work; and one three-hour deposition; and from the defendants the independent contractor agreements; policy documents relating to the independent contractor arrangement; an organizational chart; a three-hour long Rule 30(b)(6) deposition; and a three-hour long deposition of defendants’ declarant filed in opposition to plaintiff’s motion.  (Id. at 6-7).  The discovery must be completed by May 26, 2023.  (Id. at 6.)

Implications For Employers

Our annual class action review analyzed FLSA conditional certification rates, and plaintiffs won 82% of first stage conditional certification motions, but only 50% of second stage motions. Our previous post on these statistics is here. Hence, the stakes are quite meaningful in terms of the approach outlined in the Matthews ruling.

As any employer who has been sued by a named plaintiff seeking to represent an FLSA collective action knows, the discovery burden imposed by application of the two-step Lusardi decision is far more onerous than what Judge Ellis established in this case.  Full merits discovery lasting more than a year is common, as opposed to a narrowly-targeted investigation of the work performed by the plaintiffs along with facts relating to the relevant independent contractor factors.  For that reason alone, employers with operations within the Fourth Circuit will be happy to know they can cite Judge Ellis’ ruling in the future.  While no one can predict the future with any degree of certainty, it seems likely that this new legal trend regarding the collective action notice process may eventually need to be resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Seventh Circuit Teaches Important Lesson On The “Rigorous Analysis” Required for Rule 23 Class Certification

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Shaina Wolfe, and Aaron A. Bauer

Duane Morris Takeaways: In Eddlemon v. Bradley University, No. 20-01264 (7th Cir. Apr. 12, 2023), the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Seventh Circuit vacated an Illinois federal district court’s class certification order because it failed to conduct a “rigorous analysis” of each of the Rule 23 factors – numerosity, commonality, typicality, and adequacy of representation. A student alleged, among other things, that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bradley University breached its implied contract with students by shortening the Spring 2020 semester and continuing to charge students full tuition, and was unjustly enriched by charging students for their unused activity fees. The district court granted class certification to students that paid full tuition and activity fees for the Spring 2020 semester. The Seventh Circuit held that the district court did not thoroughly evaluate the Rule 23 factors because it relied only on the pleadings and failed to ensure that the plaintiff had met each of the required factors. The Seventh Circuit’s decision serves as a reminder that plaintiffs must offer sufficient evidence and show how each of the Rule 23 factors are met, and district courts must rigorously analyze the Rule 23 requirements prior to certifying a class action.

Case Background

With the unexpected onset of COVID-19 during the Spring Semester of 2020, Bradley University, like many other schools, transitioned from in-person to remote learning. To facilitate the transition, the university extended its Spring break, which in-turn, shortened the school’s 15-week spring semester to 14 weeks.

A student sued the university for breach of an implied contract because the university charged students full tuition despite the shortened semester. The student alleged that the university’s class catalog served as a contract that entitled the student to 15 weeks of education. The student also alleged that the university was unjustly enriched by the collected student activity fees because students did not attend any on-campus activities. The student sought class certification on behalf of the 7,759 other students.

The U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois granted Rule 23 certification of two classes, including: (1) students whose Spring 2020 semester was shortened, and (2) students who paid the Spring 2020 semester activity fees.  The university filed a Rule 23(f) appeal with the Seventh Circuit, challenging the district court’s analysis of the commonality and predominance requirements. The university argued that the district court erred in granting class certification because it relied solely on the student’s pleadings without assessing the record. The university also argued that the district court failed to identify or separately analyze the student’s claims.

The Seventh Circuit’s Ruling Vacating Class Certification

The Seventh Circuit vacated the district court’s class certification order and remanded for further proceedings. The Seventh Circuit agreed with the university’s two main arguments.

First, the Seventh Circuit noted that “[t]he district court’s certification order does not reveal whether the court examined the record,” but that the district court repeatedly referred to the student’s allegations without addressing his purported evidence (e.g., the university’s class catalog) or examining how the student would prove his allegations with common evidence. The Seventh Circuit held that the district court’s certification order, therefore, rested on an error of law and amounted to an abuse of discretion because Rule 23 required it to “go beyond the pleadings.”

Second, the Seventh Circuit explained that the district court’s analysis was incomplete because it did not identify or separately analyze the elements of plaintiff’s claims, which is critical to the predominance analysis. The Seventh Circuit emphasized that the district court failed to note the elements of the student’s claims. Instead, the district court listed only one common question for each class without explaining the question’s “relative importance” to each claim, whether any individual questions existed, or how the common question predominated over individual questions. The Seventh Circuit opined that the district court’s analysis was “fatal,” and reiterated that a “one size (or one claim approach) is at odds with the rigorous analysis required at the class certification stage.”

Finally, the Seventh Circuit took the “opportunity” to clarify that, at the certification stage, the district court may only consider the merits of a claim to the extent it is relevant to determining whether the Rule 23 prerequisites for class certification are satisfied.

Implications for Employers

The Seventh Circuit’s decision in Eddlemon serves as important reminder that plaintiffs must support their motions for class certification with a “preponderance of the evidence” and district courts must conduct a “rigorous analysis” of the evidence in the record. To defeat class certification, defendants should emphasize the importance of each Rule 23 factor and attempt to show why, under a rigorous analysis, the plaintiff’s class claims should not be certified.

New York Federal Court Denies Class Certification In FDNY Employment Discrimination Case

By Katelynn Gray, Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., and Gregory Slotnick

Duane Morris Takeaways: On April 12, 2023, Judge Ann M. Donnelly of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York denied class certification in an employment discrimination class action brought by a former Auto Mechanic of the  Fire Department of New York (FDNY). In Feeley v. New York Fire Department, Case No. 20 Civ. 1770 (S.D.N.Y. April 12, 2023), the plaintiff sued on behalf of a class consisting of all female employees that have or will be employed with the FDNY since August 2007 who have the need or chose to express milk during work hours.  On Rule 72 review, in adopting Magistrate Judge Peggy Kuo’s report and recommendation in its entirety, Judge Donnelly determined that the plaintiff was unable to demonstrate that the FDNY discriminated against other female employees pursuant to an alleged policy or practice of failing to provide them with reasonable work assignment accommodations, adequate lactation locations, or notice of their rights.  The Court opined that the plaintiff failed to meet the Rule 23 requirements of commonality and typicality, and that her attorneys could not sufficiently provide adequate class representation. The ruling is a blueprint for corporate counsel in terms of a solid approach for opposing employment-related class action certification motions.


The plaintiff, an ex-FDNY Auto Mechanic claimed that, after she returned from maternity leave in July 2018 and told a supervisor she would need to express breast milk in the workplace, she was first provided an unoccupied office to lactate twice a day for 30 to 45 minutes.  However, according to the Complaint, beginning in September 2018, she experienced various workplace issues interfering with her ability to express breast milk.

First, the plaintiff asserted that the FDNY made her fill out a form and told her she had to create a schedule in advance of when she needed to express milk, subject to supervisor approval.  She also claimed she was forced to “parade” in front of her co-workers while pumping in order to clock out with breast pump apparatus still attached, had to pump from multiple locations included her vehicle and a cubicle, and that she was not provided reasonable work assignment accommodations conducive to her physical limitations to ensure her legal right to pump.  The former employee also alleged that the FDNY began to closely monitor her work, and gave her negative performance evaluations and difficult assignments as a form of harassment and retaliation after she complained about her treatment in the workplace.

According to Magistrate Judge Kuo’s opinion, the FDNY provided evidence it had a formal lactation policy since 2010 that guaranteed nursing employees the right to take lactation breaks in a clean and private space other than a bathroom and in close proximity to their workstation, as required by law.  The FDNY also provided yearly training to its employees regarding reasonable accommodations and its Human Resources Department provided employees returning from childbirth with information on their right to express breastmilk in the workplace.  The FDNY further distributed an application for employees to request reasonable lactation-related accommodations.  Between January 2010 and March 2021, 269 FDNY employees applied to express breast milk at work, 91 employees requested lactation accommodations, and all requests for accommodation were granted.  The plaintiff was the only FDNY Auto Mechanic who requested a lactation accommodation during that time period.

The Decision

First, Magistrate Judge Kuo found the plaintiff failed to demonstrate commonality with respect to her allegation that the FDNY did not provide reasonable accommodations related to work assignments.  Specifically, the Court determined that the plaintiff did not articulate what requests for accommodations she made and in what way they were denied.  The Court held that even if the FDNY discriminated against the employee by failing to provide her reasonable accommodations, there was no evidence of any widespread policy or practice that the FDNY discriminated against nursing mothers by denying them reasonable work assignment accommodations.  The Magistrate Judge concluded that the plaintiff’s description of a single assignment she claimed was harassing (repair of a vehicle that was soon to be condemned) failed to describe a policy or widespread FDNY practice, and was unique to the employee.  Magistrate Judge Kuo also found the employee failed to allege any other nursing mother at the FDNY faced similar discrimination, and that she had actually testified she was unaware of any such instance

The Court found the FDNY notified the employee of her lactation rights, and indeed the employee filled out a form requesting two specific times during the workday to express breast milk.  According to Magistrate Judge Kuo, even assuming the employee was discriminated against because she received inadequate notification of her rights, the plaintiff failed to show a widespread pattern or practice of pervasive discrimination against the putative class, that the FDNY engaged in widespread acts of intentional discrimination, or that intentional discrimination was the FDNY’s standard operating procedure.

As to typicality, the Court held the plaintiff’s claims were specific to her and atypical of her proposed class, as she was the only female Auto Mechanic in the Fleet Services Division.  She also failed to provide any information about other employees’ experiences in connection with her motion.

Finally, the Court took issue with the ability of Plaintiff’s counsel to adequately represent the putative class. It noted that plaintiff’s counsel had missed various deadlines and conferences in the case.  The attorneys further failed to attach affidavits or any statistical analysis to the motion papers, which raised red flags for the Court as to the firm’s competency to represent the putative class.

Key Takeaways for Employers

In addition to a roadmap for opposing class certification in an employment discrimination claim, the decision is a timely reminder for employers to ensure they have policies and practices in place that comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning employees’ right to express breast milk at work.  For example, effective June 7, 2023, for employers throughout New York State, employees must have access to lactation rooms or spaces that meet certain specifications.  Specifically, the room must be: (i) “in close proximity to the work area”; (ii) “well lit”; (iii) “shielded from view”; and (iv) “free from intrusion from other persons in the workplace or the public.” Additionally, the room must be supplied with: (i) “a chair”; (ii) “a working surface”; (iii) “nearby access to clean running water”; (iv) “an electrical outlet,” if the workplace has electricity; and (v) “refrigeration for the purposes of storing the expressed milk,” if there is access to refrigeration in the workplace.  The room may not be a restroom or toilet stall. New York employers also will need to provide reasonable unpaid break time or permit an employee to use paid break time or meal time to allow an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child each time such employee has reasonable need to express breast milk for up to three years following child birth. New York employers will also be required to provide the NY Department of Labor’s written policy regarding the rights of nursing employees to express breast milk to each employee upon hire and annually thereafter, as well as to employees returning to work following childbirth.

At the federal level, a fairly recent Duane Morris Alert details expanded protections for pregnant and nursing employees.  The Alert also provides suggested steps employers should take to comply with new requirements under the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (enforcement effective April 28, 2023) and the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (effective June 27, 2023).


Illinois Trial Court Grants Class Certification In BIPA Class Action

By Alex W. Karasik, Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Jennifer A. Riley

TakeawaysIn Palacios v. H&M Hennes & Mauritz, LP, Case No. 18-CH-16030 (Cir. Ct. Cook County, Ill. Mar. 16, 2023), a state trial court in Illinois granted Plaintiff’s motion for class certification in an Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (the “BIPA”) class action. Given the limited jurisprudence in BIPA class action certification rulings, this decision is an important read for corporate counsel, as the ruling likely will be used as a roadmap by the plaintiffs’ bar to support their efforts to certify such classes.

Case Background

Plaintiff alleged that Defendant required him and other employees to scan their fingerprints into a biometric time clock system to record the time they worked, and unlawfully collected, possessed, and transferred their biometric information without consent and without a proper retention and destruction schedule.  Plaintiff sought to certify a class of all hourly employees who enrolled in or used Defendant’s timekeeping system while working for Defendant between August 9, 2014, and October 15, 2019.

In terms of the four factors to certify the class – numerosity, adequacy of representation, commonality, and appropriateness – Defendant did not challenge the numerosity factor. However, Defendant challenged the motion for class certification regarding the other three factors.

The Court’s Decision

The Court granted Plaintiff’s motion for class certification. First, the Court held that the named Plaintiff was an adequate class representative. Defendant argued that, based on Plaintiff’s deposition testimony, he was, “uninformed and disinterested in the facts, the litigation, and his role as class representative.” The Court rejected this argument, holding that, “while [Plaintiff] may not understand legal jargon . . . he understands the basic facts . . . understands he is making a legal claim for violation privacy rights on behalf of a class of other employees [and] has been in regular communication with his counsel and participated in discovery.” Accordingly, the Court found that Plaintiff would adequately represent the putative class.

Second, the Court held that the commonality factor was met. Defendant contended that Plaintiff was at odds with the rest of the class since he alleged that he suffered emotional distress damages. The Court rejected this argument, holding that Plaintiff testified that he was harmed through a breach of his biometric information privacy rights and was pursuing the same claims on behalf of class members. Accordingly, the Court held that common questions predominated over questions affecting individual class members.

Finally, the Court explained that, “a class action must be an appropriate method for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy.” Id. (citations and quotations omitted). The Court opined that many individuals incurred relatively small liquidated damages and their likely recovery was probably too small to justify a separate action. However, collectively, the Court could adjudicate the putative class’s claims, as it noted, “This is what class actions were designed to achieve.”  Id.  Accordingly, the Court held that a class action was the appropriate method for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy.

Implications For Employers

While employers are likely still recovering from the sting of adverse Illinois Supreme Court BIPA class action rulings from early 2023, this decision marks another victory for the plaintiff’s bar. Defendants in BIPA class actions who are facing motions for class certification would be wise to avoid duplicating the arguments made here. In light of the shrinking number of potential BIPA defenses and skyrocketing damages, employers must begin exploring alternative defense strategies to combat these bet-the-company cases.

DMCAR Trend #4 – The Likelihood Of Class Certification In 2022 Was As Strong As Ever

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Jennifer A. Riley

Duane Morris Takeaway: In 2022, the plaintiffs’ class action bar succeeded in certifying class actions at a high rate. Across all major types of class actions, courts issued rulings on 360 motions to grant or to deny class certification in 2022. Of these, plaintiffs succeeded in obtaining or maintaining certification in 268 rulings, an overall success rate of nearly 75%.

The number of motions that courts considered varied significantly by subject matter area, and the number of rulings they issued varied accordingly. The following summarizes the results in each of 10 key areas:

Securities Fraud – 96% granted / 4% denied
Data Breach – 50% granted / 50% denied
Employment Discrimination – 53% granted / 47% denied
ERISA – 78% granted / 22% denied
RICO – 45% granted / 55% denied
TCPA – 67% granted / 33% denied
WARN – 100% granted / 0% denied
FLSA (Conditional Certification) – 82% granted / 18% denied FLSA (Decertification) – 50% granted / 50% denied
Antitrust – 37% granted / 63% denied
Products Liability / Mass Torts – 69% granted / 31 % denied

The plaintiffs’ class action bar obtained the highest rates of success in securities fraud, ERISA, WARN, and FLSA actions. In cases alleging securities fraud, plaintiffs succeeded in obtaining orders certifying classes in 23 of the 24 rulings issued during 2022, a success rate of 96%. In ERISA litigation, plaintiffs succeeded in obtaining orders certifying class in 18 of 23 rulings issued during 2022, a success rate of 78%. In cases alleging WARN violations, plaintiffs managed to certify classes in 100% of the suits that resulted in decisions this year.

As to the FLSA, plaintiffs achieved a high rate of success on motions for conditional certification, and they also received a high number of rulings that dwarfs the number of other rulings by a substantial margin. In 2022, courts issued more certification rulings in FLSA collective actions than in any other type of case. The ease by which plaintiffs can obtain conditional certification surely contributes to the allure of that space to members of the plaintiffs’ bar. The plaintiffs’ bar has succeeded in gaining conditional certification in FLSA matters at a high rate year over year, contributing to the volume of filings in this area.

In 2022, courts considered more motions for certification in FLSA matters than in any other substantive area. Overall, courts issued 236 rulings. Of these, 219 addressed first-stage motions for conditional certification of collective actions under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), and 18 addressed second-stage motions for decertification of collective actions. Due to the low burden at the conditional certification stage, plaintiffs historically have enjoyed a high rate of success on such motions. Rulings in 2022 was no exception. Of the 219 rulings that courts issued on motions for conditional certification, 180 rulings favored plaintiffs, for a success rate of 82%. Such rate is in line with and slightly higher than the historic rate of success that plaintiffs have achieved with respect to such motions.

At the decertification stage, courts generally have conducted a closer examination of the evidence and, as a result, defendants historically have enjoyed an equal if not higher rate of success on these second-stage motions as compared to plaintiffs. Again, 2022 was no exception. Of the 18 rulings that courts issued on motions for decertification of collective actions, 9 rulings favored defendants, for a success rate of 50%. Such rate again is in line with the historic rate of success that defendants have achieved at the decertification stage.

An analysis of these rulings, provided in Chapter 13, demonstrates that a disproportionate number of these rulings emanated from pro-plaintiff jurisdictions, including the judicial districts within the Second (33 decisions) and Ninth Circuits (19 decisions), which include California and New York, respectively. Similar to recent years, however, the number of rulings emanating from the Sixth Circuit (36 decisions) proved as high if not higher than the number of rulings in these traditional pro-plaintiff forums.

The following graph illustrates these variations:

These numbers no doubt flow from the different standards by which courts in different circuits evaluate motions for conditional certification and decertification and, in turn, the likelihood of plaintiffs’ success on such motions in these areas. Various factors discussed in this Review could impact these trends in 2023. If, for instance, the Sixth Circuit joins the Fifth Circuit in abandoning the two-step certification process, and thereby increases the time and expense of gaining a conditional certification order, it may lead to a reshuffling of the deck in terms of where plaintiffs seek to pursue cases.

Just In Time For The Holidays: New York Federal Court Gifts The Denial Of Plaintiffs’ Rule 23 Class Certification Motion In FDNY Bias Lawsuit

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Katelynn Gray and Elizabeth M. Lacombe

Duane Morris Takeaways – In Local 3621 Of The EMS Officers Union, et al. v. City Of New York, Case No. 18 Civ. 4476, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 212218 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 22, 2022), the City successfully defeated a Rule 23 motion for class certification brought by a group of EMS officers and Unions who alleged that the promotional process to leadership positions resulted in disparate and discriminatory promotional practices in violation of federal, state, and local law. The ruling is a primer for employers on how to dismantle employment discrimination class claims.

Background Of The Case

Plaintiffs Renae Mascol, Luis Rodriguez, Local 3621, EMS Officers Union, DC-37, AFSCME and AFL-CIO (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) brought a class action on behalf of its members and all other similarly-situated individuals against Defendants, the City of New York, the New York City Fire Department, and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (collectively, the “City”), alleging Defendants’ subjective promotional policies and practices led to the denial of promotions to qualified applicants based on their race, sex, gender and/or disability and/or circumstances that led to the applicant taking a leave of absence.

Plaintiffs sought class certification pursuant to Rule 23(a) and (b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of three classes, including: (1) EMS officers who are non-white, female, have received a reasonable accommodation, or have taken a leave of absence due to a disability or pursuant to FDNY time and leave policies; (2) non-white and/or female EMS officers; and (3) EMS officers who have received a reasonable accommodation or taken a leave of absence because of a disability and/or have taken a leave of absence pursuant to FDNY time and leave policies.

In support of their motion, Plaintiffs submitted an expert report from a forensic labor economist who concluded there was “statistically significant evidence of discriminatory promotional disparities” and that the statistical evidence showed that the common promotional policy “resulted in disparities that commonly disadvantaged the class.”  Id. at *7. Plaintiffs also submitted anecdotal evidence in the form of declarations from EMS officers testifying to their experiences with the City’s promotional processes.

Defendants opposed these theories and submitted rebuttal evidence with their own expert report. They argued that Plaintiffs’ expert’s analysis was flawed, largely because it was based in part on data that was irrelevant to the analysis and in other instances because it failed to consider other, relevant data.  Moreover, Defendants’ expert concluded that the relevant data led to a determination that, when evaluating promotions over the same time period, white men were actually less likely to be promoted than similarly-situated non-white officers; men were less likely to be promoted than women; and whites were less likely to be promoted than non-whites.

The Court’s Ruling Denying Class Certification

In denying Plaintiffs’ motion for class certification, Judge Lewis J. Liman of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York conducted an extensive review of the promotional process at issue, as well as the expert reports and anecdotal evidence offered by the parties. Ultimately, the Court concluded that Plaintiffs had failed to sufficiently demonstrate the element of commonality under Rule 23(a)(2).

With respect to Plaintiffs’ disparate impact claims, the Court explained that Plaintiffs cannot simply point to the promotional process generally as the basis for the disparate impact, but must identify the “specific” employment practices allegedly responsible for the at-issue disparities.  In this case, there were several distinct steps in the promotional process, which combined subjective criteria with standardized eligibility criteria.  Significantly, an applicant could fail to be promoted at any one of these steps. As such, the Court opined that in order to state a disparate impact claim based on a failure to promote, Plaintiffs were required to identify which specific employment practice was responsible for the statistical disparities.

The Court reasoned that Plaintiffs’ expert’s analysis did not help them win the day, where it merely showed a racial and gender disparity with respect to the individuals holding leadership positions but failed to identify what aspect of the promotional process, if any, resulted in those disparities.  Moreover, the Court found that Plaintiffs’ anecdotal evidence did more harm than good, underscoring the individualized nature of each alleged incident of discrimination where each declaration identified a different form of discrimination and a different course of conduct.  The Court ultimately determined that Plaintiffs had failed to show that Defendants had used any of the cited employment practices to discriminate against the proposed class or that such practices had a discriminatory impact, holding that “the question of which of these specific employment practices has a discriminatory impact on the applicant is largely an individualized inquiry.” Id. at *25.

Plaintiffs’ disparate treatment claim fared no better for similar reasons, as the Court again noted that the statistical evidence from Plaintiffs’ expert did not offer “significant proof of a pattern or practice of unlawful discrimination” and failed to account for non-discriminatory explanations for any disparities.  Plaintiffs’ primary evidence, that of anecdotal evidence from declarants, was similarly insufficient to salvage their claims because it raised “individual rather than common questions.” Id. at *26.

Implications For Employers

The ruling in Local 3621 Of The EMS Officers Union emphasizes the value of crafting and implementing detailed and thoughtful employment policies and procedures that utilize both objective and subjective measures in an effort to reduce or eliminate the influence of potential bias (implicit or otherwise) when evaluating employees for promotional opportunities.  Moreover, ensuring that those policies and procedures are reduced to writing, provided to those employees who might have occasion to evaluate others for promotional opportunities, and implemented appropriately will provide a strong defense to discrimination claims and may, as it did here, serve to dismantle a potential class claim based on generalized allegations of process-based discriminatory conduct.

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