
2024年6月21日,美国财政部发布了一份拟议规则的通知,以执行2023年8月9日发布的第14105号行政令(EO 14105)。美国欲借助该行政令来防止一些受关注国家利用美国的对外投资来发展对军事、情报、监视或网络能力至关重要的敏感技术或产品。


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Significant Investments Review Bill: What It Means for Business and Investments in Singapore

By Ramiro Rodriguez and Lucy Megarry

A draft of the new Significant Investments Review Bill was introduced to Parliament on 6 November 2023. The bill is now due for a second reading in January 2024. If enacted, the bill will commence the first industrywide regime restricting investments in Singapore.

The bill applies to all local and foreign, incorporated and unincorporated entities in Singapore that meet the following criteria:

a.  Are incorporated, formed or established in Singapore; and
b.  Carry out any activity in Singapore; or
c.  Provide any goods or services to any person in Singapore.

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New and Enhanced Global Investor Programme in Singapore

The Global Investor Programme (“GIP”) is a permanent residency scheme that was launched by the Economic Development Board (“EDB”) in Singapore to encourage high-net-worth individuals and entrepreneurs to invest in the country. The scheme provides a fast track to permanent residency for eligible applicants who are willing to invest a significant amount of money.

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