

2024 年 5 月 14 日,拜登政府结束了根据1974 年的《贸易法》301条款采取的对中国贸易行为的法定审查。白宫的公告确认将保留现行的 301 条款对中国进口商品征收的关税,并概述了对从中国进口的 180 亿美元商品(占美国从中国进口商品总额的 4.2%[1] )征收额外关税。此次调查由美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)进行,是特朗普政府 2018 年对中国商品实施关税后四年评估的一部分。

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Singapore Implements Sanctions Against Russia

Ever since Russia’s act of aggression against Ukraine that began on 24 February 2022, the United States and several of its key allies have successively imposed significant sanctions against Russia. These sanctions range from prohibitions on trade and investment in certain regions of Ukraine and the designation of specific  nationals that cannot interact with the market and financial system of United States, to imposing new sovereign debt restrictions and even cutting Russia further off from the global economy by removing them from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (aka SWIFT) messaging system and disconnecting them from the international financial system, making them no longer able to operate globally. On 8 March 2022, the Biden administration also announced that the United States would be banning the import of Russian oil.

Singapore has joined these efforts, with Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan issuing a Ministerial Statement in Parliament on 28 February 2022, stating that Singapore intends to impose its own sanctions against Russia. On 5 March 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) issued a press statement with two factsheets that set out the details of the economic sanctions and restrictions.

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