

2024年4月15日,智利矿业部根据智利政府先前制定的“国家锂战略”发布了第907号豁免决议(“决议”),批准了由矿业部领导的信息请求(“RFI”)程序的启动,以了解市场和行业对开发从盐湖或其他未被排除的矿床中勘探、开采和生产锂及其衍生品项目的意向。这些信息将有助于智利政府制定机制,以确定与之签订特殊锂业务合同 (“CEOL”) 的私人承包商,以及为此目的而优先考虑的盐滩或其他锂矿床。

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Rise of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in Singapore

During the recent Budget announcement in February this year, Minister of Finance Lawrence Wong stated that Singapore will aim to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by or around 2050, in line with our commitment to address the challenges of climate change.

Presently, the bulk of Singapore’s energy supply comes from natural gas, and the power sector accounts for about 40 percent of the country’s total emissions. This paired with growing environmental awareness in Singapore have started putting pressure on organisations to meet clean energy goals as investors and customers become more vocal about the importance of using green energy. This growing pressure from stakeholders has led to a rise in the use of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) by businesses, as a means of fulfilling their sustainability commitments and reducing their carbon footprint.

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