

作为买卖数字艺术品的一种模式,NFT正变得越来越流行,其允许艺术家将其真实的数字艺术品货币化,否则这些数字艺术品很容易被复制。至关重要的是,NFT可以与数字艺术品和实物艺术品一起证明出处。此外,某些NFT可能涉及卖方向买方提供通行证,该通行证允许NFT持有人获得独家商品或服务,包括活动、订阅、内容或限量版产品。 Continue reading “了解新加坡NFT消费者保护”

Non-fungible tokens – the rising trend in the world of cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”), a type of digital asset, are the latest crypto talk in town. On 19 February 2021, the NFT featuring the iconic Nyan Cat meme was sold for US$590,000. Barely three weeks later, the world’s most expensive digital art and the most expensive NFT – Mike Winkelmann’s digital art piece “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” – was sold for US$69.3 million, becoming the third-highest auction price achieved for a living artist, after Jeff Koons’ ‘Rabbit’ stainless steel sculpture and David Hockney’s 1972 “Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)” painting. On 22 March 2021, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s first tweet was sold for US$2.9 million. Most recently, TIME Magazine has released three special edition NFT magazine covers for auction, featuring the topical questions “Is God Dead?”, “Is Truth Dead?” and “Is Fiat Dead?”

Continue reading “Non-fungible tokens – the rising trend in the world of cryptocurrency?”

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