United Kingdom – enforcement update from the OFSI annual report for 2023/24

OFSI has published its annual report for the year 2023/2024.

The report provides the following data:

2021/22 – 147 investigations opened (and 101 closed);

2022/23 – 473 investigations opened (and 74 closed); and

2023/34 – 396 investigations opened (and 242 closed).

Of the 396 investigations opened in 2023/24, 288 were as a result of self-reporting with 108 opened through pro-active investigation or other means.

Further, OFSI’s report gives a break down of which sanctions regimes the investigations relate to:

  • 347 to Russian sanctions;
  • 21 to Libyan sanctions;
  • 9 to Iran sanctions; and
  • 19 across the other regimes.

The report also gives a break down of the 242 investigations closed during the year of the report:

  • 133 closed with a finding of no breach and sending a “No Further Action” letter;
  • 18 closed with a finding there was a breach and sending a “Warning” letter;
  • 1 closed with a finding of a breach and a referral to a regulator;
  • 1 closed with an OFSI public disclosure;
  • 61 closed without a final determination that there was a breach and sending a “No Further Action” letter; and
  • 28 investigations closed for “Other” reasons.

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