UK’s FCA investigating 100 suspected sanctions breaches

The UK’s financial services regulator, the FCA, has published its annual report today for the year ending 31 March 2023.

Included in the report the FCA states that: “We reviewed nearly 100
suspected sanction breaches. We have also introduced a data-led approach to proactively supervise firms to ensure they have appropriate sanctions systems and controls, we also conducted 38 proactive assessments looking at firms’ systems and controls”.

Netherlands – man arrested on suspicion of breaching Russian trade sanctions

The Dutch authorities have announced the arrest of a 41-year old man on suspicion of exporting microchips indirectly to Russia through third countries in circumvention of the EU’s sanctions.

The products are computer parts and were exported through third countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Turkey and the UAE.

Residential and business premises were searched in Moerdijk as part of the investigation.

Estonia – arrest and extradition to the US for Russian sanction offences

The US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York has issued a press release relating to charges against Vadim Konoshchenok, who was arrested in Estonia and extradited to the US.

Konoshchenok is charged with exporting US-made goods to Russia.

According to the release, Konoshchenok was arrested in Estonia in December 2022 attempting to smuggle into Russia 35 different electronic components including US-made controlled products.

Earlier efforts to export ammunition to Russia had resulted in the seizure of half a ton of material.

France – some charges against Lafarge-Holcim dropped

Further to our earlier posts (here, here, and here) regarding an investigation into whether cement company Lafarge-Holcim breached EU sanctions by making payments to designated persons, it has been announced that the charges relating to financing of terrorism breaches are being discontinued.

The charges relating to crimes against humanity continue.

In October 2022 Lafarge-Holcim had plead guilty to related charges before the US Department of Justice and agreed to pay $778 million.

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