France – bank fined €50m for sanctions compliance failings

The ACPR in France has today announced the imposition of a fine of €50m against Banque Postale.

This is the largest fine imposed in France to date.

The fine was imposed for sanctions compliance failings and in particular the ability of designated persons to transfer funds through Banque Postale, even when not a customer, by “money order”.

Banque Postale has indicated an intention to appeal the fine.

Netherlands – appeal against Liberian sanctions conviction dismissed

The Dutch Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal against the 19-year sentence for (amongst other crimes) breach of the EU’s Liberian sanctions.

The appeal was largely on the grounds that the Liberian government had granted an amnesty which was said to apply. The Supreme Court disagreed, and in any event held that such an amnesty is incompatible with Dutch obligations under the European Convention of Human Rights.

Netherlands – Dutch National Bank fines of €170,000 upheld on appeal

The District Court of Rotterdam has upheld fines of €170,000 imposed by the Dutch National Bank on a payment services provider for breaches of Dutch sanctions law and AML rules.

The appeal was largely based on arguments that the internal compliance function had adequately performed its function. The court was highly critical of this argument, noting the lack of due diligence and periodic training.

Netherlands – conviction for breach of Iran sanctions

The District Court in the Hague has convicted an individual for the making of  unauthorised financial transfers to/from Iran in the years 2013 and 2014 of around €92,000.

The person was convicted but no sentence imposed on mental health grounds, while noting that ordinarily a conviction would result in a lengthy custodial sentence.

Various sums seized as part of the investigation were returned to the defendant as the prosecution had not proven that these sums related to particular criminal activity.

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