Norway – 37 ongoing Russian sanctions investigations

It is being reported that Norway’s Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste (Norwegian Customs), has 37 ongoing investigations in relation to alleged breaches of Norway’s Russian sanctions. Many of these are said to involve attempts to evade detection by exporting to Russia via third countries, but some are described as relating to imports into Norway.

It is also being reported that there is a further investigation under Norway’s Export Control Act.

Norway – Customs Office sanctioned exports confiscation statistics

It is being reported, based on Freedom of Information requests made to Norway’s custom office by the Barents Observer, that 23 confiscations of luxury and other goods being exported to Russia have taken place since 2023.

One of the confiscations was at an unspecified port, and the other 22 were at the land crossing at Storskog, with 10 during 2023 and 12 so far in 2024.

The reporting makes no mention of other enforcement actions taken after the confiscation.

Norway – investigation into ship-to-ship transfers of fish

It is being reported that the Norwegian Coast Guard conducted an investigation in May into possibly unlawful ship-to-ship transfers of fish between a Russian and a Norwegian vessel.

The transfers involve fish caught by the Russian vessel which cannot then land the fish in the EU, and so engages in a ship-to-ship transfer of the fish to a Norwegian vessel which then landed the fish in the Netherlands.

As there are no import prohibitions in the EU in relation to Russian fish, and the relevant prohibition is the entry into an EU port of a Russian vessel, the report notes that the Norwegian authorities concluded that no breach had occurred.

Norway – man charged with breaching Iran sanctions

It has been reported today that the Norwegian authorities have charged a German-Iranian national on suspicion of breaching UN sanctions (as implemented in Norway) against Iran.

The person is a professor at a technical university and is alleged to have invited four Iranian scientists to visit a laboratory in breach of Norway’s, and then permitted them access to technical data in breach of sanctions, export control laws, and data breach legislation.

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