Latvia – conviction and fine for imports in breach of Belarus sanctions

The Latvian State Prosecution Service has announced a conviction of a  man for importing 13 packages of wooden sleepers and 8kg of nails from Belarus in breach of the EU’s sanctions.

The fine imposed was €6,200. As part of the sentencing the man was prohibited from importing any goods from Belarus for a year.

A co-accused was earlier sentenced to pay a fine of €5,000.

Malta – company and director acquitted of breach of Russian sanctions

It has been reported today that a prosecution in Malta for allegedly breaching the EU’s sanctions against Russia has ended in acquittal.

The investigation commenced in 2019 after a bank submitted a suspicious activity report.

The transaction at the heart of the case was the export of 142 pallets of ammunition from Russia to Morocco via a Maltese company; Donna Shipping Company Limited.

The company and one of its directors, Karl David Mallia, a qualified accountant were both prosecuted, but not any of the other directors of the company.

The court held that there was insufficient evidence that Mallia had been involved in the particular transaction.

Spain – two arrested for alleged military exports to Russia

It has been reported today that the Spanish authorities have arrested two individuals, a Russian national and a Ukrainian national, on suspicion of exporting military goods to Russia in breach of EU sanctions.

The investigation was started in 2021 nad has involved a number of raids. The goods in question were exported through third countries but destined for the Russian aeronautical sector.

Switzerland – nearly 100 criminal investigations for sanctions breaches

The Swiss authorities have this week provided some statistics on their ongoing sanctions enforcement efforts.

They have reported a total of 100 investigations. Of those:

      • 13 investigations have been concluded without charge;
      • 23 have had criminal proceedings commenced; and
      • 60 cases remain under investigation.

While most of these relate to Russia, at least two relate to Belarus sanctions.

The majority of the investigations are said to relate to trade sanctions rather than financial sanctions.

Lithuania – investigation into breach of Belarus sanctions

The Lithuanian authorities are investigating allegations of the import of urea from the Belarus company Grodno Azot (designated under Belarus sanctions).

Searches have been conducted at a number of locations and 3000 tonnes of urea has been seized valued at several million euros.

The imports are alleged to have been conducted by two companies and involved the relabelling of the product as if it had been produced by another supplier and not Grodno Azot.

Greece – Bulgarian citizen arrested for breach of US sanctions

It has been reported today that the Greek authorities have arrested a Bulgarian national for the purposes of extraditing them to the US on suspicion of breaching US sanctions against Russia.

The exports are said to have been of microchips and one tranche alone to have been valued at $1.7 million.

The name of the individual and the company he traded through have not been released.

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