Netherlands – fine and custodial sentence imposed for breach of Iran sanctions.

The District Court of East Brabant has convicted an individual for breaches of the EU’s Iran sanctions.

The defendant had traded for 2 years with a designated Iranian entity. The unspecified goods had been shipped via intermediary countries Turkey and Dubai.

He was sentenced to 16 months in jail, with a further 4 months suspended subject to a two-year probation period. He was also fined €500,000. The fine was on the individual personally and not on the company through which he traded.


Lithuania – prosecutors commence investigation into possible Crimean sanctions breaches

The Lithuanian Prosecutor General’s Office has announced that the Lithuanian Financial Crime Investigation Service has opened an investigation into alleged breaches of the EU’s Crimean sanctions by three different enterprises:

a) two Lithuanian companies: BT Invest, and Hanner Group OÜ; and

b) one Crimean company owned by a Lithuanian: Pluošto Linija LLC.

It is understood that the allegation relate to investments and business dealings by Lithuanian nationals in Crimean companies and property developments in breach of the EU’s sanctions against Crimea.

Italy – sentences for arms exports to Iran and Libya

It has been reported today that a plea deal has been reached for the final two defendants in the Italian prosecution of arms exports to Libya and Iran in breach of EU sanctions and export controls.

Mario Di Leva negotiated 3 years and 8 months of imprisonment and a fine of €8000, and for Annamaria Fontana the sentence was 3 years and 6 months and a fine of €7000.

See our earlier post for the plea deal for the first defendant.

Italy – arrests for suspected arms exports to Libya and Iran

It has been reported today that the Italian authorities have arrested four individuals, including the CEO of the company Società Italiana Elicotteri.

The individuals are Andrea Pardi, as well as married couple Mario Di Leva and Annamaria Fontana and their son.

The exports are reported to have taken place between 2011 and 2015 and relate to assault rifles, helicopters and surface to air missiles.

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