Poland – sanctions enforcement statistics including 20 fines to date

As part of the press article (behind a paywall) on the recent fines against Novatek Green Energy and Geleo (see our post here), the Polish authorities have also provided an update on their enforcement activity more broadly.

      • Total administrative proceedings commenced: 48
      • Final decisions to date: 33
      • Declination or waiver of fine or finding of no breach: 13
      • Fines imposed to date: 20
      • Ongoing proceedings: 15
      • Total fines to date: 4.8m zloty (c. $1.2m)

Certainly the figure for total fines does not include the fine against Novatek Green Energy (which was 12 million zloty), but it is also a little unclear whether or not the figure includes the fine against Geleo (which was 4m zloty).

The report also notes that most of the 20 penalties have been imposed in 2024, with only two imposed by the end of 2023 for a combined total of 71,000 zloty (c. $17,700).

These enforcement actions appear to relate to a mix of EU and the separate Polish sanctions.

No information has been provided as to the conduct which gave rise to the fines, or who the fines were imposed on.

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