Latvia – three arrested to face charges of breaching US sanctions

The US Department of Justice has announced the multiple charges against individuals and companies relating to an attempt to export US-origin industrial equipment (a jig grinder) with military application to Russia.

The companies charged are CNC Weld (incorporated in Latvia) and BY Trade OU (incorporated in Estonia).

Janis Uzbalis, Vadims Ananics, Eriks Mamonovs are three of the individuals. They were arrested in Latvia on 18 October 2022 for extradition to the US.

As part of the same investigation others were arrested in Estonia – see here.

Latvia – fines of €3.1m for breaches of Russian sanctions

Following raids in Riga and Tallinn by the Latvian Security Police, in close cooperation with the Estonian Internal Security Service (ISS), it was reported today that two individuals have been fined by the Latvian courts for breaching the EU’s Russian sanctions.

The breaches involved making funds available, through contracts involving broadcasting, to a designated person. The individuals (Oleg Solodov and Margus Merima) were each fined €25,000, and a further €3 million was confiscated.

Estonia and Latvia conduct joint raids into suspected sanctions breaches

The Latvian security service, the VDD, and the Estonian Internal Security Service, have conducted joint raids in the two countries as part of ongoing criminal investigations.

The raids were on the premises of companies in Riga and Tallinn owned or controlled by designated persons under the EU sanctions.

It is reported that one of the companies raided was Baltic Media Alliance.

Latvia – bank fined €1.1m for Russian sanctions compliance failings

The Latvian financial services regulator (the FKTK) has fined SEB Bank €1.8 million, of which €1,121,140 related to shortcomings in the banks sanctions compliance.

The inspections leading to the fine had taken place in 2017 and 2018.

The failings are said to have been specific to the EU’s Russian sanctions in regulation 269/2014 (as amended).

The fine was stated to be for not screening for companies and other assets owned by designated persons.

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