Finland – charges coming for 6 for Russian sanctions breaches

It has been reported today that Finnish Customs are preparing to charge six with Russian sanctions offences.

The activities relate to two Finnish companies suspected of exporting microcontrollers and semi-conductors valued at more than €600,000 to Russia, as well as nearly 3,500 drones value at over €2 million.

The investigation is said to have also involved the authorities from the Netherlands, the UK, the US, as well as Europol and Finland’s Security and Intelligence Service.

UK – HMRC imposes three compound penalties for exports

The UK’s HMRC has today announced three new compound penalties imposed on experts for unlawful exports.

The first penalty was £67,000.31 imposed for the attempted export of goods in breach of the UK’s Russian sanctions. The person or company involved was not named.

The second penalty was for £1,000 and the attempted unlicensed export of dual-use goods. Again the penalised company was not named.

The third penalty was for £9,088.99 for exporting dual-use goods without a licence. This too was anonymised.

Lithuania – investigation commenced into car exports

Following a report by the Lithuanian state-owned railway company to the Prosecutor General’s Office, an investigation has been commenced into suspected illegal exports of goods to Russia.

The railway announced the suspension of the transport of luxury cars as part of its efforts to reduce the risk of sanctions breaches.

The report to the Prosecutor was focussed on the activities of four companies and the transshipment of cars to Russia via other neighbouring countries.

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