Georgia Federal Court Green Lights EEOC Lawsuit For Constructive Discharge Dismissal Based On Threat Of Future Sexual Harassment

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Alex W. Karasik, and Shaina Wolfe

Duane Morris Takeaways: In EEOC v. American Security Associates, Inc., No. 1:21-CV-3870 (N.D. Ga. May 23, 2023), a federal district court in Georgia denied an employer’s motion to dismiss a constructive discharge claim, holding that comments made by the company’s owner regarding how Plaintiff can expect future sexual harassment were sufficient to establish a pervasive environment of intolerable working conditions. Employers who are defending against EEOC-initiated constructive discharge claims can learn valuable lessons from this ruling in terms of how courts may assess comments about harassment that is threatened in the future.

Case Background

The EEOC filed suit on behalf of a former female security officer (the “Claimant”) who worked for Defendant American Security Associates, Inc. (“ASA”). In April 2017, one of the Claimant’s male co-workers sexually harassed her by making lewd sexual statements and touching her in an unwelcome and inappropriate manner. After reporting this conduct to her supervisor and one of ASA’s owners, in June 2017, ASA reportedly reduced her hourly pay rate from $12 per hour to $10 per hour. ASA allegedly told the Claimant that she should expect harassment because of her appearance, and refused to remedy the situation. Id. at 1-2. The Claimant ultimately resigned, alleging that she was being required to accept future harassment as a condition of her employment.

After the Claimant filed an administrate charge, and the EEOC ultimately a filed lawsuit on her behalf, ASA moved to dismiss. On April 27, 2022, the Magistrate Judge issued a non-final Report and Recommendation (“R&R”), in which he recommended the District Judge grant in part and deny in part ASA’s motion to dismiss. In relevant part, the Magistrate Judge recommended that the EEOC amend the complaint to set forth the factual basis for the constructive discharge allegations.

On October 26, 2022, the Magistrate Judge issued an additional R&R recommending that the District Judge grant ASA’s motion to dismiss the constructive discharge claim because it failed as a matter of law. Id. at 5. The Magistrate Judge determined that the EEOC failed to allege that the Claimant was subjected to an ongoing, active pattern of sexual harassment, and therefore failed to meet a necessary element of that claim. Id. at 5-6. On November 9, 2022, the EEOC filed timely Rule 72 objections to the R&R.

The Court’s Decision

On Rule 72 review, the Court sustained the EEOC’s objections to the R&R and denied ASA’s motion to dismiss. First, the Court explained that to state a claim for constructive discharge, the Commission must allege facts to plausibly show that the conditions of employment were so unbearable that a reasonable person would be compelled to resign. Id. at 10. As to this point, the Court found that the Magistrate Judge improperly drew his conclusions from facts alleged in the original complaint, and not the amended complaint, which was the operative pleading.

The EEOC also contended that the R&R subjected the amended complaint to a heightened pleading standard because it failed to consider allegations in the light most favorable to the EEOC. Id. at 12. The Court held that that Magistrate Judge heavily relied on the unsupported assumption that the Claimant was not being actively subjected to any harassment at the time of her resignation. The Court also disagreed with the R&R’s holding that speculation about future harassment from co-workers was “insufficient” to amount to the “intolerable conditions” standard. Id. at 13. The Court opined that the Magistrate Judge again relied on facts not alleged in the amended complaint.

Finally, the Court held that statements made by ASA’s owner established a severe and pervasive environment of intolerable working conditions. Id. at 14-15. The Court determined that the Claimant’s frequent complaints to various supervisors did not deter the offensive behavior. After the Claimant complained to the owner, his responsive comments implied that the Claimant was almost certain to receive future sexual harassment, and potentially, physical attacks. The Court thus held that the Claimant’s psychological well-being is a term, condition or privilege of employment within the meaning of Title VII. Therefore, the Court sustained the EEOC’s objections to the R&R, and denied ASA’s motion to dismiss.

Implications For Employers

For employers that are confronted with EEOC-initiated litigation, this ruling is instructive from both procedural and substantive perspectives. Procedurally, this ruling makes clear that courts should consider the allegations from an operative complaint when evaluating a motion to dismiss. Substantively, employers should take note that the Court relied heavily on comments that the owner made about potential future harm, which ultimately was part of the Court’s basis for not dismissing the constructive discharge claim.

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