Lithuania – investigation commenced into car exports

Following a report by the Lithuanian state-owned railway company to the Prosecutor General’s Office, an investigation has been commenced into suspected illegal exports of goods to Russia.

The railway announced the suspension of the transport of luxury cars as part of its efforts to reduce the risk of sanctions breaches.

The report to the Prosecutor was focussed on the activities of four companies and the transshipment of cars to Russia via other neighbouring countries.

Latvia – two prosecutions for Russian and Belarusian sanctions breaches

The Latvian State Security Service (VDD) has announced that it has forwarded a case to the Prosecution Service for the initiation of criminal proceedings relating to the export of luxury goods to Russian in breach of EU sanctions.

The luxury good in question was a car.

In another announcement today, the VDD has announced the referral of another case for prosecution relating to the import of iron and steel products from Belarus in breach of EU sanctions.

UK’s OFSI imposes EU Russian sanctions civil penalty

OFSI today announced that it had imposed a civil penalty for breach of the UK’s Russian sanctions.

The penalty notice is available here.

The fine was imposed on Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits  Competition Limited (HKIWS), and was just £30,000.

The conduct in question was the receipt of funds and goods from a designated person. The goods in question were wine bottles. HKIWS was also found to have made “economic resources” available to a designated person.  This was in the form of publicity, and illustrates OFSI’s wide view of what amounts to the making available of an economic resource.

UK’s OFSI imposes fine for breach of Syrian sanctions

OFSI has today announced a civil penalty of £15,000 against Tracerco Limited for a breach of the EU’s Syrian sanctions.

OFSI’s Penalty Notice is available here.

The breaches related to airline tickets valued at £2,956.43 purchased for a Tracerco employee through a travel agency. The airline in question, however, was Syrian Arab Airlines which is designated under the EU’s sanctions.

OFSI, therefore, concluded that purchasing the tickets amounted to making funds available to a designated person. OFSI also commented, in relation to the requirement that it showed Tracerco either knew or had reasonable grounds to suspect that the transactions would breach the regulations, that operating in the region was sufficient to satisfy this requirement.

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