Understanding Consumer Protections for NFTs in Singapore

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic tokens on a blockchain that can prove the ownership and authenticity of a digital asset, which can also be considered as digital data with a certificate of ownership. NFTs are non-fungible because no two NFTs are the same and each has a unique identification code and metadata.

NFTs are becoming increasingly popular as a mode to buy and sell digital artworks, permitting artists to monetise their authentic digital artwork, which could otherwise easily be copied. Crucially, NFTs can be used with both digital and physical artwork for establishing provenance. In addition, certain NFTs may involve the seller providing the buyer with an access pass, which allows NFT holders access to exclusive goods or services, including events, subscriptions, content, or limited-edition products.

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【财富岚海】专栏 | 抽丝剥茧:英美法系下信托的本源


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【财富岚海】专栏 | 英美法系下,共有产权的法律形式

在英美法系国家买过房产的朋友,一定对Joint Tenancy(联合共有)和Tenancy in Common(按份共有)这两个法律词汇不陌生。但其实在英美法系,包括新加坡在内,共有产权的制度贯穿于整个财产所有权结构之中,不仅仅应用于房产。因此,理解这两种共有制度,对于财富传承的规划至关重要。

首先,“Tenancy”(租赁)在这两个词汇中并不指代租赁关系,只是持有关系的术语,因为这个词的起源是在这种共有关系最初产生的年代,那时英国所有的土地都是根据王室的封建租约持有的。 Continue reading “【财富岚海】专栏 | 英美法系下,共有产权的法律形式”

Singapore Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape Series – Limited Partnerships

Limited partnerships (LPs) are commonly used globally as fund vehicles for both private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) funds. In Singapore, LPs were created as a business vehicle by the Limited Partnerships Act in 2008 (the Act), which came into effect on 4 May 2009 as part of Singapore’s efforts to become a fund management hub.

Those efforts have been supplemented by a myriad of other measures including (a) the creation of variable capital companies (VCCs) by the Variable Companies Act 2018, which came into force only on 14 January 2020; (b) the establishment of several classes of fund management licences including the venture capital fund management licence; and (c) a favourable tax environment that includes a one-tier system of taxation of income, no capital gain taxes and an extensive network of double taxation treaties, as well as several incentive schemes and grants. We will discuss these measures in more detail in other articles. Continue reading “Singapore Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape Series – Limited Partnerships”

【财富岚海】专栏 | 如何理解普通法系的“Domicile居籍”?

21世纪的工作模式和生活模式意味着人们的流动性越来越大。而一个人与某个地方的连结——无论是因为出生在那里,或者在那里拥有财产,亦或是在那里工作,都会引发诸多实际的法律问题,尤其是在当地缴税的责任。在英美法系中,居籍(Domicile)这个普通法(Common Law)概念是非常重要的,常常被用作连结因素以断定当事人的税务责任。


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自2008年第一个数字货币比特币诞生以来,区块链技术在各个领域的应用都有了长足的发展。新加坡作为亚洲金融中心之一,也吸引了众多软件技术人员和投资者从事区块链技术相关的金融行业,包括NFT (非同质化代币)。NFT 市场既可以是Axie Infinity这种可以赚取数字资产的游戏平台,也可以是NBA TopShot 这种收藏品交易平台,还可以是Decentraland 和Earth 2这种可以进行数字财产买卖的元宇宙平台。

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An Overview on Development and Regulations of Blockchain Technology and NFTs in Singapore

Since the birth of the first digital currency, Bitcoin, in 2008, blockchain technology has developed significantly in various fields. As one of the financial hubs of Asia, Singapore has also attracted a wide range of software professionals and investors in the financial services industry involving blockchain technologies and nonfungible tokens (NFT). NFT marketplaces can be either gaming platforms for earning digital assets like Axie Infinity, collectibles trading platforms like NBA TopShot or metaverse platforms like Decentraland and Earth 2 where virtual properties can be bought and sold.

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新加坡私募和风投行业系列 – 简介篇

近年来,新加坡已迅速成长为全球资产管理行业(资管行业)的中心,众多投资者和资管经理汇集于此。2020 年,新加坡的资产管理总额 (AUM) 增长了 17%,达 4.7 万亿新元,高于 2019 年的 4万亿新元1。 这种强劲的增长是由大量流入的传统和另类投资资金所驱动的,包括私募股权 (私募) 和风险投资 (风投)。 那一年,私募和风投的资产管理总额分别增长了 54% 和 49%,达到 3,750 亿新元和 160 亿新元。 我们认为,新加坡资产管理规模将在未来几年将持续保持增长势头。

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Singapore Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape Series – A Brief Introduction

Singapore’s asset management industry has fast become a global hub for investors and managers and is central to the country’s financial services industry. In 2020, total assets under management (AUM) in Singapore grew 17 percent to reach S$4.7 trillion, up from S$4.0 trillion in 2019[1]. This robust growth was driven by strong inflows into both traditional and alternative investment strategies, including the private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) asset classes. PE and VC AUM grew by 54 percent and 49 percent to S$375 billion and S$16 billion, respectively, in that year. In our view, the size of the industry in Singapore will continue to grow in the coming years.

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