
近些年,家族办公室(Family Office,简称“家办”)这个概念逐渐兴起并受到大众的关注,申请家办的客户大增。根据新加坡联合早报2022年10月8日的报道,新加坡金融管理局待批的家族理财申请就多达600家,如果全部获批,引进新加坡的资金保守估计达120亿元。

那么家办究竟是怎样的一个机构,它有什么功能?家办应该设立在哪里?在新加坡设立家办有什么优势?就上述常见的问题,本所的合伙人于岚女士给出了专业的解答。 Continue reading “设立家族办公室的5大常见Q&A”

The Complex Commercial Litigation Law Review: Singapore


Contract law in Singapore is rooted in English common law. Following Singapore’s independence, Parliament chose not to codify the law on contract, although certain English statutes relating to specific areas of contract law were incorporated into Singapore law, including the Misrepresentation Act, Unfair Contract Terms Act, and the Sale of Goods Act. Accordingly, developments in the law of contract in Singapore have been led by the court.

Historically, decisions in the courts of England, Wales, Australia and other Commonwealth jurisdictions have been persuasive. Over the past two decades, Singapore courts have developed their own unique jurisprudence and may be considered as a global thought leader, particularly in the area of contract law.

Developments in contract law in Singapore mirror the nation-state’s business-friendly emphasis on freedom of contract, clarity and certainty of enforcement, particularly across borders.

In a further move to increase the sophistication of its jurisprudence and expand the scope for the export of Singapore law, Singapore has also established the Singapore International Commercial Court, which offers a panel of international judges, the possibility of foreign legal representation, and limits to the right of appeal to Singapore’s apex court.

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Selvam LLC Welcomes Director Jerald Foo to Firm’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group

Singapore, 14 November 2022―Jerald Foo has joined Selvam LLC as a Director in the firm’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group at its Singapore office. Jerald focuses his practice on commercial litigation, arbitration and mediation, having significant experience with complex commercial disputes both as a practitioner in a leading international law firm and as a former judicial officer.

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The Appointment of Daniel Soo as the Head of Selvam LLC’s Restructuring and Insolvency Group

SINGAPORE, 14 October 2022 ― Selvam LLC is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Soo as the head of its Restructuring and Insolvency Group. Soo will continue as a partner in the firm’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group.

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作为买卖数字艺术品的一种模式,NFT正变得越来越流行,其允许艺术家将其真实的数字艺术品货币化,否则这些数字艺术品很容易被复制。至关重要的是,NFT可以与数字艺术品和实物艺术品一起证明出处。此外,某些NFT可能涉及卖方向买方提供通行证,该通行证允许NFT持有人获得独家商品或服务,包括活动、订阅、内容或限量版产品。 Continue reading “了解新加坡NFT消费者保护”

Understanding Consumer Protections for NFTs in Singapore

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic tokens on a blockchain that can prove the ownership and authenticity of a digital asset, which can also be considered as digital data with a certificate of ownership. NFTs are non-fungible because no two NFTs are the same and each has a unique identification code and metadata.

NFTs are becoming increasingly popular as a mode to buy and sell digital artworks, permitting artists to monetise their authentic digital artwork, which could otherwise easily be copied. Crucially, NFTs can be used with both digital and physical artwork for establishing provenance. In addition, certain NFTs may involve the seller providing the buyer with an access pass, which allows NFT holders access to exclusive goods or services, including events, subscriptions, content, or limited-edition products.

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【财富岚海】专栏 | 抽丝剥茧:英美法系下信托的本源


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【财富岚海】专栏 | 英美法系下,共有产权的法律形式

在英美法系国家买过房产的朋友,一定对Joint Tenancy(联合共有)和Tenancy in Common(按份共有)这两个法律词汇不陌生。但其实在英美法系,包括新加坡在内,共有产权的制度贯穿于整个财产所有权结构之中,不仅仅应用于房产。因此,理解这两种共有制度,对于财富传承的规划至关重要。

首先,“Tenancy”(租赁)在这两个词汇中并不指代租赁关系,只是持有关系的术语,因为这个词的起源是在这种共有关系最初产生的年代,那时英国所有的土地都是根据王室的封建租约持有的。 Continue reading “【财富岚海】专栏 | 英美法系下,共有产权的法律形式”

Singapore Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape Series – Limited Partnerships

Limited partnerships (LPs) are commonly used globally as fund vehicles for both private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) funds. In Singapore, LPs were created as a business vehicle by the Limited Partnerships Act in 2008 (the Act), which came into effect on 4 May 2009 as part of Singapore’s efforts to become a fund management hub.

Those efforts have been supplemented by a myriad of other measures including (a) the creation of variable capital companies (VCCs) by the Variable Companies Act 2018, which came into force only on 14 January 2020; (b) the establishment of several classes of fund management licences including the venture capital fund management licence; and (c) a favourable tax environment that includes a one-tier system of taxation of income, no capital gain taxes and an extensive network of double taxation treaties, as well as several incentive schemes and grants. We will discuss these measures in more detail in other articles. Continue reading “Singapore Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape Series – Limited Partnerships”

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