Vietnam Solar Power  – Taking stock of Vietnam’s solar energy potential – What you must know:

With the latest official issuance of a Solar Decision, Vietnam has made steady progress on its solar energy potential. The FIT is introduced in the Solar Decision to be 9.35 UScents/ kWh for grid-connected solar projects. The draft solar Power Purchase Agreement has also been recently introduced in a draft Circular guiding the Solar Decision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

This webinar offers valuable insights into the newly formulated framework for Solar PV in the country and covers:

  • The roles and obligations for EVN carried forward by the draft
  • The bankability of the draft solar PPA, its guarantee scheme and room for negotiation
  • Insights how to make most of the opportunity for PV in the market – the 30MW off-grid rule – Getting Solar Power Project done in reasonable time:

More information of the webinar can be found here:;

Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann if you have any questions under Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam.






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