On 31 August 2023, the Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha passed the Decision No. 1009/QD-TTg on the Approval for the Implementation Plan of the Political Declaration on establishing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (Decision 1009). The main goals of the implementation plan under Decision 1009 are to implement the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP Declaration), to promote the development of renewable energy to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and to ensure the efficient use of energy. With regard to a more detailed set of goals and relevant tasks to be carried out of the Implementation Plan, Decision 1009 also highlights the following:
(i) The reception and efficient use of partnership with international partners in terms of technology transfer, governance, training for officer-in charge and financial provision for the implementation of the JETP Declaration;
(ii) By 2030, a suitable legal framework to attract investors and businesses to engage in the transition of the JETP Declaration is expected. A resource mobilization plan to implement the JETP Declaration with pilot projects related to the JETP Declaration is also projected to be developed by relevant units. The mentioned resource mobilization plan is expected to cover international financial support and technology transfer to promote the conversion from coal-fired power and fossil energy to clean energy, and develop renewable and new energy forms;
(iii) The development of the smart grid and advanced and modern infrastructure facilities for production, transmission, storage, distribution and management of electricity is also mentioned as an important part for the implementation of JETP Declaration. From January 2024 to January 2026, it is a priority to involve the investments of private entities to contribute to the development of the grid, the tasks to carry out this goal include (iii1) determining the scope and structure for investment of private entities into the grid; (iii2) promoting the development of the legal framework to facilitate the investment into the gird; and (iii3) promoting the development of cross-border transmission and offshore transmission.
(iv) One of the main tasks outlined in the plan is switching from coal-fired power plants to clean energy sources, along with creating an ecosystem for renewable energy businesses and services, encouraging the production of electricity from biomass, garbage, and solid waste to utilize by-products from agriculture and forestry, creating and implementing regulations on the rate of renewable energy for electricity distribution companies, and creating a market for renewable energy credits.

Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann at if you have any questions. Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

LÄNDER-UPDATE Vietnam: Versicherungen

Mitglied der IAIS? Ja, Vietnam ist seit 2007 Mitglied der IAIS.
Globale Regulierungsbehörden, Organe und für das Land geltende Gesetze
Das Projekt „ComFrame“ wurde von der Internationally Active Insurance Groups (IAIG, mit Verbindung zur IAIS) ins Leben gerufen, um einen regulatorischen Rahmen mit verpflichtenden Standards zu schaffen. Es ist Ende 2019 in Kraft getreten. Vietnam muss sich als Mitglied der IAIS deren Vorschriften unterwerfen.
Als Mitglied der WTO und WHO muss Vietnam ebenfalls die Vorschriften bezüglich Versicherungen dieser Organisationen einhalten. Bindende Verpflichtungen bezüglich Versicherungen hat Vietnam auch in seinen bilateralen / multilateralen Abkommen wie dem Korea – Vietnam FTA, EU – Vietnam FTA, Hong Kong – ASEAN FTA, ASEAN – China FTA, ASEAN – Australia – New Zealand FTA sowie dem CPTPP abgegeben.
Darüber hinaus ist Vietnam auch Mitglied der OECD, die unverbindliche Leitlinien und bewährte Praktiken veröffentlicht.
Das Finanzministerium ist für die staatliche Regulierung der Versicherungswirtschaft zuständig. Zusätzlich hat das Finanzministerium (MOF) mit der am 12. Februar 2009 erlassenen Entscheidung Nr. 288./QD-BTC unterhalb des MOF die Aufsichtsbehörde für Versicherungen geschaffen (ISA). Die ISA unterstützt den Minister des MOF bei der landesweiten Regulierung der Versicherungswirtschaft; sie regelt und beaufsichtigt direkt die Geschäftstätigkeiten und Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Versicherungswesen nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Derzeit sind die Aufgaben der ISA durch die am 11. September 2017 erlassene Entscheidung 1799/QD-BTC festgesetzt.
Im Juni 2009 wurde durch die Entscheidung Nr. 1379/QD-BTC unterhalb der ISA das Forschungs- und Trainingszentrum für Versicherungen (IRTC) errichtet. In den Aufgabenbereich des IRTC fällt es, wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen sowie Schulungen zu Versicherungen und dem Versicherungsmarkt zu organisieren.
Gesetze und wichtige Gerichtsentscheidungen/urteile
Die folgenden Gesetze und Vorschriften regeln maßgeblich das Versicherungsgeschäft in Vietnam:
• Gesetz über das Versicherungswesen Nr. 08/2022/QH15 erlassen von der Nationalversammlung am 16. Juni 2020 (Gesetz über das Versicherungswesen);
• Dekret Nr. 46/2023/ND-CP über Leitlinien für die Umsetzung des Gesetzes über das Versicherungswesen, erlassen von der Regierung am 1. Juli 2023 (Dekret 46);
• Dekret Nr. 98/2013/ND-CP über Verwaltungssanktionen im Versicherungs- und Lotteriegeschäft, erlassen durch die Regierung am 28. August 2013 (Dekret 98), geändert durch Dekret 48/2018/ND-CP vom 21. März 2018 (Dekret 48) und mit Dekret 80/2019/ND-CP vom 1. November 2019 (Dekret 80);
• Rundschreiben Nr. 195/2014/TT-BTC über Leitlinien für die Bewertung und Einstufung von Versicherungsunternehmen, erlassen durch das Finanzministerium am 17. Dezember 2014 (Rundschreiben 195), geändert durch Rundschreiben 89/2020/TT-BTC vom 11. November 2020 (Rundschreiben 89);
• Entscheidung Nr. 1826/QD-TTg des Premierministers über die Genehmigung des Plans über die „Restrukturierung des Wertpapiermarktes und Versicherungsunternehmen“ vom 28. Dezember 2012 (Entscheidung 1826).
Die wichtigsten Vorschriften und Anforderungen
Zuständigkeiten der oberen Führungsebene
• Erlass von rechtlichen Maßnahmen und Leitlinien zur Umsetzung für das Versicherungswesen; Formulierung von Strategien, Bestimmungen, Masterplänen und spezifischen Plänen für die Entwicklung des vietnamesischen Versicherungsmarktes;
• Erteilung und Entzug von Lizenzen für die Errichtung und Betrieb von Versicherern und Versicherungsmaklern sowie von Lizenzen für die Errichtung von Repräsentanzen von ausländischen Versicherern und Versicherungsmaklern in Vietnam;
• Erlass, Ratifizierung und leiten der Umsetzung von Versicherungsvorschriften, Bestimmungen, Prämien- und Provisionstarifen;
• Beaufsichtigung der Versicherungstätigkeit über die berufliche Tätigkeit, den Finanzstatus, die Unternehmensführung, das Risikomanagement und die Einhaltung des Gesetzes über das Versicherungswesen und Makler; Anwendung der nötigen Maßnahmen, mit denen sichergestellt wird, dass die finanziellen Anforderungen erfüllt werden und ihre Verpflichtungen gegenüber den Käufern von Versicherungen zu erfüllen;
• Organisation der Bereitstellung von Informationen über den Zustand des Versicherungsmarktes und Marktprognosen;
• Internationale Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Versicherungen;
• Genehmigung zur Auslandstätigkeit von Versicherern und Versicherungsmaklern;
• Verwaltung der Tätigkeit der Repräsentanzen von ausländischen Versicherern und Versicherungsmaklern in Vietnam;
• Organisation des Aufbaus und Ausbildung von Personal für das Versicherungsmanagement und Versicherungsfachkräften; sowie
• Überprüfung und Kontrolle von Versicherungsgeschäften; Klärung von Beschwerden und Anzeigen; und Behandlung von Verstößen gegen das Gesetz über das Versicherungswesen.
Whistle-blowing Vorschriften
Es gibt keine dies betreffenden spezielle Vorschriften im Versicherungssektor.
Grenze der ausländischen Beteiligung an einer bestehenden Versicherungsaktiengesellschaft
Ausländische Investoren sind berechtigt, Aktien oder eingebrachtes Kapital mit einem Anteil bis zu 100% des Satzungskapitals einer Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaft zu halten.
Anforderungen an die Kapitalrücklage
Versicherer und Versicherungsmakler müssen einen verpflichtenden Fonds errichten, um ihr Satzungskapital zu ergänzen und ihre Solvenz abzusichern. Die Rückstellungen für den obligatorischen Reservefonds müssen jährlich in Höhe von 5% des Gewinns nach Steuern betragen. Der Maximalbetrag für den verpflichtenden Reservefonds entspricht 10% des Satzungskapitals der Versicherungsgesellschaft oder des gezeichneten Kapitals der ausländischen Niederlassung.
Zusätzlich zu diesem obligatorischen Reservefonds können Versicherer und Versicherungsmakler andere Reservefonds aus ihren Gewinnen nach Steuern des Steuerjahres errichten, wie in ihrer Satzung festgelegt. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Gewinne nach Steuern unter den Aktionären aufgeteilt werden können, jedoch erst, wenn 5% dieser Gewinne in den oben genannten obligatorischen Fonds eingezahlt wurden.
Versicherungstechnische Rückstellungen
Mit versicherungstechnischen Rückstellungen sind Geldbeträge gemeint, die ein Versicherer für seine im Voraus festgelegten Versicherungsverbindlichkeiten zurückstellen muss. Der Betrag ergibt sich aus den abgeschlossenen Versicherungsverträgen.
Die Versicherungsreserve muss für jede Art von Versicherungsprodukt oder Versicherungspolice eingerichtet werden in Bezug auf den vom Versicherer oder der ausländischen Niederlassung zu tragenden Teil der Haftung. Die für die versicherungstechnische Rückstellung bestimmten Verträge ergeben sich aus Rundschreiben 50. Versicherungsgesellschaften sind berechtigt, die Methode und Grundlage für die versicherungstechnische Rückstellung zu wählen, müssen aber die vorherige Genehmigung des MOF für die Umsetzung dieser Methode / Grundlage einholen.

Versicherer müssen bei der Gründung einer Versicherungsgesellschaft, einer Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder einer ausländischen Niederlassung eine Sicherheitsleistung in Höhe von 2% des Mindestkapitals oder des zugewiesenen Kapitals, wie es für die jeweilige Art an Versicherungsunternehmen festgelegt (Beispielsweise muss eine Krankenversicherung eine Sicherheitsleistung von 15 Milliarden VND oder entsprechend 630,000 USD hinterlegen), bei einer in Vietnam tätigen Bank hinterlegen. Ein Versicherungsunternehmen oder eine ausländische Niederlassung kann ihre Sicherheitsleistung zur Erfüllung von Verpflichtungen gegenüber Versicherungsnehmern nur nutzen, wenn seine Solvenz unzureichend ist und nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Finanzministeriums. Der Gesamtbetrag der Sicherheitsleistung kann nur nach Beendigung der Geschäftstätigkeit entnommen werden.
Produktspezifische Bestimmungen
Einschlägige Beratungsdokumentation oder andere Anforderungen einschließlich steuerlicher Anforderungen.
• Für das Lebensversicherungsgeschäft (ohne fondsgebundener Versicherung und Rentenversicherung) und Krankenversicherungsgeschäft: 750 Milliarden VND
• Lebensversicherungsgeschäft und fondsgebundenes Versicherungsgeschäft oder Rentenversicherungsgeschäft: 1,000 Milliarden VND
• Lebensversicherungsgeschäft, fondsgebundenes Versicherungsgeschäft und Rentenversicherungsgeschäft: 1,300 Milliarden VND
Qualifikationen des ernannten Aktuars
• Gemäß Unternehmensgesetz das Recht haben, ein Unternehmen zu führen;
• Keine verwaltungsrechtliche Strafe aufgrund eines Verstoßes im Versicherungssektor; keine Disziplinarmaßnahme in Form einer Entlassung aufgrund von Verstoß gegen interne Vorschriften innerhalb eines Zeitraums von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren vor der Ernennung; keine Strafverfolgung durch eine zuständige Behörde zum Zeitpunkt der Wahl oder Ernennung.
• Ausbildung als ernannter Aktuar und mindestens zehnjährige Arbeitserfahrung als ernannter Aktuar im Lebensversicherungs- oder Krankenversicherungssektor sowie mindestens fünfjährige Arbeitserfahrung nach dem Mitglied werden in einer international anerkannten Vereinigung von Aktuaren. Hierzu zählen unter anderem das „Institute of Actuaries of England“; die „Society of Actuaries of the USA“; das „Institute of Actuaries of Australia“; das „Canadian Institute of Actuaries“; oder Mitglied einer anderen Vereinigung von Aktuaren, welche ein offizielles Mitglied der internationalen Vereinigung von Aktuaren ist; oder mindestens fünfjährige Arbeitserfahrung als ernannter Aktuar im Lebensversicherungs- oder Krankenversicherungssektor, nach dem man Mitglied einer der oben genannten Vereinigungen geworden ist. Im Falle eines ernannten Aktuars, genehmigt vom MOF vor dem Inkrafttreten des Dekrets 46, ist die in diesem Absatz genannte Voraussetzung nicht einschlägig.
• Kein Verstoß gegen die Berufsethik der Aktuare.
• Angestellter der Lebens- oder Krankenversicherer.
• Während der Amtszeit wohnhaft in Vietnam.
Zulässiger Umfang der Geschäftstätigkeit
• Versicherungsgeschäft, Rückversicherungsgeschäft, Rückversicherungstransfer;
• Management von Fonds und Investitionskapital aus Versicherungsgeschäftstätigkeiten;
• Erbringen von versicherungsbezogenen Hilfsdienstleistungen;
• Es ist Lebensversicherungsunternehmen nicht erlaubt, Krankenversicherungs-/ Nicht-Lebensversicherungsgeschäfte zu tätigen, mit der Ausnahme des Falls der Durchführung von Krankenversicherungsgeschäften durch Lebensversicherungsunternehmen;
Die Versicherungsrückstellung der Lebensversicherungsunternehmen enthält: Deckungsrückstellung, Prämienübertrag, Ausgleichsrückstellung, Rückstellung für Gewinnausschüttungen, gebundene Zinsrückstellung und Bilanzrückstellung.
Versicherungsgesellschaften, Rückversicherungsgesellschaften und ausländische Niederlassungen dürfen in Vietnam folgende Investitionstätigkeiten nicht durchführen:
• Investitionen im Immobiliengeschäft mit Ausnahme folgender Fälle: Erwerb von Aktien an Immobilienunternehmen, die auf dem Wertpapiermarkt notiert sind; von Investmentzertifikaten öffentlicher Fonds; Erwerb von Aktien von Immobilienunternehmen, die auf dem Wertpapiermarkt notiert sind, von Anteilsscheinen öffentlicher Fonds; Erwerb, Investition in oder Eigentum an Immobilien, die als Geschäftsräume, Standorte oder Tresorräume für die unmittelbare Nutzung für ihr Versicherungsgeschäft; Vermietung von leer stehenden Geschäftsräumen, die unter ihrer Kontrolle oder Verwaltung stehen; Beschlagnahme von Immobilien durch Verwaltung oder Veräußerung von Hypothekenanleihen oder Einziehung von durch Immobilien gesicherten Darlehen innerhalb von 03 Jahren ab dem Datum des Pfandrechts;
• Investitionen in Edelmetalle und Juwelen;
• Investitionen in immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die für kommerzielle und geschäftliche Zwecke genutzt werden;
• Investitionen in Derivate oder Derivatkontrakte, mit Ausnahme solcher, die als Rücklagen für Risiken aus Versicherungs- und Rückversicherungspolicen sowie Aktienportfolios von Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaften oder ausländischen Niederlassungen in Vietnam aufgeführt sind.

Versicherungs- und Rückversicherungsunternehmen dürfen Auslandsinvestitionen in Bezug auf das Eigenkapital, das über das erforderliche Grundkapital hinausgeht, und ungenutztes Kapital aus Versicherungsrückstellungen von Versicherungspolicen mit Zinsen, die an ausländische Investitionsindizes gebunden sind, und von mit ausländischen Organisationen/Personen abgeschlossenen Versicherungsverträgen tätigen, wobei solche Auslandsinvestitionen aus dem genannten Eigenkapital nur in den folgenden Formen und mit den folgenden Einschränkungen zulässig sind:
• Gründung oder Einbringung von Kapital für die Gründung; Einbringung von Kapital, Erwerb von Anteilen von Versicherern oder Rückversicherern im Ausland; Gründung von Niederlassungen oder Repräsentanzen sowie andere Formen der kommerziellen Präsenz von Versicherern und Rückversicherern im Ausland ohne jegliche Beschränkung;
• Beschränkung von mittelbaren Auslandsinvestitionen:
– Erwerb von Staatsanleihen, Schatzanweisungen, Schuldscheinen: keine Beschränkung;
– Anleihen, Schatzanweisungen, Schuldscheine, die von Emittenten herausgegeben werden, welche von internationalen Kreditrating-Agenturen wie Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service und Fitch Ratings, bewertet werden: Bis zu 50% des Betrags der Auslandsinvestition;
– Erwerb von notierten Anteilen, notierte Investmentzertifikate: Bis zu 15% des Betrags der Auslandsinvestition;
Mindestanforderungen an das Grundkapital
• Für das Nicht-Lebensversicherungsgeschäft (ohne Luftfahrtversicherungsgeschäft und Satellitenversicherungsgeschäft) und Krankenversicherungen: 400 Milliarden VND
• Für das Nicht-Lebensversicherungsgeschäft (einschließlich Luftfahrtversicherungsgeschäft oder Satellitenversicherungsgeschäft) und Krankenversicherungen: 500 Milliarden VND
• Für das Nicht-Lebensversicherungsgeschäft einschließlich Luftfahrtversicherungsgeschäft und Satellitenversicherungsgeschäft und Krankenversicherungen: 500 Milliarden VND
Qualifikationen eines ernannten Aktuars bezüglich Rückstellungen und Solvenz eines Nicht-Lebensversicherers
• Gemäß Unternehmensgesetz das Recht haben, ein Unternehmen zu führen;
• Keine verwaltungsrechtliche Strafe aufgrund eines Verstoßes im Versicherungssektor; keine Disziplinarmaßnahme in Form einer Entlassung aufgrund von Verstoß gegen interne Vorschriften innerhalb eines Zeitraums von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren vor der Ernennung; keine Strafverfolgung durch eine zuständige Behörde zum Zeitpunkt der Wahl oder Ernennung.
• Mitglied der Vereinigung der Vereinigung der Aktuare gewesen, die offizielles Mitglied der internationalen Vereinigungen der Aktuare ist; oder mindestens fünfjährige Berufserfahrung im Nicht-Lebensversicherungssektor und Nachweis über mindestens zwei bestandene Prüfungen folgender Vereinigungen: „Institute of Actuaries of England“; die „Society of Actuaries of the USA“; das „Institute of Actuaries of Australia“; das „Canadian Institute of Actuaries“ oder Nachweise über bestandene Prüfungen in einer versicherungsmathematischen Ausbildung, die durch eine der oben genannten Vereinigungen als den zwei Prüfungen der Vereinigungen entsprechend anerkannt ist.
Nach drei Jahren ab Inkrafttreten dieses Dekrets muss der ernannte Aktuar eines Nicht-Lebensversicherers, Rückversicherers oder einer ausländischen Niederlassung mindestens Mitglied einer Aktuarvereinigung sein, die offizielles Mitglied der internationalen Aktuarvereinigung ist und nicht gegen die Berufsethik der Aktuardienste im Versicherungswesen verstößt.
Nach fünf Jahren ab Inkrafttreten dieses Dekrets muss der ernannte Aktuar eines Nicht-Lebensversicherers, Rückversicherers oder einer ausländischen Niederlassung ein Mitglied sein, der im Nicht-Lebensversicherungsgeschäft von einer Aktuarvereinigung, die offizielles Mitglied der internationalen Aktuarvereinigung ist, ausgebildet sein und nicht gegen die Berufsethik der Aktuardienste im Versicherungswesen verstößt.
• Angestellter des Versicherers, Rückversicherers oder der ausländischen Niederlassung in Vietnam.
• Während der Amtszeit wohnhaft in Vietnam.
Zulässiger Umfang der Geschäftstätigkeit
• Versicherungsgeschäft, Rückversicherungsgeschäft, Rückversicherungstransfer;
• Management von Fonds und Investitionskapital aus Versicherungsgeschäftstätigkeiten;
• Erbringen von versicherungsbezogenen Hilfsdienstleistungen;
• Es ist Nicht-Lebensversicherungsunternehmen nicht erlaubt, Krankenversicherungs-/Lebensversicherungsgeschäfte zu tätigen, mit der Ausnahme von Krankenversicherungsprodukten mit einer Laufzeit von einem Jahr oder weniger sowie Versicherungsprodukte für Todesrisiken mit einer Laufzeit von einem Jahr oder weniger
Die Versicherungsrückstellungen für Nicht-Lebensversicherer umfassen die Rückstellung für Prämienüberträge, für Versicherungsfälle und die Schwankungsrückstellung für Großschäden.
Investitionstätigkeit und Auslandsinvestitionen
Wie bei Lebensversicherungen
Mindestanforderungen an das Grundkapital
• Für das Nicht-Lebens-Rückversicherungsgeschäft oder sowohl Nicht-Lebens-Rückversicherungsgeschäft und Kranken-Rückversicherungsgeschäft: 500 Milliarden VND;
• Für das Lebens-Rückversicherungsgeschäft oder sowohl Lebens-Rückversicherungsgeschäft und Kranken-Rückversicherungsgeschäft: 900 Milliarden VND;
• Für Geschäfte in allen der drei Typen an Lebensrückversicherung, Nicht-Lebensrückversicherung und Krankenrückversicherung, 1,400 Milliarden VND.
Qualifikationen eines ernannten Aktuars im Hinblick auf Rückstellungen und die Solvenz des Rückversicherers
Wie bei der Nicht-Lebensversicherung.
Zulässiger Umfang der Geschäftstätigkeit
Rückversicherungsunternehmen und ausländische Niederlassungen ebendieser können in folgenden Bereichen geschäftlich tätig sein:
• Rückversicherungs-, Rückversicherungsabtretungssektor;
• Fondsmanagement und Investition von Mitteln, die aus der Erbringung von Rückversicherungsdienstleistungen stammen;
• Andere Tätigkeiten, die unmittelbar mit Rückversicherungsdienstleistungen zusammenhängen.

• Für die Nicht-Lebensrückversicherung: Prämienüberträge, Rückstellung für Versicherungsfälle und Schwankungsrückstellung für Großschäden;
• Für die Lebensrückversicherung: Deckungsrückstellung, Prämienüberträge, Entschädigungsrückstellung, Rückstellung für Gewinnausschüttungen, Rückstellung für gebundene Zinsen und Bilanzrückstellung;
• Für die Krankenrückversicherung: Deckungsrückstellung, Beitragsüberträge, Entschädigungsrückstellung und Bilanzrückstellung.

Investitionstätigkeiten und Investitionen im Ausland
Wie bei der Lebens- und Nicht-Lebensversicherung
Investitionsmanagement und Märkte
Ein Überblick über die einschlägigen Vorschriften, die sich auf die Investitionsportfolios der Versicherer auswirken, einschließlich Asset Liability Management (ALM)
Eine Versicherungsgesellschaft kann Investitionen aus Eigenkapital, ungenutztem Kapital aus der Versicherungsrückstellung und anderen rechtmäßigen Quellen tätigen.
Zusätzlich zu den Regeln über inländische Investitionen von ungenutztem Kapital aus Versicherungsrückstellungen, wie sie oben für jede Art von Versicherungsgeschäft erwähnt wurden, gelten folgende Grundsätze:
• Sicherstellung von Sicherheit, Liquidität und Effizienz; Einhaltung der bestehenden Vorschriften und Regeln zur Eigenverantwortung, die für die Investitionstätigkeit maßgeblich sind;
• Versicherungsrückstellungen dürfen nur in Vietnam als Investitionen verwendet werden, mit Ausnahme von ungenutztem Kapital aus Versicherungsrückstellungen von Versicherungspolicen mit Zinsen, die an ausländische Investitionsindizes gebunden sind, und abgeschlossenen Versicherungspolicen mit ausländischen Organisationen/Einzelpersonen.
• Es ist verboten, Fremdkapital für Investitionen und treuhänderische Investitionen in Wertpapiere, Immobiliengeschäfte oder Kapitaleinlagen in andere Unternehmen zu verwenden;
• Es ist verboten, dass Investitionen in Höhe von 30 % des Portfolios der Investitionen in Unternehmen getätigt werden, die derselben Unternehmensgruppe angehören und in gemeinsamem Eigentum stehen. Dieses Verbot gilt nicht für Einlagen bei Kreditinstituten und ausländischen Investmentfonds, die in Form der Gründung von Unternehmen oder der Errichtung von ausländischen Niederlassungen im Empfängerland bestehen;
• Investitionen, die als Gegenleistung für die Einlagen von Anteilsinhabern oder Gesellschaftern oder von Personen, die mit diesen Anteilsinhabern oder Gesellschaftern verbunden sind, getätigt werden, sind nicht zulässig, es sei denn, es handelt sich um Einlagen bei Transaktionsstellen der Anteilsinhaber oder Gesellschafter, die Kreditinstitute sind;
• Der Erwerb von Unternehmensanleihen, die zu bestimmten Zwecken der Umstrukturierung von Darlehen der emittierenden Unternehmen ausgegeben werden, ist nicht zulässig;
• Im Falle von fiduziarischen Investitionen müssen die Treuhänder zugelassen sein, um treuhänderische Investitionstätigkeiten durchzuführen, die in den Bereich der treuhänderischen Investitionen fallen.
Ein Versicherungsunternehmen kann auch Offshore-Investitionen tätigen, jedoch nur, um eine Offshore-Versicherungsgesellschaft oder eine Offshore-Versicherungsniederlassung zu gründen. Solche Offshore-Investitionen müssen vom MOF genehmigt werden.
Durchsetzung und Untersuchung
Regeln für die regulatorische Untersuchung
Um die spezialisierte Untersuchung von Versicherungsgeschäften durchzuführen, können die zuständigen Behörden unabhängige Prüfstellen, Beratungsunternehmen oder Spezialisten beauftragen, die Bewertungen und fachliche Kommentare zu verschiedenen Sachverhalten abzugeben, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit und Gesundheit der Inspektoren haben kann.
Es gibt keine bestimmte Vorschrift über Beschwerdeverfahren in Versicherungsgesellschaften. Stattdessen gelten die in den Versicherungspolicen angegebenen Bestimmungen, die den einschlägigen Vorschriften des Zivilgesetzbuches und den wirtschaftlichen Abkommen entsprechen müssen.
Der Umgang mit Beschwerden bezüglich Verwaltungsentscheidungen bestimmt sich nach dem Gesetz über Beschwerden und Denunziationen, das in allen Sektoren Anwendung findet.
Rechtsbehelfe, einschließlich des Ombudsdienstes
In Abhängigkeit von der Art und Schwere der Verstöße können gegen die Verantwortlichen Verwaltungssanktionen (Verwarnungen, Geldbußen, Suspendierung des Betriebs, Abhilfemaßnahmen) oder strafrechtliche Sanktionen verhängt werden. Falls Schäden verursacht worden sind, muss gemäß den vietnamesischen Gesetzen Schadenersatz geleistet werden.
Entschädigungsregelungen für die Versicherungsvermittlung
Wie in der Versicherungspolice angegeben. Der Versicherungsnehmer hat maximal ein Jahr Zeit, um die Entschädigung ab dem Zeitpunkt des Eintritts des Versicherungsfalls geltend zu machen. Bei Eintritt eines Versicherungsfalls muss der Versicherer die Entschädigung innerhalb der in der Versicherungspolice angegebenen Frist auszahlen. Falls im Vertrag eine solche Angabe fehlt, beträgt die Frist 15 Tage ab dem Eingang eines vollständigen und ordnungsgemäßen Antrags auf Zahlung der Entschädigung.
Lebens- und Krankenversicherung
Der Versicherungsnehmer kann die Versicherungsprämien einmalig oder in Raten zahlen, je nach der in der Versicherungspolice vereinbarten Frist und Vorgehensweise.

Sach-Unterversicherungspolice: Der Versicherer ist nur im Verhältnis zwischen der versicherten Summe und dem Marktwert der versicherten Sache zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses zur Entschädigung verpflichtet.
Sach-Überversicherungspolice: Der Versicherer ist verpflichtet, den Schaden im Verhältnis zum Marktwert zum Zeitpunkt des Ereignisses zu ersetzen und dem Versicherungsnehmer den Betrag der bereits im Voraus gezahlten Prämien im Verhältnis zu dem den Marktwert des versicherten Objekts übersteigenden Versicherungsbetrag zurückzuzahlen.
Bei Eintritt des Versicherungsfalls ist jeder Versicherer nur nach dem Verhältnis der vereinbarten Versicherungssumme zur Gesamtversicherungssumme aller Versicherungsverträge, die der Versicherungsnehmer eingegangen ist, zur Entschädigung verpflichtet. Die Gesamtsumme, der von allen Versicherern zu leistenden Entschädigung darf den Wert des tatsächlichen Sachschadens nicht übersteigen.
Die Grenze der Haftung ist der Betrag, den ein Versicherer dem Versicherungsnehmer gemäß den Versicherungsbedingungen zu zahlen hat.
Insolvenz und Schutz der Versicherungsnehmer
Einschlägiges Regelungsregime?
Es gibt keine speziellen Insolvenzregelungen für Versicherer. Stattdessen gilt das Konkursgesetz, das bei Konkurs und Insolvenz in allen Sektoren Anwendung findet.
Grundsätzlich läuft das Verfahren im Insolvenzfall wie folgt:
• Einreichung des Antrags auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens beim Gericht (durch Gläubiger, Arbeitnehmer, Basisgewerkschaft, gesetzliche Vertreter der Gesellschaft, Teilhaber, Vorstandsvorsitzende usw.)
• Das Gericht leitet das Verfahren zur Bearbeitung des Antrags auf Insolvenzeröffnung ein und erklärt das Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsunternehmen für insolvent, ohne dass eine Gläubigerversammlung abgehalten und Maßnahmen zur Sanierung des Unternehmens ergriffen werden müssen.
• Verwaltung und Liquidation der Vermögenswerte erfolgt durch einen vom Gericht zu ernennenden Insolvenzverwalter oder ein Unternehmen, welches hierauf spezialisiert ist.
Es gibt keine spezialgesetzliche Regelung für den Datenschutz in Vietnams Versicherungssektor. Stattdessen sind Vietnams datenschutzrechtliche Normen über viele verschiedene Gesetze hin verteilt, wie unter anderem dem Zivilgesetzbuch, dem Strafgesetzbuch, dem Gesetz über Cyber-Informationssicherheit, dem Gesetz über Informationstechnologie, dem Telekommunikationsgesetz, dem Verbraucherschutzgesetz, dem E-Transaktionsgesetz, dem Cybersicherheitsgesetz und einschlägigen Dekreten über die Durchführung der genannten Gesetze.
Diese Gesetze enthalten Vorschriften, um Spam, Computerviren und Cyberattacken zu verhindern, erkennen, zu unterbinden und bekämpfen sowie Informationen, die im Cyberspace ausgetauscht werden, zu schützen.
Es gibt keine einheitliche Definition der „personenbezogenen Daten“ in Vietnams Gesetzgebung. Zu den personenbezogenen Daten zählen allgemein alle Informationen, die zur Identifizierung einer bestimmten Person genutzt werden können, einschließlich Informationen über Zahlungsvorgänge.
Organisationen, die personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten, müssen geeignete Verwaltungs- und technische Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die von ihnen gesammelten und gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu schützen sowie sicherzustellen, dass die personenbezogenen Daten nicht verloren gehen, gestohlen, offengelegt, verändert oder ohne Zustimmung zerstört werden.
In Abhängigkeit von der Art des Verstoßes gegen datenschutzrechtliche Bestimmungen können Verwaltungsstrafen (Verwarnung, Geldstrafe) und mögliche Abhilfemaßnahmen oder strafrechtliche Sanktionen Anwendung finden.
Corporate governance
Manager und Führungskräfte von Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaften sind:
• Vorstandsvorsitzender, Mitglied des Vorstands, Vorsitzender des Gesellschafterausschusses, Mitglied des Gesellschafterausschusses;
• Director oder General Director, stellvertretender Director oder stellvertretender General Director, gesetzlicher Vertreter;
• Hauptbuchhalter, Leiter einer Niederlassung, Leiter einer Repräsentanz, Abteilungsleiter und dergleichen gemäß Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Satzung.
Manager und Führungskräfte einer ausländischen Niederlassung sind:
• Director, stellvertretender Director;
• Hauptbuchhalter, Abteilungsleiter und dergleichen gemäß den Regeln und Vorschriften für die Organisation und Betrieb ausländischer Niederlassungen in Vietnam.
Die Besetzung der Personen muss nach den folgenden Grundsätzen erfolgen:
• Vorstandsvorsitzende, Vorsitzende des Gesellschafterausschusses oder Mitglied des Vorstandes, Mitglieder des Gesellschafterausschusses einer Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaft können nicht gleichzeitig das Amt eines Vorstandsmitglieds oder eines Mitglieds des Gesellschafterausschusses einer anderen Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaft in demselben Lebens-, Nichtlebens-, Kranken- oder Rückversicherungssektor in Vietnam ausüben.
• Ein Director oder General Director einer Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder einer ausländischen Niederlassung in Vietnam kann nicht gleichzeitig für eine andere Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder ausländischen Niederlassung in demselben Lebens-, Nichtlebens-, Kranken- oder Rückversicherungssektor in Vietnam arbeiten.
• Ein Director oder General Director, Leiter einer Niederlassung oder Leiter einer Repräsentanz einer Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaft kann nicht gleichzeitig mehr als ein Amt, wie dem des Leiters einer Niederlassung oder einer Repräsentanz oder des Abteilungsleiters in derselben Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaft innehaben. Der Leiter einer ausländischen Niederlassung in Vietnam ist der gesetzliche Vertreter und kann gleichzeitig nur ein Amt mehr halten, und zwar als ein Abteilungsleiter in dieser Niederlassung.
• Demgegenüber darf der Aktuar, der Leiter der Risikomanagementabteilung oder der Leiter der Compliance-Abteilung einer Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder einer ausländischen Niederlassung in Vietnam keine andere leitende Funktion in demselben Unternehmen ausüben; er darf gleichzeitig nicht für eine andere Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder eine ausländische Niederlassung in Vietnam arbeiten. Der Aktuar muss die vom Finanzminister zugewiesenen Aufgaben erfüllen.
• Der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats oder der Controller darf keine andere Führungsposition bei demselben Unternehmen ausüben. Der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats kann gleichzeitig keine andere Position als Controller oder Manager bei einer anderen Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsgesellschaft, die Vietnam tätig ist, ausüben.
• Der Hauptbuchhalter, Leiter der Innenrevisionsabteilung in einer Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder ausländischen Niederlassung in Vietnam darf keine andere Position in demselben Unternehmen innehaben; er darf nicht gleichzeitig für eine andere Versicherungs-, Rückversicherungsgesellschaft oder ausländische Niederlassung in Vietnam arbeiten.
Prävention von Finanzkriminalität
Mitglied der FATF? Auf der schwarzen Liste der FATF?
Kein Mitglied der FATF und nicht auf der schwarzen Liste.
Dr. Oliver Massmann ist Partner und General Director bei Duane Morris Vietnam LLC

COUNTRY UPDATE-Vietnam: Insurance

Market overview
Member of IAIS? Yes, Vietnam became member of IAIS in 2007.
Global regulators, bodies and legislation applicable to country
The project “ComFrame” was set up by the Internationally Active Insurance Groups (IAIG, related to IAIS) to establish regulatory framework with mandatory standards. It came into effect at the end of 2019. Vietnam, as a member of the IAIS, has to comply with its regulations.
As a member of the WTO and WHO, Vietnam must also comply with regulations of these organizations with respect to insurance. In its bilateral / multilateral agreements such as Korea – Vietnam FTA, EU- Vietnam FTA, Hong Kong – ASEAN FTA, ASEAN- China FTA, ASEAN – Australia – New Zealand FTA, CPTPP and EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, commitments on insurance are also binding on Vietnam.
In addition, Vietnam is a member of the OECD, which issues guidelines and good practices of non-binding nature for member countries.
The Ministry of Finance is in charge of the state regulation on insurance business. In addition, on February 12, 2009, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued Decision No. 288/QD-BTC to establish the Insurance Supervisory Authority (ISA) under the MoF. The ISA will assist the Minister of the MOF to regulate insurance business nationwide; directly govern and supervise insurance business activities and services related to insurance business in accordance with law. Currently, the role of the ISA is regulated under Decision 1799/QD-BTC issued on 11 September 2017.
In June 2009, Insurance Research and Training Centre (IRTC) under the ISA was established according to Decision No. 1379/QD-BTC. The IRTC is tasked with organizing scientific study and training on insurance and insurance market.
Laws and relevant court decisions/judgements
The following laws and regulations mainly govern insurance business in Vietnam:
• Law on Insurance Business No. 08/2022/QH15 issued by the National Assembly on June 16, 2020(Law on Insurance Business);
• Decree No. 46/2023/ND-CP on guiding the implementation of the Law on Insurance Business issued by the Government on July 1, 2023 (Decree 46);
• Decree No. 98/2013/ND-CP on administrative sanctions on insurance business and lottery business issued by the Government on August 28, 2013 (Decree 98) as amended by Decree 48/2018/ND-CP dated March 21, 2018 (Decree 48) and Decree 80/2019/ND-CP dated November 1, 2019 (Decree 80);
• Circular No. 195/2014/TT-BTC on guiding the assessment and classification of insurance companies issued by the Ministry of Finance on December 17, 2014 (Circular 195) as amended by Circular 89/2020/TT-BTC dated November 11, 2020 (Circular 89);
• Decision No. 1826/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister on approving the Plan on “Restructuring the securities market and insurance companies” on December 28, 2012 (Decision 1826).
Key rules and requirements
Senior management responsibilities
• Promulgation of legal instruments and implementing guidelines on insurance business; formulation of strategies, policies, master planning and specific plans for the development of the Vietnamese insurance market;
• Issuance and withdrawal of licenses for establishment and operation insurers and insurance brokers, and of licenses for establishment of representative offices of foreign insurers and foreign insurance brokers in Vietnam;
• Promulgation, ratification and guiding the implementation of insurance regulations, provisions, scales of premiums and commissions;
• Supervision of insurance business activities via professional activities, financial status, enterprise management, risk management and compliance with the law on insurers and brokers; application of necessary measures to ensure that insurers satisfy the financial requirements and fulfil their undertakings to purchasers of insurance;
• Organization of provision of information on the status of the insurance market and market forecasts;
• International cooperation in the area of insurance;
• Consent for overseas operations of insurers and insurance brokers;
• Administration of the operations of representative offices of foreign insurers and foreign insurance brokers in Vietnam;
• Organization of the formation and training of a workforce of insurance management personnel and insurance professional experts; and
• Inspection and checks of insurance business activities; resolution of complaints and denunciations, and dealing with breaches of the laws on insurance business.
Whistle-blowing rules
There are no such rules specifically for the insurance sector.
Foreign ownership limit in an existing shareholding insurance company
Foreign investors are entitled to own shares or contributed capital up to 100% of charter capital of insurance enterprises and reinsurance enterprises.
Capital reserve requirements
Reserve funds
Insurers and insurance brokers must establish a compulsory fund to supplement their charter capital and ensure their solvency. Appropriations for the compulsory reserve fund shall be made annually at 5% of after-tax profits. The maximum amount of compulsory reserve fund is equivalent to 10% of the charter capital of the insurance enterprise or issued capital of the foreign branch.
In addition to this compulsory reserve fund, insurers and insurer brokers may establish other reserve funds from their after-tax profits of the fiscal year as determined in their charter. It is noted that after-tax profits may be shared among shareholders but only after 5% of such profits is contributed to the compulsory reserve fund as provided above.
Insurance reserves
Insurance reserve means an amount of money which an insurer must set aside to pay for its insurance liabilities determined in advance and arising from the insurance policies which it has entered into.
Insurance reserve must be established for each type of insurance product or insurance policy with respect to that part of liability retained by the insurer or foreign branch. Specific amount contributed for insurance reserve is provided in Circular 50. Insurance companies are entitled to choose methods of and basis for setting insurance reserves but must seek prior approval from the MOF for implementation such insurance reserve methods / basis.
Security deposit
Insurers must pay a security deposit into a commercial bank operating in Vietnam in an amount of 2% of the minimum requirements of charter capital or allocated capital as specified for each type of insurance company (for example, a health insurance company must pay a security deposit of VND15 billion or $630,000 equivalent) at the time of establishment of an insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in Vietnam. An insurance enterprise or foreign branch may only use its security deposit to meet undertakings to purchasers of insurance when its solvency is inadequate and upon written approval of the MOF. The whole amount of their security deposit can only be withdrawn upon termination of their operation.
Product specific legislation
Relevant advisory documentation or other requirements, including tax
Minimum requirements of charter capital
• For life insurance business (excluding unit linked insurance and retirement insurance) and health care insurance business: VND750 billion
• Life insurance business and unit linked insurance business or retirement insurance business: VND1,000 billion
• Life insurance business, unit linked insurance business and retirement insurance business: VND1,300 billion.
Qualifications of the appointed actuary
• Having the right to manage an enterprise in accordance with the Law on Enterprises;
• Not being subject to an administrative penalty for a breach in the insurance business sector, not have been disciplined in the form of dismissal for a breach of internal rules for 03 consecutive years before the time of appointment; not have been prosecuted by a competent authority as prescribed by law at the time of being elected or appointed.
• Having undergone training as an appointed actuary, and have at least 10 years’ work experience as an appointed actuary in the life insurance or health insurance sector and have at least 5 years’ work experience from the time of becoming a fellow of one of the Associations of Actuaries which are widely recognized internationally such as the Institute of Actuaries of England; the Society of Actuaries of the USA; the Institute of Actuaries of Australia; the Canadian Institute of Actuaries; or be a member of another Association of Actuaries which is an official member of the International Associations of Actuaries; or have at least five years’ work experience as an appointed actuary in the life insurance or health insurance sector from the time of becoming a fellow of one of the above associations. In case of an appointed actuary approved by the MOF before the effective date of Decree 46, the above-mentioned qualification in this paragraph will not be applicable.
• Not having committed any breach of the professional ethics of actuaries.
• Being an employee of the life insurer or health insurer.
• Being resident in Vietnam during the term of office.
Permitted scope of business
• Insurance business, reinsurance business, reinsurance transfer;
• Managing funds and invest capital from insurance business activities;
• Providing auxiliary insurance services;
• Life insurance enterprises are not allowed to do health insurance business/non-life insurance business except for the case of life insurance enterprises implementing health insurance business;
Insurance reserve
Insurance reserve for life insurance companies includes: actuarial reserve, unearned premium reserve, compensation reserve, profit distribution reserve, committed interest rate reserve and balance reserve.
Investment activities
Insurance enterprises, reinsurance enterprises, and foreign branches in Vietnam are not allowed to implement the following investment activities:
• Investment in real estate business, except in the following cases: acquiring stocks of real estate businesses listed on the securities market, fund certificates of public funds; purchasing, investing in or owning real property used as business offices, locations or treasure vaults for direct uses for their insurance business; leasing out unoccupied business establishments under their control or management; seizing real property by managing or disposing of mortgage bonds, or recovering loans secured by real property within 03 years from the lien date;
• Investment in precious metals, jewels;
• Investment in intangible fixed assets, except those used for commercial and business purposes;
• Investment in derivatives or derivative contracts, except those listed as provisions for risks arising from insurance, reinsurance policies and portfolios of stocks that insurance companies, reinsurance companies or foreign branches in Vietnam are holding.

Outbound investment
Insurance enterprises and reinsurance enterprises are allowed to make outbound investment with regards to the owner’s equity in excess of the required charter capital and idle capital from insurance reserves of insurance policies with interests linked to foreign investment indexes and signed insurance policies with foreign organizatons/individuals, the outbound investment from the said owner’s equity shall only be allowed for the following forms and restrictions:
• Establishing or contributing capital for the establishment; contribution of capital, acquisition of shares of insurers, reinsurers in foreign countries; establishing branches or representative offices, and other forms of commercial presence of insurers and reinsurers abroad without any restriction;
• Restrictions on indirect outbound investment:
– Purchase of government bonds, treasury bills, promissory notes: No restriction;
– Bonds, treasury bills, promissory notes issued by issuers rated by international credit rating agencies like Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings: Up to 50% of outbound investment amount;
– Purchase of listed shares, listed fund certificates: Up to 15% of outbound investment amount;
Non-life insurance
Minimum requirements of charter capital
• For non-life insurance business (excluding aviation insurance business and satellite insurance business) and health insurance: VND400 billion
• For non-life insurance business (including aviation insurance business or satellite insurance business) and health insurance: VND450 billion
• For non-life insurance business, including aviation insurance business and satellite insurance business and health insurance: VND500 billion
Qualifications of an appointed actuary regarding reserves and solvency of non-life insurer
• Having the right to manage an enterprise in accordance with the Law on Enterprises;
• Not have been subject to an administrative penalty for a breach in the insurance business sector, not have been disciplined in the form of dismissal for a breach of internal rules for 03 consecutive years before the time of appointment; not have been prosecuted by a competent authority as prescribed by law at the time of being elected or appointed.
• Been an Associate of the Associations of Actuaries being an official member of the International Associations of Actuaries; or have at least 5 years’ work experience in non-life insurance sector and have proof of passing at least 2 exam of one of the following Associations: Institute of Actuaries of England; the Society of Actuaries of the USA; the Institute of Actuaries of Australia; the Canadian Institute of Actuaries or proofs of passing exams in an actuarial training course or program recognized by the above associations as equivalent to 2 exams of the Association.
After 3 years from the effective date of this Decree, the Appointed Actuary of a non-life insurer, reinsurer, or foreign branch in Vietnam must be at least an Associate of an actuary association which is an official member of International Actuarial Association and does not break the code of ethics for actuarial services in insurance.
After 5 years from the effective date of this Decree, the Appointed Actuary of a non-life insurer, reinsurer, or foreign branch in Vietnam must be a Fellow, who has been trained in non-life insurance of an actuary association which is an official member of International Actuarial Association and does not break the code of ethics for actuarial services in insurance.
• Be an employee at the insurer, reinsurer, or foreign branch in Vietnam.
• Be resident in Vietnam during the term of office.
Permitted scope of business
• Insurance business, reinsurance business, reinsurance transfer;
• Managing funds and invest capital from insurance business activities;
• Providing auxiliary insurance services;
• Non-life insurance enterprises are not allowed to implement life insurance business/health insurance business except for health insurance products with a term of 01 year or less and insurance products for death risks with a term of 01 year or less

Insurance reserve
Insurance reserve for non-life insurance companies includes unearned premium reserve, claim reserve, and large loss fluctuation reserve.
Investment activities and Outbound investment
Same as life insurance
Minimum requirements of charter capital
• For non-life reinsurance business or both non-life reinsurance business and health reinsurance business: VND500 billion;
• For life reinsurance business or both life reinsurance business and health reinsurance business: VND900 billion;
• For business in all three types of life reinsurance, non-life reinsurance and health reinsurance, VND1,400 billion.
Qualifications of an appointed actuary regarding reserves and solvency of reinsurer
Same as in non-life insurance.
Permitted scope of business
Reinsurance companies and foreign reinsurance branches can be involved in the following range or area of business activities:
• Reinsurance, reinsurance cession sector;
• Management of funds and investment of funds generated from rendering reinsurance services;
• Other activities directly related to reinsurance services.

Insurance reserve
• For non-life reinsurance: unearned premium reserve, claim reserve, and large loss fluctuation reserve;
• For life reinsurance: actuarial reserve, unearned premium reserve, compensation reserve, profit distribution reserve, committed interest rate reserve and balance reserve;
• For health reinsurance: actuarial reserve, unearned premium reserve, compensation reserve, and balance reserve.

Investment activities and Outbound investment
Same as life insurance and non-life insurance
Investment management and markets
Overview of relevant regulation affecting insurers’ investment portfolios, including Asset Liability Management (ALM)
An insurance enterprise can make investment from its equity, idle capital from insurance reserves and other lawful sources.
In addition to rules of domestic investment of idle capital from insurance reserves as mentioned above for each type of insurance business, the following principles apply:
• Ensure safety, liquidity and efficiency; compliance with prevailing regulations and self-responsibility rules applied to investment activities;
• Insurance reserves may be used as investments in Vietnam only, except for idle capital from insurance reserves of insurance policies with interests linked to foreign investment indexes and signed insurance policies with foreign organizatons/individuals
• It is prohibitory that borrowed funds are used for investment and fiduciary investment in securities, real estate business or contribution of capital to other enterprises;
• It is prohibitory that investment accounting for 30% of the portfolio of investments in companies belonging to the same group of companies having mutual ownership relationship is made. This prohibition shall not apply to deposits made at credit institutions and outward investment funds existing in the form of establishment of companies or establishment of foreign branches in the receiving foreign countries;
• Investments made in return for those of shareholders or members contributing capital or persons associated with these shareholders or members contributing capital are not allowed, except in case of deposits made at transaction offices of shareholders or members that are credit institutions;
• Purchase of corporate bonds issued to serve certain purposes of restructuring of loans of issuing companies is not allowed;
• In case of fiduciary investments, trustees must be licensed to perform fiduciary investment activities falling within the scope of fiduciary investment.
An insurance enterprise may also make offshore investment but only to set up offshore insurance company or an offshore insurance branch. Such offshore investment must be approved by the MOF.
Enforcement and investigation
Rules of regulatory investigation
In order to carry out the specialized inspection of insurance business, competent authorities can hire independent audit bodies, consulting companies or specialists to assess and give professional comments on several matters that are alleged to cause any impacts on inspectees’ safety and health where necessary.

Complaints procedure
There is no specific rule on complaints handling procedures in insurance enterprises. Instead, such rules are as indicated in the insurance policies and must follow relevant regulations of the Civil Code and economic agreements.
Complaints on administrative decisions will be handled according to laws on complaints and denunciations, which are applied for all sectors.
Redress, including Ombudsman service
Depending on the nature and seriousness of violations, the violators may be subject to administrative sanctions (warnings, monetary fines, suspension of operation, remedies) or criminal penalty. In case of causing damages, they must compensate according to Vietnam laws.
Insurance mediation compensation schemes
As indicated in the insurance policy. The insured person has maximum one year to claim for indemnity from the date of occurrence of the insured event. Upon occurrence of such insured event, the insurer must pay the indemnity with the time-limit stated in the insurance policy. If there is no statement in the contract, the time-limit is 15 days from the date of receipt of a complete and proper application requesting payment of indemnity.
Life and health care insurance
The insurer can pay insurance premiums on a one-off basis or in installments according to the time limit and approach agreed upon in an insurance policy.

Property insurance
Property underinsurance policy: the insurer is only responsible to indemnify in accordance with the ratio of the sum insured to the market value of the insured property at the date of entering the contract.
Property overinsurance policy: the insurer is responsible to indemnify for lossess in proportion to the market value at the time of occurrence and repay the insured the amount of premiums already paid in advance in proportion to the amount of insurance in excess of the market value of the insured property.
Double insurance policies
Upon occurrence of the insured event, each insurer is only responsible to indemnify in accordance with the ratio of the agreed sum insured to the total sum insured under all insurance contracts which the purchaser of the insurance has entered into. The total sum of indemnity payable by all the insurers will not exceed the value of the actual property damage.
Liability insurance policies
The limit of liability is the amount of money that an insurer is bound to pay to the insured under terms and conditions of the insurance policy.
Insolvency and policy-holder protection
Relevant resolution regime?
There is no separate insolvency regime for insurers. Instead, the Law on Bankruptcy which deals with bankruptcy and insolvency in all sectors will apply.
The general procedure to handle bankruptcy cases is as follows:
• Filing the petition to the court to commence bankruptcy procedures (by creditors, employees, grass-root trade union, legal representative of the company, shareholders, Chairman of the Board of Management, etc.)
• The court will start the procedures for handling of the request for declaring bankruptcy and declare that the insurance company or reinsurance company is bankrupt without resort to any meeting of creditors to be held and business recovery actions to be taken.
• Management and liquidation of assets are conducted by a liquidator or company that is appointed by the court and specializes in the management and liquidation of assets.
Data protection
There is no separate rule governing data protection in the insurance sector in Vietnam. Instead, Vietnam’s data protection laws are scattered in many legislations, which include the Civil Code, the Penal Code, the Law on Cyber Information Security, the Law on Information Technology, the Law on Telecommunications, the Law on Consumer Protection, the Law on E-Transactions, cybersecurity law and relevant Decrees guiding implementation of the mentioned laws.
These laws include provisions to prevent, detect, stop and address spam, computer viruses and cyber-attacks, and protect information exchanged in cyberspace.
There is no consistent definition of “personal information” in Vietnam laws. General speaking, personal information could be any information that could be used to identify a specific person, including information on payment transactions.
Organisations processing personal information must take appropriate management and technical measures to protect personal information that they have collected and stored and ensure that the personal information is not lost, stolen, disclosed, modified or destroyed without consent.
Depending on the nature of violations of data protection policies, administrative fines (warning, monetary fine) and possible remedial measures or criminal penalties might apply.
Corporate governance
Managers and executives of insurance company or reinsurance company are:
• Chairperson of the Managing Board, Member of the Managing Board; Chairperson of the Board of Members, Member of the Board of Members;
• Director or General Director, Vice Director or Deputy General Director, Legal Representative;
• Chief Accountant, Director of a branch, Head of a representative office, Head of an operations department and the like under the Company’s Charter.
Managers and executives of a foreign branch are:
• Director, Deputy Director;
• Chief Accountant, Head of an operations department and the like under the rules and regulations on organization and operation of foreign branches in Vietnam.
Allocation of these people must follow the below principles:
• Chairperson of the Managing Board, Chairperson of the Board of Members or Member of the Managing Board, Member of the Board of Members of an insurance company or reinsurance company cannot concurrently hold the post as the Member of the Managing Board or the Member of the Board of Members of another insurance company or reinsurance company in the same life insurance, non-life insurance, health insurance or reinsurance sector in Vietnam.
• Director or General Director of an insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in Vietnam cannot concurrently work for another insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in the same life insurance, non-life insurance, health insurance or reinsurance sector in Vietnam.
• Director or General Director, Director of a branch or Head of a representative office of an insurance company or reinsurance company can hold only one more post like the Director of a branch or the Head of a representative office or the Head of an operations department in the same insurance company or reinsurance company. The Director of a foreign branch in Vietnam is the legal representative and can hold only one more post as the Head of an operations department of that branch.
• Meanwhile, the Actuary, Head of the risk management department or Head of the compliance department of an insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in Vietnam shall not be allowed to hold any other executive post at the same host entity; shall not be allowed to concurrently work for any other insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in Vietnam. The Actuary must perform the duties assigned by the Minister of Finance.
• The Head of the Supervisory Board or the Controller shall not be allowed to hold any other executive post at the same host entity. The Head of the Supervisory Board cannot concurrently hold another post as the Controller or manager of any other insurance company or reinsurance company operating in Vietnam.
• The Chief Accountant, Head of the internal audit department in an insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in Vietnam shall not be allowed to hold any other post in the same host entity; shall not be allowed to concurrently work for any other insurance company, reinsurance company or foreign branch in Vietnam.
Financial crime prevention
Member of FATF? On FATF blacklist?
Not a member of FATF and not blacklisted.
Dr. Oliver Massmann is a partner and General Director in Duane Morris Vietnam LLC

Anwalt in Vietnam Dr. Oliver Massmann – DIGITALE WIRTSCHAFT – Auswirkungen des Freihandelsabkommens zwischen der EU und Vietnam sowie dem umfassenden und fortschrittlichen Abkommen für eine Trans-Pazifische Partnerschaft

Das Wachstum der digitalen Wirtschaft Vietnams ist beeindruckend. Nach einem Bericht Googles betrug der geschätzte Umfang der digitalen Wirtschaft in Vietnam im Jahr 2020 14 Milliarden USD, was einem Wachstum von 450 % seit 2015 entspricht. Mit der aktiven Umsetzung des nationalen digitalen Transformationsprogramms bis 2025 und einer Perspektive bis 2030 wird ein Wachstum von rund 30 % im Zeitraum zwischen 2020 und 2025 vorhergesagt. Im Rahmen dieses Programms zielt Vietnam darauf ab, in die Top 50 der Länder betreffend des E-Governments einzusteigen und sicher zu gehen, dass der Anteil der digitalen Wirtschaft am nationalen BIP bis zum Jahr 2030 30 % beträgt. Allerdings könnte Vietnam scheitern, die darin genannten Ziele zu erfüllen, falls die im Folgenden zu besprechenden aktuellen Probleme, denen Investoren derzeit im Informations- und Kommunikations(ICT-)sektor gegenüberstehen, nicht rechtzeitig angegangen werden:

Verwaltungstechnische Belastung für ICT-Produkte

ICT-Produkte müssen gemäß Dekret Nr. 127/2007/ND-CP, Dekret 132/2008/ND-CP, Dekret 74/2018/ND-CP, etc. bestimmte Lizenzierungs- und Anmeldungsverfahren durchlaufen. Auch wenn nachgewiesen werden könnte, dass die Produkte etablierten internationalen Standards entsprechen, ist es nicht erlaubt, dass diese an der vietnamesischen Grenze ohne länderspezifische Tests verzollt werden. Des Weiteren entstehen mangels eines vollständigen E-Government-Modells sowie dem Fehlen der Möglichkeit einer automatisierten und elektronischen Genehmigung rund um die Uhr und innerhalb eines Tages 24/7, gewisse Verzögerungen beim Produktimport.

Gesetzgeberische Herausforderungen

Dekret Nr. 71/2022/ND-CP

Zusätzlich zu der vorherigen Anforderung einer 30 % Grenze an ausländischen Kanälen im Fall der Übertragung im Rahmen von „Bezahlfernsehen“ in Vietnam, wird mit Dekret Nr. 06/2016/ND-CP und Dekret Nr. 71/2022/ND-CP eine neue Bedingung örtlicher Präsenz eingeführt. Diese Bedingung macht es für Anbieter grenzüberschreitender internetgestützter over-the-top (OTT) -Dienste erforderlich, ein lokales Unternehmen in Vietnam einzurichten. Aufgrund der komplizierten und langwierigen Lizenzierungsverfahren in diesem Sektor sind letztendlich bestimmte Arten an Diensten in Vietnam nicht verfügbar, da die Vorteile, diese in Vietnam anzubieten, gegenüber dem Erfordernis einer örtlichen Präsenz nicht überwiegen.

Geändertes Gesetz über E-Transaktionen

Die Gesetzesänderung führt neue Konzepte aus dem europäischen Digital Markets Act (DMA) und dem Digital Services Act (DSA) hervorgehend bezüglich digitaler Plattformen/intermediärer digitaler Plattformen ein. Diese EU-Gesetzgebung wurde in einem ganz anderen politischen, rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Kontext als in Vietnam erlassen. Ohne die richtige Umsetzung könnte dies zu Verwirrung und Unsicherheiten sowohl bei inländischen als auch ausländischen Anbietern digitaler Dienste führen und somit negative Auswirkungen auf die Innovation in Vietnam haben. Der wage und weitgefasste Begriff der Informationssysteme, die elektronischen Transaktionen dienen, bedarf weiterer Klärung.

Die Gesetzesänderung sollte „Dienste zur Authentifizierung von Datennachrichten“ auf eine Weise klar definieren, sodass sich OTT-Nachrichtendienste mit Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung nicht hierunter subsumieren lassen. Ohne weitere Klärung könnten Dienste zum Senden und Empfangen von gesicherten Datennachrichten so weit ausgelegt und verstanden werden, dass alle Dienste hierunter fallen, welche zum Senden von Datennachrichten genutzt werden.

Die Gesetzesänderung sollte die Verpflichtung der Administratoren von Informationssystemen, die elektronischen Transaktionen dienen, klarstellen, die Verfügbarkeit für die technische Verbindung mit dem Überwachungssystem des Staats sicherzustellen.

Die Vorschrift über die Verantwortung der Administratoren digitaler Plattformen, die elektronischen Plattformen bedienen dem Ministerium für Information und Kommunikation vergangene Vorfälle oder Anzeichen und Risiken eines Missbrauchs des Informationssystems zur Begehung von Taten, die gegen das vietnamesische Recht verstoßen, zu melden, ist recht weit gefasst. Es ist unklar, in welchen Fällen überprüft und bewertet werden muss.

Entwurf der Änderung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes

Der Entwurf der Änderung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes wurde erheblich ausgeweitet und umfasst nun auch Nicht-Telekommunikationsdienste. Dienste wie Internet-Anwendungsdienste in der Telekommunikation (oder „OTT-Telekommunikationsdienste“) oder Datenzentren unterscheiden sich von Telekommunikationsdiensten und wurden durch das Telekommunikationsrecht anderer Länder nie geregelt. Die Regulierung dieser Dienste durch diese Gesetzesänderung ist unangemessen und wird einen unnötigen Verwaltungsaufwand sowie steigende Kosten für diese Diensteanbieter schaffen, insbesondere für jene ohne physische Präsenz in Vietnam. Um sich der internationalen Praxis anzuschließen und Bedingungen für die Entwicklung digitaler Diensteanbieter zu schaffen, empfehlen wir OTT-Telekommunikationsdienste, Cloud-Computing sowie Datencenter-Dienste aus dem Anwendungsbereich des Entwurfs der Änderung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes zu entfernen.

Auswirkungen des Freihandelsabkommens zwischen der EU und Vietnam (EVFTA), des Investitionsschutzabkommens zwischen der EU und Vietnam (EVIPA) sowie des umfassenden und fortschrittlichen Abkommens für Trans-Pazifische Partnerschaft (CPTPP)

Vietnams Gesetze bezüglich der Telekommunikation sind grundsätzlich mit den Verpflichtungen gemäß dem EVFTA und dem CPTPP vereinbar.

Im Falle einer investitionsbezogenen Streitigkeit (z.B. Enteignung ohne Kompensation, Investitionsdiskriminierung) ist ein Investor einer Vertragspartei befugt, jene Streitigkeit mit der Regierung der anderen Vertragspartei das Investitionsgericht anzurufen, um eine Einigung zu erreichen. Falls eine Seite der streitenden Parteien mit der Entscheidung des Gerichts nicht einverstanden ist, kann diese Berufung zum Berufungsgericht einlegen. Zwar unterscheidet sich dies vom gewöhnlichen Schiedsgerichtsverfahren, so ist jedoch dem zweistufigen Streitbeilegungsmechanismus der WTO recht ähnlich (Gremium und Berufungsinstanz).

Wir glauben, dass dieser Mechanismus Zeit und Kosten für das gesamte Verfahren sparen kann. Der endgültige Schiedsspruch ist bindend und ohne die Überprüfung der Gültigkeit durch die lokalen Gerichte durchsetzbar. Die Regierung Vietnams muss diese Verpflichtung innerhalb von fünf Jahren nach Inkrafttreten des EVIPAs vollständig umsetzen. Zu Ihrer Information: Mit Stand zum Februar 2023 haben 11 der 27 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten das EVIPA ratifiziert. Das bedeutet, dass wir auf die Ratifizierung durch die verbleibenden 16 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten warten müssen, damit es in Kraft tritt und mithin die Deadline für die direkte Durchsetzbarkeit von Schiedssprüchen für die Regierung Vietnams auslöst.

Während das CPTPP dem Investor einer Vertragspartei zwar ermöglicht, mit dem gleichen Mechanismus gegen die Regierung der anderen Vertragspartei vorzugehen, sieht es keine fünfjährige Übergangsphase vor wie das EVIPA. Folglich würde sich die Durchsetzbarkeit des Schiedsspruchs gemäß CPTPP nach NYC-Vorschriften richten. Allerdings glauben wir, dass die Regierung Vietnams die derzeitigen Regelungen bezüglich Schiedsverfahren anpassen wird, um ihre Verpflichtungen gemäß EVIPA zu erfüllen. Investoren, die im Rahmen des CPTPP agieren, könnten dann die Vorteile einer solchen Verbesserung nutzen

Bitte zögern sie nicht, Dr. Oliver Massmann unter zu kontaktieren, falls sie Fragen haben sollten. Dr. Oliver Massmann ist der General Director von Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

VIETNAM – DIGITAL ECONOMY – Impact of the EU Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

Vietnam’s growth in the digital economy is impressive. According to a Google’s report, Vietnam’s digital economy had an estimated value of USD14 billion in 2020, a growth of 450% since 2015. The growth is forecast to be about 30% between 2020 and 2025, as Vietnam is actively implementing its National Digital Transformation Program until 2025 and with a vision to 2030. In this program, Vietnam aims to enter the top 50 countries in e-government and ensure that the digital economy accounts for 30% of the country’s GDP by 2030. However, Vietnam might fail to meet its targets mentioned therein if it does not timely address recent issues faced by investors in ICT sector below:

Administrative burden for ICT products

ICT products are subject to different licensing and registration procedures under Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP, Decree 132/2008/ND-CP, Decree 74/2018/ND-CP, etc. Although the products could be proved to be compliant with established international standards, they are not allowed to be cleared customs at Vietnamese border without country-specific testing. In addition, a lack of a full e-government model, as well as an automatic 24/7 one-day electronic approval for product quality status between the Customs National Single Window and the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) causes certain delay in the products importation.

Regulatory challenges

Decree No. 71/2022/ND-CP

In addition to the previous requirement on a 30% cap on foreign channels when broadcasting on subscription television in Vietnam in Decree No. 06/2016/ND-CP, Decree No. 71/2022/ND-CP imposes a new local presence condition, requiring cross-border providers of internet-enabled over the-top (OTT) services to establish a local entity in Vietnam. Due to the complicated and lengthy licensing process applicable for the sector, sometimes it ends up in certain types of services not being provided in Vietnam because the benefit of providing them in Vietnam is not as great as having a local presence.

Amended Law on E-Transactions

The amend Law introduces new concepts about digital platforms/intermediary digital platforms, which are originated from Europe’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA). These EU legislations are adopted in a very different political, legal and economic contexts from Vietnam’s. Without proper implementation, it might cause confusion, uncertainty to both domestic and foreign digital service providers, thus have an adverse impact on innovation in Vietnam. The concept of information systems serving electronic transactions, which is vague and broad, needs further clarification.

The Amended Law should clearly define data message authentication services, which should not cover OTT messaging services with end- to-end encryption. Without any further guidance, services of sending and receipt of secured data messages may be broadly interpreted to include all services that are used for sending data messages.

The Amended Law should clarify obligation of administrators of information systems serving electronic transactions to ensure availability for technical connection with the supervising systems of the State.

The provision on the responsibility of administrators of digital platforms serving electronic platforms to report to the MIC regarding past incidents or signs and risks of the information system being abused to conduct acts that violate Vietnamese law is quite broad as it is unclear which kinds of situation shall be reviewed and assessed.

Draft Amended Law on Telecommunication

The Draft Amended Law on Telecommunication has been considerably expanded to include non-telecommunications services. Services such as internet application services in telecommunications (or “telecommunications OTT services”), data centers, differ from telecommunications services and have never been regulated by telecommunication law in other countries. Regulation of these services under the Amended Law on Telecommunication is inappropriate and will create unnecessary administrative burdens and increased costs for these service providers, especially those that do not have a physical presence in Vietnam. To align with international practice and to facilitate development conditions for digital service providers, we recommend removing telecommunications OTT services, cloud computing, and data center services from the scope of the Draft Amended Law on Telecommunication.

Impact of the EU Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the EU Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP)

Vietnam’s telecommunication related laws are in general compatible with its commitments under the EVFTA and the CPTPP.

In case of any investment-related dispute (i.e. expropriation without compensation, investment discrimination), an investor of a party is allowed to bring such dispute against the Government of the other party to the Investment Court for settlement. In case either of the disputing parties disagrees with the decision of the Tribunal, it can appeal it to the Appeal Tribunal. While this is different from the common arbitration proceeding, it is quite similar to the 2-level dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO (Panel and Appellate Body). We believe that this mechanism could save time and cost for the whole proceedings. The final arbitration award is binding and enforceable without the local courts’ review of its validity. The Government of Vietnam has to fully implement this commitment within five years from the entry into force of the EVIPA. For your information, as of February 2023, there have been 11 out of 27 EU members having ratified the EVIPA. It means we need to wait until the remaining 16 EU members have ratified the agreement for it to take effect and trigger the deadline for direct enforcement of arbitral award by the Government of Vietnam.

While the CPTPP allows the same mechanism for an investor of a party to challenge the Government of the other party, it does not include the 5-year transitional period as in the EVIPA. In other words, the enforcement of arbitral award under the CPTPP would follow the NYC rules. However, we believe that the Government of Vietnam will soon revise the current local arbitration regulations to ensure its commitment under the EVIPA. Investors under the CPTPP could then take advantage of such improvement.
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann at if you have any questions. Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

VIETNAM – REAL ESTATE – LAND – ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS – VTV interviewing Dr. Oliver Massmann

1/ In your opinion, what are the biggest problems in the current process for valuing land prices?

[DMVN] The biggest problem is that the regulatory framework for valuing land prices is inconsistent. The process of valuation may involve various subjective factors, leading to inconsistent and non-standardized valuations. The hierarchical system also leads to complicated legal procedures and inconsistent national cadastral maps. In addition, proper classification of land use is essential for accurate valuation, but land use regulations are inconsistent, which leads to uncertainties in valuation.

2/ The Government has just issued Official Dispatch 634 on removing difficulties in valuing land prices. The dispatch emphasises adjustment of land price list, specific land valuation and consultancy on land price determination. What do you think about this new Dispatch? Has the Dispatch been effective in removing current difficulties in land valuation?

[DMVN] The new Dispatch directs the competent state agencies to remove difficulties and obstacles in land valuation under their authorities. I think the Dispatch has been really effective in urging to solve local problems in terms of authority, order and procedures, leading to very slow land valuation, which affects the implementation progress of investment projects. However, we will have to wait for the amended regulations to further assess the effectiveness of this Dispatch.

3/ How will the abolition of the land price bracket affect the development of the real estate market?

[DMVN] Removing the land price bracket system can lead to greater transparency in land valuation. Instead of being confined to predetermined price ranges, land values can be assessed based on current market conditions, demand, and actual characteristics of the property. This increased transparency can improve market efficiency and attract more investors. The elimination of fixed price brackets might introduce more volatility and fluctuations in land prices, as valuations become more sensitive to market changes and demand-supply dynamics. This could impact the behavior of speculators in the market.

4/ In your opinion, which country in the world is doing well in valuing land prices? What can Vietnam learn from this country’s practices?

[DMVN] In my opinion, Singapore is doing well in valuing land prices since it is often regarded as having a robust and transparent land valuation system. The government of Singapore regularly reviews and updates land prices based on market conditions, development plans, and other relevant factors.
Some practices that Vietnam can learn from Singapore are (i) establishing a comprehensive land registry with transparent access to transaction data, (ii) regularly updating land prices based on market conditions and development plans and (iii) involving independent valuation experts to enhance objectivity and credibility.

5/ Currently, the draft regulation on land valuation is being consulted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. It is expected that there are only 3 methods of land valuation: Comparative method, income method and land price adjustment coefficient method. What are your thoughts on these methods?

[DMVN] This amendment is expected to change the land valuation from using the out-of-date price bracket to another method in accordance with market principles. The change is especially important as it will help attract investors and develop the real estate market and the economy.

6/ In Vietnam, when the budget for infrastructure development as well as many key projects cannot be allocated due to problems in site clearance. There are legal precedents for fair market compensation to ensure a timely process of site clearance. What do you think about the importance of applying market prices in compensation for site clearance?

[DMVN] Applying market prices in compensation for site clearance is a critical step in safeguarding property rights, maintaining social harmony, and supporting sustainable development. It demonstrates a commitment to the principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for individuals’ rights during times of significant urban and infrastructure changes.
Using market prices ensures that affected landowners receive fair compensation for their land, which aligns with the principles of fairness and equity. It can also help minimize disputes and conflicts between landowners and the authorities, reduce opportunities for corruption and bribery.

7/ In the amended draft Land Law, an important content is to remove the regulations on the land price bracket and applying market-based approach in valuing land price. What do you think about this change?

[DMVN] The change is expected to significantly help the development of the real estate market and the economy. The removal of the land price framework would be a breakthrough to bring the price back to its real value and prevent land corruption. In addition, owners of acquired real estate will receive a more reasonable compensation value and closer to market price, which will help speed up the land compensation and allocation process to build new projects.

8/ Should Vietnam develop a new suitable and persuasive land price system? What policies are needed to build a standard pricing framework that is suitable for market fluctuations?

[DMVN] Vietnam may benefit from developing a new and suitable land price system that is transparent, persuasive, and able to accommodate market fluctuations. Creating a standard pricing framework can contribute to more accurate land valuations, reduce disputes, and foster a conducive environment for investment and economic development.
Some policies needed to build a standard pricing framework are:
• Comprehensive Land Data Collection and Management: Establish a comprehensive and updated land registry that records all land transactions and relevant information. Accurate and accessible data are essential for determining market trends and setting appropriate land prices.
• Transparent Market-Based Valuation: Base land valuations on objective market data and apply well-accepted valuation methods. Utilize a combination of approaches (e.g., sales comparison, income capitalization, cost approach) to cross-validate results and ensure more accurate valuations.
• Regular Land Price Updates: Establish a schedule for regular land price updates to reflect changes in market conditions and land demand. Land prices should be reviewed periodically to maintain their relevance and accuracy.
• Anti-Corruption Measures: Implement measures to combat corruption in the valuation process. This could include strict enforcement of laws, transparent auditing, and public reporting of valuations.
• Consistent Land Use Classification: Establish clear and consistent land use classification to avoid ambiguity and uncertainties in the valuation process.
• Economic and Social Considerations: Take into account the economic and social impacts of land valuation decisions. Strive for a balance between economic development and social welfare to minimize negative consequences on vulnerable populations.


Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann under if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.


On 26th July 2023, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 893/QD-TTg to approve the national energy master plan for the period of 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050.

The plan aims to firmly ensure national energy security, meet the requirements of socio-economic development, modernize the energy industry with a focus on renewables, and become a regional clean energy center. Successfully implementing the energy transition plays an important role in meeting the net zero emission target by 2050.

The plan sets out the below targets:
– Regarding national energy security enhancement: 155 million tons of oil equivalent energy supply by 2030 and 294-311 million tons by 2050.
– Regarding equitable energy transition: share of renewable energy in the total primary energy is 15-20% by 2030 and about 80-85% by 2050. The goal is to cut the emissions by 17-26% by 2030 and about 90% by 2050 compared to the normal development scenario.
– Regarding energy industry development: the plan aims to establish and develop several clean energy centers in the northern, central and southern regions when favorable conditions are available.

It also aims to develop new energy production to serve domestic and export demand. By 2030, the capacity of green hydrogen production is expected to be about 100 -200 thousand tons/ year.

To achieve these goals, six implementation solutions were set out, involving capital mobilization and allocation; mechanisms and policies; environment, science, and technology; human resource development; international cooperation; and implementation and supervision of the plan.

This plan shows Vietnam’s strong desire to become a leading clean energy hub and renewable energy exporter in Southeast Asia, making us a driving force in the global transition towards sustainable energy.

We examine Vietnam’s commitments with regard to energy development under the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (‘CPTPP’) and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (‘EVFTA’) as below.


Under Chapter 7 on Non-tariff barriers to trade and investment in renewable energy generation, Vietnam commits to promoting, developing and increasing the generation of energy from renewable and sustainable sources, particularly through facilitating trade and investment. Specific commitments include:
• refrain from adopting measures providing for local content requirements or any other offset affecting the other Party’s products, service suppliers, investors or enterprises;
• refrain from adopting measures requiring to form a partnership with local companies, unless those partnerships are deemed necessary for technical reasons and that Vietnam can demonstrate those reasons upon request of the other Party;
• ensure that any measures concerning the authorization, certification and licensing procedures that are applied, in particular, to equipment, plants and associated transmission network infrastructures, are objective, transparent, non-arbitrary and do not discriminate among applicants from the Parties;
• ensure that administrative fees and charges are transparent and non-discriminating.
Vietnam has not made any commitments in the EVFTA on:
• production, transmission and distribution of electricity on private-owned line;
• production of gas and transmission of gas through a private-owned tube; and
• production of hot water and steam, distribution of hot water and steam through private-owned line.

For all service and non-service lines related to energy, at least 20% of managers, executives and specialists must be Vietnamese citizens, unless those positions cannot be replaced by Vietnamese citizens. However, a minimum of three non-Vietnamese managers, executives and experts are allowed per business.


Under the CPTPP, Vietnam commits its transition to a low emissions and resilient economy. Vietnam shall cooperate with other CPTPPP countries to address energy efficiency, development of cost-effective, low emissions technologies and alternative, clean and renewable energy sources; sustainable transport and sustainable urban infrastructure development; addressing deforestation and forest degradation; emissions monitoring; market and nonmarket mechanisms; low emissions, resilient development and sharing of information and experiences.

Regarding power development, foreign investment to own or operate power transmission facilities in Vietnam may not be permitted. Vietnam Electricity Corporation (‘EVN’) is currently the sole authorized owner and operator of power transmission facilities in Vietnam.

In addition, Vietnam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to investment in hydroelectricity and nuclear power.

Regarding Services incidental to energy distribution (CPC 887), Vietnam does not allow foreign services suppliers to supply such services cross-border and Vietnam also does not allow foreign investment in this sector.

Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann at if you have any questions. Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

VIETNAM – PDP8 clarifications on Offshore Wind Energy Projects

Q: Is the 6GW target referring to offshore wind and excluding intertidal wind projects?
A: In Vietnam, there is no clear provision and definition on “intertidal wind projects”. There are only two types of wind power being onshore wind and offshore wind whereby (i) onshore wind power project means projects with wind turbines located at the center of the turbine foundation built on land and coastal land whose boundary is from the average of the lowest sea edge for 18.6 years; and (ii) offshore wind power projects mean projects with wind turbines located at the center of the turbine foundation built beyond the average lowest sea level for 18.6 years. Thus, based on the actual specifications of the intertidal wind projects, such projects can be listed as either one of the two types as above. However, it is worth noting that there is no offshore wind project at the moment.

Q: Did the PDP8 issue a list of the offshore wind projects approved? Why not?

A: The PDP8 did not issue a list for approved offshore wind projects since the PDP8 only lists the prioritized and major power projects on a national scale. In the future, should there be development in the legal framework for offshore wind projects, there might be further guidance on this matter. However, for now, we are unable to provide any predictions.

Q: How do we get a list of the approved Vietnamese offshore wind projects?
A: Currently, there is no official list on the approved offshore wind projects. However, we can send you the list of potential offshore wind projects prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade that we collected from the drafting phase of the PDP8. We can send you this list ! Please let us know ! It is worth noting that we are not able to predict the outcome and progress of these projects. We however manage to provide you with any available information for your consideration. If you would like to have detailed information on any specific projects, please kindly let us know.

Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann under if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.


I. Investment and Doing Business in Vietnam – What are the current issues?
1. Uncertain requirement to amend Investment Registration Certificate (‘IRC’) to conduct on-the-spot importation
Under Article 3.3 of Decree 09/2018/ND-CP and interpretation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (‘MOIT’), foreign invested enterprises (‘FIE’) cannot conduct on-spot import activities. Also, the regulation on on-spot export and import under Circular 04/2007/TT-BTM has expired and no further guidance on this has been issued so far. Thus, it is currently impossible for FIE to import on the spot.
We recommend the Government to issue guidance allowing FIEs with trading activities to conduct on-spot importation right.
2. Granting investment incentives
Some competent authorities were hesitant about granting incentives to foreign investors due to concern about their fulfillment of the conditions to enjoy the applicable incentives. There are also cases that the incentives granted have been adversely affected by the revision of laws and regulations, such as setting higher criteria for enterprises.
We recommend that: (i) the laws and regulations must clearly describe the conditions to be eligible for incentives; and (ii) investors shall continue to enjoy the granted incentives during their operation term or the period provided by the law when there are changes in laws and regulations or policies after the grant.
3. Market entry conditions applicable to foreign investors
Annex I to Decree 31/2021/ND-CP lists out conditional investment sectors applicable to foreign investors. Other than the listed sectors, foreign investors should enjoy the same market conditions as domestic investors. However, under specialized documents, foreign investment in unlisted sectors has faced certain restrictions on market access, which is a clear conflict with the mentioned rule in Article 17.1 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP.
We suggest to carefully identify business sectors prohibited under specialized regulations and to update Decree 31/2021/ND-CP accordingly, as well as to open the market to foreign investors, especially in sectors where Vietnam has not committed to impose any restrictions in international treaties.
4. Requirement for obtaining the IRC for business locations, branches of FIEs
The current laws on enterprise and investment do not set out a proper guidance for FIEs to establish business locations or branches. This leads to inconsistencies in implementation among provinces in terms of whether a separate IRC is required for each branch or business location.
We recommend that new legislations should be adopted soon to address this issue and we suggest that the investors/companies should have the right to decide whether to amend the investment capital shown on the issued IRC, or to apply for a new IRC for each new location.
5. Inconsistency in regulating FIEs
Currently, an FIE is established via green-field investment or via an M&A. Whether an FIE is established under green-field investment or via an M&A, there should be no difference between these FIEs as to investment term and limitation on loan capital.
6. Government guarantee under the Investment Law
Many investors tend to obtain the permits for large-scale infrastructure projects under the scheme of the Investment Law instead of in the form of a PPP project due to the prolonged investment process under the PPP regulations.
The government guarantee of ensuring bankability to ensure the loans from international financial institutions for large-scale projects under the Investment Law should also be granted for the eligible investors in PPP projects.
7. Continuous use of land after the expiry of land lease by industrial zone developers
There is no clear guidance on the rights and obligations of FIEs in the form of joint venture operating within industrial zones whose land lease agreement with the State is going to expire.
We recommend the Government to extend the terms of foreign investment projects in these industrial zones, including continuous use of their land use rights and the factories after the expiry of the term of the joint ventures.
8. All FIEs are required to submit report on investment while the reporting obligation is only required for certain types of companies
Under the Investment Law, an FIE must file the quarterly and annual reports on the National Portal on Business Registration. For amendment of the IRC, only reports per Form A.I. 12 is required. However, in practice, during the application for IRC amendment, the local DPIs have required to complete other reports for all kinds of investment projects (even small-scaled projects) other than reports under Form A.I. 12. This has caused certain delay in the IRC amendment process.
1. Legalized document in corporate licensing
In practice, foreign investors must prepare and submit many legalized copies of one type of document in one transaction. Local authorities have had different request on the validity term of these legalized copies, ranging from 3- 6 months.
We propose that (i) the local authorities should accept certified true copies instead of requesting the original legalized document; and (ii) the local authorities should not impose a strict limitation on validity term of legalized and certified documents as long as their contents remain unchanged.
2. Licensing authority’s request for documents not required under laws
The current regulations (i.e., Article 9.2 of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP and Article 6.1(b) of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP) prohibit local authorities from requesting additional documents for licensing purpose other than those prescribed by laws. In practice, it is contrary.
We recommend a direction to be issued to require licensing authorities not to ask for any additional documents other than those prescribed by law and such direction should be published on the website of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
3. Guidance on “other contents” of enterprise and investment registration documents to be notified to local authorities
Article 31.1 of the Enterprise Law and Article 63.2 of the Investment Law set out circumstances where changes to IRC and ERC application dossiers require notification to the licensing authorities. However, given the broad interpretation of “other contents” in these Articles, foreign investors are confused about whether the unlisted changes to contents of their IRC and ERC application dossiers are not subject to notification to the licensing authorities.
We recommend further guidance on Article 31.1(c) of the Enterprise Law and Article 63.2 of the Investment Law in this regard.
4. Inconsistency in licensing procedure regarding capital/ share transfer
In the applications for (a) ERC amendment of multi-member limited liability company on changes of capital contributing members due to capital transfer and (b) notification on the changes of foreign shareholders of joint stock company, one of the required items is “transfer agreement or documents evidencing the completion of the transfer”. However, in practice, some DPIs further requires “documents evidencing the completion of the transfer” even though the transfer agreement has already been submitted.
We recommend a detailed guidance on what “documents evidencing the completion of the transfer” should include and consistent implementation by DPIs.
5. Amending certain details of the ERC
Article 30.1 of the Enterprise Law requires registration of changes to the ERC be made within 10 days from the change. However, in certain cases such as changes to information of foreign investors, due to the licensing process abroad as well as the legalization process, foreign investors cannot meet the above timeline. Therefore, we recommend the licensing authorities allow more flexibility for foreign investors in case of material changes to the ERC.
6. Necessity of information of chief accountant/person in-charge of accounting when establishing a new company online
According to the prescribed forms (e.g., Appendices 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4) for establishment of a new company under Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT, information regarding chief accountant or person in-charge of accounting is optional. However, in practice, when submitting the application dossier online, such information is mandatory. We suggest MPI should remove such requirement from the current online registration system and instruct the DPI to follow the same.
7. Time of entitlement of members’/shareholders’ rights and obligations
Based on the current regulations, foreign investors are uncertain about when they can officially be considered as the members/shareholders of the target company, whether it is upon completion of procedures for changing members/shareholders under Article 66.5 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP or when its information is fully recorded in the registry under Articles 28.3, 30.1, 47.5, 52.2, 124.4 and 127.6 of the Enterprise Law.
We suggest MPI revise Article 66.5 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP to make it consistent with the relevant provisions in the Enterprise Law in relation to a joint stock company.
8. Charter capital shown on the ERC
There should be explicit regulations to distinguish between charter capital shown on the ERC and contributed capital for implementation of the investment project shown on the IRC.
In case an FIE has multiple investment projects, it is not clear whether it must include the contributed capital of all such projects as the total charter capital of the FIE.
Contributed capital can be either (a) additionally contributed by the investor/ owner, or (b) generated from the retained profit of the company. It is unclear whether case b) considered as additional charter capital of the company.
9. Non-acceptance of application to amend Construction Operation License of foreign contractor
Currently, there is no detailed procedure to amend the construction operation license of foreign contractors under Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP. The Draft Decree amending Decree 15 is still pending for issuance.
We recommend the Government finalize and issue the Decree amending the Decree 15 soon so that there is a clear procedure to amend the construction operation license of foreign contractors.
10. Prolonged MOIT’s approval for retail outlet licenses due to internal restructuring
Under Decree 96/2022/ND-CP, MOIT’s prior Department of Planning and Department of Finance and Enterprise Innovation has been merged into one new Department of Planning and Finance. Due to the merge, the previous retail outlet license in-charge Department of Planning now no longer has the authority to grant retail outlet licenses and it is still unclear now who is in charge. This has significantly delayed the process for retail outlet license application beyond the statutory limit of 23 workings days.
We request the MOIT (i) take necessary and urgent action to solve the issue, and (ii) comprehensively review the regulatory framework for retail outlet licenses for foreign investors.
11. Unclear definition and inconsistent understanding of M&A Approval Process
Apart from circumstanced listed in Article 26 of the Investment Law, an M&A Approval will not be required. However, (i) in practice, an M&A Approval is still required in case of change in the nationality of foreign investors (but no change in foreign ownership ratio); (ii) the definition of “security areas’’ is too broad and normally the state secret; (iii) it is unclear who is in charge of applying for an M&A Approval due to the inconsistency between Article 26 of the Investment Law and Article 66 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP.
Thus, we request that an M&A Approval be not required in (i) above and further clarifications to cases (ii) and (iii).
12. Lengthy procedure for M&A Approval issuance as responsible local authorities lack consistency
Pursuant to the Investment Law 2020, with respect to companies located in industrial zones, export processing zones, high-tech zones, or economic zones, the Management Authorities of such zones have the power to issue the M&A Approval. However, there are cases that the Management Authority of an industrial zone requested the local DPI to give opinions on the application for an M&A Approval, which has caused delay for the approval process.
1. Confusion due to the issuance of the new Law on Investment
According to the new Law on Investment, there are provisions on approval and investor selection whereby different level of authorities (e.g. National Assembly, the Prime Minister, and the Provincial People’s Committee) are authorized to grant the approval for different level of projects involving land use. At the same time, the Law on land provides regulations on land allocation, land lease and alteration of land use purpose whereby different level of authorities are also mentioned for specific use or change of land use. As a result, confusion for investors existed since these provisions can both directly regulate their investments even though such provisions regulated different aspects of land use and investment.
With respect to the Law on Real Estate Business, the newly issued Decree 02/2022/ND-CP failed to provide clarity on the mix-up between the Law on Real Estate Business and the Law on Investment. According to Article 9 of the said Decree, there are two cases where investment regulations prevail over real estate regulations being (i) Real estate projects in which the investor has been approved under [Article 29] of the 2020 Law on Investment; and (ii) Real estate projects in which the investor has received the Investment Registration Certificate in accordance with the 2020 Investment Law. This provision created confusion for developers with real estate project approved under the previous law (i.e. the Law on Investment 2014 or before). As a side note, the draft (amended) Law on Real Estate Business, as published, did not much more guidance on this issue.
2. Foreign-invested-enterprise (FIE) under relevant laws
Since the relevant regulations on land, housing and real estate business do not explicitly provide any definition for “foreign-invested-enterprise”, it is generally understood that a company with any portion of foreign investment under any form will be treated as a FIE with imposed restrictions. As a result, as a way to avoid being treated as a FIE, it is observed that enterprises often set up multiple layer of ownership to mitigate this uncertainty.
Further, according to the most updated draft of the Law on Real Estate Business, the right for a FIE to implement its business of construction of properties for real estate business (e.g. logistics, warehouse leasing) within industrial zones, industrial clusters and hi-tech zones is no longer provided. As a large number of FIE is currently implementing this business in different industrial zones, the new provision, should it be officially issued, will create legal uncertainties on the investment into the real estate sector of Vietnam.
3. Access to land
As regulated under relevant regulations on land, it is widely understood that, outside of industrial parks, FIEs are only permitted to lease land directly from the State or use land under the form of contribution of capital from a Vietnamese enterprise. These methods, as a whole, do not meet the requirements for most of the FIEs since they usually do not fit commercial purpose. Under Article 153.3 of the Law on Land, FIEs are allowed to lease commercial land and non-agricultural production land from economic organization. However, in practice, there has been no clear case whereby a FIE is permitted to lease the land from a local land owner as a basis for an investment project. The most common and feasible option for FIEs to be approved with investment projects are lease of assets attached to the land (i.e. office, factory etc.).
Further, as a practical issue, international investors in the industrial and logistics sectors often find it hard to access land in Vietnam due to high prices from local vendors since it is believed that a number of local enterprises in Vietnam are indeed land speculators. Currently, the government appears to have little regulations and tools to control these local vendors/speculators. There are now draft suggestions to limit independent property brokers by requiring them to work for a firm and subjecting them to more difficult certification examinations. This may raise the bar for brokerage and discourage speculation, but it just forms a portion of the whole. If local businesses postpone their timelines and schedules for implementing land use projects, there should be more explicit and forceful actions used to ensure that the property is returned to the State. When assessing the qualifications of investors, local governments themselves should adopt a more skeptical stance.
On a side note, as Vietnamese entities are not allowed to mortgage their land use right and attached assets (i.e. factory) to foreign lenders. Vietnamese entities often find it hard to get offshore financing resources.
Relevant procedures
(i) Proposal on land use:
For an investor to apply for its investment project with land use and allocation/lease of land from the competent authorities, such investor is required to submit the (i) proposal for investment project to competent investment authority with contents on land use demand and (ii) land use demand document to be prepared on the basis of land allocation and land lease dossier which comes after the investment policy is approved to competent land authority. Thus, principally, relevant authorities would be required to appraise the land use proposals of the investor twice.
(ii) Extension of project’s duration and land use term:
According to the Law on Investment and the Law on Land, an investor must extend the land use term and the duration of its investment project at least 6 months before their expiring date. However, the term to be extended first between the two remains unclear.
According to the guidance document of the Law on Land, in case the investment project must be extended, the investor must apply for the extension at least 6 months before the expiring date and must first obtain the competent investment authorities’ approval regarding the extension of the project duration. At the same time, according to the guidance document of the Law on Investment, the investor must apply to extend the project’s duration (again) at least 6 months before its expiring date. As a result, in case the investor applies to extend the project’s duration at least 6 months before its expiry, then there would not enough time to extend the land use term. As a practical issue, the authorities do not allow either procedure to be carried out too soon. There were also cases where the investment authority requires that the investor obtain an approval to extend the land use term. However, by law, it is impossible to extend the land use term prior to extending the project’s duration.
(iii) Land compensation and clearance
According to the Law on Land, the land will be handed to the designated company after all of the payment for compensation, support and re-settlement are done. However, as the procedure for land compensation and clearance is conducted by the land authorities. The investors, in such case, are not in the driving seat and, in most cases, the investors are required to deal with the applicable households first before the land can be recovered. With respect to this issue, foreign investors face many difficulties in implementation of their projects in Vietnam due to (i) lack of experience in dealing with local households; and (ii) other options (i.e. leasing the land directly from households) are not available, by law, for foreign investors.
4. Second-home market
It is widely believed that a legal framework on second home built on non-residential land should be developed for further investment into the sector to address the following issues:
(i) Pink Book: To provide a definition understanding on the Pink Book regarding the term (i.e. 50 years) and the possibility for foreign owners to receive 50-year Pink Books.
(ii) Business line: To provide proper requirement on whether companies established under the law of Vietnam must be licensed with the appropriate real estate business lines when engaging in long-term lease or sub-lease of non-residential units, or participating in the rental pool program under the Law on Real Estate Business.
(iii) Management of second-homes: For second-homes to be built on branded residence projects implemented on residential land, it is important that the legal framework clarifies whether such second-homes can be leased out on a daily basis for at least 10 – 20 years without contravening the Law on Housing.
Main issues of the new Draft Law on Land and Draft Law on Real Estate Business
(i) Land user under the current Draft Law on Land: Although “foreign-invested economic organizations” and “foreign organizations with diplomatic functions” are defined as land user in the Draft Law on Land, it remains unclear whether foreigners are allowed to use land in Vietnam. It is also worth noting that, under the Law on Housing, foreigners are allowed to own houses in Vietnam whereby the purchase/sale of houses must be associated with land use rights. Thus, the Draft Law on Land, without defining foreigners as land users, might cause difficulties for foreigners to exercise their rights in Vietnam in relation to their ownership of houses. Further, a more consistent legal framework will attract foreign individuals to trade and own new types of real estate such as condotels, tourism villas, resort villas, bungalows, officetels, shophouses. To increase the consistency between the regulations on housing and regulations on land, it is suggested that “foreigner” be added as a group of land user into the new Law on Land.
Compared to the current Law on Land, the Draft Law on Land purely provides that foreign-invested economic organization is a group of land user without any explanations in detail as in the current Law on Land. This causes the legal uncertainty regarding the definition of “foreign-invested economic organization” as there remains no clear definition for such group since the issuance of the current Law on Land. It is recommended that further elaborations are made to the definition of “foreign-invested economic organization” to solidify the consistency with the regulations on housing/investment/real estate business.
(ii) One-off rental payment for land lease: According to the Draft Law on Land, two cases are provided whereby one-off rental payment is allowed being (ii1) Agricultural production, forestry, aquaculture or salt-making projects; and (ii2) Land in industrial zone, industrial clusters, processing zones, and hi-tech zones. For all other cases, annually payment is applicable for rental payment. Thus, for one to be able to mortgage the land use right, such transaction is only permitted in the two cases as mentioned above. For this reason, the new projects not entitled for one-off rental payment will face financial difficulties since they are not able to mortgage their land use right and/or transfer of land use right. Additionally, this clause conflicts with the proposed amendment to the Law on Real Estate Business, which states that among other requirements, a developer must be leasing land from the State with one-off land rental payment in order to sell properties (such as condotels, officetels, etc.) that will be formed in the future.
(iii) Relevant right of foreign-invested enterprises: According to the Draft Law on Real Estate Business, a foreign-invested enterprise is no longer permitted to make investment to sub-lease land inside of IPs, industrial clusters, hi-tech zones and economic zones. From the issuance of the Law on Real Estate Business, such right given to foreign-invested enterprises was the basis for investment in projects for the lease of warehouses, factories, etc. Thus, the removal of such right will immensely impact the business. At the same time, for current and active investors, Draft Law on Real Estate Business does not contain any explicit transitional provisions. Moreover, the removal of subleasing right also conflicts with the right to “lease assets under their ownership attached to land” provided to foreign investors under the Draft Law on Land.
1. VAT treatment for exported services
The definition for services being used outside of Vietnam is not specifically stated in the law and is thus ambiguous. When taxpayers assert their right to apply 0% VAT for exported services, this causes the tax authorities to interpret the law at their discretion. The way tax authorities now interpret the law discourages taxpayers from applying 0% VAT on exported services, which eventually reduces Vietnamese service providers’ price competitiveness on the global market if they are forced to apply 10% VAT instead of 0% VAT. It is advised that the MOF update the rules to provide a precise description of exported services. For simpler tax administration, exported services should instead be based on the status of the overseas client and the foreign source of the service price.
II. How the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (‘CPTPP’) Foreign Direct Investment Chapter and the EU – Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (‘EVFTA’) and the EU – Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (‘EVIPA’) Can Support Legal Certainty and Bankability of Your Projects?
For any investment-related dispute (i.e. expropriation without compensation, investment discrimination), an investor of a party is allowed to bring such dispute against the Government of the other party to the Investment Court for settlement. In case either of the disputing parties disagrees with the decision of the Tribunal, it can appeal it to the Appeal Tribunal. While this is different from the common arbitration proceeding, it is quite similar to the 2-level dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO (Panel and Appellate Body). We believe that this mechanism could save time and cost for the whole proceedings. The final arbitration award is binding and enforceable without the local courts’ review of its validity. The Government of Vietnam has to fully implement this commitment within five years from the entry into force of the EVIPA. For your information, as of February 2023, there have been 11 out of 27 EU members having ratified the EVIPA. It means we need to wait until the remaining 16 EU members have ratified the agreement for it to take effect and trigger the deadline for direct enforcement of arbitral award by the Government of Vietnam.
While the CPTPP allows the same mechanism for an investor of a party to challenge the Government of the other party, it does not include the 5-year transitional period as in the EVIPA. In other words, the enforcement of arbitral award under the CPTPP would follow the NYC rules. However, we believe that the Government of Vietnam will soon revise the current local arbitration regulations to ensure its commitment under the EVIPA. Investors under the CPTPP could then take advantage of such improvement.
We believe that the investor-to-state dispute settlement (“ISDS”) under both the EVIPA and the CPTPP brings the highest level of enforceability and bankability when they are well designed in commercial contracts in Vietnam.
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Oliver Massmann at if you have any questions. Dr. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

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