ベトナムにおける弁護士 オリバー マスマン:一般企業のM&A





o 株式/定款資本の買収を通して

o 同社の既存株主から株式/定款資本を購入

o 証券取引所で上場企業の株式/定款資本を購入

o 公開株式購入オファー

o 合併を通して。2014年企業法では、合弁会社へ全ての合法的な資産、権利、義務そして利益を譲渡する方法で企業合弁する手順及び、合弁している企業の同時終了のための手順が述べられています。

o 資産の買収を通して







  • 対象企業やその子会社、関連会社及び対象企業の一部である他企業の企業詳細
  • 偶発債務(過去または紛争中の訴訟)
  • 雇用問題
  • 対象企業の契約上の同意
  • 対象企業の事業活動に関しての法定の承認及び許可
  • 保険、税金、知的財産、債務及び土地関連の問題
  • 独占禁止、腐敗及びその他の規制問題



  • 企業が新株式を発行することにより資本を増加する場合。
  • 上記3年以内に創立株主の株式譲渡する場合。




  • 株式保有が無いあるいは25%以下の株式保有で、購入者が25%以上の株式を買収する企業の循環株の購入。
  • 25%以上の株式を保有し、(購入者の関連者など)購入者がさらに企業の循環株の10%以上を買収する企業の循環株の購入。
  • 25%以上の株式を保有し、(購入者の関連者など)購入者がさらに以前のオファーの完了日から1年未満に企業の現在の循環株の5~10%を買収する企業の循環株の購入。





  • 入札者は株式を購入するため公開入札の書類を準備します。
  • 入札者はSSCへ承認を得るために入札登録証を送り、同時に対象企業へ登録証を送ります。
  • SSCは7日以内に入札書類を確認します。
  • 対象企業の取締役会は入札書類の受領後から14日以内にSSC及び対象企業の株主へオファーに関する意見を渡さなければなりません。
  • 入札はマスコミへ公表されます。(法的要件ではありません)
  • 募集期間は30日~60日間です。
  • 入札者は完了してから10日以内にSSCへ入札の結果を報告します。










  • 上場廃止のための依頼書
  • 合弁会社の場合

o 株主総会で株式の上場廃止の承認

o 債券の上場廃止に関する取締役会の承認

o 転換社債の上場廃止に関する株主総会の承認

  • 債券の上場廃止に関する(複数人から構成される有限会社の)社員総会または(1人有限会社の)企業のオーナーの承認。
  • 証券投資ファンドに関しては、ファンドが持つ証券の上場廃止の投資家による議会承認。
  • 公共証券投資企業に関しては、株式上場廃止の株主総会の承認。





  • キャピタルゲイン税。キャピタルゲイン税は資本に対する投資家の実際の利益、あるいはその資本を購入するための費用を支払う外資企業及び地場企業は20%の法人税が対象になります。しかしながら、資産譲渡が証券の場合は外資企業の売り手は総譲渡価格の0.1%の法人税が対象になります。
  • 個人所得税。売り手が個人の居住者の場合、個人所得税は利益の20%が対象となり、もし資産譲渡が証券の場合販売価格の0.1%が対象です。所得税を支払う居住者は以下に定義された人です。

o 暦年内で183日以上ベトナムに滞在する人

o ベトナムで12ヶ月連続して滞在する人

o ベトナムで永住権を保有している人

o 課税年度中に賃貸契約に基づきベトナムで最低90日家を賃貸している人





  • 対象企業が2015年投資法で言及された267の条件付き分野の一つである場合。
  • 対象企業の定款資本の51%以上を保有する外国人投資家による株式の出資及び購入。(特に51%以下から51%以上、51%から51%以上になる場合)








ベトナムにおける弁護士 オリバー マスマン:M&A市場分析の要約

過去12ヶ月で最大且つ最も注目すべきM&A 取引


  • 2015年5月、サイゴン商信株式商業銀行Sai Gon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank(Sacombank)はSouthern Commercial 株式銀行と合併しました。この合併により、Southern 銀行の株主はそれぞれ保有する株式に対しSacombank銀行の株式を0.75取得。Sacombank銀行という合弁企業自体は定款資本を18.85 兆ベトナムドン(8億5600万米ドル)以上保有し、総資産は290.86 兆ベトナムドン(132億米ドル)以上となっています。Sacombank銀行の株主は93.7%の議決にて合弁に同意しました。
  • 2015年5月、the Mekong Housing Bank とベトナム投資開発銀行との合併が完了しました。
  • 2015年5月、ベトナム工商銀行(Vietinbank)はペトロリメックス株式商業銀行(PG Bank)と合併しました。PG Bank の株とVietinbankの株の交換比率は1株:0.9株となり、Vietinbank は同社の株2億7000万株をPG Bank の株式3億株と交換できます。合併によりVietinbank の総資産は25兆ベトナムドン(11億9000万ドル) から685兆ベトナムドン(317億ドル)に増加し、定款資本は3兆ベトナムドン(1億4286万米ドル)から40兆ベトナムドン(18億5000米ドル)以上に増加しました。
  • 2015年5月、クレディセゾンはベトナムで3番目に大きな消費者金融事業であるHDファイナンスの資本の49%を保有する為におよそ5億円費やしています。
  • 2015年8月、メコン開発銀行(MDB)は定款資本の面で国の5大銀行の1つになる機関を形成する為にベトナム海事商業銀行(Maritime Bank)と合併をしました。近年、海事銀行の定款資本は3億7380万米ドルでメコン開発銀行は1億7523万米ドルとなり、つまり新しい金融機関は定款資本が5億4900万米ドル、総資産は52億8000万米ドルとなる見込みです。



  • 2016年4月29日、タイのセントラルグループはフランス系カジノグループからビッグCを14億4000万米ドルで買収しました。
  • 2015年6月、ウォーバーグ・ビンカス( WarbusPincus)はビンコム リテール(Vincom Retail)に1億米ドル投資し、少数株主を維持しました。



  • 2015年5月、マサングループ(Masan Group)はVietnam French Cattle Feed JSC (Proconco) の総株式の52%を取得しています。買収はグループがSam Kim Limited Liability Companyの総株式の99.99%を買収し、Masan Nutri-Science Companyに改称した際に行いました。
  • 2015年5月、Filipino firm Pilmico Foods Corporationは拡張入札の為にベトナムのいくつかの飼料会社を買収。the Aboitiz Group の子会社であるPilmicoは2014年に2800万米ドルの価格でVinh Hoan 1 Feed JSC (VHF)の総株式の70%を買収しました。
  • 2015年7月、Mondelēz Internationalはおよそ3億7000万米ドルでベトナムの人気スナック事業である Kinh Do Corporationの総株式の80%の買収を完了しました。
  • 2016年6月30日、Masan Nutri-Science株式会社はAgricultural Nutrition株式会社の株式を追加で30%買収し、会社の完全所有者になりました。



  • 2015年5月、ドゥックロンザライ(Duc Long Gia Lai)は取引価格1170万米ドルでマスノーブル(Mass Noble)の株式97.73%を買収しました。
  • 2015年6月、総取引金額は公表されていませんが、ビングループはVefac の89.42%を買収しました。
  • 2015年6月、香港に拠点を置く非公開投資会社のGaw Capital Partners (GCP)は、ベトナムの不動産プロジェクトのポートフォリオを取得しました。ポートフォリオは1億600万米ドルで買収され、Indochina Land Holdings 2 Ltd の下で残りの4つのプロジェクトから成り立っています。
  • 2015年6月、ムンタンホスピタリティー(Muong Thanh hospitality)及びプードンホテル(Phuong Dong hotel)との間の買収が完了しました。 ムンタンホスピタリティーはプードンホテルを100%買収し、Phuong Dong Petroleum Tourism JSC社の一部になりました。
  • 2015年7月初旬、マレーシアの不動産開発のGamuda Berhad の1部門であるGamuda Land VietnamはサコムリアルからCeladon City 及びThanh Cong JSC (TTC)を推定1.4 兆ベトナムドン(6410万米ドル)で買収しました。推定初期投資は 24.8兆ベトナムドン (11億米ドル)となっています。
  • 2015年、ビングループは不動産、小売、物流部門において支配的なローカルM&A買収者となりました。最も注目すべき追加案件は以下となります。

o マステリ・タオディエン(Masteri Thao Dien)は7500万米ドル

o ビナテックス(Vinatex)の株式保有30% が2600万米ドル

o Giang Vo Tradeの株式保有90%が6900万米ドル

o Hop Nhat Express の株式保有30% は5200万米ドル

  • 2015年12月、ビングループは取引価格2億5200万米ドルでホアフオンズオン社(Hoa Huong Duong)を完全買収しました。この取引によりビングループはホアフオンズオン社の子会社であるVinaconex-Viettel の98.3%株式を取得しました。
  • 2016年3月、ロッテグループはポスコからホーチミン市にあるダイヤモンドプラザの総株式の70%を買収しました。取引価格は公表されていません。
  • 2016年4月、Muong Thanh Corporation は取引価格3兆5000億ベトナムドンでCienco 5の総株式の95%を買収しました。



  • 2016年4月、エースライフ(ACE Life)とChubb の間の合併は完了し、エースライフは社名をChubb Life in Vietnam に変更しました。
  • 2ヶ月後、パシフィックセンチュリーの支社であるFWD保険会社は この買収に関するライセンスを受領後にGreat Eastern Vietnam の買収を開始しました。





  • 対象企業の現在の株主から株式取得または出資が可能(例、株式会社、有限会社など)。
  • 対象企業の新規株式の発行を許可(株式会社に対して)。
  • 対象企業の追加出資が可能(有限会社に対して)。



2014年企業法はM&A取引の結果として投資家により使用される事業構造のタイプを設定することが可能となります。さらに、2014年投資法はM&A取引を規制し、その取引に投資証明書が不要であると明確に示した最初の法律です。対象企業が外国人投資家に対して適用している条件付き事業分野を運営する場合、または対象企業の51%以上が外国資本になる投資の場合(特に、51%以下から51 %以上、51%から51%以上)、外国人投資亜家は現地の計画投資省にて取引の承認を得なければなりません。他の例では、対象企業は事業登録課にてメンバーまたは株主の登録者を変更する必要があります。この変化は幸いにもM&A取引を通してベトナム市場に参入または拡大しようとしている外国人投資家が経験している不明確で苦労を終わらせることができると予想されています。


M&A取引の形での投資はいまだに非公開株式投資 と比較して最も一般的な投資の形です。ここ数ヶ月で、非公開株式資本はベトナムでの証券市場に続いており、特にバリューチェーン活動を行っている企業にあります。消費財やインフラが最も注目を集めている分野となっていますがただ、情報公開が制限されている為、完全に非公開株式の担保入札を評価するこはできません。

過去12ヶ月の 競合規制者のアプローチ





もう一つの要因は特に環太平洋オアートなーシップ(TPP)などの署名した貿易協定に基づき要件を満たす為に国営企業(SoEs)を民営化する政府の強いプレッシャー が挙げられます。


  • 経済再起
  • 外国人投資家により幅広いアクセスを許可する政策の改革
  • 2015年終わりにアセアン経済共同体の形成
  • 自由貿易協定(FTA)や環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP)の締結
  • 株式市場の跳ね返し
  • 上場企業の外国人投資家の許可レベルを増加する新規則




  • ベトナムのWTO委員会のような国際条約の地元ライセンス当局による異なる解釈及び履行。
  • 異なるタイプの取引に適用される異なるライセンス手続き(例、外資企業または国内企業、公開会社または非公開会社、国営企業の株式または非公開株式の買収)。



  • 銀行再編
  • 特に不動産分野における買収及び反買収
  • M&A取引を通じベトナムにおける日本及びタイの投資の成長
  • 国営企業の改革





上記の内容に関しまして、さらなる詳細やご質問がもしございましたら遠慮なくomassmann@duanemorris.comまでご連絡ください。オリバー マスマンはドウェイン・モリス・ベトナム法律事務所のディレクターです。

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Public mergers and acquisitions: market analysis overview

Largest / most noteworthy public M&A transactions in the past 12 months
Noteworthy public M&A transactions include the following:
• In May 2015, Sai GonThuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank (more commonly known as Sacombank) merged with Southern Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Following the merger, Southern Bank shareholders obtained a 0.75 Sacombank share for each share they held. The merged entity, to be called Sacombank, will have a charter capital of more than VND18.85 trillion (US$856 million) and total assets of over VND290.86 trillion (US$13.2 billion). Sacombank’s shareholders agreed to the merger by a 93.7% vote.
• In May 2015, the merger between the Mekong Housing Bank and the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam was completed.
• In May 2015, the Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade (Vietinbank) merged with Petrolimex Group Commercial Joint Stock Bank (PG Bank). The change rate for PG Bank shares to Vietinbank shares was 1:0.9, which means Vietinbank exchanged 270 million of its shares for 300 million of PG Bank shares. The merger increased Vietinbank’s total assets by VND25 trillion (US$1.19 billion) to VND685 trillion (US$31.7 billion), and its chartered capital by VND3 trillion (US$142.86 million) to more than VND40 trillion (US$1.85 billion).
• In May 2015, Credit Saison spent about JPY5 billion to take a 49% stake in HDFinance, Vietnam’s third largest consumer finance business.
• In August 2015, the Mekong Development Bank (MDB) was set to merge with the Vietnam Maritime Commercial Bank (Maritime Bank) to form an institution that would be among the country’s five largest banks in terms of charter capital. Currently, Maritime Bank’s charter capital is US$373.8 million and MDB’s is US$175.23 million, meaning that the new banking institution would have a charter capital of US$549 million and total assets of US$5.28 billion.
Retail.Noteworthy public M&A deals include the following:
• On 29 April 2016, Thailand’s Central Group bought Big C from Casino at a value of USD1.14 billion.
• In June 2015, WarbusPincus invested $100 million into Vincom Retail and still remained as a minority shareholder.
Food. Noteworthy deals include the following:
• In May 2015, Masan Group acquired 52% of the total shares in Vietnam French Cattle Feed JSC (Proconco). The acquisition occurred when the group bought 99.99% of the total shares in Sam Kim Limited Liability Company and renamed it Masan Nutri-Science Company.
• In May 2015, Filipino firm Pilmico Foods Corporation acquired some feed companies in Vietnam in an expansion bid. Pilmico, a subsidiary of the Aboitiz Group, had bought 70% of the total shares in VinhHoan 1 Feed JSC (VHF) at US$28 million in 2014.
• In July 2015, Mondelēz International completed the acquisition of 80% of the total shares in Kinh Do Corporation, a popular snack business in Vietnam, for about US$370 million.
• On 30 June 2016, Masan Nutri-Science Joint Stock Company bought additionally 30% of Agricultural Nutrition Joint Stock Company, leading to its 100% ownership in the company.
Real estate. Noteworthy deals include the following:
• In May 2015, Duc Long Gia Lai obtained 97.73% of Mass Noble with a transaction value of $11.7 million.
• In June 2015, 89.42% of Vefac was acquired by VinGroup, although the total transaction value was not disclosed.
• In June 2015, Gaw Capital Partners (GCP), the Hong Kong-based private equity firm, acquired an existing portfolio of real estate projects in Vietnam. The portfolio was purchased for US$106 million and is comprised of four of the remaining projects originally held under Indochina Land Holdings 2 Ltd.
• In June 2015, an acquisition between Muong Thanh hospitality and Phuong Dong hotel was completed. Muong Thanh hospitality acquired 100% of Phuong Dong hotel, a part of the Phuong Dong Petroleum Tourism JSC.
• At the beginning of July 2015, Gamuda Land Vietnam, a division of Malaysian property developer GamudaBerhad acquired Celadon City from the Saigon Thuong Tin Real Estate JSC (Sacomreal) and the Thanh Thanh Cong JSC (TTC) for an estimated VND1.4 trillion (US$64.1 million). The estimated original investment is VND24.8 trillion (US$1.1 billion).
• In 2015, Vingroup has become a dominant local M&A acquirer with a long list of transactions in the real estate, retail and logistics sectors. Its most notable additions include:
o Masteri Thao Dien for US$75 million;
o 30% stake ownership in Vinatex for US$26 million;
o 90% stake ownership in Giang Vo Trade Show Center for US$69 million; and
o 30% stake ownership in Hop Nhat Express for US$52 million.
• In December 2015, VinGroup acquired 100% of Hoa Huong Duong company with the deal value of US$252 million. This transaction has also made VinGroup the holder of 98.3% of Vinaconex-Viettel as this company is a subsidiary of Hoa Huong Duong.
• In March 2016, Lotte bought 70% of the total shares of Diamond Plaza in Ho Chi Minh from Posco. Deal value was not disclosed.
• In April 2016, Muong Thanh Corporation bought 95% of the total shares of Cienco 5 Land at the value of VND3,500 billion.

• In April 2016, the merger between ACE Life and Chubb Life was completed, with ACE Life changing its name into Chubb Life in Vietnam.
• Two months later, FWD insurance company, a branch of Pacific Century, started the process of acquiring Great Eastern Vietnam after receiving the license for this acquisition.
The major trends in the structuring of public M&A transactions
In Vietnam, M&A transactions usually take the form of either share or asset acquisitions, with share acquisition transactions outnumbering asset acquisition transactions.
Share acquisitions by foreign purchasers are commonly structured as offshore direct investments. The new investor can:
• Acquire shares or capital contributions from an existing shareholder in the target (for example, a joint stock company, limited liability company, and so on).
• Subscribe for newly issued shares of the target (for a joint stock company).
• Make further capital contributions to the target (for a limited liability company).
In the case of an asset deal, a foreign purchaser must generally establish a new subsidiary in Vietnam.
In addition, M&A transactions can also take the form of a merger. One or more companies of the same type can be merged into another company by transferring all assets, rights, obligations and interests to the merged company, terminating the existence of the merging company.
The 2014 Enterprise Law sets out the types of business structuring that can be used by investors as a result of M&A transactions. In addition, the 2014 Investment Law is the first law that regulates M&A transactions and clearly provides that such transactions do not require an investment registration certificate. Instead, if the target company operates in conditional business sectors applicable for foreign investors, or the investment leading to foreign ownership of the target company being 51% or more (in particular, from below 51% to more than 51% and from 51% to above 51%), the foreign investors must seek approval of the local Department of Planning and Investment of the transaction. In other cases, the target company only needs to register change of membership / shareholders at the Business Registration Division. This change has ended years of uncertainty and frustration faced by foreign investors seeking entry into the Vietnam market or expansion through M&A transactions.

The level/extent of private equity-backed bids in the past 12 months
Investment in the form of M&A transactions is still the most popular form compared with private equity investment. In recent months, private equity funds have been following the securities market in Vietnam, especially companies carrying out value chain operations. Consumer goods and infrastructure are the sectors that attract the most attention. However, due to limited publicly available information, it is not possible to fully assess the level of private equity-backed bids.

The approach of the competition regulator(s) in the past 12 months
The Vietnam Competition Authority under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (VCA) must be notified of the transaction if participating companies have a combined market share in the relevant market of 30% up to 50%. The VCA will then examine whether the calculation of the combined market share is correct and whether the transaction is prohibited (that is, whether the combined market share exceeds 50%, except in certain cases). The transaction can be conducted when the VCA issues a written confirmation that the transaction is not prohibited under competition law.
For more information on the VCA, see www.vca.gov.vn/Default.aspx?lg=2.

Main factors affecting the public M&A market over the next 12 months
The country’s deeper and wider integration into the world’s economy is offering new opportunities for M&A activities.
Another factor is the Government’s being put under high pressure to privatize State-owned enterprises to meet requirements under signed trade pacts, especially the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Encouraging signs for foreign investment include:
• Economic recovery.
• Reformed policies to allow wider access to foreign investors.
• Formation of the ASEAN Economic Community at the end of 2015.
• The conclusion of free trade agreements (FTAs) and the TPP.
• The bouncing back of the stock market.
• New regulations that increase the authorised levels of foreign investment in public listed companies.
The introduction of the new Investment Law, Enterprise Law and other laws and policies are creating an improved legal environment for investment and trade in general, and the M&A market in particular. However, the following factors also affect M&A transactions:
• Divergent interpretations and implementations by local licensing authorities of international treaties such as Vietnam’s WTO Commitments.
• Different licensing procedures applied to different types of transactions (for example, for foreign invested companies and domestic companies, public companies and private companies, and for buying state-owned shares or private shares).
Although legal and governance barriers, along with macro instability and the lack of market transparency are still the greatest concerns for investors, M&A deals in Vietnam are still expected to be one of the key, effective channels for market entry.
The major expected trends in the Vietnam M&A market include:
• Bank restructurings.
• Acquisitions and anti-acquisitions, especially in the real estate sector.
• Growing Japanese and Thai investment in Vietnam through M&A transactions.
• Reform of SoEs.
The derivatives market is expected to open in 2016, which will help in preventing risks, boosting the growth of the stock market and in promoting M&A deals.

Please do contact the author Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Transfer Pricing in Mergers and Acquisitions

The Issue
In an acquisition, the transfer price is, in principle, negotiable. Unfortunately, if that price is agreed to be less than the face value of the sellers’ capital contribution to the charter capital (equity)]of the target, the licensing authority may not accept the acquisition and refuse to approve the acquisition. The acquisition may subsequently also be examined by the tax authority who may review the transfer price again to ensure that it reflects the ‘market price’ or the above ‘book value’ of equity. If the tax authority concludes that the market price or book value has not been reflected appropriately, it may refer to another transfer price it deems fit for tax management purposes. Exceptions can be made for a local company that has suffered from large losses. In our view, it is important that the law clarifies that the licensing authority cannot ‘review’ the transfer price, which is per se a purely commercial issue; and that only the tax authority may do so for taxation purposes. It should be clear that a transfer price determined not to reflect the market price or book value cannot be a ground for the licensing authority to block the transfer by refusing the issuance of its approval.

Moreover, tax liabilities arising from any M&A transaction also create concerns to the investor. Generally, any assignment of capital is subject to the standard capital gain tax rate (i.e. 22% corporate income tax of the profit derived from such assignment) while the sale of assets is subject to Value-added Tax (VAT) (at a default 10% rate) in most of cases. The personal income tax of the individual seller may be applied with various tax rates of between 5% and 20% for capital investment and capital assignment depending on the types of taxable income and taxpayer. The gain from the shares transfer in a public company may also be subject to tax at 0.1% of the gross sales proceeds.

Vietnamese tax regulations are also not clear on the capital gain tax (if any) applicable to an offshore acquisition (i.e. transfer between offshore seller and buyer of equity interest in an offshore target company which holds capital contribution in a Vietnamese company). The position of Vietnam’s General Tax Department (“GTD”) has once been that no Vietnam’s capital gain tax is applicable if all the following conditions are met: (i) the acquisition is entirely offshore, (ii) the capital of the offshore target in the onshore subsidiary remains intact, (iii) the offshore target and the onshore subsidiary do not receive any income from the acquisition and (iv) the investment certificate of the onshore subsidiary does not change. For example: see Official Letter 2268/TCT-CS of the GTD dated 28 June 2012. However, under a recent development of Vietnam’s tax law (in particular Decree 12/2015/ND-CP effective from 1 January 2015), the GTD has opined in some of its recently guidance (for instanceOfficial Letter 1595/TCT-DNL of the GTD dated 24 April 2015) that offshore acquisitions may also be subject to Vietnam’s capital gain tax. There has not been any specific guidance on how this application of Vietnamese capital gain tax is implemented in practice.

Potential gains/concerns for Vietnam
Capital gain tax is important for planning the structure of an M&A transaction. This lack of clarity regarding whether taxes are applicable, how they are applicable and/or the applicable tax rates creates uncertain financial obligations for investors. In practice, due to these ambiguities, transfer prices are often frozen for long periods of time. This impacts on the planned timescale of transactions and could lead to deals being stopped.
Furthermore, the ambiguous tax regulatory frameworks and the sole discretion of tax authorities on the tax liabilities lead the M&A parties to face difficulties in determining risks levels on this matter or even to the risk of tax arrears or accusations of tax evasion after the conclusion of an M&A.

We would like to make the following recommendations:
• Harmonise the interpretation of transfer price;
• Clarify and improve the regulatory frameworks on tax liabilities arisen from M&A transaction.
Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

 ベトナムにおける弁護士オリバー マスマン「ベトナムでのM&A:市場分析の要約」過去12ヶ月で最大且つ最も注目すべきM&A 取引

1. 過去12ヶ月で最大且つ最も注目すべきM&A 取引、IT 及び電子機器、2014年6月、ベトナムの主要なIT企業である、FPTソフトウェアは(ヨーロッパで主要な公益企業の1つである)RWEグループの子会社であるRWE ITスロバキアを買収しました。従って、RWE IT スロバキアはFPTソフトウェアが100%保有し、FPTスロバキアに社名を改称。この取引はFPTの最初のM&A 取引となり、またベトナム国外にあるベトナムICT企業の最初のM&A 取引となっています。しかし、この取引値は開示されていません。石油ガス、化学物質。2014年11月、石油ガス会社のSapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad (マレーシア)は国際入札手続き後に400万米ドルでベトナム南部から3ブロックのところにあるマレーシアの国営石油会社のPetroliam Nasional Berhad(ペトロナス)の総株式を買収しました。金融注目すべきM&A 取引は以下の通りです。• 2014年12月、ベトナム・フィナンシャル・トランスファー (Banknetvn)はカード決済システムや銀行間システムを提供するスマートリンクカード会社(Smartlink)と合併しました。バンクネットベトナムは中央銀行が総株式の25%を保有するこの市場で唯一のカード決済会社となります。ベトナム国営金融 •2015年5月、サイゴン商信株式商業銀行Sai Gon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank(Sacombank)はSouthern Commercial 株式銀行と合併しました。この合併により、Southern 銀行の株主はそれぞれ保有する株式に対しSacombank銀行の株式を0.75取得。Sacombank銀行という合弁企業自体は定款資本を18.85 兆ベトナムドン(8億5600万米ドル)以上保有し、総資産は290.86 兆ベトナムドン(132億米ドル)以上となっています。Sacombank銀行の株主は93.7%の議決にて合弁に同意しました。•2015年5月、the Mekong Housing Bank とベトナム投資開発銀行との合併が完了しました。•2015年4月、クレディセゾンはベトナムで3番目に大きな消費者金融事業であるHDファイナンスの資本の49%を保有する為におよそ5億円費やしています。•2015年8月、メコン開発銀行(MDB)は定款資本の面で国の5大銀行の1つになる機関を形成する為にベトナム海事商業銀行(Maritime Bank)と合併をしました。近年、海事銀行の定款資本は3億7380万米ドルでメコン開発銀行は1億7523万米ドルとなり、
2. つまり新しい金融機関は定款資本が5億4900万米ドル、総資産は52億8000万米ドルとなる見込みです。• ベトナム工商銀行(Vietinbank)はペトロリメックス株式商業銀行(PG Bank)と合併しました。PG Bank の株とVietinbankの株の交換比率は1株:0.9株となり、Vietinbank は同社の株2億7000万株をPG Bank の株式3億株と交換できます。合併によりVietinbank の総資産は25兆ベトナムドン(11億9000万ドル) から685兆ベトナムドン(317億ドル)に増加し、定款資本は3兆ベトナムドン(1億4286万米ドル)から40兆ベトナムドン(18億5000米ドル)以上に増加する見込みとなっています。鉱業、メタル、エンジニアリング、2014年、ベトナム石炭鉱物産業グループ(Vinacomin)はベトナム石炭の定款資本100%売却しました。つまり、VP銀行への1人鉱物金融有限会社となります。この取引値は開示されていません。医療、バイオテクノロジー、ヘルスケア。2014年9月、スタンダード・チャータード・プライベート・エクイティ(Standard Chartered Private Equity)は9000万米ドルでベトナムの農業分野でマーケットリーダーであるAn Giang Plant Protection JSCの重要な少数株式を取得に成功しました。その他
小売での注目すべきM&A取引は以下となります。•2014年8月タイのBJCは総額6億5500ユーロの取引値でMetro Cash & Carry Vietnam を買収しました。• タイのセントラルグループはグエン・キム・貿易会社のオーナーであるNKT新技術ソリューション投資開発公社の全株式の49%の買収を完了しました。取引値は開示されていません。• ビングループ(Vingroup)は ベトナム北部のオーシャンマート・リテールシステム(OceanMart retail system)を所有しているオーシャングループの傘下であるオーシャンリテール(Ocean Retail Company)の総株式の70%を取得し、またビンマートリテールグループ( VinMart Retail Group)に改称しました。取引値は2600万米ドルとなっています。飲食 • 2015年4月、マサングループ(Masan Group)2社の株式買収を発表しました。1社はVietnam French Cattle Feed JSC (Proconco) の総株式の52%で、もう1社はAgro Nutrition Company JSC (Anco)の総株式の70%を取得しています。買収はグループがSam Kim Limited Liability Companyの総株式の99.99%を買収し、Masan Nutri-Science Companyに改称した際に行いました。
3. •2015年5月、Filipino firm Pilmico Foods Corporationは拡張入札の為にベトナムのいくつかの飼料会社を買収。the Aboitiz Group の子会社であるPilmicoは2014年に2800万米ドルの価格でVinh Hoan 1 Feed JSC (VHF)の総株式の70%を買収しました。• F&N Dairy Investments Pte Ltd はビナミルク(Vinamilk)の定款資本の11.04% に相当する1億1040万株を保有しています。現在、the State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC)に次ぐ第2位のビナミルクの株主となっています。• Mondelēz Internationalはおよそ3億7000万米ドルでベトナムの人気スナック事業である Kinh Do Corporationの総株式の80%の買収を完了しました。不動産•2014年1月、香港に拠点を置くTung Shing Groupは 約1600万米ドルでフーニャン地区に所在するモーベンピック・サイゴンホテルの総株式の53%を取得しました。•2015年3月、ロッテグループはダイヤモンドプラザのプロジェクトの70%を取得しました。建物はは約60万米ドルの初期投資の恩恵を受けています。しかし、ロッテグループはこの取引で費やした金額を公表していません。•2014年11月、ホーチミン拠点の不動産会社ノバランド(Novaland)は約3兆ベトナムドン(1億4250万米ドル)の投資の恩恵を受けている4区のアイコン56(Icon 56)、ギャラクシー9(Galaxy 9)、また2区レキシントンレジデンス(Lexington Residence)を含む遅れているプロジェクトを取得しました。•2015年6月、香港に拠点を置く非公開投資会社のGaw Capital Partners (GCP)は、ベトナムの不動産プロジェクトのポートフォリオを取得しました。ポートフォリオは1億600万米ドルで買収され、Indochina Land Holdings 2 Ltd の下で残りの4つのプロジェクトから成り立っています。•2015年7月初旬、マレーシアの不動産開発のGamuda Berhad の1部門であるGamuda Land VietnamはサコムリアルからCeladon City 及びThanh Cong JSC (TTC)を推定1.4 兆ベトナムドン(6410万米ドル)で買収しました。推定初期投資は 24.8兆ベトナムドン (11億米ドル)となっています•2015年、ビングループは不動産、小売、物流部門において支配的なローカルM&A買収者となった。最も注目すべき追加案件は以下となります。 o マステリ・タオディエン(Masteri Thao Dien)は7500万米ドルo ビナテックス(Vinatex)の株式保有30% が2600万米ドルo Giang Vo Trade Show Center の株式保有o Hop Nhat Express の株式保有30% は5200万米ドル•2014年11月、アメリカ拠点のGlobal Emerging Markets Fund (GEM)はベトナムの農場及び不動産会社であるHoang Anh Gia Laiの10%を8000万米ドルで取得することに合意しました。
4. GEMは重役の役割を獲得し、将来的に国際市場で見込みのある企業リストを支援する予定です。保険。2015年4月、カナダに本社を置くFairfax Financial Holdings の子会社Fairfax Asia Limited はBIDV保険総公社の総株式の35%を5000万米ドルで取得しました。従って、保険業界で戦略的投資家 となっています。M&A取引の体制での主要な動向。ベトナムでは、M&A取引は通常株式取得または資産買収のどちらかの形で行われます。 外国人購入者による株式取得は一般的にオフショアの直接投資として構成されています。新投資家は以下が可能です。•対象企業の現在の株主から株式取得または出資が可能(例、株式会社、有限会社など•対象企業の新規株式の発行を許可(例、株式会社)。 •対象企業の追加出資が可能(例、有限会社)。資産取引の場合は、外国人購入者はベトナムに新たな子会社を設立しなければなりません。さらに、M&A取引は合併の形を取ることが可能となります。2つ以上の同業企業は別の企業と合併することができ、全ての資産、権利、義務、利益を合併した企業へ転送でき、合併している企業を終了することが出来ます。2014年企業法はM&A取引の結果として投資家により使用されるビジネス構造のタイプを設定することが可能となります。さらに、2014年投資法はM&A取引を規制し、その取引に投資証明書が不要であると明確に示した最初の法律です。この変化は幸いにもM&A取引を通してベトナム市場に参入または拡大しようとしている外国人投資家が経験している不明確で苦労を終わらせることができると予想されています。しかし、これらの2015年7月から施行され、また施行細則がまた発行されていないため、これらの法律が有効になるのはまだ早いと思われています。またかつての企業法及び投資法の下でライセンスを取得している企業にとって、どっちつかずの状態で企業登録またライセンス改正が残ったままとなっています。この状況はM&A取引に直接影響を及ぼします。過去12ヶ月での未公開株式の担保入札のレベルまた範囲。M&A取引の形での投資はいまだに非公開株式投資 と比較して最も一般的な投資の形です。ここ数ヶ月で、非公開株式資本はベトナムでの証券市場に続いており、特にバリューチェーン活動を行っている企業にあります。
5. 消費財やインフラが最も注目を集めている分野となっていますがただ、情報公開が制限されている為、完全に非公開株式の担保入札を評価するこはできません。過去12ヶ月の 競合規制者のアプローチ。産業貿易商(VCA)のもとでベトナム競争庁は参加企業が30%から50%関連市場の合計市場シェアを持つ場合、その取引の通知をしなければなりません。VCAは合計市場シェアの計算が正しいか、また取引が禁止されているかどうか(つまり、ある特定の場合を除いて合計市場シェアが50%を超えているかどうか)を調査します。取引は競争法の基でその取引が禁止されていないとVCAが確認書を発行した際に行われます。更なるVCAの情報はwww.vca.gov.vn/Default.aspx?lg=2をご確認下さい。今後12ヶ月の間にM&A市場に影響を与える主な原因。国がより深くそして広く世界市場に統合することによりM&A活動に新たなチャンスを提供しています。もう一つの要因は国営企業(SoEs)を民営化する政府の目標 が挙げられます。首相は2014年から2015年に432の国営企業を株式会社化する計画を承認しました。現在まで、企業の176が民営化しています。大手国営企業による初期公募はM&A市場に新しく魅力的な供給を作りだしています。国営企業による非中核事業の売却及び商業銀行の再構築はM&A市場をより魅力的にしています。外国投資の奨励兆候は以下の通りです。•経済再起•外国人投資家により幅広いアクセスを許可する政策の改革•自由貿易協定(FTA)や環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP)の締結•株式市場の跳ね返し•上場企業の外国人投資家の許可レベルを増加する新規則。新投資法、企業法及びその他の法律や政策の導入により原則として投資や貿易、特にM&A市場に関する法的環境が改善しています。しかし、以下の要因がM&A取引に影響を及ぼしています。• ベトナムのWTO委員会のような国際条約の地元ライセンス当局による異なる解釈及び履行
6. •異なるタイプの取引に適用される異なるライセンス手続き(例、外資企業または国内企業、公開会社または非公開会社、国営企業の株式または非公開株式の買収)。法的そして統治に対する障害やマクロ不安定性や市場の不透明性などが投資家にとって最大の関心事ではありますが、ベトナムにおけるM&A取引はまだ市場参入のための効果的な手段の1つとして期待できるでしょう。ベトナムのM&A市場において期待される主な傾向は以下が含まれます。•銀行再編•買収及び反買収• M&A取引を通じベトナムにおける日本の投資の成長 •国営企業の改革。金融派生商品市場はリスクを防ぎ、株式市場の成長を後押しし、M&A取引を促進し役立つとされる為2016年に開かれることが期待されています。
***上記の内容に関しまして、さらなる詳細やご質問がもしございましたら遠慮なくomassmann@duanemorris.comまでご連絡ください。オリバー マスマンはドウェイン・モリス・ベトナム法律事務所のディレクターです。


Largest / most noteworthy public M&A transactions in the past 12 months
IT and electronic equipment
In June 2014, Vietnam’s leading IT corporation, FPT Software, acquired RWE IT Slovakia, a subsidiary of the RWE Group (one of Europe’s leading utility companies). Therefore, RWE IT Slovakia will be 100% owned by FPT Software and be renamed FPT Slovakia. This deal is also the first M&A transaction of FPT and first M&A deal by a Vietnam ICT company outside Vietnam. However, the deal value has not been disclosed.
Oil gas and chemicals
In November 2014, SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad (Malaysia) acquired the entire interest of Malaysia’s national oil company Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) in three blocks offshore from southern Vietnam for US$400 million after an international bidding process.
Noteworthy public M&A transactions include the following:
• In December 2014, Vietnam National Financial Switching JSC (Banknetvn) merged with Smartlink Card JSC (Smartlink). Banknetvn then became the only card switching company on the market in which the central bank holds 25% of the total shares.
• In May 2015, Sai Gon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank (more commonly known as Sacombank) merged with Southern Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Following the merger, Southern Bank shareholders obtained a 0.75 Sacombank share for each share they held. The merged entity, to be called Sacombank, will have a charter capital of more than VND18.85 trillion (US$856 million) and total assets of over VND290.86 trillion (US$13.2 billion). Sacombank’s shareholders agreed to the merger by a 93.7% vote.
• In May 2015, the merger between the Mekong Housing Bank and the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam was completed.
• In April 2015, Credit Saison spent about JPY5 billion to take a 49% stake in HDFinance, Vietnam’s third largest consumer finance business.
• In August 2015, the Mekong Development Bank (MDB) was set to merge with the Vietnam Maritime Commercial Bank (Maritime Bank) to form an institution that would be among the country’s five largest banks in terms of charter capital. Currently, Maritime Bank’s charter capital is US$373.8 million and MDB’s is US$175.23 million, meaning that the new banking institution would have a charter capital of US$549 million and total assets of US$5.28 billion.
• The Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade (Vietinbank) will merge with Petrolimex Group Commercial Joint Stock Bank (PG Bank). The change rate for PG Bank shares to Vietinbank shares is 1:0.9, which means Vietinbank will exchange 270 million of its shares for 300 million of PG Bank shares. The merger will increase Vietinbank’s total assets by VND25 trillion (US$1.19 billion) to VND685 trillion (US$31.7 billion), and its chartered capital by VND3 trillion (US$142.86 million) to more than VND40 trillion (US$1.85 billion).
Mining, metals and engineering
In 2014, Vietnam Coal and Minerals Group (Vinacomin) sold 100% of its charter capital in Vietnam Coal – Mineral Single Member Financial Limited Company to Vietnam Prosperity Bank (VP Bank). The deal value has not been disclosed.
Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and healthcare
In September 2014, Standard Chartered Private Equity successfully acquired a significant minority stake in An Giang Plant Protection JSC, a market leader in the Vietnam agricultural sector for US$90 million.
Retail. Noteworthy public M&A deals include the following:
• In August 2014, Thailand’s Berli Jucker Public Company Limited (BJC) bought Metro Cash & Carry Vietnam in a deal valued at EUR655 million.
• Thailand’s Central Group completed the acquisition of 49% of the total shares in NKT New Technology and Solution Investment and Development Corporation, the owner of Nguyen Kim Trading Company. The deal value has not been disclosed.
• Vingroup bought 70% of the total shares in Ocean Retail Company, a member of Ocean Group that owns the OceanMart retail system in northern Vietnam, and renamed it VinMart Retail Group. The deal value is US$26 million.
Food. Noteworthy deals include the following:
• In April 2015, Masan Group announced the acquisition of stakes in two companies. It acquired 52% of the total shares in Vietnam French Cattle Feed JSC (Proconco) and 70% of the total shares in Agro Nutrition Company JSC (Anco). The acquisition occurred when the group bought 99.99% of the total shares in Sam Kim Limited Liability Company and renamed it Masan Nutri-Science Company.
• In May 2015, Filipino firm Pilmico Foods Corporation acquired some feed companies in Vietnam in an expansion bid. Pilmico, a subsidiary of the Aboitiz Group, had bought 70% of the total shares in Vinh Hoan 1 Feed JSC (VHF) at US$28 million in 2014.
• F&N Dairy Investments Pte Ltd holds 110.4 million shares of Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk), equivalent to 11.04% of its charter capital. It is now the second largest shareholder of Vinamilk after the State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC).
• Mondelēz International completed the acquisition of 80% of the total shares in Kinh Do Corporation, a popular snack business in Vietnam, for about US$370 million
Real estate. Noteworthy deals include the following:
• In January 2014, the Hong Kong-based Tung Shing Group acquired 53% of the total shares in Mövenpick Saigon Hotel in Phu Nhuan District, for approximately US$16 million.
• In March 2015, Lotte Group acquired 70% of the Diamond Plaza project. The building had benefited from an initial investment of about US$60 million. However, Lotte Group did not reveal the amount of money spent on the deal.
• In November 2014, Ho Chi Minh City-based property company, Novaland Joint Stock Company, bought some stalled projects, including Icon 56 and Galaxy 9 in District 4 and Lexington Residence in District 2, which had benefited from investments of about VND3 trillion (US$142.5 million).
• In June 2015, Gaw Capital Partners (GCP), the Hong Kong-based private equity firm, acquired an existing portfolio of real estate projects in Vietnam. The portfolio was purchased for US$106 million and is comprised of four of the remaining projects originally held under Indochina Land Holdings 2 Ltd.
• In early July 2015, Gamuda Land Vietnam, a division of Malaysian property developer Gamuda Berhad acquired Celadon City from the Saigon Thuong Tin Real Estate JSC (Sacomreal) and the Thanh Thanh Cong JSC (TTC) for an estimated VND1.4 trillion (US$64.1 million). The estimated original investment is VND24.8 trillion (US$1.1 billion).
• In 2015, Vingroup has become a dominant local M&A acquirer with a long list of transactions in the real estate, retail and logistics sectors. Its most notable additions include:
o Masteri Thao Dien for US$75 million;
o 30% stake ownership in Vinatex for US$26 million;
o 90% stake ownership in Giang Vo Trade Show Center for US$69 million; and
o 30% stake ownership in Hop Nhat Express for US$52 million.
• In November 2014, the US-based Global Emerging Markets Fund (GEM) agreed to acquire 10% of Hoang Anh Gia Lai, a Vietnamese plantation and real estate company, for US$80 million. GEM will obtain a board seat and will support the company potential listing on the international markets in the future.
Insurance. In April 2015, Canada-headquartered Fairfax Financial Holdings, through its subsidiary Fairfax Asia Limited, acquired about 35% of the total shares of the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam Insurance Joint Stock Corporation for US$50 million, therefore becoming a strategic investor in the firm.
The major trends in the structuring of public M&A transactions
In Vietnam, M&A transactions usually take the form of either share or asset acquisitions, with share acquisition transactions outnumbering asset acquisition transactions.
Share acquisitions by foreign purchasers are commonly structured as offshore direct investments. The new investor can:
• Acquire shares or capital contributions from an existing shareholder in the target (for example, a joint stock company, limited liability company, and so on).
• Subscribe for newly issued shares of the target (for a joint stock company).
• Make further capital contributions to the target (for a limited liability company).
In the case of an asset deal, a foreign purchaser must generally establish a new subsidiary in Vietnam.
In addition, M&A transactions can also take the form of a merger. One or more companies of the same type can be merged into another company by transferring all assets, rights, obligations and interests to the merged company, terminating the existence of the merging company.
The 2014 Enterprise Law sets out the types of business structuring that can be used by investors as a result of M&A transactions. In addition, the 2014 Investment Law is the first law that regulates M&A transactions and clearly provides that such transactions do not require an investment certificate. This change will hopefully end years of uncertainty and frustration faced by foreign investors seeking entry into the Vietnam market or expansion through M&A transactions. However, it is still early to assess the effectiveness of these laws, as they have only been implemented since July 2015, and their guiding documents have not been issued yet. This has left enterprise registration and licence amendments in limbo, particularly for enterprises that have obtained licences under the former Enterprise Law and Investment Law. This situation has a direct impact on M&A transactions.
The level/extent of private equity-backed bids in the past 12 months
Investment in the form of M&A transactions is still the most popular form compared with private equity investment. In recent months, private equity funds have been following the securities market in Vietnam, especially companies carrying out value chain operations. Consumer goods and infrastructure are the sectors that attract the most attention. However, due to limited publicly available information, it is not possible to fully assess the level of private equity-backed bids.
The approach of the competition regulator(s) in the past 12 months
The Vietnam Competition Authority under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (VCA) must be notified of the transaction if participating companies have a combined market share in the relevant market of 30% up to 50%. The VCA will then examine whether the calculation of the combined market share is correct and whether the transaction is prohibited (that is, whether the combined market share exceeds 50%, except in certain cases). The transaction can be conducted when the VCA issues a written confirmation that the transaction is not prohibited under competition law.
For more information on the VCA, see www.vca.gov.vn/Default.aspx?lg=2.
Main factors affecting the public M&A market over the next 12 months
The country’s deeper and wider integration into the world’s economy is offering new opportunities for M&A activities.
Another factor is the government’s target to equitise state-owned enterprises (SoEs). The Prime Minister approved the plan to turn 432 SoEs into joint stock companies in the 2014-2015 period. To date, 176 of such companies have been equitised. Initial public offerings by major SoEs have been creating new, attractive supplies to the M&A market. The restructuring of commercial banks and divestments from non-core business by SoEs have made the M&A market more attractive.
Encouraging signs for foreign investment include:
• Economic recovery.
• Reformed policies to allow wider access to foreign investors.
• The conclusion of free trade agreements (FTAs) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
• The bouncing back of the stock market.
• New regulations that increase the authorised levels of foreign investment in public listed companies.
The introduction of the new Investment Law, Enterprise Law and other laws and policies are creating an improved legal environment for investment and trade in general, and the M&A market in particular. However, the following factors also affect M&A transactions:
• Divergent interpretations and implementations by local licensing authorities of international treaties such as Vietnam’s WTO Commitments.
• Different licensing procedures applied to different types of transactions (for example, for foreign invested companies and domestic companies, public companies and private companies, and for buying state-owned shares or private shares).
Although legal and governance barriers, along with macro instability and the lack of market transparency are still the greatest concerns for investors, M&A deals in Vietnam are still expected to be one of the key, effective channels for market entry.
The major expected trends in the Vietnam M&A market include:
• Bank restructurings.
• Acquisitions and anti-acquisitions.
• Growing Japanese investment in Vietnam through M&A transactions.
• Reform of SoEs.
The derivatives market is expected to open in 2016, which will help in preventing risks, boosting the growth of the stock market and in promoting M&A deals.


Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Public Merger and Acquisitions in Vietnam

There has been a steady growth in M&A activities in Vietnam since Vietnam officially became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007. The first M&A wave in Vietnam occurred during the period between 2008 and 2013, with a reported total value of US$15 billion. Japanese investors made about US$1.2 billion worth of deals in 2012. Japan is the leading country for M&A deals in Vietnam in terms of both quantity and value. This helped the M&A market in Vietnam to reach a peak of US$5.1 billion in 2012. Fast-moving consumer goods are considered to be the most attractive sector, with a total value of M&A transactions up to US$1 billion, accounting for 25% of the total M&A value in Vietnam. The retail and real property sectors are also very active, with high value M&A deals. Vietnam’s M&A market experienced a strong recovery in 2014, with six deals being reportedly made every week. There were a total of 313 M&A deals in 2014, with a value of US$2.5 billion, a 15% increase compared with the previous year.
How to obtain control of a public company
The most common means of obtaining control over a public company are as follows:
The acquisition of shares/charter capital through:
buying shares/charter capital from the existing shareholders of the company;
buying shares/charter capital of a listed company on the stock exchange; and
public share purchase offer.
Through a merger. The 2014 Law on Enterprises sets out the procedures for company mergers by way of a transfer of all lawful assets, rights, obligations and interests to the merged company, and for the simultaneous termination of the merging companies.
Through the acquisition of assets.
There are restrictions on the purchase of shares/charter capital of local companies by foreign investors. In addition, the law does not yet allow merger or assets acquisition transactions where a foreign investor is a party.
Securities of public companies must be registered and deposited at the Vietnam Securities Depository Centre before being traded.
Depending on the numbers of shares purchased, an investor can become a controlling shareholder. Under the Vietnam Law on Securities, a shareholder that directly or indirectly owns 5% or more of the voting shares of an issuing organisation is a major shareholder. Any transactions that result in more than 10% ownership of the paid-up charter capital of the securities company must seek approval of the State Securities Commission (SSC).
What a bidder generally questions before making a bid
Before officially contacting the potential target, the bidder conducts a preliminary assessment based on publicly available information. The bidder then contacts the target, expresses its intention of buying shares/subscribing for its shares and the parties sign a confidentiality agreement before the due diligence process. The confidentiality agreement basically includes confidentiality obligations in performing the transaction. The enforcement of confidentiality agreements by courts in Vietnam remains untested.
A bidder’s legal due diligence usually covers the following matters:
Corporate details of the target and its subsidiaries, affiliates and other companies that form part of the target.
Contingent liabilities (from past or pending litigation).
Employment matters.
Contractual agreements of the target.
Statutory approvals and permits regarding the business activities of the target.
Insurance, tax, intellectual property, debts, and land-related issues.
Anti-trust, corruption and other regulatory issues.
Restrictions on shares transfer of key shareholders
Founding shareholders can only transfer their shares to other founding shareholders of the company within three years from the issuance of the Enterprise Registration Certificate. After then, the shares can be transferred freely. An internal approval of the general meeting of shareholders is always required if:
The company increases its capital by issuing new shares.
There is any share transfer of the founding shareholders within the above three-year period.
If the sale and purchase is a direct agreement between the company and the seller in relation to an issuance of shares, the selling price must be lower than the market price at the time of selling, or in the absence of a market price, the book value of the shares at the time of the approval plan to sell the shares. In addition, the selling price to foreign and domestic buyers must be the same.
When a tender offer is required
A tender offer is required in the following cases:
Purchase of a company’s circulating shares that results in a purchaser, with no shareholding or less than a 25% shareholding, acquiring a 25% shareholding or more.
Purchase of a company’s circulating shares that results in a purchaser (and affiliated persons of the purchaser), with a 25% or more shareholding, acquiring a further 10% or more of circulating shares of the company.
Purchase of a company’s circulating shares that results in a purchaser (and affiliated persons of the purchaser), with a 25% shareholding or more, acquiring a further 5% up to 10% of currently circulating shares of the company within less than one year from the date of completion of a previous offer.
There is no guidance on building a stake by using derivatives. In addition, the bidder cannot purchase shares or share purchase rights outside the offer process during the tender offer period.
The bidder must publicly announce the tender offer in three consecutive editions of one electronic newspaper or one written newspaper and (for a listed company only) on the relevant stock exchange within seven days from the receipt of the State Securities Commission’s (SSC’s) opinion regarding the registration of the tender offer. The tender offer can only be implemented after the SSC has provided its opinion, and following the public announcement by the bidder.
Making the bid public
The offer timetable is as follows:
The bidder prepares registration documents for its public bid to purchase shares.
The bidder sends the bid registration documents to the SSC for approval and, at the same time, sends the registration documents to the target.
The SSC reviews the tender documents within seven days.
The board of the target must send its opinions regarding the offer to the SSC and the shareholders of the target within 14 days from receipt of the tender documents.
The bid is announced in the mass media (although this is not a legal requirement).
The length of the offer period is between 30 and 60 days.
The bidder reports the results of the tender to the SSC within 10 days of completion.
Companies operating in specific sectors (such as banking, insurance, and so on) can be subject to a different timetable.
Form of consideration and minimum level of consideration
Under Vietnamese law, shares can be purchased by offering cash, gold, land use rights, intellectual property rights, technology, technical know-how or other assets. In practice, acquisitions are most commonly made for cash consideration.
In cases of full acquisition of state-owned enterprises, the first payment for the share purchase must not be less than 70% of the value of such shares, with the remaining amount being paid within 12 months.
In transactions involving auctions of shares by state-owned enterprises, the purchaser must make a deposit of 10% of the value of the shares registered for subscription based on the reserve price at least five working days before the auction date included in the target company’s rule. Additionally, the purchaser must transfer the entire consideration for the shares into the bank account of the body conducting the auction within ten working days of the announcement of the auction results.
In the case of a public tender offer, the payment and transfer of shares via a securities agent company appointed to act as an agent for the public tender offer must comply with Decree 58/2012/ND-CP.
Delisting a company
If a company seeks voluntarily de-listing, it must submit an application for de-listing that includes the following documents:
A request for de-listing.
For a joint stock company:
the shareholders’ general meeting approval of de-listing of the stock;
the board of directors’ approval of de-listing of bonds; and
the shareholders’ general meeting approval of de-listing of convertible bonds.
The members’ council (for a multi-member limited liability company) or the company’s owner (for a single member limited liability company) approval of de-listing of bonds.
For a securities investment fund, the investors’ congress approval of de-listing of the fund’s certificate.
For a public securities investment company, the shareholders’ general meeting approval of stock de-listing.
A listed company can only de-list its securities if de-listing is approved by a decision of the general meeting of shareholders passed by more than 50% of the voting shareholders who are not major shareholders.
If a company voluntarily de-lists from the Hanoi Stock Exchange or Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange, the application for de-listing must also include a plan to deal with the interests of shareholders and investors. The Hanoi Stock Exchange or Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange must consider the request for de-listing within ten and 15 days from the receipt of a valid application, respectively.
Transfer duties payable on the sale of shares in a company
Depending on whether the seller is an individual or a corporate entity, the following taxes will apply:
Capital gains tax. Capital gains tax is a form of income tax that is payable on any premium on the original investor’s actual contribution to capital or its costs to purchase such capital. Foreign companies and local corporate entities are subject to a corporate income tax of 22% (20% from 1 January 2016). However, if the assets transferred are securities, a foreign corporate seller is subject to corporate income tax of 0.1% on the gross transfer price.
Personal income tax. If the seller is an individual resident, personal income tax will be imposed at the rate of 20% of the gains made, and 0.1% on the sales price if the transferred assets are securities. An individual tax resident is defined as a person who:
stays in Vietnam for 183 days or longer within a calendar year;
stays in Vietnam for a period of 12 consecutive months from his arrival in Vietnam;
has a registered permanent residence in Vietnam; or
rents a house in Vietnam under a lease contract of a term of at least 90 days in a tax year.
If the seller is an individual non-resident, he is subject to personal income tax at 0.1% on the gross transfer price, regardless of whether there is any capital gain.
Payment of the above transfer taxes is mandatory in Vietnam.
Restrictions on repatriation of profits and/ or foreign exchange rules for foreign companies
If the target company in Vietnam already has an investment certificate, it must open a direct investment capital account at a licensed bank in Vietnam. Payment for a share purchase by a foreign investor must be conducted through this account. The account can be denominated in Vietnamese dong or a foreign currency. In addition, if the foreign investor is an offshore investor, it will also need to open a capital account at a commercial bank operating in Vietnam to carry out the payment on the seller’s account and receive profits.
If the target company in Vietnam does not have an investment certificate, the foreign investor will need to open an indirect investment capital account for payment to the seller and remittance of profits.

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Ausländer treffen beim Firmenkauf auf großes Durcheinander

Trotz des großen internationalen Andrangs steckt der vietnamesische Markt für Fusionen und Übernahmen noch in den Kinderschuhen. Lange schon bemüht sich der Gesetzgeber um moderne Regelungen– insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Gleichberechtigung ausländischer und inländischer Investoren ist ihm das aber noch nicht gelungen. Auch ein besserer rechtlicher Rahmen für Preisgestaltung, Lizenzierung und Kartellrecht tut not.

VON Oliver Massmann

Continue reading “Ausländer treffen beim Firmenkauf auf großes Durcheinander”

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Mergers and Acquisitions

X.1 Overview

With the passing of the Law on Investment (IL) and Law on Enterprises (EL) by the National Assembly of Vietnam, a foundation was laid for establishing a new Vietnamese investment regime in general and creating a level playing field for foreign and local investors in particular. The legal framework for the M&A sector in Vietnam has since been developing at a rapid pace. Portfolio foreign indirect investment was for the first time recognised as one of the official investment channels and has achieved spectacular growth in the recent years, despite a short pause in 2008 and 2009 due to the global economic recession. Currently, with some limitations, foreign investors can freely acquire stakes in Vietnamese enterprises. The limitations on foreign investment are defined by both Vietnam’s WTO commitments as well as domestic legislation. M&A activity is expected to remain buoyant in the coming years, with a projected growth rate of 25-30% per year over the next five years. The new wave of M&A sets to hit Vietnam, as Vietnam is once again perceived as an attractive investment market. The primary investors have been from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and recently from the ASEAN countries. Once the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Free Trade Agreement between EU and Vietnam currently under final negotiation process, are concluded, it may also drive more interest in M&A activities in Vietnam.

Continue reading “Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Mergers and Acquisitions”

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