ベトナムでの弁護士 オリバー マスマン TPP協定の最新ニュース ベトナムは最大の利益を得る国














Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement will drive Foreign Direct Investment into Vietnam

1. How does TPP drive FDI inflow into Vietnam ?

Commitments by TPP members on trade in goods and services will have a positive impact on improving the investment environment and attracting more foreign investment in Vietnam. Participating in the TPP will offer Vietnam the chance to continue creating institutions — like market economy, support for reform of Vietnam’s economic growth model and economic restructure. Vietnam, as being part of the TPP game, must also follow its strict principles, including transparency and regulatory coherence, to improve the business environment in a way to make it transparent and more predictable. Vietnam’s commitments on other fields such as intellectual property, environment, labor, government procurement, etc., will also create an attractive environment in Vietnam.

2. Besides textile and garment sectors, in your opinion, what are the sectors that Vietnam could boost FDI inflow thanks to the TPP?

Footwear and seafood are sectors that also receive many benefits. These products have been largely exported to the U.S, Japan and Canada. With reduction and elimination of import tariffs in these countries as a result of the TPP, exports value will gain breakthroughs and contribute to an increase in the national export value.

3. What will TPP mean for Vietnam’s FDI inflow in the long term?

There would be a diversion of FDI from China to Vietnam as companies move factories to the low-wage country and low labor costs. FDI from other countries to Vietnam would increase to take advantage of TPP preferential treatment. In the long term, a new trend of FDI would be formed in Vietnam as a result of the TPP. How the trend would be needs detailed analysis on the content of the agreement and how it works in practice.

4. What has been driving the growth of FDI inflow into Vietnam? Will they last?

Transparency, predictability and stability of the investment environment, the strengthening of protection for intellectual property rights, improved quality of the workforce, clearer and better investment legal framework are among factors that boost FDI growth in the upcoming time.

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

ベトナムで太陽光発電を開発する為の政府の奨励措置 オリバー マスマン(著) ドウェイン・モリス法律事務所

EVNは太陽光発電プロジェクトで生産された全ての発電量を電力購買価格がベトナムドンで1,800 VND/kwh から3,500 VND/kWhの間の価格になった時点で購入する責任があります。(これはアメリカセントで12 cents/kWh と16.7cents/kWhに相当します。)
建物の屋根に装置し送電網と繋ぐ太陽光発電プロジェクトに関して、電力生産量が消費量より多い場合は、その差異は3,150 VND/kWhの価格になった時点で購入されます。(VATは含まれず、15cents/kWhに相当します。)この価格はベトナムドンとアメリカドルの変動相場を基に調整されます。電力生産量が消費量よりも少ない場合、送電網から送られる電力は電力購入者が請求される通常の商業価格で購入しなければなりません。
上記の関税供給率はまだアジアのその他近隣諸国と比べると低い状態です。タイでは新関税供給率はタイバーツで90MW以下の太陽光発電の場合5.66THB/kWh(およそアメリカセントで15.7cents/kWh)となります。屋上太陽光では、関税供給率はそのプロジェクトの規模次第で変動します。250から1,000KWの屋上太陽光発電では、関税供給率は6.01 THB/kWh(およそ17 cents/kWh)となります。10から250KWまたは10KW以下の屋上太陽光発電の関税供給率はそれぞれ6.40 THB /kWh(およそ18 cents/kWh)または6.96 THB /kWh(およそ19 cents/kWh)となります。現在の決定書草案によると、ベトナムは屋上太陽光発電プロジェクトの規模の相違に関しては特に何も明記がなく、電力消費と生産量の相違を基に関税供給率を定めています。しかし一方で、フィリピンの屋上太陽光発電に関する関税供給率はベトナムの関税供給率よりも高くなっています。つまり、フィリピンペソで9.68P/kWh(およそ21 cents/kWh)。ベトナムの関税供給率はまだドラフト段階であり、最終版では無い為予測では次の草案では近隣諸国の比率に合わせて修正がされ高くなると思われます。これは投資を誘致する為に極めて重要となっています。

オリバー マスマンはドウェイン・モリス・ベトナム法律事務所のディレクターです。取り扱い分野は国際企業税務、発電/水処理プロジェクト、石油・ガス及び電気通信企業、民営化と株式化、M&Aそして多国籍企業のクライアントのベトナムに対する投資とベトナム事業経営に関する一般企業法務を担当しています。ご連絡はomassmann@duanemorris.comにお願い致します。

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann BREAKING NEWS The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement VIETNAM WILL REAP HUGE BENEFITS

Trade ministers reached an agreement on the TPP on Monday (05 October 2015) after five days of intensive talks, following their failure to reach consensus in Hawaii in late July.
The TPP is one of the largest trade agreements ever to be negotiated, involving some of the largest nations in the world with an annual gross domestic product of nearly $28 trillion that represents roughly 40 percent of global GDP and one-third of world trade. Countries participating in the negotiations include those throughout the Asia- Pacific region, namely Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam. The TPP is touted to be the 21st century trade agreement, set a template for regional and global trade and investment and incorporate next-generation issues.
The TPP addresses a number of rising trade issues which have been stumbling blocks to global trade recently, such as e-commerce, financial services and cross-border electronic communications. Other cross-cutting issues are also covered, such as role of state-owned enterprises in the economy, government procurement, and other topics.
Vietnam would be the largest beneficiary of this trade pact as a result of its strong trade ties with the United States, and its highly competitive positions in industries such as manufacturing where China is gradually losing its competitive advantage. Vietnam is also considered as one of the countries among Japan, Malaysia, Brunei, New Zealand that the United States would like to establish formal trade agreements. Statistics shows that by participating in the TPP, Vietnam’s GDP would add an additional increase of 13.6% to the baseline scenario.

Some major points in the TPP are as follows:
Free trade zone: tariff and quotas have been long used as trade measures to protect domestic industries from cheap overseas goods and efficient sources of collecting revenue for the states, especially for developing ones. However, tariff and quotas have been used less compared with other non-tariff measures in the past years. With the TPP, tariff and non-tariff barriers are even reduced and removed more substantially across all trade in services and goods. TPP Parties, especially Vietnam, would gain many benefits from the upcoming business opportunities and open market access resulting from the trade pact.
Trade in goods
With tariff and non-tariff reduction and elimination on industrial goods, high quality- jobs will be supported and trade in a 800-million people market will increase. Most tariff elimination will be implemented immediately, with tariff on some other products will be reduced over a committed period of time. For elimination and reduction of restrictive policies on agricultural goods, food security will be enhanced. Vietnam’s agricultural products will have more opportunities to be exported to other TPP members and gain their competitive advantage due to cheap labors and natural endowments.
Trade in services
Trade in services is of utmost importance to all TPP Parties. Thus, all 12 countries give consent to a liberalized trade in this area. Besides incorporating basic WTO principles (national treatment, most-favored nation treatment, market access, and local presence), the TPP takes a negative approach, meaning that their markets are fully opened to service suppliers from other TPP Parties, except otherwise indicated in their commitments.
Comprehensive trade: The TPP includes commitments that seek to encourage participation and development of businesses of all levels and sizes. Small-and medium-sized businesses, which are quite popular in Vietnam, will receive assistance from other countries to understand the agreement, take advantage of their opportunities, build their own trade capacity to grow fast in the future.
Government procurement: All TPP parties commit to ensure transparent, predictable and non-discriminatory government procurement markets. National treatment and non-discrimination are core principles. Governments undertake to timely publish information on tender, allow sufficient time for bidders to prepare for and submit bids, maintain confidentiality of tenders. The TPP also requires its Parties assess bids based on fair and objective principles, evaluate and award bids only based on criteria set out in notices and tender documentation, create an effective regime for complaints and settling disputes, etc. These rules require all Parties, especially Vietnam, in the context of China’s bidders predominantly win the bids with cheap offer price but low-quality services, to reform their bidding procedures and protect their own interests by disqualifying tenders with poor performance and low capacity.
State-owned enterprises: Vietnam and Malaysia have many state-owned enterprises. The United States and others have some as well which are involved in public services and other activities. TPP negotiators have place emphasis on how to regulate operation of such enterprises, preferential treatment granted to these enterprises, non-discrimination of the state-owned enterprises against other countries’ goods and services. Participating in the TPP would then be a driving force for Vietnam in its privatization process of 432 state-owned enterprises in the 2014-2015 period. The remaining Vietnamese state-owned enterprise will also need to undergo strict reform procedures to meet standard requirements in the TPP.
Transparency and anti-corruption: The TPP includes rules on goods governance, bribery and corrosive anti-corruption, which have long been considered as one of the factors that discourage investors when deciding their business expansion, especially in countries like Vietnam with corruption index ranking Number 119 out of 175 countries globally according to Transparency International. The TPP Parties have agreed on adopting or maintaining laws criminalizing corruption behaviors by a public official affecting international trade or investment. Parties also commit to effectively enforce their anticorruption laws and regulations. As part of the TPP, Vietnam’s business environment in terms of transparency and “cleanliness” would be much improved, paving the way for more foreign investment in the upcoming time.
Other important trade and trade-related issues are covered in 30 chapters of the TPP, ranging from customs and trade facilitation; sanitary and phytosanitary measures; technical barriers to trade; trade remedies; investment; intellectual property; labor; environment; dispute settlement; etc. All TPP parties are conducting procedures to release the text of the agreement, which would then have to be approved domestically in each country member.
Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Solar Power Vietnam Breaking News: First Ever Regulations GOVERNMENT’S INCENTIVES TO DEVELOP SOLAR POWER PROJECTS IN VIETNAM

Vietnam is among the countries with the world’s highest annual sunshine allocation on the world’s solar radiation map. This is an advantage for Vietnam in its efforts to develop a solar power industry, in the context of increasing demand for electricity and the potential risks of traditional electricity production sources.
To encourage investment in renewable energy projects, the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has proposed the first Draft Decision of the Prime Minister on incentives for solar power projects, especially in terms of investment capital, tax and land use rights. These incentives would apply to power generation projects using the photovoltaic method. The following analysis is based on the latest Draft Decision, which will be subject to further changes when the official decision is adopted.
Investment incentives
Investment capital: Investors may mobilize capital from domestic or overseas organizations and individuals to invest in solar power projects. Such projects are entitled to investment credit and export credit incentives. In particular, investors could apply for a loan of up to 70 percent of the total investment capital of their project with a maximum term of 12 years. Moreover, investors could also enjoy export credit incentives in a loan of up to 85 percent of the export/import contract value, also with a maximum term of 12 years.
Import duty: Solar power projects are exempted from an import duty on those goods imported to create fixed assets of the projects; these include components, materials and semi-finished products that are not available in Vietnam and that are needed for the project’s operation.
Corporate income tax: According to current taxation regulations, solar power projects will also enjoy the same corporate income tax exemption and reduction as projects in sectors that are receiving investment incentives. For example, a corporate income tax rate of 10 percent will be applied for 15 years, tax exemptions will occur within four years and taxes will be reduced by 50 percent in the next nine years.
Land: Solar power projects, lines and transformer stations connected to the national grid enjoy the same exemptions and reductions in land use and land rental as projects entitled to special investment treatment. Such incentives, among other things, include exemption of land rental within three years from the operation date of the project.
Who will be the off-taker?
According to the Draft Decision, the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) or its authorized member units will be the power purchaser. The power sale and purchase will be conducted by negotiating and signing the power sale and purchase agreement according to the template agreement stipulated by the MOIT. Terms of the agreement extend 20 years from the commercial operation date of the project. Duane Morris will continue to monitor the issuance of the template agreement by the MOIT.
Feed-in-tariff (FIT) rate
EVN is responsible for buying the whole electric output from solar power projects, with the electric buying price at the point of electricity receipt to be 1,800 Vietnamese dong/kwh and 3,500 Vietnamese dong/kWh (equivalent to 12 U.S. cents/kWh and 16.7 U.S. cents/kWh).
For solar power projects installed on the roof of a house connected to the grid, if the electricty generated is more than that consumed, the difference to be bought at the point of electricity receipt is 3,150 Vietnamese dong/kWh (not including VAT, equivalent to 15 U.S. cents/kWh). This price will be adjusted based on the fluctuation rate between the Vietnamese dong and U.S. dollar. If the electricity generated is less than that consumed, the electricity received from the grid must be paid at the normal commercial price charged by the electricity purchaser.
The above FIT rate is still low compared to other neighboring Asian countries. In Thailand, the new FIT is THB 5.66/KWh (about 15.7 U.S. cents/kWh) for a solar farm of less than 90MW. For a solar rooftop, the FIT rate varies depending on the capacity of the project. With a solar rooftop of 250–1,000 KW, the FIT would be THB 6.01/kWh (about 17 U.S. cents/kWh). The FIT for solar rooftops of 10–250 KW and less than 10KW are THB 6.40/kWh (about 18 U.S. cents/kWh) and THB 6.96/kWh (about 19 U.S. cents/kWh), respectively. In the current Draft Decision, Vietnam does not draw any difference between the capacity of the solar rooftop projects but sets the FIT rate based on the difference between electricity consumed and generated. Meanwhile, the FIT in the Philippines for solar power projects is also higher than that of Vietnam, i.e., P 9.68/kWh (equivalent to 21 U.S. cents/kWh). As Vietnam’s FIT is still in the drafting process and not yet final, the anticipation is high for this to be amended in the next draft to reach regional levels. This is of vital importance to attract investment.
If the Draft Decision is adopted, it would be the first-ever legal document regulating solar energy in Vietnam. The Government of Vietnam strives to attract foreign investment in the sector and to take full advantage of the plentiful solar energy—an average solar radiation of 5kWh/m2 per day—across Vietnam. Foreign investors, especially those in the U.S, have been eyeing Vietnam for their investment in clean energy. The Government of Vietnam is aware of the need to garner support for these projects and is offering incentives. While these projects may not meet investors’ expectations in the immediate future, the movement appears positive. The developing agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), affecting Vietnam, the United States and 10 other countries, points the way toward a developing energy sector in general—and clean energy in particular. Therefore, these factors suggest a growing market and plenty of investment incentives for U.S investors, as well as other members of the TPP.
Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC. Mr. Massmann practices in the area of corporate international taxation and on power/water projects, matters related to oil and gas companies and telecoms, privatization and equitization, mergers and acquisitions, and general commercial matters for multinational clients in relation to investment and doing business in Vietnam. He can be reached at omassmann@duanemorris.com.

Disclaimer: This article is prepared and published for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author’s law firm or its individual partners.

Vietnam Foreign Direct Investment

By Oliver Massmann and Manfred Otto – Duane Morris Vietnam LLC

Foreign Direct Investment

A Brief Overview
Vietnam is undergoing fundamental changes to form the basis for its attractiveness and competitiveness in preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the upcoming trade agreements including the EU-Vietnam FTA and the Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).
Since July 2015, a number of new laws and regulations governing foreign investment, enterprises, real estate and foreign ownership limits have come into effect. For example, the new Law on Investment and the new Law on Enterprises:
(i) clarify definitions of foreign-invested enterprises;
(ii) facilitate M&A activities;
(iii) reduce the number of prohibited and conditional business sectors;
(iv) reduce statutory business licensing times;
(v) provide more flexibility with regard to corporate governance (such as multiple legal representatives and lower voting thresholds); and
(vi) create more favourable conditions for shareholder lawsuits.
In addition, new laws and regulations affecting foreign ownership of real estate have come into effect. Foreigners can now own apartments and for the first time buy houses. They are now also permitted to sublease and inherit real estate.
With the coming into effect of several international trade agreements and more particularly, the EVFTA, EuroCham members are looking forward to the positive changes that will be implemented and that will further business incentives as well as contribute to Vietnam’s growth.
Vietnam as an attractive FDI destination
In addition to the numerous legal changes, Vietnam has fundamental elements that participate to its continued growth. For instance, Vietnam is in a demographic golden age, with 25% of its 90 million people population between 10 and 24 years old. GDP per capital is increasing drastically as Vietnam has the fastest-growing middle class in South East Asia – (12.9% per annum over the period 2012-2020). Along with a high literacy rate and education levels, comparatively low wages, connectivity and central location within ASEAN, more and more foreign investors choose Vietnam as their hub to service the Mekong region and beyond.
Vietnam’s attractive profile is reflected in its generally welcoming of foreign direct investment (FDI) in manufacturing activities. The gradual opening of most service sectors under Vietnam’s WTO commitments schedule that began in 2007 has been completed in 2015. Domestic law has expanded market access in some sectors beyond those of Vietnam’s WTO commitments. For example, foreign shareholding in public companies that was previously capped at 49% is now generally open for to up 100% foreign ownership. Vietnam also grants investment incentives including tax breaks in areas, such as high-tech, environmental technology, and agriculture, where European businesses are global leaders.
Furthermore, in 2014, Vietnam recorded $21.92 billion in FDI with a total of 1843 investment licenses for foreign invested projects with a registered capital of $16.5 billion, representing a 14% increase from the previous year. Among the foreign investors, the EU is an increasingly important source of FDI for Vietnam as ‘according to the Foreign Investment Agency of the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and investment, investors from 23 out of 28 Member States of the EU injected a total committed FDI worth US$19.1 billion into 1566 projects over the course of the past 25 years (by 15 December 2014)’. With this strong activity, in 2014, the EU positioned itself as fifth in the top FDI partners of Vietnam with a combined committed FDI of US$587.1 million.

Source: ‘Vietnam’s logistics market: Exploring the opportunities, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

In addition to FDI, the EU-Vietnam’s strong trade relationship can be seen through programmes like the Multilateral Trade Assistance Project (MUTRAP) which accounts for over €35.12 billion. MUTRAP has been instrumental in supporting Vietnam’s negotiating efforts during the WTO accession process and now continues to assist Vietnam in the implementation of trade commitments. In terms of trade, both the EU and Vietnamese businesses are expected to benefit under the EVFTA. The FTA will gradually eliminate tariffs for over 99% of goods and services besides other mechanisms to support bilateral trade. On 4 August 2015, the EU and Vietnam reached an agreement in principle for the free trade deal, an agreement that will also attract further FDI into the country.
Vietnam’s top trading partners 2013
Finally, the EU’s strong commitment to support Vietnam in its modernisation and integration in the world economy is mirrored by the aid programmes. In line with Vietnam’s 2020 socio-economic plan, the EU has increased its aid by 30 % reaching 400 million euros via its multi-annual indicative programme for the period of 2014-2020 focusing on the development of clean energy in Vietnam.

Further improvements necessary
It is clear that Vietnam’s development and its attractiveness to foreign investors are undeniable as Vietnam is constantly improving its business environment.
However, as of this writing, guiding regulations for many new laws have still not been published, and investors are experiencing delays in the processing of applications. We expect processing times to improve once the new implementing regulations come into effect and officials get accustomed to the changes.
Another issue that has been highlighted by our members is that many foreign investors still face significant challenges when dealing with Vietnam’s bureaucracy. Tax filing, customs clearance, business registration and licensing, and other administrative procedures are often delayed, outcomes can be unpredictable, and businesses find themselves spending resources on administration that they would prefer to invest in expanding their core activities.
Despite remaining hurdles, the national government of Vietnam has expressed an understanding of the issues surrounding foreign investment. Providing foreign investors increased access to its market, the stream of FDI is expected to continue. For many foreign investors the positive economic development of the country and its fundamentals substantially outweigh potential risks.
In this light, EuroCham wishes to present the key issues that our members face in their activity in Vietnam along with some key recommendations. EuroCham hopes to engage in a constructive dialogue and increasing cooperation with the relevant authorities on all the issues presented in this edition in order to improve the business environment for all enterprises in Vietnam and contribute to the country’s fast modernisation.


1‘Vietnam; from golden age to golden oldies’, UK FOC, 07/01/15. Available at
2‘Report revises 2014 FDI figures’ Viet Nam News, 18/03/15. Available at
3‘Investment -EU-Vietnam economic and trade relations’, Delegation to the European Union to Vietnam, 2015. Available at
4‘Vietnam’s logistics market: Exploring the opportunities, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), 20/01/15. Available at
5‘Trade – EU-Vietnam economic and trade relations’, Delegation to the European Union to Vietnam, 2015. Available at
6‘European Union, Trade in goods with Vietnam’, European Commission DG Trade, 10/04/15, p.9. Available at
7‘Development Cooperation’, Delegation to the European Union to Vietnam, 2015. Available at

Continue reading “Vietnam Foreign Direct Investment”

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann New Decree Guiding Enterprise Law on Enterprise Registration – Quicker Timeline and Simplified Procedure

On 14 September 2015, the Government issued Decree No. 78/2015/ND-CP on enterprise registration (“Decree 78”). This is a long-awaited decree guiding the 2014 Enterprise Law, replacing Decree No. 43/2010/ND-CP on enterprise registration and Decree No. 05/2013/ND-CP amending Decree No. 43/2010/ND-CP on administrative procedures. Decree 78 will take effect on 01 November 2015. Some positive changes of this new decree are discussed below:
Enterprises are now able to register their operation online
Online enterprise registration is a procedure carried out by the owner of the enterprise or the enterprise itself via the National information gate on enterprise registration.
Online enterprise registration dossier includes the same documents as required by the paper dossier and are converted into electronic form. Online enterprise registration dossier has the same validity as the usual paper one.
Who can execute the enterprise registration documents
The 2014 Enterprise Law allows enterprises to have more than one legal representatives. Signature of each legal representative in enterprise registration documents has the same legal validity. In addition, not only the owner of the enterprise but also the enterprise itself (through its legal representative(s)) could execute the enterprise registration documents and holds responsible for the lawfulness, accuracy and truthfulness of the declared information in the dossier.
Decree 78 no longer requires enterprises:
– Register changes in enterprise registration content within 10 working days from the date the enterprise decides on the changes, except as otherwise required by law;
– Submit their financial statements to the business registration authority in accordance with the law.
Role of the Request for enterprise registration and the Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)
The ERC concurrently serves as the Tax Registration of the enterprise and the ERC is not a business license. In case there is any inconsistency between the electronic ERC, Branch Registration Certificate, Representative Office Registration Certificate, Certificate on business location and the paper ones, the one which records information in the enterprise registration dossier has legal validity.
Each enterprise is issued with an enterprise code indicated in the ERC. This code is no longer the business registration code but tax code of the enterprise.
Simplified enterprise registration procedure
In an attempt to reforming administrative procedures and fighting against corruption, Decree 78 clearly states that the enterprise registration authority is not allowed to request for additional documents or other documents not required in the enterprise registration dossier by the law. In this regards, the number of required documents in the application dossier is also reduced significantly.
Time to get an ERC after submission of a valid dossier is shortened to three working days instead of five working days as previously. However, it needs to be seen in practice whether the authority sticks to this timeline.
In case there is any change to the business lines of the enterprise, it does no longer have to register the new business lines but only needs to notify the authority on the same. The notification dossier removes documents confirming the legal capital by the authority in case the new business line requires legal capital; or a valid copy of the certificate of practising for individual according to the specialized areas.
Notably, in a joint stock company, if a founding shareholder has not fully paid for the registered shares, it will automatically no longer be company’s shareholder and its name will be removed from the list of founding shareholders of the company.
Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Core Features of new Investment Law for Investors

1) In your opinion, what are the most important features of the new investment law from an investor’s perspective?

It is considered as the most-investor friendly investment law ever in Vietnam. It provides clearer investment procedure timeline, consolidated conditional business sectors, defined capital ratio to be qualified as foreign investors which determines which licensing procedure applies. Notably, it explicitly states that there would be no investment registration certificate required for M&A transaction.

2) What impact do you expect these to have? How effective do you think this law will be?

The investment environment will become more attractive. Investors would face less burdens and unexpected statutory requirements. A new wave of M&A is expected to come. However, the real effectiveness of this law would need to be assessed at a later stage when the implementing decrees are issued. As long as these documents have not been adopted, positive changes that the new investment law is said to bring are just theoretical.

3) How does this law fit in with the current investment climate of Vietnam, and the growth and development path the country is taking?

Vietnam is making great efforts to integrate into the world’s economy. The EU-Vietnam FTA is at the final stage whereas the TPP is also expected to be concluded soon. The Government of Vietnam is fiercely improving the business and investment environment and making great attempts to achieve key economic indicators of top regional countries until 2016. Resolution No. 19/NQ-CP/2015 of the Government dated 12 March 2015 has set out the Government’s strong commitments and positive changes to improve the business environment and strengthen the economy’s ability to compete in 2015 and 2016 by pushing for reforms to reduce time-consuming and burdensome administrative procedures; enhancing governmental offices’ transparency and accountability; and adopting international standards. These positive changes could be seen clearly in the tax, insurance and customs related sectors.

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under omassmann@duanemorris.com if you have any questions or want to know more details on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.



ベトナムの弁護士 オリバー・マスマン 電力部門における分配の自由化-ビジネス参入のチャンス?

1. 近年の電力・ガソリン・石炭配給の独占状態が解消することにより経済上で期待される好影響は何か?
2. 個人投資家、特に外国人投資家にとってどのように重要となるか?
 外国人投資家はまたEVNと電力価格の交渉をするといった障害から解消されます。近年のバンベト証券株式会社の調査によると、ベトナムの電力小売価格は2005年の781VND/kWh (3.5 US cents/ kWh)から2015年には1,622VND/kWh (7.3 US cents/ kWh)と、この10年間で約2倍に上昇しましたが、カンボジア、タイ、シンガポールなどAPECの他国に比べるとまだ低い状態です。これが投資家にとってこの分野に出資するのを躊躇う主な原因となっています。しかし、投資家の為の資本の回復と合理的な利益を確保することを目的とする電力事業計画によると、電力価格は2016年から値上げする予定です。従って、電力小売価格は2020年には8-9 US cents/ kWh値上げするとみられ、今後5年以内に18.4%まで上昇すると予想されています。電力価格は市場の需要、供給を反映し、外国人投資家は投資決定しやすくなると期待されています。
3. 経済の独占状態を減少させるためにベトナム政府に対してどのような助言があるか?

Endlich – Ausländer können in Vietnam Häuser und Eigentumswohnung erwerben

Vietnam – Sie sind Ausländer und wollen ein Haus oder eine Eigentumswohnung erwerben?
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Seit dem 1. Juli 2015 gelten die neuen Gesetze zum Wohnungsbau und Immobilienhandel. Diese beiden Gesetze erlauben es nun auch Ausländern Grund und Boden sowie Häuser und Eigentumswohnungen zu erwerben. Am 10. September 2015 wurde die Implementierungsrichtlinie zum Gesetz zum Immobilienhandel erlassen und wirft endlich Licht auf das Gesetz. Die Richtlinie wird ab dem 01. November in Kraft treten. Für die anderen Gesetze für die es noch keine Umsetzungsrichtlinien gibt har das Bauministerium die zuständigen Stellen angewiesen, sich an die neuen Gesetze zu halten und bis es Umsetzungsrichtlinien gibt, sollen die Behörden die Gesetze mit Hilfe der Richtlinien zu den alten Gesetzen auslegen solange es dadurch nicht zu einer Verletzung des neuen Rechtes kommt. Details werden nun im Folgenden erklärt.

1. Eigentumserwerb

Das Gesetz zum Wohnungsbau besagt, dass es Privatpersonen, denen die Einreise gestattet ist und die nicht mit speziellen Rechten ausgestattet sind oder diplomatische oder konsularische Immunität genießen, nun erlaubt ist, Wohneigentum in Vietnam zu haben. Die Regierung wird detaillierte Richtlinien erlassen, die es ausländische Privatpersonen erleichtern soll, den Eigentumserwerb auf rechtlich sicheren Boden zu stellen. Diese Richtlinien sind jedoch leider noch nicht erlassen worden.
Investoren und juristische Personen können Wohneigentum zu Investmentzwecken erwerben. Es muss jedoch ein Investment-Zertifikat vorgelegt werden, welches im Falle einer erstmaligen unternehmerischen Tätigkeit zunächst beantragt werden muss.
Ganz grundsätzlich müssen die Projekte im Einklang mit dem neuen Gesetz zum Wohnungsbau sowie anderen relevanten Gesetzen sein.

Es gibt zwei verschiedene Möglichkeiten für ausländische Privatpersonen und Organisationen Eigentum zu erwerben. Zum einen kann es sich um ein Investitionsprojekt handeln, bei dem in den Bau von Wohneigentum investiert wird, zum anderen ist es auch möglich, dass das Wohnhaus oder die Eigentumswohnung nach Fertigstellung erworben wird.
Für ausländische Privatpersonen, die mit einem vietnamesischen Staatsbürger verheiratet sind, geht das Gesetz sogar noch weiter und stellt sie auf eine Stufe mit vietnamesischen Staatsbürgern und gibt ihnen dieselben Rechte wie vietnamesischen Staatsbürgern, die Möglichkeit auch langfristig Eigentum zu erwerben.

2. Beschränkungen

Es muss jedoch beachtet werden, dass man in Vietnam als Ausländer Eigentum nur auf 50 Jahre erwerben kann. Die vietnamesische Regierung kann diese Zeitspanne jedoch auch auf Antrag verlängern. Nach dem neuen Gesetz ist es sogar erlaubt, das Wohngebäude zu vererben, solange es in der vorgesehen Zeitspanne geschieht.

Es gibt jedoch Beschränkungen, eine davon betrifft vor allem den Umfang an möglichem Wohneigentum. Der Erwerb ist beschränkt auf 30% der Wohnungseinheiten in einem Gebäude oder 250 Häuser in einem Gebiet. Artikel 68.4 des vierten Entwurfs Dekret zu LRH limitiert jedoch noch weiter, dass ausländische juristische oder natürliche Personen von max. 10% des gesamten Wohnraums in einem Gebiet Eigentümer sein dürfen. Das vierte Entwurf Dekret führt eine weitere Einschränkung ein, während Artikel 159.2 (b) des Gesetzes zum Wohnungsbau ausländischen natürlichen oder juristischen Personen es nur verbietet sich Häuser innerhalb der nationalen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsbereiche zu kaufen. Das Entwurf Dekret erweitert dieses Verbot und verbietet es, dass ausländische natürliche oder juristische Personen Eigentum in Gebieten erwerben, in denen Ausländern schon nach dem Gesetz für Aufenthalt und Reise der Aufenthalt beschränkt oder verboten wird.

Die Entwicklung dieser Regelung bleibt also abzuwarten.


Bitte zögern Sie nicht und kontaktieren Herrn Massmann unter omassmann@duanemorris.com; falls Sie die Chance ergreifen möchten und Eigentum erwerben wollen oder falls Sie Fragen zu dem oben gelesenen haben sollten. Oliver Massmann ist Generaldirektor und Partner der US Kanzlei Duane Morris in Vietnam.

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